Walk-ins are welcome at state-run sites

The site currently administers the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to individuals ages 16 and over. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized the Pfizer vaccine for ages 12 -15 on Monday. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and CDC are expected to follow suit on Wednesday with a recommendation to vaccinate those 12 and older. The recommendation applies only to the Pfizer vaccine. The Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines are authorized for those 18 and older.
The Northern Region Vaccination Site is located at NAU’s University Union Fieldhouse, 1050 Knoles Drive, and serves the Flagstaff and northern Arizona communities. Hours of operation are Monday through Saturday from 10 am – 6 pm through May 29. The site is closed on Sundays and will be closed on May 30 – June 1 in observance of Memorial Day. Beginning June 2 and forward, site hours will be 10 am – 6 pm Wednesday through Saturday.
Individuals interested in receiving a vaccine at the Northern Region COVID-19 Vaccination Site can register on podvaccine.azdhs.gov. Parents and guardians will also be able to register those ages 12 to 15 for vaccination starting at 8 am Thursday, May 13, on the website or by calling 844-542-8201 to be connected with someone who can assist in English or Spanish. Appointments are not required for state-run sites, but they can reduce the length of a visit because registration is taken care of in advance. If registering a minor (12-17 years old) for the vaccine, please note that an adult must register before a minor account can be added and an appointment scheduled.
A parent or guardian must accompany a child and sign a consent form in person that includes an attestation that the child is at least 12 years old. No identification is required for the child.
Those individuals who have already received their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine at another location are able to receive their second dose at the Northern Region COVID-19 Vaccination Site. People receiving their second dose are advised to bring their vaccination card to the appointment.
Free parking is available in lot P16, west of the Fieldhouse on Knoles Drive. If this lot is full, individuals may exit the lot on Knoles drive southbound (left), and park in the parking garage located at the intersection of Knoles Drive and Riordan Road. Click for location map.
The Northern Region Vaccination Site is a partnership of Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS), Coconino County, Northern Arizona University (NAU) and Northern Arizona Healthcare. Other partners include the Arizona Department of Emergency and Military Affairs and Premier Medical Group, the primary site operator, responsible for the pharmacy and staffing.
More information regarding other vaccination sites in Coconino County offering Moderna and Johnson & Johnson one dose vaccine to those 18 years and over is available at coconino.az.gov/covid19vaccine. Information about all vaccination sites across Arizona, including pharmacies, federally qualified health centers, pop-up events in specific communities and health care providers offering vaccinations can be found at azhealth.gov/findvaccine. Individuals needing assistance can also call the Coconino County COVID-19 Information Line at 928-679-7300.