President’s Letter to CCC Community

For many of us, COVID-19 has intensely altered and distorted our lives in contrast to our usual safety net of how we view and live in this world.  Besides the terrible impact of this illness on friends and loved ones, the loss of income and constant worry about today, tomorrow, and the future keeps many people frozen in time.  Without the emotional and financial support to move forward and make decisions about life, this fear of the unknown is causing anxiety to a level never before experienced by many people.
And yet, as I watch the civil unrest continuing to grow throughout our nation, I am sadly reminded once again of how many of our friends and neighbors (close by, throughout the nation, and throughout the world) have always lived with and continue to live with fear of the unknown.  Now, more than ever, that sense of community that is at the heart of the community college mission is important for students, co-workers, friends and neighbors throughout our great country.  It is through community that we listen, learn, and seek to understand.  It is through community that we demonstrate our support and care for others.  And it is through community that we can overcome those fears and accomplish our dreams for a vibrant future.
The philosophy that drives Coconino Community College of valuing all people demonstrates our commitment to creating an environment that provides opportunities for learning and innovation to everyone who comes through our doors.  We are a community of learners, and, as stated in our core value of diversity, “we appreciate and welcome cultures, identities, beliefs, experiences, and all that makes us unique.”  Even though we live in an uncertain time, please know that Coconino Community College is proud to serve as your community.


Valuing People: Diversity Statement

Coconino Community College recognizes and respects diversity and the value it brings to our communities.

We appreciate and welcome cultures, identities, beliefs, experiences and all that makes us unique.

CCC champions and takes action to build an inclusive work and learning environment.

We are allies and advocates, navigating a respectful dialogue about our shared humanity.


Guiding Principles

Put Students First                                                      

Listen, Learn, and Collaborate    

Act and Respond with Integrity                                             

Communicate with Honesty, Dignity, and Respect

Demonstrate Exceptional Stewardship of Public Resources

Continually Strive for Excellence as a Community of Learners

Provide a Safe Environment that Reinforces Learning and Innovation


With gratitude for our community,

Colleen A. Smith
