Friends of Flagstaff’s Future (F3) — Reminder: Coffee with F3’s Executive Director Tomorrow June 5!

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Coffee with F3’s Executive Director Tomorrow June 5th & the 1st Wednesday of Every Month!
Coffee With F3’s Director, Wednesday, June 5th 9:00-10:00 am at Campus Coffee Bean, 1800 S. Milton #24

F3 wants to engage with you one-on-one. We want to hear your concerns, questions, and ideas about Flagstaff issues that are important to you.

Do you want to know more about the proposed increases in our water and wastewater rates and the upcoming public hearing on June 18? Or what’s going on with the revision process for Flagstaff’s Regional Plan? What has the Community Engagement Coalition for Energy Retrofits been up to this year? We can talk about anything and everything in which F3 is involved!

As F3’s Director, I’m available to talk with you about anything Flagstaff related for at least one hour (9:00-10:00 am) on the first Wednesday of each month. F3 Board members may join some of the meetings.

I will be holding these coffee meetings throughout the city at a different locally-owned coffee shop on the first Wednesday of each month.

Here’s the schedule for the remainder of the year:

June 5: Campus Coffee Bean, 1800 S. Milton #24
July 3: Late for the Train, 19 E Aspen
August: cancelled
September 4: White Dove Coffee, 2211 E. 7th Ave.
October 2: Kickstand Kafe, 719 N Humphreys St.
November 6: Lund Canyon Coffee, 601 Piccadilly Dr. #10
December 4: Campus Coffee Bean, 1800 S. Milton #24

I love to talk about all things Flagstaff and I look forward to talking with you!

Michele James
Executive Director

Did you notice our new logo? We’ve been working behind the scenes to develop a mark that is simple and reproducible in different formats, especially digitally. Inspired by the Ponderosa Pine forest, three pine needles seem to have fallen in a shape reminiscent of the letter F. You’ll see it in other places, including an updated and redesigned website. We hope you like it!
65% of our support comes from memberships. Please join today at a level that suits your situation and
help us continue our important community work.
We are Friends of Flagstaff’s Future (F3). We’re a local, community-supported nonprofit with a goal to educate and advocate for policies and decisions that will lead Flagstaff towards a more sustainable, resilient, & just community.

We seek accountability and transparency from our local leaders through meeting with city staff, council members, and community organizations, following and participating in local and regional planning, and communicating what we learn to our members and the public.

We encourage you to join F3 ‘s hundreds of members if you’re not yet a member. We gain strength with more members. Help F3 do important work
in the Flagstaff community!

Information about our Executive Director and Board of Directors
can be found here.

F3's Website
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