Tag: Blue Stem Prescribed Fire

Blue Stem Prescribed Fire Complete, Rx Burns Continuing on Williams Ranger District This Week

WILLIAMS — Fire managers have successfully treated 6904 acres on Tusayan Ranger District last week completing the Blue Stem Rx Fire Project and are moving back to the Three Sisters Prescribed Fire Project located just north of the City of Williams and Interstate 40, south of forest road 124, between Airport Road and the west side of Highway 64. 

Improving weather conditions have re-opened the opportunity for crews to return working in the local areas near Williams and Spring Valley. Plans are in place to begin ignitions on approximately 1500 acres of the Pronghorn and Cataract units of Three Sisters project on Tuesday October 8, and then move to the 4200 acre Marteen East Rx Fire Project later this same week. This project is located north of Spring Valley, west of forest road 144, and east of Laws Spring.