Tag: Coconino Community College

See language in a new way at CCC

Coconino Community College graduate April Winters is at Northern Arizona University studying to be an English teacher.

While at CCC, she took American Sign Language courses to fulfill her foreign language requirements for her degree.

“The Deaf community is a smaller community,” Winters said. “And there is a need that isn’t always filled, especially in public schools.”

Maintenance Tech training begins Jan. 25 at CCC

On any given day, they could be fixing a broken faucet, or a heater that has gone out. Or, they could be repairing a broken window, or fixing a dishwasher on the fritz.

Maintenance Technicians for apartments, hotels and other commercial properties are continually in demand in northern Arizona, and Coconino Community College is offering a course, beginning Jan. 25, in Certified Maintenance Technician to help get people quickly into the workforce.

CCC begins automotive program this spring

The conversation is the same among auto dealerships locally and across the country: Where do we find trained technicians?

“There’s a ridiculous shortage of technicians,” said Mimi Vessey, parts and service director for Findlay Honda of Flagstaff.

Jacob Lundie, general manager for Findlay Honda, added, “We’re in meetings often, and we talk about, ‘where are we finding technicians?’”

In order to meet a gap in trained automotive technicians locally and throughout the nation, Coconino Community College has partnered with Findlay Honda of Flagstaff to create an Automotive Technician program, and it’s scheduled to begin this spring semester.

Apprenticeship leads to college credits at CCC

Once Corbin Felsted returned home to Flagstaff after a church mission, he knew he wanted to work with his hands.

“I thought electrician would be great, but nobody would hire me because I didn’t have experience,” Felsted said.

Finally, a local electrical company put him through an apprenticeship program – a grueling process of trade school, homework every night and working 40 hours a week. He finished a four-year program in two years, and he set his sights on college.

Give To A Worthy Cause During Giving Tuesday – The CCC Foundation In Support Of Student Success

Would you like to give to a worthy cause? If so, you could donate today to the Coconino Community College Foundation.

Your gift in support of a CCC student scholarship during Giving Tuesday on December 1, 2020 can help a CCC student achieve their educational goals.

Scholarship offers legacy for son’s love of solar energy

He was a bright spirit, lively, adventuresome and extraordinarily kind.

Sean McMullin, a Northern Arizona University graduate, loved the potential of solar energy and hoped to pursue alternative energies as a business.

He passed away unexpectedly on Aug. 12, 2020, and his parents, dedicated to keeping his legacy alive, have started the Sean Roarke McMullin Memorial Scholarship through the Coconino Community College Foundation.

Susie Garretson gets CCC Distinguished Service Award nod

Coconino County resident Susie Garretson has been selected as the 2020 recipient of the prestigious Distinguished Service Award at Coconino Community College.

“Coconino Community College relies heavily on the community to support students, vision and mission of the College,” said CCC District Governing Board Chair Patricia Garcia. “With the word ‘Community’ in its name, CCC always strives to invite the greater community to be a part of our work. An individual who took us up on that invitation is Susie Garretson.”

Coconino Community College — A quick word from the President

Community colleges like CCC can be nimble and quickly respond to industry needs.

As you’ll read below, the Arizona Commerce Authority announced an initiative with Amazon Web Services Inc. with a goal of training and certifying 5,000 students in the state for entry-level cloud computing careers in the next two years. CCC is joining that effort, and our Computer Information Systems (CIS) faculty are preparing coursework that will help students in Coconino County work toward multiple certifications that will give them opportunities at high-paying technology careers. We plan to have the first course offerings this Spring semester.

CCC clubs continue during pandemic

What do the round-tailed chub and Walnut Canyon have in common?

They were both featured during recent field trips by student clubs at Coconino Community College.

The CCC Students Advancing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Club and the CCC Anthropology Club, properly socially distanced and with face coverings, met to celebrate the comradery of shared experience and to gather a little knowledge at the same time.

Coconino Community College — CCC joins statewide effort to train cloud-based computing

Leaders in the technology industry say that cloud-based computing is not only the future, but it is already here. 

Coconino Community College has joined other colleges across Arizona in a statewide effort to increase access to cloud computing education in schools. On Thursday, the Arizona Commerce Authority announced the initiative, with the support of Amazon Web Services, Inc., which has a goal to train and certify 5,000 students in the state for entry-level cloud computing careers by June 2022.

CCC Nursing students help community, gain experience

Coconino Community College Nursing student Wes Grove put a bandage on Pauline’s arm after he gave her a flu shot.

“I didn’t feel a thing,” she said in a Brooklyn accent. Although her face was mostly hidden by a mask, her eyes squinted and suggested a smile.

Pauline was one of a line of people waiting in their cars for their annual flu shots available during a number of clinics through the Coconino County Department of Health and Human Services. CCC Nursing students will be helping out every other Saturday.

CCC — The Comet — CCC Students First Celebration Oct. 23

I find it difficult to believe, but we are halfway through the Fall semester here at Coconino Community College.

Although the COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly affected the way we deliver courses at the college, our students have continued to make progress toward achieving their educational dreams a reality.

Some of our students have also told us, frankly, that as soon as it is safe to do so, they would like to see a return of in-person classes at CCC. We are listening, and we are planning, if it is safe to do so in the Spring semester, to offer a percentage of our courses in-person to help those students who thrive in a face-to-face setting. Social distancing, face coverings and other health measures will continue to protect students and instructors. If all in-person classes that students are interested in fill up, I invite them to take advantage of CCC’s new “waitlist” feature to save a place in line if a seat in an in-person course opens.

CCC — A quick word from the President

Even during this challenging period in our lives, Coconino Community College is making amazing things happen in Coconino County. 

The semester is off to a great start, and even though enrollment may not be quite where it was before, faculty and staff across the entire district are working hard to help the semester be a great experience for our students. 

I have discovered that our success lies in the teamwork taking place across the college through a virtual format, along with a new problem-solving perspective brought about by this pandemic. We cannot do things the way we have always done them, because so many things in our world are different and changing daily.

CCC brings EMT training to Page

They are often the first ones on the scene when a person is sick or injured and needs help. They should have compassion, solve problems on the fly, and be able to work under pressure.

Being an Emergency Medical Technician is a rewarding career, and Coconino Community College is offering a course to help Page area residents become certified EMTs.

Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Training Program Information Sessions at Coconino Community College in Page

Are you or someone you know interested in working as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)?

If so, please attend a FREE Zoom Information Session to learn about the Medical Training Program at Coconino Community College in Page.

FREE GED Prep Program at Coconino Community College on Sept. 15, 17

Would you or someone you know like to earn a GED?
If so, please join Coconino Community College for FREE GED Prep classes in the CCC Adult Education Program.

New Student Orientation

Virtual Meetings Via Zoom

1 – 5 p.m.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020


Thursday, September 17, 2020

Coconino Community College Labor Day Closure

In observance of the Labor Day holiday, Coconino Community College will be closed Monday, September 7, 2020.

Instruction will resume on its regular schedule Tuesday, September 8, 2020.

Have a healthy and safe Labor Day holiday weekend.

Adding to ‘all hands on deck’ to help local businesses

The experience was really like trying to grab a small sip from a firehose at full blast.

When the COVID-19 pandemic shut down business across the state, organizations like the Coconino Small Business Development Center at Coconino Community College stepped into breach to lend a needed hand.

“When the COVID-19 disaster started, it was just me and Amanda part time,” said Gina Couillard, Director of the Coconino SBDC, adding that Amanda Hyde moved to a full-time business analyst and operations specialist in short order to assist with the demand from local businesses.

CCC Comet Talks — ‘Worst Case — Wild Survival in Northern Arizona’ to be held Sept. 1

CCC Comet Talks — “Worst Case — Wild Survival in Northern Arizona” to be held from 6 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 1.

CCC Comet Talks are FREE, open to the public and online via Zoom.
Everyone is invited and welcome to attend.
“Worst Case: Wilderness Survival in Northern Arizona”

Presented by CCC Part-Time Instructor and Coconino County Search & Rescue Volunteer Shawn Nittmann

Please be sure to register at this link:

Enroll Today — World Regional Geography (GEO 133) General Education Course at Coconino Community College

Regional Geography (GEO 133) general education course at Coconino Community College.

Have you ever wanted to understand…
what exists on the other side of the world?
what things are there to see and places to visit?
what people live there?
If so, then you may be interested in World Regional Geography (GEO 133) at CCC.

Coconino Community College — CCC focuses on safety this fall with remote learning

The Fall semester is a week away.

How is it that time seems to move so very quickly and yet so very slowly during a pandemic? I think it is because we so very much miss seeing our students and our communities up close and in person. And yet, Coconino Community College is moving right along.

This year, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we at CCC have chosen Remote Delivery methods for our courses in the interest of the health and safety of our students, faculty, staff and the community. Our motto for this time is “Be Stellar, Be Safe.” Going to remote delivery was a difficult decision because all of us, especially our faculty, want to have that personal contact with our students, and some of our students would absolutely prefer to learn that way.

CCC offers new HVACR program this fall

Heating. Ventilation. Air Conditioning. Refrigeration. Oh, my!

Coconino Community College will now be offering a certification in Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (HVACR) this fall thanks to a generous grant from the Del E. Webb Foundation. The program includes training in Plumbing, Blueprint Reading and Estimating, Basic Electrical Theory, House Wiring, Building Methods. International Residence Code and HVACR.

CCC double-times English for veterans

Veterans who have served their country return to civilian life and often want to begin a college career.

They’ve lived a little life after high school. They have common experiences from being in the military. And they, typically, have very specific goals when it comes to what they want from their education.

To that end, faculty at Coconino Community College, with input from colleagues at Northern Arizona University, created an English composition course at CCC this fall that will allow veterans, in class among other veterans, to complete the requirements of the year-long course in a single semester.

Award-winning CCC alum encourages educational path

Barely getting by at a dead-end job, April Sandoval left an abusive husband and decided to try her hand at college. 

Sitting in the parking lot of Coconino Community College in 2002, she forced herself to go inside and attend her first class. She thrived and quickly received her associate degree. She then went on to get two bachelor’s degrees and a master’s degree.

Now, Sandoval, Assistant to the President and the District Governing Board at CCC, can add another feather in her cap on her road to success. She was chosen this week to receive the Pacific Region Professional Board Staff Member Award for 2020 from the Association of Community College Trustees.

CCC completes remote delivery conversion for fall courses

Coconino Community College has finished converting Fall 2020 courses to remote delivery. With modifications complete, students may register (https://www.coconino.edu/registration) right away for the best class selection.
These changes to the course schedule and delivery options were necessary to ensure the safety of students, faculty and staff during COVID-19.

Be Stellar, Be Safe at CCC this fall

 Sophia Weinzinger, a Flagstaff resident currently studying Business Management at Arizona State University, listens intently in her Physics class at Coconino Community College. 

She and two other students are conducting hands-on experiments on the different types of energy. They all wear face coverings, including instructor Chad Davies. They all are at seats at least six feet apart. They are supposed to clean their stations when they are done with the lab.

CCC students learn to fight wildfires

Dressed in yellow, green and tan, they form a line and work up the hill. Hot sun beats down on them while they heft Pulaskis and fire rakes. Their work kicks up dust as they make a fire line up the hillside.

“Keep it moving,” yells out one of the students.

Making a fire line was one of several exercises that 19 students in Coconino Community College’s Wildland Firefighter class participated in this summer. The week-long class gets students certified to help them get an entry-level job in wildland fire suppression. The next class at CCC begins Sept. 15.

Coconino Community College — The Comet

We take the word “community” seriously. It’s a part of our name, and being involved in communities across Coconino County is integral to our philosophy as a college.

That’s why those of us at the college were so excited when nearly 60 people and agencies from all over the county took the time to expertly craft and submit floats to the virtual Coconino County Community Shoebox Parade hosted by CCC. For a list of the winning floats and to get a look at the parade, see the story below.

As this pandemic unfolds around us, many people shared with me that they found it comforting to enjoy the creativity and the passion displayed in the shoebox parade, and my hope is that others did as well.

Fire Science students master lifesaving tools at CCC

Coconino Community College student Krista Kramer first thought about being a firefighter when she was 13 years old.

“I liked how you’re doing something different every day,” Kramer said. “And I like helping people.”

Kramer was one of a full roster of students who spent the day earlier this summer getting needed training on the use of “extrication tools,” or tools used to help remove victims from damaged vehicles at accident scenes.

“I’m trying to get all my cert(ification)s, so I can get hired on at a station,” Kramer said, adding that in addition to Firefighter 1 and 2, she is also seeking at CCC certifications in Hazardous Materials, Emergency Medical Technician and Wildland Firefighter.

CCC begins new Cybersecurity program this fall

Cyberstalking. Denial-of-service attacks. Fraud. Malware. Industrial Espionage.

Every day, the news is filled with reports of computer hackers finding their way into databases to steal sensitive information. 

Companies – and people – now more than ever, need skilled, well-trained Information Technology Services staff to keep personal, sensitive data safe from cybercriminals. It’s a rapidly growing field. At Coconino Community College, the new Cybersecurity program is scheduled to begin this fall.

CCC to Host ‘Virtual’ Fourth of July Parade

Coconino Community College will be hosting a “virtual” Fourth of July Parade this year, featuring Shoebox Floats! at 10 a.m. Saturday, July 4. 

The parade will make its worldwide YouTube debut on the Fourth of July at 10 a.m. for everybody to enjoy at this link https://www.youtube.com/CCCTV123.

STEM City honors CCC’s Jeff Jones at STEMmy Awards

Virtual reality, 3-D printers, Raspberry Pis and Micro:bits.

His passion is getting people – young and not so young – interested in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM).

Jeff Jones, longtime fixture at Coconino Community College, was awarded the honor of STEM Community Leader of the Year by STEM City during the eighth annual Flagstaff STEMmy Awards, which were held virtually on June 17. He was a co-winner of the award with Samantha Gorney from Lowell Observatory.

President’s Letter to CCC Community

For many of us, COVID-19 has intensely altered and distorted our lives in contrast to our usual safety net of how we view and live in this world.  Besides the terrible impact of this illness on friends and loved ones, the loss of income and constant worry about today, tomorrow, and the future keeps many people frozen in time.  Without the emotional and financial support to move forward and make decisions about life, this fear of the unknown is causing anxiety to a level never before experienced by many people. 
And yet, as I watch the civil unrest continuing to grow throughout our nation, I am sadly reminded once again of how many of our friends and neighbors (close by, throughout the nation, and throughout the world) have always lived with and continue to live with fear of the unknown.  Now, more than ever, that sense of community that is at the heart of the community college mission is important for students, co-workers, friends and neighbors throughout our great country.  It is through community that we listen, learn, and seek to understand.  It is through community that we demonstrate our support and care for others.  And it is through community that we can overcome those fears and accomplish our dreams for a vibrant future.

Banjo picking for CCC scholarships for underserved Native Americans

It started off as a project to meet the requests of fans of his performances on the train.

It ended up as a labor of love to help underserved Native Americans attend college.

Banjo Billy Smith, a regular performer on the Grand Canyon Railway before the COVID-19 outbreak, has started the Banjo Billy Scholarship for Underserved Native Americans at Coconino Community College.

CCC’s Myers lives passion for getting students into construction trades

Hammer. Saw. Drill. Tape Measure. Level.

His teaching tools are a bit different from a typical community college faculty member, but his skill at using those tools and his passion for sharing that knowledge helps students quickly enter the workforce and find meaningful careers.

As a result, Ken Myers, Construction Technology Management faculty at Coconino Community College, is being recognized as Arizona’s Career and Technical Education Post-Secondary Educator of the Year.

CCC advisors get job done ‘virtually’

Charlotte Willin appeared on the computer screen via a Zoom video conference with her Coconino Community College advisor Mitch Driebe.

Willin, a student at Northern Arizona University, wants to knock out Physiology & Anatomy 2 during the summer while she is at home in Long Beach, Calif. Her goal is to become an Occupational Therapist.

“I didn’t want to forget anything,” Willin said to Driebe.

Her reason for taking the five-week session at Coconino Community College: It ‘s very affordable.

Willin joins hundreds of other students filling out their class rosters for summer and fall “virtually” with advisors at CCC. The college began offering the service following the campus closures in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Helping CCC art students fearlessly explore

Color. Form. Aesthetics.

To him, art is a conversation between the artist and the world – an assertion he repeats to his students. And they appreciate him for it.

Art Faculty Jeff Roth has been selected as the 2020-21 Coconino Community College Part-Time Faculty of the Year. Roth, who has been with CCC for three years, teaches Art Appreciation, Drawing 1, Life Drawing 1, Life Drawing 2, Digital Photography 1 and Mural Painting.

CCC CARES Act grants available for fall

Did you know that you might qualify for money to go to college this fall?

But you will have to apply quickly for federal financial aid.

In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, the federal government has approved funds through the CARES Act to help U.S. citizens attend college.

Coconino Community College has received a share of this money and will distribute it for the Fall semester to students and prospective students who qualify.

CCC’s Friedman shares big ideas in the world of the small

Doug Friedman’s passion for the subject gives him the ability to make the world of microscopic organisms accessible – and fascinating – to his students.

As one of his students stated, “Doug showed me this passion for Microbiology I did not know I had. It’s a fascinating subject. I never had an instructor who made me think outside the box so frequently. He is exactly what college professors should be doing.”

Friedman was selected by students and colleagues as the 2020-21 Full-Time Faculty of the Year at Coconino Community College.

CCC faculty receive Emeritus Professor honor

Two retiring faculty members at Coconino Community College, with more than four decades of service to the college between them, have received the honor of Professor Emeritus.

David Rudakewich and Kim Sonier were honored during the April 30 meeting of the CCC District Governing Board. The board members voted unanimously to bestow the honor on them both.

CCC students receive CARES Act funds

Coconino Community College has begun distributing money to qualified students from the federal CARES Act stimulus package.

About $550,000 is being awarded to qualifying students for the spring and summer semesters.

CCC faculty embracing technology for students

Zoom. FaceTime. YouTube. Online dashboards. Email.

It’s different from face-to-face teaching, but it gets the job done so students can keep chipping away at their educational goals during the time of the COVID-19 stay-at-home executive order issued by Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey.

Faculty at Coconino Community College spent their Spring Breaks this year working to figure out ways to reach their students in order to keep instruction on schedule.

Register now for Summer at CCC

Registration is Now Open for Summer Classes at Coconino Community College.

Summer instruction at CCC begins Monday, June 1, 2020.

Attending college is a great way to get ahead when the job market is uncertain.
To help our students move forward given the challenges with placement testing during the COVID-19 closures this spring, CCC is temporarily suspending placement requirements for summer 2020 only.

CCC student keeps focused to graduate in May

FLAGSTAFF — Before the COVID-19 outbreak, Coconino Community College student Delmy Payne was used to being busy. She had to make every moment count to juggle her work, her children, and her classes at CCC. That has changed now. Work is…

CCC student adapts in challenging times

Before the COVID-19 outbreak, Coconino Community College student Justin Eaton would attend his classes in person, something he enjoyed very much.

Now, he walks the dog, makes his coffee, eats some breakfast and strolls into his home office to go to school.

“It was a little bit of adapting, but it wasn’t hard,” Eaton said. “I do miss being in the classroom.”

CCC President’s Office Update for March 31 — Students

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey issued an executive order Monday afternoon, requiring all Arizona residents to “Stay Home, Stay Healthy, Stay Connected.” In response to the governor’s order, instruction will continue at Coconino Community College, but starting today, March 31, 2020,…

Coconino Community College Remote Academic Advising Available Now Through May 15

FLAGSTAFF — Coconino Community College students can receive remote academic advising now through Friday, May 15, 2020. Students have two options to communicate with a CCC academic advisor: 1. The first option is to schedule a zoom advising appointment via Calendly.…

Coconino Community College — The Comet

March 1, 2020 Coconino Community College’s Stellar Newsletter Shaping the future of Coconino County. Empowering Individuals. Inspiring Communities. Education with Purpose! Visit our website A quick word from the President The students here at Coconino Community College continually inspire and…

CCC seeks nominations for Distinguished Service Award 2020

FLAGSTAFF — Coconino Community College is seeking nominations for its prestigious Distinguished Service Award. The award recognizes outstanding service, leadership and support to the College and to the educational enrichment of Coconino County. Nominees must be a resident of Coconino County…

CCC students selected for All-Arizona Academic Team Scholarship

FLAGSTAFF — Two Coconino Community College students have been recognized for the prestigious 2020 All-Arizona Academic Team Scholarship. The scholarship provides free tuition for 60 credit hours at the recipient’s choice of one of the three state universities – Arizona State…

American Sign Language and Interpreting Studies Launching Fall 2020 at Coconino Community College

By Coconino Community College Earn an Associate of Arts Degree or a Certificate in American Sign Language and Interpreting Studies at Coconino Community College.   Fall 2020 Registration Opens Tuesday, March 31, 2020   Fall 2020 Semester Begins Monday, August…

Register Today at CCC to Become a Wildland Firefighter

By Coconino Community College Considering a career as a wildland fire fighter? Join us April 13 – 17 for FSC 233: Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior/Fire Fighter and Human Factors in the Wildland. You will be provided with a fundamental…

Resilience’ exhibit makes stop at CCC

FLAGSTAFF — Noel Swimmer, a criminology student at Coconino Community College, was inspired to find out that resilience is not something that is done alone. She was among 50 students, faculty and community members at the opening reception for “Resilience: Women…

Congratulations to Coconino Community College for being selected as Best Local College for 2019

FLAGSTAFF — Congratulations Coconino Community College for being selected as Best Local College for 2019 by the readers of Flagstaff Business News. The CCC Fourth Street Campus C-LAB is now open for students to gain hands-on construction technology skills. Thank…

Scholarships help CCC student Angela Godinez pursue her passions

FLAGSTAFF — Despite the popular motto, Coconino Community College student Angela Godinez says, “…when they say ‘the sky’s the limit,’ I don’t agree with that, because there are footprints on the moon.” Continuously pushing the limits, Godinez exemplifies jumping into…