Tag: Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — ‘Hope and Resiliency’ and more news

Hope is our motivator. Hope fuels our striving for a good life for ourselves and all others. We have to visualize it. What do you hope for yourself, family, neighbors, and community? For me, it is simply feeling connected. Having at least one go-to person that I can know without a doubt, we share genuine and reciprocal care for each other.

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Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — ‘Mental Health Resources’ and more news

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. The Achieve60AZ | College Success Arizona | Expect More Arizona team has compiled a list of mental health and behavioral health resources and programs that can be found around Arizona and utilized by students and parents throughout the K12-postsecondary pipeline. Resources in the region include Health Promotion: Mental Health and the Mental Health Support Squad at Northern Arizona University; and the CARE Program at Coconino Community College.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — ‘Say thank you to Arizona child care providers through #ShareTheCareAZ campaign’ and more news

The importance of child care providers to families, to communities and to Arizona’s economy came into clearer view over the past year.

The pandemic caused the abrupt shutdown of many child care and home-based centers. Now, despite drastically reduced enrollment and expensive increased health and safety measures, many centers are determined to serve families who need safe, trusted child care in order to continue working.

While it was challenging for everyone, the resilience and dedication of early educators renewed our deep appreciation for those who provide child care and the essential role it plays. Especially in uncertain times, early care and education providers offer families critical support when they need it most.

Throughout the month of May, First Things First invites Arizonans to show their gratitude for the state’s early care and education providers through the #ShareTheCareAZ campaign. Visit the Share the Care AZ page for simple ways to show support.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — ‘CCC&Y heading into Summer with new look, strong focus’ and more news

As the region heads into summer, and the hope that the worst of the pandemic is behind us, this seems an appropriate time to reinvigorate ourselves with the promise of a new beginning.
As part of our effort during this nationwide Spring Cleaning, the Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth welcomes you to explore our new, revitalized website at www.Coconinokids.org
The website features our new logo and brand colors, more images and easier links to a variety of resources you have come to depend on, including:

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — KinderCamp™ Returns This Summer and more news

On a recent Saturday morning, a group of about 20 educators from Flagstaff, Williams and Pinetop-Lakeside met in the gymnasium of Kinsey Elementary School for a special orientation and training session.
Typically, rising early to sacrifice your day off for mandatory training doesn’t generate a lot of enthusiasm, but in this case the excitement was palpable. Why?
Because KinderCamp™ is coming back.
“There was just a buzz in the room,” said Sara Owen, the coordinator for the program that helps preschoolers with the foundational, social and academic skills needed to successfully transition into kindergarten. “People are really looking forward to being part of this again – and having it in person.”

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Creativity Takes Courage. Next CCC&Y Youth Expression event on May 2

Adolescence is a complex and emotional transition from childhood to adulthood. It’s a time of establishing an identity and taking new (hopefully healthy) risks to expand your sense of self and capabilities. It’s a time when peers are of utmost importance, and we crave belonging.

Creativity Calling meets all of these critical needs from expression to connection! The arts are an opportunity to express yourself and interact with the world. Art expression allows us the chance to access our deepest and most authentic selves and reflect. The arts help us regulate our emotions. The arts can be a nurturing social experience. Most significantly, the arts can connect us with our sense of purpose.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Getting Involved in Community

A variety of organizations took part in a discussion hosted by the Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth on the important role community members can play in the development of resilience of youth, caregivers and family by mentoring and supporting connections during a webinar presented by CCC&Y on April 14.

The free webinar, please click here, is designed to help those interested in the variety of mentorship programs in Coconino County. During the webinar, various speakers shared information about their organizations and the need for mentors.

Partners participating in the webinar included Arizona’s Children Association, AZ1.27, Big Brothers Big Sisters Flagstaff, Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Coconino County, the Family Involvement Center and Native Americans for Community Action (NACA).

Grant funding was provided by Arizona Department of Child Safety and Health Choice Arizona.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Week of the Young Child events continue through April 16

Once again,​ First Things First has partnered with the Arizona Association for the Education of Young Children (AzAEYC) to join the annual nationwide celebration that focuses attention on early learning and the educators who support the positive development of young children.

The Week of the Young Child® is an annual celebration sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), the world’s largest early childhood education association, with nearly 60,000 members and a network of 52 Affiliates. 

The purpose of the Week of the Young Child® is to focus public attention on the needs of young children and their families and to recognize the early childhood programs and services that meet those needs.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — CCC&Y, community partners puts focus on importance of mentoring with virtual program coming April 14

Are you concerned with the challenges facing our youth and families?

Have you felt called to learn more or maybe even get involved as a mentor?

All are invited to learn a bit about the importance community members can play in the development of resilience through connections with a virtual program from 1 to 2 p.m. Wednesday, April 2021.

Partners include Arizona’s Children Association, Big Brothers Big Sisters Flagstaff, Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Coconino County, the Family Involvement Center and Native Americans for Community Action (NACA).

Grant funding provided by Arizona Department of Child Safety and Health Choice Arizona.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — New look, sharpened focus coming to Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth

We are excited to announce that NAU’s Visual Design Lab students helped us redesign our logo in preparation of our 50th anniversary next year.

The colors and design reflect CCC&Y’s Mission Statement (We ignite collective action that creates better lives for children and families) and our Purpose Statement (We imagine a world where every person lives in peace and is supported by a thriving, resilient community).

Teal combines the calming properties of blue with the renewal qualities of green. It is a revitalizing and rejuvenating color that also represents open communication and clarity of thought.

Turquoise {or teal} helps to open the lines of communication between the heart and the spoken word. It presents as a friendly and happy color enjoying life. In color psychology, the color turquoise controls and heals the emotions creating emotional balance and stability.

Look for more changes to appear on CCC&Y’s website and weekly e-newsletter in the coming weeks as we improve our communications and make resources more accessible.

As part of those changes, please take advantage of the following new membership options:

Click here to become an individual or family member of CCC&Y 
Click here to become an organization member of CCC&Y

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Disinvestments in early education are hurting children and families

By AzECA, Arizona Early Childhood Funders Collaborative, Expect More Arizona

Now a full year into the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, education at all levels has been impacted; in some ways, it’s forever changed. And the students who are most likely to face the longest-term effects are also the youngest.

In recently updated data, the Arizona Education Progress Meter showed a decline of 3% in Quality Early Learning over the past two years. Enrollment in quality early learning among Arizona 3- and 4-year-olds now stands at 19%, down from 22% two years ago. Arizona must take quick action to reverse this decrease and ensure all children have a strong start to their education, which is foundational to their future success and Arizona’s ability to meet the goals in the Education Progress Meter.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Bilingual report — Attention Parents! We are looking for volunteers for virtual conversation on March 23

We are looking for volunteers for a virtual conversation.

WHO: Parents of school-age children

WHAT: A small group conversation about opportunities and challenges in education

WHEN: Tuesday, March 23 6 to 7:30 p.m.

WHERE: This will be a virtual conversation. participation will require access to wi-fi and a device that can connect to ZOOM.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — CCC&Y’s ‘Creativity Calling’ bringing youth, families together

Our circle is open! Our “Creativity Calling” gathering this month was powerful! We had four youth age 5-21 express themselves at this month’s Creativity Calling. Our youngest “express-er” was only five years old. She shared a pillow she had sewed with her personal sewing machine. She also shared she was learning to read and shared a book with us. …

We expressed gratitude that whether in Flagstaff, Hopi, or New Mexico, we were grateful we found a connection that we didn’t fully realize we were seeking.

We hope you and the youth you live or work with will join our next circle on April 4th!

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Students, families, community benefit with CCC&Y partnership with the Coconino County Education Service Agency (CCESA) and more news

From providing professional development training to educators, to informing parents and education advocates about policy and legislative reforms, the political process, school improvement efforts, and local events around education — students, families and the community have benefited from the long term partnership between CCC&Y and the Coconino County Education Service Agency (CCESA).

The Coalition has provided a variety ongoing professional development in recent years including Trauma Informed Care training for educators at the Flagstaff Unified School District and other districts throughout Coconino County.

FUSD reported that more than 1,500 professionals were in attendance for virtual webinar presented in 2020 by CCC&Y.

“Through the support of CCC&Y we were able to provide the opportunity for all staff on our professional development day, August 10th to participate in viewing the webinar: “Understanding Adverse Child Experiences,” district officials reported.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — one•n•ten Online Open Mic Night to be held on Feb. 27

one•n•ten — Today’s Youth. Tomorrow’s Future, will present the virtual Online Open Mic Night from 4 to 5 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 27.


To provide dedicated time and space for LGBTQ+ youth and their friends to freely express themselves
To build stronger safety net for LGBTQ+ youth through collaboration with organizations across the state
Click here for the event link

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Family Protective Factors virtual training to be held Feb. 23

The Strengthening Families Protective Factors framework is a research-based approach to prevent child abuse and neglect, strengthen families, and promote optimal child development. The National Alliance of Children’s Trust and Prevention Funds (Alliance) launched Bringing the Protective Factors Framework to Life in Your Work-A Resource for Actionin 2012. When implemented, the framework helps ensure optimal outcomes for children and their families. These strategies strengthen families, develop responsive family support systems, and strengthen the community’s capacity to establish safe and healthy environments.  

Building Community, LLC, NACOG Head Start and Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth are collaborating to present the Intro course virtually. We invite all interested individuals, family service teams, and community leaders to join us on Tuesday, February 23rd, from 1:00 pm-2:30 pm.  The no-cost course will provide an introduction to the protective factors and strength-based theory. 

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — CCC&Y’s ‘Igniting Collective Action: Moving Beyond ACEs’ free webinar now available

Imagine a community in which the effects of childhood trauma are clearly understood, the impact of inequitable experience is acknowledged, and people are aligned toward creating equitable access to assets and protective factors that support positive life outcomes. This hour-long free training — “Igniting Collective Action: Moving Beyond (Adverse Childhood Experiences)” — explores the roadmap to creating change at the community and system level by using the findings of both leadership research and today’s thought leaders.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Next CCC&Y Youth ‘Creativity Calling’ virtual showcase to be held on Feb. 7 and more news

This pandemic is challenging for all of us. CCC&Y has a weekly virtual meeting for parents and caregivers to connect and share resources. We have also launched “Creativity Calling,” specifically for youth! This monthly virtual opportunity provides youth a chance to share their thoughts and feelings through the arts. We are seeking youth to share their music, visual art, poetry, dance, theater, or cultural sharing!

Each month four youth will have a 10-minute spotlight.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — CCC&Y discusses overcoming childhood trauma on KAFF County’s Pete’s Community Cafe

Virginia Watahomigie, executive director of the Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth, recently sat down with KAFF Country for a recent Pete’s Community Cafe interview on childhood trauma issues impacting youth and families in the region and the use of techniques to promote healing, growth and build resiliency.

During the interview, Watahomigie discussed how CCC&Y tackles the issue through a variety of online training programs on its https://coconinokids.org/prevention/ webpage.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — CCC&Y on Jan. 27 to present ‘Igniting Collective Action: Moving Beyond ACEs’

The Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth will present “Igniting Collective Action: Moving Beyond ACEs” at 10 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 27 via Zoom. Click here to register.

Imagine a community in which the effects of childhood trauma are clearly understood, the impact of inequitable experience is acknowledged, and people are aligned toward creating equitable access to assets and protective factors that support positive life outcomes. This training will explore the roadmap to creating change at the community and system level by using the findings of both leadership research and today’s thought leaders.

*Recommended one-hour prerequisite available for community members with limited background about the research on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) is available at https://coconinokids.org/prevention/

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — CCC&Y member says Coalition provides variety of support, education to the community

I have had the blessed opportunity to work with at-risk youth in Flagstaff for over 20 years.  I first learned of the Coalition when I attended the Child Abuse Prevention Conference over 15 years ago. Since then, the Coalition has been such a wonderful resource for me.  They provide support, education, and have helped connect me to individuals and other organizations that advocate for youth.

Not only have I been able to share useful information with my family and friends, but my work circle has also benefited. 

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Childhood Inequities, Neglect, Abuse Hidden in Pandemic

Those in the social service industry are worried about our families. Coconino Coalition for Children and Youth (CCC&Y) Executive Director Virginia Watahomigie says isolation, depression and anxiety – all conditions that can be made worse by the pandemic – are increasingly having a negative effect on children in Arizona, particularly in rural areas where resources are less available than in larger cities and distances to travel for support are far greater. She’s encouraging individuals and communities to resolve to make a difference in children’s lives in the New Year.
Read more

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — CCC&Y provides variety options to help families in the coming year

At Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth, we’re working towards a world where every person lives in peace and is supported by a thriving, resilient community. We’ll make that vision a reality by igniting collective action that creates better lives for children and families.

To assist families in the coming year, CCC&Y will continue to support and expand a variety of programs we have initiated in 2020 with the assistance of a variety of partners in the region and statewide. They include:

The CCC&Y Family Connection, hosted every Monday from 2:30-3:30. The bilingual Zoom meeting is is a great way to connect with others countywide. Folks can join virtually or by phone. 

The meeting is open to parents, caregivers, professionals — All individuals in our community.

A variety of resources are also available for families and local professionals who work with families on CCC&Ys Prevention Webpage.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Members of CCC&Y want to wish you a beautiful holiday season, but be aware of additional stresses facing family members and neighbors

In a new Public Service Announcement released this week, members of CCC&Y want to wish you a beautiful holiday season, but also be aware the additional challenges facing family members and neighbors this year.

“The holiday season is about joy, peace, giving and gratitude, but not everyone feels the magic. This year COVID fatigue can add stress already brought on by colder weather, shorter days or grief and loss.”

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Connections Spotlight — CCC&Y: Igniting Collective Action

At Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth, we’re working towards a world where every person lives in peace and is supported by a thriving, resilient community. We’ll make that vision a reality by igniting collective action that creates better lives for children and families.

Many in our community face staggering injustices. Mental, physical, and spiritual trauma are facts of everyday life, made worse by historical oppression and generational poverty. The systems that should provide relief are often ineffectual and overwhelmed; at their worst, they’re racist and demeaning. And in our largely rural community, issues like food inequity, education access, and healthcare provision are exacerbated by structures of power that often look past folks outside metro areas.

We have the power to reverse these injustices, and we are doing so right here in Coconino County. When we approach challenges with a holistic mindset and consider the impact of systemic, generational trauma, we can work with communities at the source of the issue, not just at the symptom. 

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Working towards a world where every person lives in peace and is supported by a thriving, resilient community

At Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth, we’re working towards a world where every person lives in peace and is supported by a thriving, resilient community. We’ll make that vision a reality by igniting collective action that creates better lives for children and families.

Many in our community face staggering injustices. Mental, physical, and spiritual trauma are facts of everyday life, made worse by historical oppression and generational poverty. The systems that should provide relief are often ineffectual and overwhelmed; at their worst, they’re racist and demeaning. And in our largely rural community, issues like food inequity, education access, and healthcare provision are exacerbated by structures of power that often look past folks outside metro areas.

We have the power to reverse these injustices, and we are doing so right here in Coconino County. When we approach challenges with a holistic mindset and consider the impact of systemic, generational trauma, we can work with communities at the source of the issue, not just at the symptom.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Connections Spotlight — Express Yourself!

This pandemic is challenging for all of us. CCC&Y has a weekly virtual meeting for parents and caregivers to connect and share resources. We are also launching “Creativity Calling,” specifically for youth! This monthly virtual opportunity will provide youth a chance to share their thoughts and feelings through the arts. Any youth interested in sharing their music, visual art, poetry, dance, or theater can text Hunter RedDay at 928.221.3688 to register. Each month four youth will have a 10-minute spotlight. Special thank you to our partner Stronger As One for providing a gift card to a local business. We will enter each month’s performers in a raffle for the gift card!

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Connections Spotlight — Interdependence

Many of us were taught or developed a belief that depending on others is a weakness. I believe, as do many others, that interdependence is a strength!

I invite you to take a moment for yourself to breathe a few deep breaths. Then ask yourself, how am I feeling? What do I need? Who can help?

Have you ever helped someone without expecting anything in return? How did it feel? Many of us feel good when we are helping others. Why, then, do we often not allow others the opportunity to feel that goodness by helping us?

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Join CCC&Y’S bilingual Family Connection Weekly Zoom Meeting now on Mondays

COCONINO COUNTY — The Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth is presenting a weekly Family Connection Zoom Meeting at 2:30 p.m. Mondays.

The meeting is open to parents, caregivers, professionals — All individuals in our community.

Now is the time to connect, be supportive and receive support in a safe and caring environment via zoom or by telephone.

This is an open time to connect with others, share joys, vent some concerns, ask for support, or offer others your support.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — CCC&Y to present ‘Bullying and Cyberbullying Training’ on Nov. 17

The Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth will present “Bullying and Cyberbullying Training” on Zoom at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 17.

Based on training provided by the Arizona Department of Health Services to school districts across the state, this webinar examines the latest bullying statistics; unpacks the relationship between bullying, cyberbullying, ACES, trauma and substance use; and provides tips and techniques for intervention and prevention.

Presented by Brad Snyder, executive director of Dion Initiative for Child Well-Being and Bullying Prevention and chair of the Arizona Adverse Childhood Experiences Consortium.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Join CCC&Y’s weekly bilingual Family Connection for families via Zoom

“I do it myself”

This common toddler phrase often makes adults sigh. We want to honor our child’s autonomy, but we also realize some things are more manageable with a little help. The same is true in adulthood. As a family, we autonomously choose our traditions, routines, and meals. However, raising children and managing family life is complex. Although some family challenges may be unique, many families share common challenges. And, it is certain…we all deserve support!  …

To support families in making new connections, CCCY partners with Building Community to host a virtual, bilingual Family Connection for families via Zoom.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Expect More Arizona / Association for Supportive Child Care — When you vote, consider our most vulnerable and disconnected youth

It’s hard for some Arizonans to imagine. But there are communities all over the state where families can’t get internet, or even reliable phone service. Most of us can’t picture going through life without that, but for many, it’s a daily reality. Driving to the top of a hill to get cell service; hour-long bus rides to get to school; roads that are virtually unpassable in the winter. And for those on tribal communities the challenges might be even more basic – many households lack running water or electricity, or both.

As you cast your ballot this year, keep them in mind. These are some of our most vulnerable populations and they need the support and resources that both government and nonprofit groups provide.

Whatever your concerns are, they can be reflected in your vote. For rural communities in Arizona, there are resources and support, but at times, the resources available aren’t always reflective of the community’s immediate needs. During the pandemic, as teachers often do, many teachers continue to use their personal devices and other self-purchased tools to make it through this year.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Kevin Campbell’s ‘Self-Healing Communities — A Continued Conversation’ now available on CCC&Y’s Prevention webpage

Earlier this month, guests from all over the word attended CCC&Y’s presentation of Kevin Campbell’s “Self-Healing Communities — A Continued Conversation.”

The presentation is now available on CCC&Y’s Prevention webpage at Self-Healing Communities with Kevin Campbell. The free program also includes presentation slides and Self-Healing Communities Data from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

“As a testament to Kevin’s international work we had participants from England, Canada, the Netherlands, Belgium, Texas, Virginia, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Arkansas, and of course, all over Arizona,” said Virginia Watahomigie, executive director of CCC&Y. “This piece is an argument for moving away from treating individuals, community members and families as the “recipient” of services, from medicalizing unlivable lives, from not acknowledging systems of injustice and a move toward the scientifically-based call to action of participation, truth and community healing.”

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Candidates have spoken on youth education, child welfare issues with CCC&Y’s Candidate Questionnaire Webpage

Candidates for elected office through Coconino County and statewide have addressed youth education and child welfare issues with Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth’s Candidate Questionnaire Webpage.

CCC&Y is once again providing its one-stop webpage featuring information from candidates impacting the county.

The Coalition has created the short, attached questionnaire so that voters in Coconino County may understand how candidates will respond to issues related to children & youth. Voters will have access to the Coalition’s website to compare and contrast candidate responses, see who has responded and note missing candidates.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — More candidates addressing youth education, child welfare issues with CCC&Y’s Candidate Questionnaire Webpage

Questionnaire webpage provides voters opportunity for one-stop information. Deadline for candidates to submit written answers extended to Oct. 9

Candidates for elected office through Coconino County and statewide are addressing youth education and child welfare issues with Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth’s Candidate Questionnaire Webpage.

CCC&Y is once again providing its one-stop webpage featuring information from candidates impacting the county.

The Coalition sincerely appreciates candidates’ willingness to run for public office. Please know that the Coalition has gratitude for your public service and the sacrifices this requires.

The Coalition has created the short, attached questionnaire so that voters in Coconino County may understand how candidates will respond to issues related to children & youth. Voters will have access to the Coalition’s website to compare and contrast candidate responses.

More candidates addressing youth education, child welfare issues with CCC&Y’s Candidate Questionnaire Webpage

Candidates for elected office through Coconino County and statewide are addressing youth education and child welfare issues with Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth’s Candidate Questionnaire Webpage.

CCC&Y is once again providing its one-stop webpage featuring information from candidates impacting the county.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Registration continues for CCC&Y’s presentation of Kevin Campbell’s ‘Self-Healing Communities — A Continued Conversation’ on Oct. 7

Registration continues for CCC&Y’s presentation of Kevin Campbell’s “Self-Healing Communities — A Continued Conversation,” from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 7, 2020.

“The starting point for Self -Healing Communities is the recognition of the connection between how we live individually and together. We have built social welfare and health systems on the ideas of needs and services. This approach located problems and solutions within individuals obscuring the need to address structural factors. Our “helping” systems often reflect this view, increasingly defining power imbalances as personal imbalances, resulting in the medicalizing of inequitable experience rather than organizing and supporting people to live socially, environmentally and economically secure lives without depending on systems.”

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Candidates are addressing youth education, child welfare issues with CCC&Y’s Candidate Questionnaire Webpage

Questionnaire webpage provides voters opportunity for one-stop information. Candidate questionnaires to be updated at 1 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 23.

Candidates for elected office through Coconino County and statewide are addressing youth education and child welfare issues with Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth’s Candidate Questionnaire Webpage.

CCC&Y is once again providing its one-stop webpage featuring information from candidates impacting the county.

The Coalition sincerely appreciates candidates’ willingness to run for public office. Please know that the Coalition has gratitude for your public service and the sacrifices this requires.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — CCC&Y to present Kevin Campbell’s ‘Self-Healing Communities — A Continued Conversation’ on Oct. 7

CCC&Y will present Kevin Campbell’s “Self-Healing Communities — A Continued Conversation,” from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 7, 2020.

“The starting point for Self -Healing Communities is the recognition of the connection between how we live individually and together. We have built social welfare and health systems on the ideas of needs and services. This approach located problems and solutions within individuals obscuring the need to address structural factors. Our “helping” systems often reflect this view, increasingly defining power imbalances as personal imbalances, resulting in the medicalizing of inequitable experience rather than organizing and supporting people to live socially, environmentally and economically secure lives without depending on systems.”

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Join the Movement!

The premise of self-healing communities is individuals within communities hold the wisdom to transform our most pressing community challenges. When the community at large asks their neighbors and community what would be most supportive, listens to their perspectives, and supports a collective response, we begin the process of healing.

Coconino Coalition for Children and Youth (CCC&Y) is leading an effort to facilitate a self-healing county! With such a vast county, where do we start? First, acknowledge YOU are a leader!

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Tashina Williams named CCC&Y Community Ambassador for Page

PAGE — Tashina Williams, director of student support services for the Page Unified School District, has been named CCC&Y’s Community Ambassador for Page.

The new position will strategically extend CCC&Y’s capacity and reach into communities in Coconino County.

“I have been with the school district for three and a half years,” Williams said. “Before that I was a dedicated case manager with Encompass Health Services for about nine years. I ran the matrix, intensive out-patient treatment program for adolescents. I also worked with high need children ages 5-18 on their treatment plan.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Interview with Iya Affo on ‘Historical Trauma’ during a time of Covid-19, Black Lives Matter

Only by understanding the root causes of historical trauma can we fully begin the healing process during this time of Covid-19 and Black Lives Matter, said Iya Affo, founder of Heal Historic Trauma.

Affo, a culturalist and historic trauma specialist, addressed the impact of historical trauma during her first level of “Historical Trauma Special Certification” training held via Zoom on Aug. 20 and 24.

The training was presented to a total of 110 individuals, many of whom, represented staff, board members and supporters of the Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth. The attendees represented a variety of child welfare, behavioral health and other community agencies.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — CCC&Y supports FUSD’s back-to-school professional development efforts with webinar on ‘Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences’

The Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth continued its support of Flagstaff Unified School District’s professional development efforts with a virtual presentation earlier this month.

“Through the support of CCC&Y we were able to provide the opportunity for all staff on our professional development day, August 10th to participate in viewing the webinar: “Understanding Adverse Child Experiences,” district officials reported. FUSD reports 1500 professionals were in attendance.

The hour-long webinar helps participants learn how the effects of childhood trauma play out both personally for individuals, along with having tremendous costs for society. 

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — CCC&Y Invitation to the Community

CCC&Y Vision — “We envision a holistic community where all children of Coconino County are increasingly free from trauma experience and all have equitable opportunities that build resiliency.” 

“Trauma, equitable and resiliency, those are words that excite me and I hope you will learn more about the Coalition, learn a little bit more about those words mean and what your role can be to support that countywide,” said Rene RedDay in the opening of a Vlog released this week by the organization. 

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Does the support stop when difficult conversations arise?

Community healing is not something someone (the savior) does to another (the needy).  Community healing is what happens when we internalize that we are all one, that the choices of the past mingle with the experiences of the present and none of us are free from the consequences of our actions -both individual and collective. 

Sadly, some non-profits are reporting lost donors because they decided to address social justice and equity issues (or in some cases just comment) due to the current events transpiring in our nation.  Quite frankly, this has angered me and further exemplifies how ingrained inequity is in each facet of our society.  More than equity- it shows how voice, control and power work throughout systems and perpetuate problems year after year.  I am pleased to report that the Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth (CCC&Y) has not experienced this situation.  Through all of this, our membership has steadily increased.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Arizona’s Children Association continues successful FREE Zoom ‘Parenting Workshop!’

CCC&Y Member Profile — Arizona’s Children Association — It’s time for a new FREE parenting workshop presented by Arizona’s Children Association and Parenting Educator Krista Bush believes the new Zoom format has been well received.

“The response has been very positive because parents (say it’s more convenient) to stay at home and attend the webinars instead of going out in person,” she said.

The Arizona’s Children Association is presenting its  “Parenting Workshop! — Early Childhood STEP” through Zoom from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Saturdays, Aug. 1 through Sept. 19.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — CCC&Y receives capacity building grant from Vitalyst Health Foundation to help CCC&Y promote its impact, mission and vision

CCC&Y has received a capacity building grant from Vitalyst Health Foundation to help CCC&Y to increase its capacity and effectiveness by telling its unique and authentic story.

“The Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth (CCC&Y) is a nonprofit organization that ignited collective action to cultivate, honor and empower resilient, thriving communities,”Vitalyst Health Foundation reported. “The vision of a holistic community where all children of Coconino County are increasingly free from the trauma experience and all have equitable opportunities that build resiliency aligns with the mission of Vitalyst in Access to Care and coordinated systems of care and Social & Cultural Cohesion and support services for mental health needs.” 

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Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Flagstaff youth, How are you resilient?

Resiliency is developing the skills and power to overcome adversity and become stronger and healthier. CCCY is grateful to have partnered with the Flagstaff Family Food Center Sumer Reading Program to share resiliency information with youth. We asked 86 Flagstaff youth, “How are you resilient?” Here are their responses:

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — CCC&Y’s Webinar Part B Historical Trauma now available

CCC&Y’s Webinar Part B Historical Trauma now available by clicking here.

In Part B, culturalist and historic trauma specialist Iya Affo takes us deeper into the impact historical trauma has on so many of our community members. A topic that is not always openly discussed and well understood in mainstream society, historic trauma is often not considered when designing helping programs, systems or overall prevention programming and worse when placing judgements against groups of people. 

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — CCC&Y to become a historical trauma certified agency

CCC&Y has agreed to partner with Heal Historical Trauma to become a historical trauma certified agency, which will include providing training to the non-profit organization during a full day level-one certification program.

“The Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth is one of few organizations ready to declare their commitment to serving communities of color with such vigor and determination. It is with extreme pride and excitement that I welcome our partnership as we work as one to create a world filled with love and equity that honors diversity and embraces all colors, shades, races, ethnicities, levels of ability and gender fluidity,” said Iya Affo, founder of Heal Historic Trauma.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — CCC&Y Awards Child Abuse Prevention Scholarship

Madison Olson, a senior at Williams High School, received a $500 scholarship from the Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth.  Our Prevention Council created our annual Child Abuse Prevention Essay contest so that Williams High School Seniors could describe what the community can do to help prevent and respond to child abuse and childhood trauma.

Her winning essay focused on bullying, the lasting impact that bullying can have on individuals throughout their lives and prevention options.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — CCC&Y presents free web resource — ‘Mindfulness for Professionals and Parents’

CCC&Y has created Mindfulness for Professionals and Parents, an hour-long free webinar that highlights the importance mindfulness holds for both individuals and for those we are working with. Participants said:

“I felt better immediately at the beginning of the training!”

“Mindfulness is an important part of daily operations! We need to remember to take time for ourselves. I love the acronyms and will share with my NAU students!!!!”

“I found the training to be very relevant at this time in our lives.”

CCC&Y has multiple reasons for focusing on mindfulness as a strategy in our community.  We know the benefits it has for overall mental and physical health.  We know that it is a useful strategy to help with both substance abuse prevention and child abuse prevention.  Further, as Ruth King notes,

“When we are unconscious of how we affect each other, we are more likely to cause harm.  However, when nonharming is at the forefront of our awareness, it becomes an anchor, a way of reminding us, moment to moment, to pay attention- to live mindfully.”

In an effort to address how we treat each other and ourselves we invite you to explore more on this topic.  Let’s all work toward healing together!

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Understanding through a multicultural lens the role historical trauma impacts healing, wellness

Historical trauma impacts so many of our community members and it is a topic that is not always openly discussed and well understood in mainstream society. Further, it is often not considered when designing helping programs, systems or overall prevention programming and worse when placing judgements against groups of people.

Each culture, each individual has their own story to tell, their own traditions, spiritual and cultural practices and so many have had those life components disrupted due to historical events and ongoing injustices.

During a webinar presentation held on June 9, 2020, culturalist and historic trauma specialist Iya Affo provided web viewers a brief overview of historic trauma to help inform community members, professionals and leaders about the creation and impacts of these traumas.

Affo is the founder of Heal Historic Trauma and with Phoenix Rising in Residence (AZ).

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Resiliency/mindfulness training helps during these challenging times

It is not easy to write this message.  I, just like many of you, have found myself filled with many emotions ranging from deep sadness to raw anger.  Many of us around the Nation are trying to find our voice, our place- ideas for how we can make a positive impact.  CCC&Y has a long history of advocating for and working toward justice and equity for our community.

I was scheduled to present the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) / resiliency training live this week for a school district.  I was re-struck, while speaking with these educators, by how relevant the work of CCC&Y is- even during current times.  I felt gratitude for this connection and all of you who further this work.

If you have not done so already, I would invite you to visit our webinar on ACES.  It will help you to gain personal insight into what happens to people, what we do to people and how society can choose to make trauma worse or better for folks.  That insight then becomes sharable.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Watch free webinar — Strengthening Families Protective Factors

CCC&Y hosted this 1.5 hour webinar to ensure we look through a strength-based framework that is evidence-based, supports families and is prevention focused. This is for the community, as well as, professionals. Trainer: Claire Louge, Prevention Child Abuse Arizona

According to one participant: “I was so surprised that I could use the information in a lot of work that I do and not just with youth and families. It is truly amazing how it related to just every day life. It was great!!” “The reminders to look for strengths in everyone, even yourself.”

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Join a winning team to help families in Coconino County

As Coconino County and the state of Arizona ease out of the Coronavirus lockdown, many questions remain.

Are we heading for a second wave requiring families in hotspots to once again shelter at home? Will schools reopen this summer or fall? Are parents prepared to meet additional teach-at-home challenges? How have children survived the past few months — are they feeling depressed, isolated, traumatized, both physically and mentally?

So many questions. At the Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth, we have been busy trying to help families, partner organizations and members navigate this new virtual world. …

Now, more than ever, there is so much to do to help families in Coconino County, and with your help as a supporting member, we can continue to help the community and expand our efforts to meet the ever-changing times. Please visit here for membership options.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Watch WEBINAR- Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences; Hope in Resiliency

CCC&Y has created this hour-long webinar because the effects of childhood trauma play out both personally for individuals, but also, have tremendous costs for society.  There is so much that all of us can be doing to mitigate these outcomes.  There is no charge for this webinar, but we do ask that you consider sharing with others and complete the survey.

According to one participant: “Though I am familiar with the topic of ACES, each time I participate in training, I learn something new. Your model of ACES presented a light of hope with interventions that can occur at each level.” “It was a great training and I look forward to more in the future.” “I am recommending this training to several folks…” “Thank you for providing amazing webinars…” “Very good training.”

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — CCC&Y Increases Its Prevention Work

We need the entire community to get involved. According to the 2018 Arizona Youth survey 70.5% of Coconino County 10th graders had a low commitment to school and 50.6% of 8th graders witnessed another punched, kicked, choked or beaten. The Arizona ACE (Adverse Childhood Experience) Consortium estimates 1,210 children in Coconino County have 5 or more ACEs.

Learn more about what these numbers mean, especially for our substance
use rates, the high costs to society and what can be done. There is so much hope to be had- but we need you. Our youth need you!! Visit our full report and attend our webinars at https://coconinokids.org/prevention/. These webinars are ideal development for professionals, but also, a great starting point for the community to raise awareness and take action. Parents and youth, facing isolation, will find them supportive and helpful as well. We have a webinar just for youth.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — CCC&Y presents series of no cost webinars for professionals, parents and youth on ACES, Mindfulness, other topics

Click here for the entire e-newsletter Weekly Newsletter Wednesday, April 29, 2020 Connections Spotlight CCC&Y presents series of no cost webinars for professionals, parents and youth on ACES, Mindfulness, other topics COCONINO COUNTY — The Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth has created…

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — CCC&Y to present ‘Mindfulness for Youth webinar on April 22

“Mindfulness for Youth:” We are hoping to go beyond just teaching youth mindfulness- we would like them to become leaders and start developing creative content that we can share to get others involved.  Would love to see some youth groups get involved with this one.  But all of this will start with getting some training.  Trainer Rene RedDay