Tag: City of Flagstaff

City and County declare States of Emergency

Flagstaff Mayor Paul Deasy and Coconino County Chair of the Board of Supervisors Matt Ryan have declared States of Emergency on behalf of the city of Flagstaff and Coconino County due to the impacts of monsoonal flooding to the Museum Flood Area and other parts of Flagstaff, which started July 13, 2021. Declaring a State of Emergency allows the city and county to expend emergency funds from all available sources and request assistance from the State of Arizona. 

City of Flagstaff lifts fire restrictions

The city of Flagstaff will lift all fire restrictions within city limits at 6 a.m. on July 16, 2021. The city of Flagstaff cooperates with local, county, state and federal fire management agencies to ensure a coordinated effort is made in fire restrictions actions across jurisdictions.

Additionally, the city’s fire danger has lowered from Very High to High. Though fire danger has been reduced, residents are encouraged to consider Firewise practices around homes and offices. Visit www.firewise.org for recommendations to reduce risk of wildfire damaging your home and property. Constituents can call (928) 213-2500 for a free Firewise assessment of their property.

City of Flagstaff begins 60-day review process for a carbon neutrality amendment to the Flagstaff Regional Plan 2030

On July 13, 2021, the City of Flagstaff will begin a 60-day public review process for a major amendment to the Flagstaff Regional Plan 2030. The proposed amendment will update the  

update the Plan’s climate action goals and policies to align with the recently-adopted Flagstaff Carbon Neutrality Plan. The proposed amendment is within the Climate Change and Adaptation section of the Environmental Planning & Conservation Chapter, located on pages IV-11 and IV-12. The public review period begins on July 13, 2021, and ends on September 13, 2021. 

City of Flagstaff enters Stage Two fire restrictions

The city of Flagstaff entered Stage Two fire restrictions at 6 a.m. on July 6, 2021. The city of Flagstaff cooperates with local, county, state and federal fire management agencies to ensure a coordinated effort is made in fire restrictions actions across jurisdictions.

City of Flagstaff Independence Day closures

Flagstaff City Hall at 211 W. Aspen Ave. will be closed July 5, 2021 in honor of Independence Day. City Hall offices will reopen July 6, 2021 from 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. In-person hours are limited due to COVID-19 and services are available virtually from 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

City of Flagstaff facilities that are also closed July 5 in observance Independence Day include:

City of Flagstaff announces fireworks cancellation

Due to extreme fire danger, the city-sponsored fireworks display scheduled for Sunday, July 4 at the Oakmont restaurant is been cancelled.

The city is currently under Stage 4 Fire Restrictions, which prohibits the sale or use of fireworks within the city. For more information on all fire restriction stages visit the city website at http://www.flagstaff.az.gov/2981/Fire-Restriction-Stages.

City of Flagstaff enters Stage Four fire restrictions

The city of Flagstaff will enter Stage Four fire restrictions at 8 a.m. on June 23, 2021 in an effort to reduce the potential for unintentional human-caused wildfires within the city limits. The city of Flagstaff cooperates with local, county, state and federal fire management agencies to ensure a coordinated effort is made in fire restrictions actions across jurisdictions.

City of Flagstaff enters Stage Two fire restrictions

The city of Flagstaff will enter Stage Two fire restrictions at 8 a.m. on June 11, 2021 in an effort to reduce the potential for unintentional human-caused wildfires within the city limits. The city of Flagstaff cooperates with local, county, state and federal fire management agencies to ensure a coordinated effort is made in fire restrictions actions across jurisdictions.

City of Flagstaff announces Memorial Day closures

Flagstaff City Hall offices at 211 W. Aspen Ave. will be closed May 31, 2021 in honor of Memorial Day. City Hall offices will reopen June 1, 2021 from 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. In-person hours are limited due to COVID-19 and services are available virtually from 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Flagstaff Library to begin limited reopening on June 1

The city of Flagstaff entered Phase 3 of its COVID-19 Reentry Plan on May 17. Under Phase 3, the city will begin a limited reopening of city facilities and amenities. Face coverings are required in city facilities. 

The Flagstaff Downtown Library will begin a limited reopening for patron access on June 1, from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. The East Flagstaff Community Library will begin a limited reopening for patron access on June 2, from 2 p.m. – 6 p.m., Monday and Wednesday, and 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., Friday and Saturday. 

City of Flagstaff — Face covering proclamation rescinded

Flagstaff Mayor Paul Deasy announced his intention to rescind the city’s face covering proclamation at the City Council meeting on May 25. The proclamation went into effect June 20, 2020 and will end May 26. Face coverings are still required on public transportation, at the airport and other areas required by federal law. While the face covering proclamation was rescinded, businesses can still require face coverings and social distancing on private property. During the meeting, the City Council also provided direction to lift the capacity limits on outdoor, city owned sports fields effective May 26. 

City of Flagstaff 2021 Street maintenance projects

The 2021 streets maintenance program was approved by Flagstaff City Council at the Council meeting on May 18, 2021. This program will address various locations in the community and includes minor concrete repairs, asphalt overlays and chip sealing. The total cost of the project is $2.1 million and is scheduled to begin on June 1, 2021 on Forest/Cedar Ave. The project will begin with the chip seal surfacing with an anticipated duration of two weeks (dependent on weather conditions).

City of Flagstaff to enter Stage One fire restrictions

The city of Flagstaff will enter Stage One fire restrictions at 8 a.m. on May 14, 2021 in an effort to reduce the potential for unintentional human-caused wildfires within the city limits. The city of Flagstaff cooperates with local, county, state and federal fire management agencies to ensure a coordinated effort is made in fire restrictions actions across jurisdictions.

Flagstaff enters Phase 3 of COVID reopening

The city of Flagstaff will enter Phase 3 of its COVID-19 Reentry Plan on May 17. The move to Phase 3 was predicated on the number of new cases, hospitalizations, and COVID related deaths continuing on a downward trajectory for four or more weeks, the increase in the number of residents vaccinated, the demonstrated ability to follow CDC guidelines, ability to care for the seriously ill and providing testing, monitoring and contact tracing. Under Phase 3, the city will begin a limited reopening of city facilities and amenities. Face coverings are required in city facilities.

Call to take the Flagstaff Housing Survey

Affordable, accessible and decent housing is of critical importance to a community’s health and viability. On December 1, 2020 the Flagstaff City Council declared a Housing Emergency in Flagstaff, prioritizing affordable housing within City operations to create safe, decent and affordable housing opportunities for all community members. The Housing Plan will define the housing emergency in Flagstaff and will provide policies and strategies to reduce it.

City of Flagstaff joins International Code Council for celebration of Building Safety Month

In May 2021, the city of Flagstaff’s Building Safety Section will participate in the 41st annual Building Safety Month, a worldwide campaign presented by the International Code Council, its members and partners to promote building safety. This year’s campaign, “Prevent, Prepare, Protect. Building Codes Save,” will be held virtually this year, raising awareness about the importance of building codes in ensuring safety in the spaces in which we live, work and learn.

We need your input to make Flagstaff more affordable

The City of Flagstaff’s 10 Year Housing Plan is underway and the Housing Section is asking all members of the community to participate by taking the City of Flagstaff Housing Survey.

The goal of the survey is to garner the most responses and to gather statistically valid housing data from a fair sampling of people.

City of Flagstaff drills first water well in 12 years

The city of Flagstaff will soon add a new well to their inventory. Drilling of a second groundwater well at Fort Tuthill County Park began February 22, 2021.

Drilling this well is part of the city’s mid-to-long term water policy and the subsequent ten-year capital plan initiated after the 2002 drought left Upper Lake Mary reservoir nearly dry, resulting in water shortages throughout the city. This is the first of five wells in the plan to add resiliency to the city’s water supply and serve as a safety net against climate change and resulting drought, forest fires or infrastructure failure. Groundwater wells are the core producers of city water, averaging 65% of the city’s potable water supply since 1950. They tap into the C-aquifer at an average depth of 1000 feet below land surface with the bottom of most wells exceeding 2000 feet.

City of Flagstaff and Flagstaff Unified School District collaborate to bring green spaces to school grounds

Mayor Paul Deasy and Superintendent Michael Penca joined forces to improve the health, well-being and academic achievement of Flagstaff’s children. The two leaders committed to transforming Flagstaff’s school grounds into nature-filled greenspaces where children can connect to the natural world and enjoy healthy, active time outdoors. 

Flagstaff was selected as one of 10 cities (out of 27 applicants) to receive training and technical assistance to add nature play and outdoor learning spaces to schoolyards through Cities Connecting Children to Nature (CCCN), a joint initiative of the National League of Cities and the Children & Nature Network.  Flagstaff joins a national movement of cities working to provide children with equitable access to the benefits of nature.

City of Flagstaff provides update on Fourth Street reconstruction

As part of the ongoing Fourth Street reconstruction project, Soliere Avenue will reopen at the Fourth Street intersection and Sparrow Avenue, (also at the Fourth Street intersection) will close starting April 23, 2021. Fourth Street will remain open and a Sparrow Avenue detour will be posted.

Priority Based Budgeting data set available for public review

The city of Flagstaff recently implemented Priority Based Budgeting (PBB), a tool that allows the city to approach budgeting in a new way. This method takes the traditional line item budget information and converts it to showcase expenditures, revenues and other key sets of data at the program level, such as fire suppression, snowplow operations, and police dispatch. To learn more about this budgeting approach visit: https://www.flagstaff.az.gov/3258/Priority-Based-Budgeting.

City of Flagstaff seeks input on draft Carbon Neutrality Plan

The city of Flagstaff Sustainability Program will host four live Open Houses on the draft Flagstaff Carbon Neutrality Plan. The Open Houses, hosted online via Zoom, will gather feedback on the Plan from residents and answer any questions the community may have. The events will take place on:

– Wednesday, April 7 at 6 p.m.

– Friday, April 9 at 12 p.m.

– Thursday, April 15 at 6 p.m.

– Saturday, April 17 at 10 a.m.

Invasive tree removal and restoration project for McMillan Mesa Natural Area

The 300-acre McMillan Mesa Natural Area is one of the last intact native grasslands within the city of Flagstaff and provides habitat for deer, prairie dogs, American kestrels, and other fauna. To preserve the native grassland, the city of Flagstaff’s Open Space Program will work with partners to remove invasive trees, starting on April 7, 2021. Six large Russian Olive trees and over 100 Siberian Elm trees were identified for removal, mainly along the Flagstaff Urban Trail System (FUTS) and Arizona Trail within the McMillan Mesa Natural Area.

City of Flagstaff, United Way of Northern Arizona announce 2021-2023 Grant application cycle

The city of Flagstaff, in partnership with United Way of Northern Arizona (UWNA), announces the opening of the 2021-2023 grant application cycle on April 1, 2021. Grant applications will be due on April 15, 2021 at 11:59 p.m. This is a two-year application cycle (based on availability of funds).

City of Flagstaff seeks input on draft Carbon Neutrality Plan

The city of Flagstaff is striving for community-wide carbon neutrality by 2030, to respond to the climate emergency and improve quality of life for all residents. With input from the Flagstaff community and technical experts, the city of Flagstaff Sustainability Program developed a draft Flagstaff Carbon Neutrality Plan to outline a framework for action over the next nine years. This plan details seven target areas of action that the city will take to reach carbon neutrality:

City of Flagstaff Seeking Deputy Library Director

The City of Flagstaff is seeking a Deputy Library Director.

The position actively supports and upholds the City’s stated mission and values. Under direct supervision of the Library Director, employees of this classification are independently responsible for overseeing departments of the Library, including responsible administrative, professional, managerial and supervisory work. This position assists in directing the activities of the entire library section and serves in the absence of the Director.

UACJ Whitehall selects Flagstaff for new auto parts plant

UACJ Automotive Whitehall Industries, a leading supplier of precision extruded aluminum automotive components and assemblies, has selected Flagstaff as the new home for their fourth production plant. UACJ Whitehall will take over a portion of the former Walgreen’s distribution center and will manufacture parts for electric vehicles and other automotive companies.

“We are so excited to welcome Whitehall Industries to Flagstaff,” said Mayor Paul Deasey. “They are a cutting-edge company that exemplifies Flagstaff’s character as a city of innovation and sustainability. We look forward to the immense positive impact they will have for our community.”

City of Flagstaff receives National League of Cities Community Resilience Grant

The National League of Cities (NLC) announced the city of Flagstaff as one of eight cities for the 2021 Leadership in Community Resilience program. The NLC will provide the city with $10,000 in direct financial support as well as technical assistance and advisory services from NLC staff and partners to help meet community-specific resilience goals. The city will use this funding to focus on the impacts of smoke from wildfires and prescribed burns by launching the Resilient Neighborhoods Network in three pilot neighborhoods and to provide micro-grants for participating neighborhoods, as well as purchasing HEPA air purifiers to distribute to vulnerable residents.

City of Flagstaff and Greater Flagstaff Chamber of Commerce listening tour

The city of Flagstaff’s Community Development and Engineering Divisions in conjunction with the Greater Flagstaff Chamber of Commerce will host a listening tour with community partners starting in March. The meetings will be held twice per month with the goal of opening a dialogue with city customers about the development process and procedures to find efficiencies and improve the overall experience for applicants, owners and staff. 

City of Flagstaff — ParkFlag to resume paid parking enforcement

The city of Flagstaff’s paid parking program, ParkFlag will resume March 1, 2021 and will continue to manage the limited supply of parking downtown and in the Southside Neighborhood. This program was suspended due to COVID-19, however, enforcement of title 9 parking violations including time limited parking has been ongoing.

When ParkFlag resumes, the program will include changes that were recommended by the public, including:

City of Flagstaff Presidents’ Day closures

Flagstaff city administrative functions will be closed in observance of Presidents’ Day on Feb. 15, 2021. City administrative functions will reopen on Feb. 16 with regular hours of 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. City Hall remains closed to the public due to COVID-19.

City of Flagstaff announces Short Term Rental ordinance

In Dec. 2020, the Flagstaff City Council approved a Short Term Rental (STR) ordinance, outlining several new regulations for these property types. The ordinance requires all STRs in the community to register so the city can better monitor and track complaints as well streamline enforcement efforts.

The full ordinance can be found at https://www.codepublishing.com/AZ/Flagstaff/ in the City Code (Chapter 3-12). All STRs must be registered with the city by Feb. 7. Property owners and operators of STRs who have not received notice can contact  ShortTermRental@flagstaffaz.gov to register the property.

City of Flagstaff Trash and Recycling collection suspended

Trash and recycling collections for both residential and commercial businesses is suspended for Monday, Jan. 25, 2021 due to worsening weather and road conditions. Solid Waste personnel will be redeployed to assist with snow operations. Trash and recycling collection will resume when conditions are safe.

City of Flagstaff announces Water Service director candidates, meet and greet virtually on Jan. 20 from 5 to 6 p.m.

The city of Flagstaff will interview two candidates with diverse backgrounds in the water and wastewater industries for the Water Services director position. The public will have an opportunity to listen to introductions and to ask questions of the candidates during a virtual meet and greet on Jan. 20 from 5 – 6 p.m. The public can join the virtual meet and greet here: https://bit.ly/3bIItc9. Participants in the meet and greet are encouraged to fill out a feedback form after the event here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WaterServicesDirector. Brief candidate bios are included below.

City of Flagstaff announces Library Entry Survey and Invitation to Upload Images

Thank you, Flagstaff, for your input on the library entry re-design! 176 people responded to the survey. Some of the many themes that emerged include value in the natural environment, an interest in geologic and Native/Indigenous history, the importance of the library for children and families, the library as a gathering and meeting place, and a space that offers free amenities and builds community. This follow-up opportunity is to allow you to share images with the City as well! The tool allows for one photo at once, feel free to provide input several times.

City of Flagstaff announces Martin Luther King Jr. Day closures

Flagstaff city administrative functions will be closed in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday, Jan. 18, 2021. City Hall administrative functions will reopen on Jan. 19 with regular hours of 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

The Flagstaff City-Coconino County Public Library and East Flagstaff Public Library will also be closed on Jan. 18. Both locations will resume curbside hold pickup and phone reference services on Jan. 19. 

Solar co-op launches for northern Arizona residents to go solar together

The city of Flagstaff, city of Sedona, and Coconino County, the nonprofit group Solar United Neighbors (SUN) announced the launch of the Northern ArizonaSolar Co-op to help area residents go solar.

“The co-op will enable northern Arizona homeowners and business owners to join the growing community of people saving money by harnessing solar power,” said Bret Fanshaw, Arizona program director for SUN. “Together, we’re building a movement to create a more sustainable electricity system that directly benefits households and small businesses in the community.”

Statement from Mayor Deasy regarding attempted coup

“The attempted coup at the Capitol was both un-American and unconstitutional. I want to be very clear, the actions of this mob of unhinged extremists do not represent the values of America or Flagstaff,” said Flagstaff Mayor Paul Deasy. “We must denounce these actions and the ideologies fueling them in the strongest terms today and each day moving forward. We cannot let this type of behavior be normalized, to do so would constitute a fundamental threat to our republic. I call on our constituents to reject this type of behavior and work together to protect and defend the United States of America and the values we hold dear.”

Feb. 17 — City of Flagstaff to hold Climate Emergency open houses

The city of Flagstaff’s Sustainability Program will host an online Climate Emergency open house series. The series will discuss the pathway to carbon neutrality, updates to the Climate Action and Adaptation Plan and actions the program will take moving forward.

The open house series will take place in two parts. The first part will be on the Open House website, which will host videos from community experts and activists, resources about the Climate Emergency and the framework of the upcoming Carbon Neutrality Plan. This website will launch on Feb. 4, 2021. Community members can use this resource to view and learn at their own pace. Site visitors will be asked to create a free account using their name and email. The site will also include a survey via the Flagstaff Community Forum to collect feedback from residents.

Sept. 29 — Open house event highlights free program for property owners businesses & exciting NAIPTA project

On September 29, 2021 from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. the City of Flagstaff, Coconino County and the Northern Arizona Council of Governments (NACOG) will hold a free open house at 216 West Phoenix Avenue.

The event, held in a former City warehouse, will highlight two items. First, the Northern Arizona Intergovernmental Public Transportation Authority’s (NAIPTA) plans for the property will be showcased, including a new Downtown Connection Center building and channelization of the Rio de Flag. 

Nov. 17 — City of Flagstaff to hold public hearings on the carbon neutrality amendment to the Flagstaff Regional Plan 2030

The City of Flagstaff Planning and Zoning Commission will hold two public hearings to review a major amendment to the Flagstaff Regional Plan 2030. The proposed amendment will update the Plan’s climate action goals and policies to align with the Flagstaff Carbon Neutrality Plan.

Nov. 20 — Do you have a household item in need of repair? Fix it for free at the Fix-it Clinic!

The City of Flagstaff Sustainability Office is hosting a Fix-it Clinic on Saturday, November 20th from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The event will be held at the Joe C. Montoya Community and Senior Center, located at 245 N. Thorpe Rd, Flagstaff, AZ 86001.

Volunteers will be fixing small household appliances, clothing, electronics, jewelry, bicycles and more. Appointments for fixes will be given priority, but walk-ins are welcome. Make an appointment online at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60b0a4daaac23a3f49-fixit. Please note that masks are required of all attendees.

City of Flagstaff announces Treecycling Program

The city of Flagstaff has a Treecyling program to address the issue of Christmas trees sent to the landfill. Residents with curbside trash service can place their tree curbside by 6 a.m. on Jan. 4. The city’s Solid Waste Section will pick up trees throughout the city through Jan. 8. All tinsel, lights and ornaments need to be removed before the tree is placed on the curb.

Residents living in multifamily housing can also participate by bringing their trees to one of the following locations until Jan. 17:

Old Public Works Yard: 419 N. Mogollon St.
Continental Little League Field: 5700 E. Old Walnut Canyon Rd.

Dan Musselman named Police Chief

The city of Flagstaff has named Dan Musselman as the new Police Chief. Musselman participated in an open, competitive and thorough recruitment process that attracted 35 candidates.

“This was a very competitive recruitment process, with qualified candidates from across the country,” said City Manager Greg Clifton. “I want to thank everyone who applied and offer my congratulations to Chief Musselman.”

City of Flagstaff declares a Housing Emergency

The Flagstaff City Council declared a Housing Emergency at their meeting on Dec. 2, 2020 with the passage of Resolution 2020-66. The declaration recognizes the need to make housing a leading priority within city operations and the community. Mayor Coral Evans said, “Flagstaff has simply become used to living with this housing crisis and because of that, our community does not recognize how dire the current the conditions are for our community members.”  

10 Flagstaff Winter Awareness Tips: Know Before You Go

Designated as Arizona’s winter wonderland, Flagstaff accumulates an average of 100 inches of snow annually to partake in a multitude of winter activities. Please stay, play, social distance, and mask while visiting and adhere to required CDC healthcare travel guidelines, business recommendations and varied hours.  

Travel safely and know before you go to Flagstaff with these top ten winter awareness tips:  

Flagstaff seeks community input on Dec. 9 in search for new Police Chief

The community is invited to participate in the selection of the Flagstaff Police Department’s next Police Chief at an upcoming meet and greet. The public meet and greet is scheduled for Dec. 9, 2020 at 5 p.m. and will held via Microsoft Teams.

The meet and greet will begin with each of the three candidates providing an introduction about themselves including their previous education and experience and how it relates to the Police Chief position. After all introductions have been completed, participants in the meeting will have an opportunity to submit questions for the Police Chief candidates to answer. 

City of Flagstaff Adopts High Occupancy Housing Zoning Code Text Amendment

The Flagstaff City Council adopted the High Occupancy Housing (HOH) Zoning Code Text Amendment at their meeting on Nov. 17, 2020. Effective on March 1, 2021, the adopted amendment is the first Zoning Code Text Amendment to implement the HOH Specific Plan.  This amendment impacts most residential and mixed-use (residential and non-residential) developments by regulating the number of bedrooms and the number of dwelling units that are allowed with and without obtaining separate approval (a Conditional Use Permit) from the city. Developments that are required to obtain Conditional Use Permit will be considered a HOH Development or Mixed-use HOH Development.

Flagstaff returns to Phase 2 of COVID-19 Reentry Plan

The city of Flagstaff will return to Stage 2 of its COVID-19 Reentry Plan on Nov. 30. This move is due to the upward trajectory in the number of new cases, hospitalizations and COVID related deaths in Flagstaff over four weeks or more.

Under Phase 2, the city will re-close the following city facilities and amenities:

Coconino County, the City of Flagstaff and Mountain Line Team Up for Stuff the Virtual Bus

This year’s annual Stuff the Bus community food drive benefitting The Flagstaff Family Food Center will be held virtually November 16 – November 22 continuing the longstanding partnership between Coconino County, the City of Flagstaff and Mountain Line.

The need for donations is greater than ever due to COVID-19. The Flagstaff Family Food Center estimates that since the beginning of the pandemic, the demand for its hunger relief programs have increased by 80%. The Center feeds 2,000 people a day, 365 days a year.

City of Flagstaff announces Thanksgiving closures

City administrative offices and operations will be closed Nov. 26 and 27, 2020 for the Thanksgiving holiday and reopen on Nov. 30, 2020.

The East Flagstaff Community Library and the Flagstaff City-Coconino County Public Library will also be closed on Nov. 26 and 27. and will resume curbside hold pickup, phone reference services, and computer reservations on Nov. 30, 2020.

City of Flagstaff seeks input on McMillan Mesa Natural Area rezone amendment application during meetings of Dec. 14, Jan. 13

Proposition 413 (Campaign for a Greater Buffalo Park) was passed by Flagstaff voters in 2016. This proposition restricted the use of approximately 300 acres of City-owned property on McMillan Mesa to public open space and passive recreation. The land affected by Proposition 413 is currently zoned as Public Facilities and Rural Residential. The City Council directed staff to amend the Zoning Code to reflect the outcomes of Proposition 413. The City Council approved the McMillan Mesa Natural Area major plan amendment in 2018, the next step is to amend the existing zoning of the area Public Facilities and Rural Residential Zoning to Public Open Space. 

Flagstaff named climate leader

Flagstaff was named one of 88 cities to score top grades on climate action by environmental impact non-profit CDP (the “A list”). CDP’s A List is based on environmental data disclosed by hundreds of cities in 2020. To score an A, a city must disclose publicly and have a city-wide emissions inventory, have set an emissions reduction target and published a climate action plan. The cities must also complete a climate risk and vulnerability assessment and have completed a climate adaptation plan to demonstrate how it will tackle climate hazards now and in the future, among other actions.

City of Flagstaff Fire restrictions lifted

The city of Flagstaff has lifted all fire restrictions within city limits effective Nov. 9 at 2 p.m. The restrictions were lifted due to the increased moisture received in the greater Flagstaff area. While restrictions are lifted, residents and visitors are asked to use caution while using ignition sources for barbecue, charcoal, and propane stoves. No open burning is allowed in the city of Flagstaff.

Fourth Street bridge lane closure

The outside southbound lane on Fourth Street will remain closed across the new Fourth Street bridges until the completion of the planned widening of Fourth Street from Soliere Avenue to Sparrow Avenue This widening will begin in late winter/early spring of 2021.This project will include:

Agassiz Street renaming

The Flagstaff City Council provided direction to rename Agassiz Street due to Louis Agassiz’s history of racism at their June 16, 2020 meeting. In August and September of 2020, city staff held virtual town hall meetings to collect suggestions for a new street name from the public. Each suggestion was vetted by Emergency Services, the Postal Service, the city of Flagstaff and Coconino County to ensure that it could be implemented safely. 

Water Conservation Program awarded EPA WaterSense award

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recognized the city of Flagstaff Water Conservation program with a 2020 WaterSense Excellence Award for promoting WaterSense and water efficiency in 2019. The Water Conservation Program offers rebates to both businesses and homeowners to install WaterSense labeled toilets, showerheads and faucet aerators. This resulted in thousands of fixture replacements in 2019.

Flagstaff residents urged to take Carbon neutrality survey

The Flagstaff City Council declared a Climate Emergency on June 23, 2020. The declaration commits Flagstaff to update its Climate Action and Adaptation Plan to achieve carbon neutrality by the year 2030 while supporting a collaborative climate action mobilization effort that will require full community participation.