Oct. 15 through 25 — Online Auction of donated Native American art in support of Friends of Flagstaff’s Future

Online Auction of Donated Native American Art
in Support of F3: October 15th-25th

Many beautiful rugs, baskets, pottery, jewelry, and paintings donated to F3 by Martha Blue and Oliver (Ollie) W. Johnson will be included in the online auction held between October 15 and 25, 2024. The online auction can be accessed at this link https://onlinefundraiser.events/F3NativeAmericanArtAuction . Or use the QR code below.

Items may be viewed in person on Sunday, October 20, 3:00-5:00 pm at 222 E. Birch Ave., Suite 2, in Flagstaff.

10% of proceeds will be donated to the Buddy Whitethorne Foundation, a nonprofit created to assist young Native American artists in the development of their careers with scholarships, other financial support, and mentoring. In honor of Martha Blue, additional art pieces have been provided for this auction by the Buddy Whitethorne Foundation.

We are Friends of Flagstaff’s Future (F3). We’re a local, community-supported nonprofit with a goal to educate and advocate for policies and decisions that will lead Flagstaff towards a more sustainable, resilient, & just community.

We seek accountability and transparency from our local leaders through meeting with city staff, council members, and community organizations, following and participating in local and regional planning, and communicating what we learn to our members and the public.

We encourage you to join F3 ‘s 400+ members if you’re not yet a member. We gain strength with more members. Your membership helps F3 do important work in the Flagstaff community!