Sedona Arts Center — Arizona Gives Day is April 4!

Arizona Gives Day is Tuesday, April 4, 2023
“There are so many reasons to support the arts and Sedona Arts Center on AZ Gives Day and every day!  First and foremost, the arts enrich our lives and help define our cultures.  They help us build bridges and open dialog and create understanding.  They contribute to better health and wellness, heal trauma and allow us to age more gracefully.  They alleviate stress and that alone has saved lives.  The arts are an incredible economic driver and contribute billions to our economy nationwide.
These are just a few reasons to open your hearts and support Sedona Arts Center and all the arts in our community – especially on AZ Gives Day!”

– Julie Richard, CEO

Arizona Gives Day is an annual giving movement uniting nonprofits, big and small, new and established, to celebrate and increase philanthropy in Arizona through online giving. The event helps raise awareness about the critical role Arizona nonprofits play in our communities and inspires people to give generously creating a thriving and stronger Arizona for all.

Click the button below to donate today!
Our mission is to connect, enrich, educate and lead through the inspiring power of the arts and creative discovery.

Sedona Arts Center is one of Northern Arizona’s most well-established cultural organizations and serves as the creative heart of Sedona. Founded in 1958, the nonprofit organization is based at the Art Barn in Uptown and offers year-round classes, exhibitions, festivals, and cultural events that enhance the creative life of the Verde Valley. The Center’s Art Gallery promotes the original works of over 100 local and regional artists and regularly offers special assistance for collectors and art buyers, offers private studio visits, and fosters hundreds of arts education opportunities each year.

Sedona Arts Center showcases the largest selection in Sedona of artwork by local artists. The Arts Center is a 501(c)3 organization that offers all purchases without sales tax – almost a 10% savings. Visit our online gallery today!
Sedona Arts Center’s Online Classes and Workshops are perfect for students who are interested in taking one of our educational opportunities, but are unable to travel. These learning opportunities provide a well-rounded experience in various visual art mediums. Check out our current programming!
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