United Way of Northern Arizona — KinderCamp™ enrollment begins

This summer, KinderCamp™ turns 20!

This signature program of United Way of Northern Arizona is poised to grow in 2025 – both geographically and in terms of long-term impact.

KinderCamp will launch in Holbrook and Joseph City this year, and we are putting the final touches on a new effort – called KinderCamp & Beyond – that will give our KinderCamp graduates the resources they need to succeed throughout their academic careers.

Learn more about how we are gearing up for KinderCamp 2025, and how you can play a role in helping the next generation get ready to take on the world.

From the desk of:
Liz Archuleta
President & CEO

Enrollment in KinderCamp™ 2025 Begins; Program Expands in 20th Year

Kindergarten registration has begun throughout northern Arizona school districts for 2025 and for many four- and five-year olds, that means it’s time to get ready for KinderCamp!

The targeted intervention program, provided free to families, is a signature early education initiative coordinated by United Way of Northern Arizona with school districts in Flagstaff, Williams, and Pinetop-Lakeside, with classes debuting this year in Holbrook and Joseph City.

It is held during the month of June and facilitates successful transition for students going into kindergarten who have minimal preschool experience.

In KinderCamp, students learn much more than their letters and numbers. They also get familiar with being in a classroom setting, eating in a cafeteria, and working cooperatively with other students. The biggest transformation for these students, according to their parents and school administrators, is their increased self-assurance and excitement about starting school.

“The KinderCamp program has made a significant difference in preparing our incoming kindergarteners for the academic and social challenges ahead,” said Williams Elementary-Middle School Principal Jannette Bressler. “Thanks to your generosity, our students have had the opportunity to engage in enriching activities, build foundational skills, and gain confidence as they step into a new phase of their education.”

Surveys of parents indicate that children’s KinderCamp experience improved their knowledge of letters and sounds of the alphabet, made them better able to socialize with other children, and increased their ability to communicate with adults.

KinderCamp is open to four- and five-year olds who have had a year or less of preschool and are eligible for free or reduced-priced meal programs at their school. Additional factors can also be considered for eligibility in the program, including whether the child has special needs.

UWNA and its partners are working to ensure that support for KinderCamp students doesn’t end when they walk into their kindergarten class later this year. A new program, KinderCamp & Beyond, will keep in touch with students throughout their academic careers and refer them to resources and other programs that can bolster their success in school.

Meanwhile, KinderCamp participants in Coconino County will be receive a “Teal Ticket” from Coconino Community College, allowing them to attend CCC for free upon graduating from high school, and a “Golden Ticket” from Northern Arizona University, which will allow KinderCamp participants who graduate from CCC to transfer and complete their bachelor’s degree at NAU with tuition fully covered.

How You Can Get Involved in This Year’s KinderCamp

There are many ways you can help our local students prepare for the start of their academic career and ensure that all students are on a level playing field for that all-important first day of school.

SPREAD THE WORD – If you know a family with a child preparing for kindergarten this year, particularly if they haven’t had a chance to send their child to preschool, let them know about KinderCamp.

VOLUNTEER – Help welcome families to the KinderCamp program on orientation night or participate in the end-of-program “bridging over” ceremony. Volunteer opportunities will be posted on Volunteer Hub in the coming weeks.

DONATE – Although the program is provided free to families, the estimated cost per student is about $1500, which includes transportation, teacher and staff salaries, facility costs, teaching supplies, meals, the “bridging over” event, and literacy kits given to every participating family so they can help their children continue to learn throughout the summer. You can donate here!

KinderCamp would not be possible without YOUR support and the many partnerships that make this program possible, including the school districts in Flagstaff, Williams, PInetop-Lakeside, Holbrook, and Joseph City.

In addition to individual donations, KinderCamp also benefits from the sponsorship of several organizations and businesses, including the NARBHA Institute; the City of Flagstaff; the Coconino County Board of Supervisors: the Nestle Purina Charitable Trust; Arizona Public Service (APS); the Salt River Project (SRP); the PNC Foundation; Coconino Community College; BMO Bank; and Kinney Construction Services.

If you have any questions about KinderCamp or any of UNWA’s initiatives to promote early childhood education and positive youth development, please contact Kristen Strauss, our Manager of Youth Programs and Initiatives. You can reach her by phone at (928) 773-9813 or via email at kstrauss@nazunitedway.org.

1515 E. Cedar Ave. Suite D-1 Flagstaff, AZ 86004
928-773-9813 nazunitedway.org
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