Spring 2021 Performing Arts Courses at Coconino Community College

Spring 2021 Performing Arts Courses at Coconino Community College:


DAN 101.01 Introduction to Dance
R 2:30-3:45pm, HYBRID, Lone Tree
This course has a direct transfer credit to ASU, elective credit to NAU & U of A.
This engaging & lively movement-based course will explore the fundamentals of dance and how the styles, forms, traditions, and cultures have evolved & transformed society.


THR 101.01 Introduction to Theatre
T 4-5:15pm, HYBRID, Lone Tree
Focuses on the history of modern theatre and the actual practice of making theatre today.


THR 110.01 Acting I
TR 6-7:15pm, IN-PERSON, Lone Tree
This acting course is for both students brand new to theatre and those wishing to continue honing their craft. We will practice several acting methodologies suitable for stage and screen.


MUS 100.01 Music Appreciation
TR 10-11:15am, VIDCF (ZOOM)
Gain an understanding and appreciation of music from various eras and take a fascinating look at the music that forms the foundation of today’s modern styles.


MUS 207.02 Popular American Music
TR 11:30-12:45pm, IN-PERSON, Lone Tree
A vibrant and fun course will likely be one of the most enjoyable experiences of your college career as we learn how America’s history, geography, and culture created the music we all enjoy today.


MUS 145.01 Jazz History and Literature
Mode: WEBOnline
This course has a direct transfer credit.
Learn about important musicians and music of each era as well as the social aspects of the times as it relates to the development of jazz history to present day.


For more details please contact jessica.taylor@coconino.edu, or visit www.coconino.edu.

Thank you.