United Way of Northern Arizona — Dan & Kim Musselman Named Campaign Chairs

The Board of Directors of United Way of Northern Arizona and President and CEO Liz Archuleta are excited to announce that Dan and Kim Musselman have been named the 2023-2024 Campaign Chairs for our annual fundraising effort which kicks off on September 27.

The couple have been committed UWNA volunteers for many years, and are members of the the Summit Society, community investors who generously give $500 or more annually to UWNA.

“I believe in the good United Way does in the community,” said Dan. “They are always willing to help out with whatever resources they can.”

Both Dan and Kim have spent most of their careers in public service. Dan joined the the Flagstaff Police Department 28 years ago and became Chief in early 2021 after several months of being interim Chief. Kim is the Director of Coconino County’s Health and Human Services department and has been with the County for 30 years overall. In the mid-1990s she left for about five years to be the director of Victim Witness Services.

Like many UWNA supporters, they originally got involved with UWNA through workplace campaigns, but that support grew as their work or volunteer efforts with local nonprofits brought them into more contact with UWNA. In fact, said Kim, the work of UWNA makes both of their jobs easier because it creates a network of resources they can refer people to when they are in need.

The 2023-2024 Annual Campaign Kickoff will be held on Wednesday, September 27 with a luncheon from 11:30 am to 1 pm at Little America. Tickets are $45, or $350 for a table of 8. For more information or to register, CLICK HERE.

1515 E. Cedar Ave. Suite D-1 Flagstaff, AZ 86004
928-773-9813 nazunitedway.org
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