Tag: Executive Director! Michele James

Friends of Flagstaff’s Future — Introducing F3’s New Executive Director

We’ve hired a new Executive Director! Michele James has lived and worked in Flagstaff for over twenty years and brings her knowledge of Flagstaff and love of the community to her new leadership position. 

With a background in both science and art, including a master’s degree in Sustainable Communities (NAU) and a bachelor’s degree in Wildlife Biology & Technical Journalism (Colorado State University), Michele has spent two decades doing advocacy work on northern Arizona ecosystems. 

Michele has been a wildlife biologist with Grand Canyon National Park and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, a research coordinator for NAU’s Fossil Creek restoration, a species conservation program manager with the Grand Canyon Trust, and a stakeholder with the Flagstaff Forest Partnership. Most recently, she has been on the NAU faculty, teaching interdisciplinary courses related to sustainability, climate change, art as an advocacy tool, and civic engagement.