Tag: City of Flagstaff

Prescribed burns planned within Flagstaff city limits on May 21

FLAGSTAFF — The Flagstaff Fire Department is planning a prescribed burn on Tuesday, May 21 in the Observatory Mesa Natural Area off Forest Service Rd 515A and Westridge Rd. The burn area is approximately 123 acres. Sections of the Observatory Mesa Trail will be closed to the public during firing operations. The Mars Hill, Tunnel Springs, and Karen Cooper FUTS trails will remain open. There will be an increased firefighter presence in the area during the hours of 7 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Smoke is expected to drift to the northeast over the neighborhoods of Westridge, Anasazi Ridge and Ridge Crest. Fire managers will coordinate with neighboring national forests, national parks, fire departments, and the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality to monitor smoke impacts.

City of Flagstaff and NAU VisualDESIGN Lab partnering on new City logo

The NAU VisualDESIGN Lab is a collaborative learning space where students in the NAU Visual Communication program work with community members as active partners on innovative design solutions that help bring brand awareness to local non-profits and university organizations. It has a proven history of creating recognized and lasting logos for many prevalent organizations in Flagstaff, including Coconino County, Flagstaff Festival of Science, and Flagstaff Shelter Services.

Installation of traffic calming infrastructure to begin in Boulder Pointe neighborhood

FLAGSTAFF — Work to install traffic calming infrastructure in the Boulder Pointe neighborhood and on Woodland Dr will begin on Monday, May 20 and will be complete in August 2024. The purpose of the project is to address speeding concerns in thearea by installing traffic calming measures that include traffic circles, pedestrian crossings and curb bump outs. The project will occur at five locations:

City of Flagstaff — Early closure of Cinder Lake Landfill on May 22

FLAGSTAFF — In observance of National Public Works Week and in recognition of the City’s essential and core services workers, the Recycling Transfer Facility (1800 E Butler Ave), Cinder Lake Landfill and Hazardous Products Center (6770 E Landfill Rd) will be closing at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, May 22, 2024. A public works appreciation event will be held for City staff during this time.

Traffic impacts anticipated on University Heights Drive North, Beulah Blvd and Lake Mary Road

FLAGSTAFF — Road closures and associated traffic control measures are scheduled in late April, May and June to accommodate utility work near University Heights Dr North, Beulah Blvd, and Lake Mary Rd. The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) will also implement traffic control measures for restrictions at the I-17 and Lake Mary Rd offramp. This work is related to the Home2 Suites and Tru by Hilton hotel development.

Mayoral and City Councilmember candidates certified for Flagstaff ballot

FLAGSTAFF —The City of Flagstaff has received all candidate packets for the 2024 General Election and the statutory period for candidate challenges has expired. The Flagstaff City Clerk’s Office did not receive notice of any challenges to candidates running for City office in Flagstaff. Consequently, the following individuals turned in the requisite number of signatures as well as all required documents and have been certified for the ballot.

City of Flagstaff announces Call to Artists to create designs for traffic signal cabinets

FLAGSTAFF — The City of Flagstaff’s Beautification, Arts & Sciences program seeks artists, graphic designers and illustrators to create original designs for traffic signal cabinets. The deadline to apply is May 7, 2024.

The call is open to artists 18 years or older who currently live and work within the United States. Submitted designs must be original artwork and can be created in any medium, so long as the design can be represented in a high-resolution digital image without loss of integrity or quality. Designs will be printed on vinyl and installed on cabinets in high-traffic areas. Three artists will be selected to create artwork for three cabinets at the following signalized locations: N Fourth St and E Sparrow Ave, N Beaver St and Flagstaff Medical Center Pedestrian Crosswalk and S Lake Mary Rd and W High Country Trail.

Farmers and agriculturally focused organizations invited to apply to license the McAllister Ranch Urban Farm Incubator

FLAGSTAFF — Members of the public are invited to submit applications to license the McAllister Ranch Urban Farm Incubator for urban agriculture. Licensed land is to be used for regenerative urban agriculture, educational programming, community gardening space or associated activities. Applications are due by 9 p.m. on Sunday, April 28, 2024.  

Downtown Flagstaff Library to close April 22-30, pop-up services available at City Hall

During this time period, the library will be providing services with a Pop-Up Library at City Hall in the Council Conference Room on the first floor. Limited services provided will include on-hold material pick-ups, 30-minute express computer access with printing, limited browsing of new books for checkout, and standard reference and circulation services. Hours of service for the Pop-Up Library will be Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Construction across Milton Road to begin for the Beulah/University Realignment Project

FLAGSTAFF — The City of Flagstaff and their contractor, Eagle Mountain Construction, along with the Arizona Department of Transportation, are working to finish Phase 1 of the Beulah/University Realignment Project. The final portion of Phase 1 includes crossing Milton Road with new water and sewer utility infrastructure, which is scheduled to begin in early April 2024. In order to safely install new utilities across Milton Road, lane closures will be required.

Construction to begin on Schultz Creek Drainage Improvements at US Hwy 180

FLAGSTAFF — The City of Flagstaff and their contractor, Banicki Construction, will start construction on the Schultz Creek Drainage Improvements at US Hwy 180 in April. The project will include the installation of a new concrete box culvert under US Hwy 180 and is scheduled to be substantially complete by July 1 to help mitigate flooding before the 2024 monsoon season. Final project activities such as repaving of the highway and re-establishing nearby landscaping will be completed by Aug. 1.

City of Flagstaff begins work on Landfill Access Road Improvement Project

FLAGSTAFF — The City of Flagstaff is set to begin work on the Cinder Lake Landfill Access Road Improvement Project. The project will reconstruct Landfill Road to improve safety, optimize travel conditions and provide stormwater enhancements and is scheduled to be complete by September 2024.

Upcoming Linda Vista Road Closure and Grandview Roadway Construction

FLAGSTAFF — As part of the Spruce Wash Improvements Projects, a full road closure will be required on E Linda Vista Drive between N Paradise Road and N Adrianne Way for the Linda Vista Crossing Project. Access will be maintained through the closure for emergency vehicles, bikes, pedestrians. This closure will be in effect from March 2024 into spring 2025 and will allow for crews to remove and replace the existing culverts that cross E Linda Vista Drive. The City will also be removing and replacing sections of water and sewer mains and installing new storm drains within the roadway.

Terminal Maintenance Begins at Flagstaff Pulliam Airport

“We are dedicated to enhancing the travel experience for all visitors to FLG. This project has been carefully planned to minimize inconvenience to travelers. By scheduling the bulk of the work at night, we aim to ensure smooth operations without impacting departures or arrivals. Moreover, the terminal sprinkler project underscores our commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of all passengers for years to come. Additionally, travelers can anticipate a refreshed terminal interior with newly painted walls, updated wayfinding signage, new lighting and more,” stated Airport Director Brian Gall.

Intermittent traffic impacts to Southside and West Flagstaff anticipated for installation of fiber-optic line

FLAGSTAFF — Altice USA and Networx Cabling Systems will be working in the Southside neighborhood and West Flagstaff to install new fiber-optic line. The work is scheduled to begin on Monday, March 18 and is expected to be completed by Sunday, March 31.

City Update on ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) Funding

FLAGSTAFF — On the third anniversary of the passage of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), the City of Flagstaff continues work on allocating ARPA funding to support a variety of local causes and initiatives.

Allocations of ARPA funds to date include $2.4M to congregate care, housing assistance, job training, mental health, and substance abuse services, $3M to education assistance and early learning programs, and $1.4M to local non-profits and small businesses. The information below provides a small sampling of some of the ARPA funding that was allocated by the City to its community partners.

City of Flagstaff seeks community input in search for new police chief

FLAGSTAFF — The community is invited to participate in the selection of the Flagstaff Police Department’s next police chief at an upcoming meet and greet. The public meet and greet is scheduled for Wednesday, March 20 at 5 p.m. in City Hall Council Chambers at 211 West Aspen Avenue or via Microsoft Teams.

The meet and greet will begin with each of the five candidates for Police Chief providing an introduction about themselves, including their previous education and experience, and how it relates to the police chief position. After all introductions have been completed, there will be a few questions answered by each candidate prior to an opportunity for participants to mingle with the candidates. Information about each candidate is listed below.

City of Flagstaff community garden plot applications opening soon for the 2024 growing season

FLAGSTAFF — Members of the public are invited to submit applications for community garden plots starting on Friday, March 1. Returning gardeners will have priority until April 1 to secure their plots from the previous season. The remaining available plots will be offered to new gardeners on a first-come, first-served basis. New gardeners who do not have access to growing space at home or those who qualify for SNAP benefits will be given priority for remaining available plots through the application process.

City of Flagstaff seeking Beautification in Action grant applications by March 15

FLAGSTAFF — The City of Flagstaff is seeking Beautification in Action grant applications for streetscape art and beautification projects that provide a lasting benefit! Grants of up to $4,500 are available. Made by the community for the community, projects can take…

City of Flagstaff announces Presidents’ Day closures

FLAGSTAFF — City Hall offices at 211 W. Aspen Ave. will be closed in observance of Presidents’ Day on Monday, Feb. 19, 2024. City Hall offices will reopen on Tuesday, Feb. 20.

City of Flagstaff facilities that are closed on Presidents’ Day include:

Lockett-Fourth Street Roundabout project delayed

FLAGSTAFF — The Lockett-Fourth Street Roundabout project construction schedule has been delayed and construction is now expected to be completed in 2025. The full intersection closure of Lockett Road, Cedar Avenue and Fourth Street required to construct the project will now take place during the summer of 2025. The delay was caused by complexities related to utility relocations, right-of-way acquisitions, finalizing the project design, and amendments to the Intergovernmental Agreement.

City of Flagstaff Program Year 2024 CDBG Notice of Funding Availability

FLAGSTAFF — The City of Flagstaff is proud to announce the availability of Community Development Block Grant Funds for the 2024 Program Year (July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025). Please see below for more information about the development of the City’s Annual Action Plan and Public Participation Process

Organizations interested in applying for CDBG funding can find the Notice of Funding Availability attached or at the City of Flagstaff webpage at: https://www.flagstaff.az.gov/626/Community-Development-Block-Grants

City of Flagstaff — Volunteers needed for Point in Time Count starting Jan. 24

FLAGSTAFF — The annual Point in Time Count (PIT) willtake place starting Jan. 24 throughout the City of Flagstaff.This count documents the number of unsheltered people experiencing homelessness at a single point in time and isconducted across the country.

Local data collected during the annual PIT Count measuresprogress at local and national levels related to preventingand ending homelessness. Information gathered from thesurveys can help raise awareness about the challengesfaced by people who are experiencing homeless in thecommunity. Data is also shared at the local, state andnational level to determine funding for homeless servicesthroughout Coconino County. This count is required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

City of Flagstaff announces Martin Luther King Jr. Day closures

FLAGSTAFF — City Hall administrative offices at 211 W. Aspen Ave. will be closed on Monday, Jan. 15 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. City Hall offices will reopen on Tuesday, Jan. 16 with regular hours.

Other City of Flagstaff facilities that are closed on Jan. 15 include:

City of Flagstaff 2023 Neighborhood Sustainability Grant recipients announced

FLAGSTAFF — The City of Flagstaff Sustainability Office and Sustainability Commission are pleased to announce this year’s Neighborhood Sustainability Grant recipients. The Neighborhood Sustainability Grant program is an annual grant opportunity for Flagstaff individuals, organizations, and businesses to continue or implement new community sustainability projects. This year, 13 of an impressive 31 applicants received grant funding in amounts ranging from $2,150 to $7,500.

City of Flagstaff — Be a Snow Hero this winter!

FLAGSTAFF — As winter embraces Flagstaff, the City is introducing its new Snow Hero Program to increase safety and accessibility to our neighborhoods. The program assists Flagstaff community members in need of help clearing their sidewalks of snow and ice by matching them with a Snow Hero Participant. The City is looking for community members to serve as Snow Heroes this winter.

The Snow Hero Program is a community-driven effort to support sidewalk snow and ice clearing throughout Flagstaff. As a Snow Hero, you will be matched with a nearby neighbor who has registered for assistance. Your role will be to clear snow and ice from the sidewalk(s) adjacent to their property within 48 hours following a snow event.

City of Flagstaff 2024 Bulky Waste Collection Schedule

FLAGSTAFF — The City of Flagstaff Solid Waste Section has published the 2024 schedule for bulky waste collection, which is provided to all single-family households within Flagstaff city limits. Bulky waste collection will continue to be performed in five geographic sections throughout the City once every five weeks per the map and schedule that can be downloaded at flagstaff.az.gov/DocumentCenter/View/77841.

Jan. 31 — Flagstaff area developers and contractors invited to capacity fee drop-in events

FLAGSTAFF — The City of Flagstaff is hosting two drop-in events on proposed changes to growth-related water and sewer capacity fees. Flagstaff area developers and contractors are invited to attend to learn more about the proposed fee changes, as well as the City’s Water, Wastewater, and Reclaimed Water Rate Study. City staff will be available to take feedback and answer questions.

Feb. 1 — City of Flagstaff hosts open house events on Engineering Design Standards

FLAGSTAFF — The City of Flagstaff will host two open house events to discuss proposed updates to the City’s Engineering Design Standards and Specifications. Members of the public are invited to attend to review the proposed updates and share feedback.

A virtual open house will also be held via Microsoft Teams on Thursday, Feb. 1 from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. The meeting can be accessed here.

Feb. 10 — Flagstaff hosts Fix-It Clinic

FLAGSTAFF — The City of Flagstaff Sustainability Office is excited to announce an upcoming Fix-It Clinic on Saturday, Feb. 10, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Joe C. Montoya Community & Senior Center (245 N. Thorpe Rd.).

Fix-It Clinics are community-driven events that pair community members with knowledgeable volunteers who can help fix small appliances, clothing, electronics, and more! Join us for a day of hands-on sustainability and learn how simple repairs can make a big difference. Let’s work together towards a more sustainable Flagstaff.

Feb. 21 — Regional Plan Committee to review chapters of Flagstaff Regional Plan 2045

FLAGSTAFF — The City of Flagstaff and Coconino County invite residents to attend meetings of the Regional Plan Committee as the Committee begins reviewing draft chapters of the Flagstaff Regional Plan 2045. The first chapter to be reviewed focuses on natural resources, and the Committee will discuss the chapter on Wednesday, Feb. 21 at 6 p.m. at the City of Flagstaff Public Works Building (3200 W Route 66).  

April 1 — City of Flagstaff to host Spruce Wash Community Meeting

FLAGSTAFF — The City of Flagstaff invites residents impacted by post-wildfire flooding in the Spruce Wash/ Museum Flood Area to a community meeting on Monday, April 1 from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. at Flagstaff City Hall (211 W Aspen Ave). During the meeting, City staff will discuss ongoing infrastructure projects, preparations for monsoon season and answer questions from residents.  

April 4 — City of Flagstaff to hold public meeting for Lone Tree Improvements

FLAGSTAFF — The City of Flagstaff will hold a public meeting for Lone Tree Improvements from 5:30 to 7 p.m. on Thursday, April 4, 2024, in Flagstaff City Hall at 211 W. Aspen Ave. A presentation will be given at 5:45 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to share project designs, describe construction phasing and traffic impacts, and introduce the contractor.

Improvements to the Lone Tree corridor include the construction of a new overpass that will extend Lone Tree Road between Butler Avenue to the south and Route 66 to the north. Other improvements include a new intersection at Lone Tree Road and Route 66, bicycle lanes, trails, landscaping and modifications to existing intersections.

April 8 — City of Flagstaff hosts informational meeting on water rate study

FLAGSTAFF — The City of Flagstaff is hosting an informational meeting about the current drinking water, wastewater, and reclaimed water rate study on Monday, April 8 from 5:30 – 7 p.m. at the East Flagstaff Community Library (3000 N Fourth St). The meeting will be a drop-in style event where attendees can learn more about the rate study and see how proposed rate changes will affect their water bill. Attendees can also ask questions of City staff and provide feedback. 

April 20 — City of Flagstaff hosts Earth Day Celebration

Kick off the day by joining a community litter clean-up led by Arizona Conservation Corps (AZCC), which will take place from 9-10 a.m. before the community celebration. Volunteers should arrive at the meeting location by 8:45 a.m. A light breakfast will be available for volunteers. For more information and to register for the event, visit Flagstaff.az.gov/EarthDay. 

April 27 — Properly dispose of batteries, lightbulbs, medications and more at Drop-off Day in Flagstaff

We are excited to partner with the Flagstaff Hazardous Products Center, Coconino County, Flagstaff Police Department, Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), Ponderosa Medical Waste Services, Elevated Shredding, and Westech Recyclers to put your waste in the right place.

May 18 — City of Flagstaff hosts drop-in event for residents to learn about upcoming changes to water bills

FLAGSTAFF — The City of Flagstaff is hosting a drop-in event for customers to learn about upcoming changes to City water bills. The event will be held at the Flagstaff Aquaplex (1702 N Fourth St) on Saturday, May 18 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Pizza will be provided, and all attendees will receive one free day pass to the Aquaplex facility. Adults and children are welcome.

Aug. 12 — City of Flagstaff hosts event celebrating Indigenous Code Talkers

FLAGSTAFF — The City of Flagstaff will celebrate Indigenous Code Talkers with an event on Monday, Aug. 12 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Aquaplex Community Room (1702 N. Fourth St). Members of the public are welcome to attend.

The event will feature a posting of the colors, singing of the Marines Hymn, an official proclamation, and recognition of all Indigenous Code Talkers. A light lunch will be served to attendees.

This event is made possible through the collaboration of members of the Indigenous Commission, local nonprofit organizations, and other volunteers who have donated their time and efforts.

Aug. 14 — City of Flagstaff to host planting day at new Bushmaster Park Community Fruit Orchard

The Bushmaster Park Community Fruit Orchard will improve community food access, biodiversity and ecosystem resiliency and is a result of two City of Flagstaff grants awarded to local resident Alexi Kimiatek last fall—a $4,500 Beautification in Action grant from the Beautification & Public Art Commission and a $7,500 Neighborhood Sustainability grant from the Sustainability Commission. Grant funds enabled Kimiatek to purchase 30 fruit trees, tools and equipment, as well as hire skilled labor to complete site preparation including irrigation.

Aug. 23 — City of Flagstaff hosts community meeting for upcoming water rate changes

FLAGSTAFF — The City of Flagstaff is hosting a community meeting for upcoming water rate changes at the Hal Jensen Recreation Center (2403 N Izabel Street) on Friday, Aug. 23 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Pizza will be provided, and adults and children are welcome.

In July, the City Council adopted a resolution and ordinance to increase potable water, sewer, and reclaimed water rates and fees. Rates will increase over a five-year period to adequately fund water infrastructure projects, operations, maintenance, and debt repayment contained in the five-year capital improvement program for Flagstaff Water Services.

Oct. 14 — Flagstaff hosts Indigenous Peoples Day celebration event

FLAGSTAFF — The City of Flagstaff will host an Indigenous Peoples Day celebration on Monday, Oct. 14, 2024. The event, titled “Reflecting | Honoring | Resilience: Voices for Land and Community”, will take place from 9a.m. to 2p.m. and will feature presentations and cultural shares through songs and dances. Lunch will be served to attendees. The event will be held at the Elks Lodge (2101 N San Francisco St.) A schedule of the event will be posted on the City’s website.

Recycle your Christmas tree this January through the City’s treecycling program

FLAGSTAFF — The City of Flagstaff is proud to provide a treecycling service during the month of January to assist with the proper recycling of Christmas trees. Collected trees will be mulched and used in City landscaping projects or as alternative daily cover at the Cinder Lake landfill. 

Curbside pick-up will be provided by the City’s Solid Waste Collections program to single-family households located within City limits that regularly receive bulky waste collection service from Jan. 2 through Jan. 12 (pending weather conditions). Trees must be placed on the curb by 6 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 2.

City of Flagstaff awarded $9.6M grant for Butler Avenue Complete Streets Conversion

FLAGSTAFF —The City of Flagstaff has been awarded $9.6M from the United States Department of Transportation to implement the Butler Avenue Complete Streets Conversion. The City will convert 0.9 miles of arterial road in the urban center of Flagstaff to a Complete Street. The project includes installing bike lanes that are grade-separated from motor vehicle traffic; three protected intersections; a new pedestrian crossing; upgrades to an existing pedestrian crossing; and pedestrian comfort features, such as landscape buffers, that also result in reducing speeds through the historic Southside Neighborhood in the core of Flagstaff.

Flagstaff Mayor Becky Daggett said “Safe streets for all is our goal and this grant will put our pedestrian and bike designs for Butler Avenue into action. Thanks to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Flagstaff has received $58M to date and residents and visitors alike will get to enjoy transportation and infrastructure projects designed to make moving around town on foot, bike, bus, and car easier and more convenient. Thanks to Arizona’s Senators Kelly and Sinema for their part in making this happen.”

Flagstaff unsheltered community members give back: Community Assistance Teams’ People at Work initiative picks up over 3,500 cubic feet of litter

FLAGSTAFF — In four short months, the Community Assistance Teams’ (CATs) People at Work (P@W) initiative has removed over 3,500 cubic feet of litter from Flagstaff streets, employed dozens of unsheltered community members, and provided nearly 12,000 hours of community service. P@W is partially funded through the City of Flagstaff Sustainability Office’s Engage, Empower, Elevate (E3) grant program. E3 was developed in response to a two-fold challenge in Flagstaff; the record high number of persons that are unsheltered or at risk of being unsheltered and the ongoing challenge of keeping Flagstaff litter-free.

City of Flagstaff announces holiday closures

FLAGSTAFF — Flagstaff City Hall will be closed on Monday, Dec. 25 and Monday, Jan. 1 for the Christmas and New Year holidays. Closures and reopening schedules for other City facilities and services are listed below.

City of Flagstaff seeking snow equipment operators

FLAGSTAFF — Interested in a part-time schedule and the exciting opportunity to take part in winter snow operations? Join our Public Works team as a temporary Snow Operations – Equipment Operator today!

To apply, visit http://www.governmentjobs.com/…/snow-operations-temp…

Flagstaff community input needed – Take the Community Rail Safety survey today!

FLAGSTAFF — The City of Flagstaff is asking community members to take its Community Rail Safety Survey to provide input on rail safety. Questions include preferred solutions to reduce risk at roadway rail crossings as well as preferred educational and enforcement solutions to improve safety. To take the survey, visit surveymonkey.com/r/COFDMWeb.

The City of Flagstaff and BNSF are partnering to develop a Community Rail Safety Plan in conjunction with design and construction of several large civil works projects along the Flagstaff rail corridor (comprising the Lone Tree Overpass and Downtown Mile projects). This plan will help address areas of risk and identify mitigations to improve safety throughout Flagstaff.

Final Public Notice – Museum Fire Post-Fire Flood Mitigation Cedar Avenue

FLAGSTAFF — The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide federal financial assistance under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) to the City of Flagstaff (sub-applicant), located in Coconino County, Arizona, to upgrade an existing concrete box culvert (proposed action). Pursuant to Executive Order 11988 (Floodplain Management), Executive Order 11990 (Protection of Wetlands), and FEMA’s implementing regulations at Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 9, FEMA hereby provides interested parties with a notice of its final decision and an explanation of the alternatives that were considered.

City of Flagstaff and Coconino County to host open houses (Dec. 2, 9; Jan. 16) for the Flagstaff Regional Plan 2045

FLAGSTAF — The City of Flagstaff and Coconino County invite residents to participate in Scenario Choosing Open Houses for the Flagstaff Regional Plan 2045. These open houses are centered around how the region should approach growth to address uncertainties and opportunities that may lie ahead. This is a once-a-decade opportunity to shape the future of our community.

The open houses will be available in both an online and in-person format. To participate in the open house virtually, visit bit.ly/scenariochoosing from Nov. 16, 2023 to Jan. 19, 2024. Information on the in-person open houses is provided below. Attendees may sign up in advance for childcare at in-person events at flagstaff.az.gov/RegionalPlan2045.