Welcome 2025! As MNA marks its 97th year celebrating the Colorado Plateau, I’m excited to share a bit about our upcoming exhibits—a mix of art, science, and cultural phenomena.
February: Life Extended: Biology as Metaphor features vivid new works by Flagstaff artist Debra Edgerton that explore the links between biological and human social structures.
March: Collecting in a Changing World showcases recent MNA acquisitions with insights into why the museum collects what it collects.
May: Shifting Life Zones looks at climate-driven ecological shifts in northern Arizona and MNA research that reveals how plants are adapting.
November: Wagon Road to Mother Road marks the Route 66 Centennial with a journey through the rich history of the iconic highway. The exhibit will debut captivating stories about the road’s wild side, unveiled by MNA archaeological research in Petrified Forest National Park.