Coconino County will celebrate the 74th Annual Coconino County Fair on Labor Day weekend, September 1 – 4, 2023, at the Fairgrounds at Fort Tuthill County Park in Flagstaff, Ariz. County residents are invited to join the fun and tradition by entering a public exhibit. Every year the fair showcases the best recipes, artwork, crafts, collections, livestock, home grown vegetables, flowers, and more to the over 40,000 visitors who attend the fair every year.
The Fair features exhibits from all ages and skill levels and many departments give out special awards and prizes, including ribbons and gift cards for exemplary exhibits. Cash prizes are available in many areas thanks to sponsorship from the Friends of Coconino County Parks. Public, private, charter, magnet, and home schoolteachers are encouraged to save student portfolios to exhibit in the schools building. Any participant who submits five entries or more in one department will receive a complimentary fair admission ticket.
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