United Way of Northern Arizona — Catholic Charities Says ‘Thanks’ for COVID-19 Funds

Catholic Charities Helping Families, Vets, Homeless & Children During COVID-19
In case you missed it, Catholic Charities, the nonprofit recently named Flagstaff’s “Organization of the Year,” wanted to share a message with those of you who have given to the United Way of Northern Arizona COVID-19 Fund:
“Thank you.”
UWNA recently awarded $15,000 to the nonprofit to help it continue its mission of “helping our community’s most vulnerable with solutions that permanently improve lives.”
Here’s a small list of what Catholic Charities provides every day to assist families and children in northern Arizona:
  • Outreach to homeless individuals, offering life-saving items ranging from food and water to sleeping bags and tents.
  • Emergency shelter for families for up to 90 days with case management focused on transitioning into permanent housing.
  • The Rapid Re-Housing initiative, short-term financial assistance to get individuals and families into safe, affordable and stable housing. Funds typically help with rental or utility deposits.
  • Temporary, low-cost housing for those re-entering society from jail.
  • Recruiting and supporting families providing foster care for children. This is a particularly crucial need; in Arizona, it’s estimated there is only one licensed foster family for every four children who need care.
  • Programs that keep families together and prevent child abuse by helping families identify and make changes to promote safety, health and stability in the home.
For almost 50 years, the northern Arizona office of this nonprofit has helped hundreds of people every month. Their work has become more important than ever, says Senior Program Manager Sandi Flores, as so many in our communities are now unemployed and struggling to pay rent due to lost or reduced income related to coronavirus.
The grant from UWNA will help Catholic Charities continue its work to give individuals and families dignity, safety and support at a time when resources are being stretched thin for all of us.
We join Catholic Charities in saying “Thank You” for giving what you can to the UWNA COVID-19 Fund.
In the past month, donors have given $335,596 to the fund. In addition to major contributions by partners like The NARBHA Institute, APS and the Giovale Foundation, there also have been more than 200 smaller donations that have been essential to our efforts to help nonprofits helping those affected by the pandemic.
Your donations to the COVID-19 Fund have helped groups like Flagstaff Shelter Services, The Salvation Army, the Flagstaff Family Food Center, Threaded Together, the Boys & Girls Club and others as, together, we demonstrate how to Live United.
We continue to quickly transform your gifts into grants for the nonprofits that need them the most in order to make the greatest impact during this difficult time.
If you can, please consider a donation to the COVID-19 Fund today.
1515 E. Cedar Ave. Suite D-1 Flagstaff, AZ 86004
928-773-9813 nazunitedway.org