Tag: Flood Mitigation

Coconino County approves $19.5 million grant from USDOT for flood mitigation improvements to HWY89

“Closures to Highway 89 are not just an inconvenience,” Judy Begay, Coconino County District 4 Supervisor and Chair of the Board said. “They create a barrier to employment, health and safety, by forcing people to drive extra hours around the Grand Canyon or Hopi lands to get to work and appointments, which has resulted in a loss of employment for some residents.”

Newly Constructed Flood Mitigation Tested by Post-Wildfire Flooding in Coconino County

“Everything worked as intended,” said Lucinda Andreani, Coconino County Flood Control District Administrator. “The flows we observed on August 7th were by no means the largest we’ve seen in the area, but they were significant enough to indicate that the system is functioning well.”