NAU update for Aug. 31

Northern Arizona University News
Cheng and officials NAU and the city offer warm welcome to neighbors surrounding campus (VIDEO)
President Cheng and city officials went door to door to talk with residents, encourage neighbors to build positive relationships and distribute information.
Welcome BBQ NAU’s Honors Residential College is open for learning
Various dignitaries joined President Cheng to cut the ribbon on the facility, which includes both a residence hall and classrooms, offices and learning spaces for the Honors College.
Giraffe Hyenas, hippos and lions join NAU’s inaugural study abroad class in Zambia
Geneticist Faith Walker led the course, which included daily wildlife tours, DNA research of animals and mosquitoes and a community outreach project funded by a Maxwell-Lutz Award.
NUA students Global partnership: NAU works with Chinese universities to expand 1+2+1 program
This year, the programs brings nearly 200 international students to campus—43 of whom will study creative media and film, and make up the largest cohort from a single Chinese university.
Welcome Jacks ‘What happens in the Arctic does not stay in the Arctic:’ NAU’s Schuur discusses dangers of thawing permafrost
Ecologist Ted Schuur, who received a $600,000 NSF grant to establish a carbon observatory near Denali National Park, spoke to National Geographic about the risk of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere at increasingly high rates.
Cheng serves student Beautiful day for a barbecue: A look at this year’s President’s Welcome Back Barbecue (PHOTOS/VIDEO)
From dunk tanks, spikeball and cornhole to soaking up the sun and enjoying good food with good friends, the Lumberjack community embraced the day.
Farm fellow: NAU-Yuma biology professor selected for USDA science fellowship
Accelerate into the future at NAU’s Science and Engineering Day
Spotlight: RANKING: Online program  Luis Fernandez, Raymond Michalowski, Nancy Wonders, Stephanie Williams and graduate students Meredith Brown, Julie Cheney and Illse Ortiz  Robert Kellar  RANKING: Master’s degree program in accounting  RANKING: Bachelor of Hospitality and Tourism degree programs  Lori Poloni-Staudinger  Richard Quartaroli  Bruce Hungate
Student Spotlight: Lindsie McCabe  Heaven Harris
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