Tag: AARP Hispanic Connection

AARP Arizona Hispanic Connection — ¡Adiós 2024! … ¡Bienvenido 2025! … ¡GRACIAS!

Today we conclude the radio programming for 2024 We hope to continue in 2025 and, above all, continue to count on your tune. We wish to have served you as you deserve. THANK YOU!


Hoy concluimos la programación radial de 2024. Esperamos continuar en 2025 y, sobre todo, seguir contando con su sintonía. Deseamos haberle servido como usted se merece. ¡GRACIAS!

AARP Hispanic Connection — First update of the year

I trust you and yours are doing well! …as well as can be, given the circumstances.

This is our first update of the year. We, as I’m sure many of you, are working on our plans to deliver services and products that benefit our communities, in my particular case, Hispanic/Latinos.

In 2022 we will continue with our radio/FB live shows on Salud, Dinero y Amistad, a show where we address Social Security, Medicare, healthcare in general, finances, fraud and scams, retirement preparation and other current issues. We have done 4 shows so far (all with Finances as the underlying concept); as you know, the videos can be accessed on our FB page at www.facebook.com/aarparizonahispanicconnection.

AARP Hispanic Connection — Explicamos las partes de Medicare, sobre todo, las opciones del Medicare Original (llamado también Tradicional) y el Medicare Advantage

Explicamos el programa del Seguro Social, sus fondos, sus beneficios y sus beneficiarios.

AARP Hispanic Connection — AARP to Observe Juneteenth Federal Holiday and more information

This afternoon President Joe Biden signed the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act, establishing June 19 as a federal holiday to commemorate the end of slavery in the U.S. As this date falls on a Saturday this year, it will be observed tomorrow, Friday, June 18. AARP will also recognize this holiday…

Juneteenth commemorates June 19, 1865, when word reached Texas that slaves had been freed — two years after the Emancipation Proclamation. It is also known as Black Independence Day, Freedom Day and Emancipation Day.

…the day is seen as a time for reflection and assessment, for focusing on education and achievement, and for self-improvement and for looking ahead to the future. I am so proud that the President has taken this historic step to ensure that Juneteenth will be commemorated across the country for generations to come.

AARP Hispanic Connection — ‘Protección al Patrimonio’ and more information

Con motivo de la #SEFIME2021 te invitamos a participar en la videoconferencia PROTECCIÓN AL PATRIMONIO y tomar los mejores consejos y estrategias que te ayudarán en el buen manejo de tus finanzas.
Miércoles 16 de junio
11:00 am
 Transmisión en vivo en Consulmex Nogales

AARP Hispanic Connection — What Happened This Week (05/13/21) recap video and more information

What Happened This Week (05/13/21) recap video

COVID-19: Vacuna, Dinero y Más de 11 de mayo, 2021

More videos and information available HERE

— AARP Arizona Hispanic Connection is a platform that educates on relevant issues, celebrates Latino accomplishments, and connects Hispanics of all generations.

AARP Hispanic Connection to launch Long Term Care series at 9 a.m. April 3

The AARP Hispanic Connection will launch a Long Term Care series at 9 a.m. April 3 on its Facebook Page (prerecorded).

Click here to hear the session.

— AARP Arizona Hispanic Connection is a platform that educates on relevant issues, celebrates Latino accomplishments, and connects Hispanics of all generations.

AARP Hispanic Connection holds Teletown Hall via FB Live on the COVID-19 vaccination process in Arizona. Includes Q&A

The AARP Arizona Hispanic Connection held a Teletown Hall via FB Live on the COVID-19 vaccination process in Arizona on Feb. 24. The recorded event included a Q&A session.

Click here to hear the session.

AARP Hispanic Connection to present ‘Let’s Talk Salud, Dinero y Amor’ on June 13

We are getting closer to launching our Saturday morning conversation via FB live. The title will be: Let’s Talk Salud, Dinero y Amor, and we will test a bilingual approach. As of now, this talk will start at 7 am, and will feature community members, leaders, and experts. The graphic for this offering is not ready; do find attached those being used for the other three virtual offerings. Very much looking forward to this conversation. Participants will be able to engage by providing comments and questions. We are working on preparing a phone number for those who want to join by phone.  

Our radio show this week addressed Seguro Social: Jubilación Temprana (1). Don’t miss our new weekly series on nutrition and wellness.