he Consular Newsletter on Economic and Tourist Affairs is already an informative reference for
thousands of players in the Mexico–Arizona relationship. It has happened in part because
the newsletter offers pertinent information month after month in its three sections —#ChooseMexico, #ArizonaThrives and #DiscoverMexico. It also has become a must- read because of the support and interest
of high-profile leaders on both sides of the border who are committed to collaborate to
make our region thrive. They have found in this newsletter an excellent platform to discuss relevant
issues that affect our binational relationship.
In this Sixth Edition, we are very pleased to have the special collaboration of Alfonso Durazo, the governor-elect of the neighboring state of Sonora. The well-being of both the Arizona and Sonora‘s economy and tourism cannot be conceived without each other. In this sense, Gov.-elect Durazo has chosen our newsletter to confirm, through his informative article, that his government considers the relationship with Arizona essential.
On the Arizona side, we have articles from Juan Ciscomani, senior advisor
to the governor of Arizona for regional and international affairs, and Danny Seiden, the new president and CEO of the Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry. They both emphasize the importance of the state of Sonora and all
of Mexico to the state of Arizona. In this section, we also learn more about Xico, the arts and culture institution founded in Phoenix in 1975, from its Executive Director Donna Valdéz; the heartwarming work of Marlene Carrasco; and the Valle de Guadalupe and Cetto Winery from Laura L. Medina Montiel.