Friends of Flagstaff’s Future (F3) City Council Candidate Election Forum is This Monday the 23rd at 6:00

F3’s City Council Candidate Election Forum is This Monday the 23rd at 6:00

Don’t miss your chance to ask questions of and evaluate the six city council candidates who will appear on Flagstaff’s November ballot. There are three open seats to be filled on council during this fall election.

F3’s unique speed-dating format will allow Flagstaff voters to meet each candidate while seated with a small group. We’ve worked to provide a quiet environment in which to interact with each candidate by securing nearby classrooms located a short walk from the Commons. Each small group of participants will be physically separated and able to concentrate and hear the interactions with each candidate as they rotate between classrooms.

Candidates will talk with your group and answer questions for a period of 10 minutes before rotating to the next group. Participants remain with the same small group throughout the forum.

Key Information About Attending the Forum:

Arrive at 6:00 pm in the Commons at CCC’s Lone Tree Campus if you’d like to to talk individually with the candidates during an informal 30-minute “mingle” period.

At 6:30 pm sharp, the program will begin on stage in the Commons with a few words from F3 followed by two-minute introductory statements from each candidate.

Following the introductory statements, participants will move into small groups located in adjacent classrooms. The Forum is expected to end by 8:30 pm.

The City Council formed from this election will be making decisions that will shape how our city addresses Flagstaff’s ongoing housing and climate emergencies. And, they will approve the Flagstaff Regional Plan 2045 before it goes to a vote by the citizens.

Michele James

Executive Director

P.S. Review how the city council candidates answered the eight questions on F3’s Questionnaire here.

P.P.S. Click to view F3’s Voter Guide to State and Local Propositions

F3’s School Board Candidate Questionnaire

Voters have been reminded in recent years that their local school board and its individual members can have a significant impact on their communities.

F3 decided to learn more about the issues within the Flagstaff Unified School District #1 that the candidates for School Board will be addressing if elected. To this end, F3 sat down for a long and very informative conversation with FUSD’s Superintendent Michael Penca.

Based primarily on that conversation, F3 crafted eight questions for the School Board candidates. Six of the eight candidates answered our request to provide answers to the questionnaire. This November, voters in district #1 will select three candidates to serve four-year terms on the School Board, and one candidate to serve a two-year term.

View F’s Questionnaire and the candidate’s answers here.

F3 is a nonpartisan 501 (c)(3) nonprofit and we do not advocate for individual candidates. Our goal is to provide relevant information to the community about local candidates as well as local and state propositions. We encourage civic participation and voting.l

Speaking of school board elections, F3 recently learned that the Flagstaff Education Association has organized a public School Board Candidate Forum for next week. Information is below.

We are Friends of Flagstaff’s Future (F3). We’re a local, community-supported nonprofit with a goal to educate and advocate for policies and decisions that will lead Flagstaff towards a more sustainable, resilient, & just community.

We seek accountability and transparency from our local leaders through meeting with city staff, council members, and community organizations, following and participating in local and regional planning, and communicating what we learn to our members and the public.

We encourage you to join F3 ‘s 400+ members if you’re not yet a member. We gain strength with more members. Your membership helps F3 do important work in the Flagstaff community!