Tag: Social Security

AARP Arizona Hispanic Connection — ¡Adiós 2024! … ¡Bienvenido 2025! … ¡GRACIAS!

Today we conclude the radial programming for 2024 We hope to continue in 2025 and, above all, continue to count on your tune. We wish to have served you as you deserve. THANK YOU!


Hoy concluimos la programación radial de 2024. Esperamos continuar en 2025 y, sobre todo, seguir contando con su sintonía. Deseamos haberle servido como usted se merece. ¡GRACIAS!

AARP Hispanic Connection — Explicamos las partes de Medicare, sobre todo, las opciones del Medicare Original (llamado también Tradicional) y el Medicare Advantage

Explicamos el programa del Seguro Social, sus fondos, sus beneficios y sus beneficiarios.

Finances / Finanzas: Social Security — Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

By David Parra / Associate state director — AARP Arizona Another important benefit offered by Social Security is Supplemental Security Income, commonly known as “SSI”. SSI, though administered by the Social Security Administration, is not funded by Social Security taxes…

Finances / Finanzas: Social Security: Survivors benefits

By David Parra / Associate state director — AARP Arizona Many people might not know that Social Security offers Survivors Benefits. These benefits, which function as a kind of life insurance, can provide family income after the breadwinner dies as…

Finances / Finanzas: Social Security: Retirement benefits – Part 2

By David Parra / Associate state director — AARP Arizona In this article I will continue our conversation regarding retirement benefits, describing retiring at full retirement age and delaying retirement to a later age. We have stated that full retirement age ranges…

Finances / Finanzas: Social Security: Retirement benefits – Part 1

By David Parra / Associate state director — AARP Arizona Social Security provides several benefits, including retirement, disability and survivor benefits, among others. Regarding beneficiaries, some relatives of the eligible person (spouses, former spouses, children and even parents) could also…

Finances / Finanzas: Social Security: What is it?

By David Parra / Associate state director — AARP Arizona The United States has two main retirement-related programs, namely Medicare and Social Security. The first provides access to medical care, while the second provides an economic benefit. This article will…