Friends of Flagstaff’s Future update for Sept. 19

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In This Issue

  • Flagstaff Open Space, Parks, and Recreation Meeting
  • City Council Votes on a Resolution to Support Congress extending DACA
  • Events Around Town
Event: Flagstaff Open Space, Parks and Recreation Campaign 3rd Public Meeting

Date: Wednesday, September 27th at 6:00 PM
Location:  Aquaplex meeting room A, 1702 N. Fourth Street

Flagstaff residents, open space, trails, youth and adult sports, parks and recreation enthusiasts and organizations are invited to attend this public meeting. Information about the Flagstaff Open Space, Parks and Recreation Campaign (FOSPR) and how you or your organization can participate will be presented.

Individuals or organizations may bring their Draft Project Proposal for a work session at the end of the meeting. 

FOSPR is a Flagstaff community driven political action committee campaign that will request the Flagstaff City Council to approve a ballot question on the November 7, 2018 election. Flagstaff voters will be asked to increase the city sales tax 1/8th of one-cent. The sales tax revenues will be put into a dedicated fund to pay for capital projects to acquire open space, build new parks and recreation facilities, renovate and maintain existing community parks, recreation and sport facilities and trails.

We hope you can attend this important meeting. Please contact us at the email or web site below if you have any questions.

Charles Hammersley & Jack Welch


Web site:



Tonight council will vote on the following; “a resolution of the Flagstaff City Council supporting the extension of the Deferred Action for Child Arrivals (DACA) program and calling upon Congress to permanently address the legal status of Dreamers.”
Some of the points in the resolution include that DACA:

  • Provides employment authorization and protection from deportation for undocumented immigrants who entered the United States before they turned 16 and has benefitted nearly 742,000 undocumented youth since it began in 2012.
  • Enables youth to live and work in their communities without fear of deportation and is the foundation of sound, responsible immigration policy.
  • Is good for our nation’s economy with 87% of DACA recipients employed by American businesses and 6% of DACA recipients having started their own businesses, leading to higher wages and better economic outcomes.

Some of the benefits of DACA are:

  • DACA recipients contribute 15.3% of their wages to taxes, which fund Social Security and Medicare, and DACA recipients are investing in assets like houses and starting new businesses, bringing significant tax revenue to cities and states (ending this program would have a negative economic impact of approximately $1,300,000,000 in Arizona over the next decade).
  • The Armed Forces rely on DACA applicants to serve through Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest (MAVNI), which enlists individuals who are fluent in critical languages or possess medical professional skills essential to the defense of our nation.
  • DACA helps further domestic public safety — 90% of DACA recipients obtained a driver’s license or state identification card, and 54% purchased cars after getting DACA, resulting in more insured and licensed drivers on American streets.

The enactments of the resolution are:

  • The Federal Government is hereby urged to keep the DACA program in place, ensuring protection for nearly 1 million young people.
  • The Flagstaff City Council calls on Congress to permanently address the legal status of Dreamers.

F3 supports this resolution and action by City Council that does not necessarily effect local policy, but does represent the voice of the people of Flagstaff in Washington. 

You can read the full draft of the resolution here:

If you want to encourage our council to support this resolution, email 

Affordable Housing Facts from Demerie Raymond
In Arizona, 277, 737 households spend more than half of their monthly income on rent, leaving too little for other expenses like health care, transportation, and nutritious food.

In Arizona, a minimum wage worker had to work 84 hours per week to afford a modest, one-bedroom apartment.

Community Events: Click the photos for further information
Thank you for your membership, participation and advocacy! 

This enews is compiled and written by Executive Director Dawn Tucker.

Board of Directors

David McCain, Michael Caulkins
Eli Cohen, Teri Dunn, Sharon Edgar,
 and Emily Melhorn
We need YOUR support to continue our work for a livable community 
Our mission is to promote an environmentally sustainable, socially just and economically prosperous Flagstaff through community education, citizen engagement, and advocacy.
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