F3 update: Student Housing Panel Discussion at ‘Speak Up Tonight’ at Firecreek on Feb. 8

— Friends of Flagstaff’s Future


Courtesy image

FLAGSTAFF —  Tonight at “Speak Up”, we’ll be discussing the issue of student housing. We all recognize that housing in general is a scarce resource in Flagstaff and that more student housing is coming. How do we tackle this problem and provide housing for students while also respecting the needs of current and future residents?

Join us at Firecreek Coffee Company, 22 E. Route 66, today from 4:45 – 6:30 pm as we tackle this complicated and controversial issue. Panelists will include:

  • Sara Dechter, Comprehensive Planning Manager, City of Flagstaff
  • Jane Kuhn, Vice President, Enrollment Management & Student Affairs, NAU
  • David Carpenter, Chair, City of Flagstaff Planning & Zoning Commission
  • Charlie Silver, Townsite Neighborhood Resident and Member of the City – Manager’s Student Housing Action Plan Group
  • Marie Jones, Southside Neighborhood Resident
  • Caleb Schiff, Owner, Pizzicletta

F3 also reports:

  • Update on The Hub and Other Important Council Decisions Impacting Student Housing
  • Thank You, Adam!
  • Your Input Needed on Transportation Project Priorities
  • Join Us for Beer & Gear To Benefit F3 – February 19!

Click here for the F3 update for Feb. 8.