More candidates addressing youth education, child welfare issues with CCC&Y’s Candidate Questionnaire Webpage

Questionnaire webpage provides voters opportunity for one-stop information

By the Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth

COCONINO COUNTY — Candidates for elected office through Coconino County and statewide are addressing youth education and child welfare issues with Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth’s Candidate Questionnaire Webpage.

CCC&Y is once again providing its one-stop webpage featuring information from candidates impacting the county.

The Coalition sincerely appreciates candidates’ willingness to run for public office. Please know that the Coalition has gratitude for your public service and the sacrifices this requires.

The Coalition has created the short, attached questionnaire so that voters in Coconino County may understand how candidates will respond to issues related to children & youth. Voters will have access to the Coalition’s website to compare and contrast candidate responses.

Candidates can download the questionnaire HEREThey can return the questionnaire with their written answers to The Coalition will upload the document as a PDF exactly as they have turned it in (in Word, PDF or hardcopy format). 

This candidate response page will be advertised to the public and responses posted beginning Sept. 23, 2020 so it is important to turn in responses early. After that date, the Coalition will post responses as they are received until the deadline.

Voters will be able to see daily who has responded and note missing candidates.

The deadline to participate is Oct. 6, 2020. No candidate responses will post after this date. However, please remember the public will be viewing this site immediately, so there is urgency in not waiting until the deadline.

The Coalition wants to wish each candidate well during their campaign. Please note that the Coalition is non-partisan and will not endorse a campaign. The Coalition is interested in a highly engaged and educated voting population. Timely participation will aid greatly in this endeavor.

About the Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth:

Igniting collective action to cultivate, honor & empower resilient, thriving communities.

For more than 40 years, CCC&Y has acted as the countywide communication link, bridging and supporting services for children and youth. Through advocacy, prevention, education and community partnership building, CCC&Y has built a strong, extensive network of families, providers, leaders and communities all striving to improve the lives of young people.

CCC&Y has been in existence since 1972. Its weekly newsletters, social media and website reach thousands annually. For a list of formal members please visit Additionally, for this specific project, we are investing advertising dollars to further our reach.

Visit for more information.

Also see:

Sept. 30Flagstaff Education Association’s FUSD School Board Candidate Forum

Oct. 3Legislative Candidate Forum for Education