Friends of Flagstaff’s Future update for Oct. 4

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In This Issue

  • 2017 Livable Community Award Nominees
  • Indigenous Circle of Flagstaff presents at Oct. 10th Council Meeting
  • F3 Gala is just around the corner – exciting entertainment, good food, and great community building
Congratulations to all the nominees for the 2017 Livable Community Award!
Frankie Beesley 

Frankie’s many accomplishments include:

Co-Facilitator at W.A.C.B.A.T. and Fossil Free NAU

Program Coordinator at Friends of Flagstaff’s Future

Citizen’s Advocacy Coordinator (AmeriCorps) at the Grand Canyon Trust

Graduate Assistant for the Civic Engagement program

Currently working for Puente Human Rights Movement

Marie Jones

Marie tirelessly attended P&Z meetings and, eventually, joining the P&Z Commission.

She was instrumental in creating Stand Up For Flagstaff, a group of citizens promoting neighborhood protection when redevelopment threatens home owners who have been living on their streets for decades.

Rose Houk and Michael Collier

Rose is a published author and frequent contributor to Arizona Highways.

Rose and Michael collaborated on The Mountains Know Arizona, a beautifully written and photographed essay about the land and stories of its people.

Michael is a physician and outstanding photographer.

Together they establish a free “little library” on their street curb.

Rose was also very effective as the Coordinator of the Kaibab Vermilion Cliff Heritage Alliance (KVCHA), an archeological collaboration doing research and preservation of cultural sites in northern Arizona.  This program won a national award from the U.S. Forest Service.

Ann Heitland

For 20+ years Ann, she has been a vocal local.

Her activism, along with the thoughtful writing, shares well with others.

Rob Vane and Ward Davis 

Both are hardworking members of The Flagstaff Water Group (FWG)

Ward Davis is a chemical engineer who has dedicated himself to Flagstaff water concerns. He has been a consistent voice in FWG.

Ward convinced City Council that a new rate study particularly for reclaimed water, was necessary. By building his own computer code, he was the one who determined the disconnect between credits & debits within the water rate structure system.

Ward is also a member of the Water Commission.

Rob devoted considerable time to edit and articulate the FWG “White Paper” for which the Daily Sun Editor recognized the FWG.

Rob has written several letters to the editor, either as an individual on behalf of FWG.

Rob arranged for meetings with COF Water Services, City Council, and the Mayor such that FWG is now consistently consulted on different water issues and proposals.

Rob is a strategic thinker, and as such has lead the FWG to consider water issues on a very concrete and forward looking basis.

Paul Baze

Detention Sergeant at the Coconino County Jail. He works long, hard hours for low pay. When patrol officers get raises and honors, detention officers are often forgotten.

Paul is uniquely invested in his work keeping the community safe and inmates under his charge healthy and humanely treated.

He passes this devotion on to his employees through his supervision, training, and teaching during academy classes.

In a field of masculinity and power, Paul is a compassionate leader, dedicated to making the jail and the local community more livable for all.

Charlie Silver and Duffie Westheimer

Consistent for several decades in promoting and protecting the historic character of the downtown/west side district.

When a developer and the city were beginning to redevelop the old town area to Humphreys, they led the way for historic site preservation decades ago.

They are currently involved with historic preservation projects on Bonito and recently actively raising issues with the HUB project.

They founded the Townsite Community Land Trust, the mission of which is “Promoting historic preservation and community investment with permanently affordable housing. The Land Trust finished renovation on four historic homes his fall which will be sold as permanently affordable housing.

Josh Copley

In the position of City Manager he is challenged with taking direction from a seven-member Council and helping City leadership and staff to accomplish the mission of the City!

He shows up everyday with an optimistic “can do attitude”.

He carries a wealth of knowledge into all decision making processes and cultivates meaningful relations with everyone he meets and works with.

There is not a thing that happens in our wonderful City without Josh’s touch and oversight.

Livable Community nominations are made by members of the community. The above are excerpts from the nomination applications. 

Join us at the GALA on October 14th where we will announce the winner and present the award!

Indigenous Circle of Flagstaff presents findings and recommendations from six Indigenous Community Forums.

Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2017, at 6pm
City Council Chambers
211 W. Aspen Av

Let’s make Indigenous Peoples’ Day real!

This year’s Gala is going to be a BALL!
Games, Line Dancing, Appetizers, and Drinks – oh my!
Delicious food from Will’s Grill
Performances by FlagShakes and Tiny Punches
MC Garrison Garcia
Auctioneer Mike Caulkins (What will he wear!?!)
Silent Auction
Live Auction (yes, the Lama Hike is back!)
Livably Community Award!

Some highlights for last years Gala proving philanthropy can be fun!
Thank you for your membership, participation and advocacy! 

Friends of Flagstaff’s Future Board of Directors
David McCain, Emily Melhorn, Michael Caulkins,
Eli Cohen, Teri Dunn, and Sharon Edgar
We need YOUR support to continue our work for a livable community 
Our mission is to promote an environmentally sustainable, socially just and economically prosperous Flagstaff through community education, citizen engagement, and advocacy.
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