Flagstaff Regional Plan 2045 — September 2024 update

Monday, September 30, 2024, 6 PM – 9 PM
City of Flagstaff Public Works Yard
3200 W Route 66, Flagstaff, AZ 86001
This is the final scheduled Regional Plan Committee meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to review and endorse the full Regional Plan 2045 draft. After endorsement, the draft will undergo a 60-day public review period to collect comments and feedback from the community.

Attend Virtually: Microsoft Teams

The full committee draft of the Regional Plan 2045 can be viewed here.

The Committee will accept written public comments at RegionalPlanCommittee@flagstaffaz.gov or in person comments at the meeting.

Thursday, September 19, 2024, 4 PM
Council Chambers
211 W Aspen Ave, Flagstaff, AZ 86001
Join us at this month’s Water Commission meeting for a discussion regarding language in the Regional Plan 2045 for the provision of water services in the Flagstaff region.

Attend Virtually: Microsoft Teams

The official agenda for the meeting can be viewed here.

Help Get the Word Out
Help the Regional Plan team enhance outreach efforts by forwarding this email and the link to join the email list below to others in the community that you think might be interested in learning more about the Regional Plan update process.
Join the Email List
Have Us Present to Your Organization
Are you a business, non-profit, or group that would like to learn more about the Regional Plan and how it relates to your organization? Reach out to the contacts below to request a quick-pitch presentation from a Regional Plan team member.

Sara Dechter, AICP – City of Flagstaff, Comprehensive Planning Manager
Email: sdechter@flagstaffaz.gov
Phone: 928-213-2631

Melissa Shaw, AICP – Coconino County, Long Range Planner
Email: mshaw@coconino.az.gov
Phone: 928-679-8868

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