Coconino County Government
Supervisor, District 2
Supervisor Liz Archuleta;
(928) 679-7152;
In This Newsletter:
- Quote of the Day
- Free Legal Talk Series
- COVID-19 Testing scheduled in Williams, AZ
- COVID-19 Daily Dashboard
- New COVID-19 Weekly Report Available
- AZDHS COVID-19 Website
- Registration for COVID-19 testing at Ft. Tuthill testing site RECOMMENDED
- Don’t forget to fill out the 2020 Census!
- Stay Connected with Us!
“If you’re not hopeful and optimistic, then you just give up. You have to take the long hard look and just believe that if you’re consistent, you will succeed.”
– John Lewis
AZ Court Help’s FREE Legal Talk Series
COVID-19 Testing scheduled in Williams, AZ
FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. – Coconino County Health and Human Services (CCHHS), in collaboration with North Country HealthCare and other community partners, will offer COVID-19 Testing in Williams, AZ on Thursday, July 30 from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. The testing site will be located in the Williams Elementary/Middle School parking lot, 601 N. 7th St., Williams AZ. Those attending are asked to enter at the north side of the campus. Testing will occur in the bus loop.
No appointment or healthcare provider order is needed. Individuals exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms (fever, cough, difficulty breathing, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, runny nose, congestion and new loss of taste or smell) and individuals that feel they have been exposed to COVID-19 are encouraged to be tested. Waiting 5 to 8 days following exposure is recommended in order to obtain the most accurate results. Individuals requesting testing outside of this timeframe may be asked to come back during the 5 – 8 day window.
The incubation period for COVID-19, the amount of time it takes before symptoms develop or an individual becomes contagious, is 2-14 days. Testing later in the incubation period increases the confidence in a negative result.
Warning signs of COVID-19 include trouble breathing, chest pain, confusion, inability to wake up or stay awake and bluish lips or face. If someone is showing any of these signs, seek emergency medical care immediately.
To help protect others, people who have been exposed to a confirmed COVID-19 case and are awaiting testing should stay home and quarantine as much as possible. If an individual must leave home, wearing a face covering and practicing physical distancing is strongly recommended.
Testing at the July 30 event is free of charge and is provided on a first come, first served basis. Everyone at the testing site is required to wear a mask or face covering. Testing is intended for Coconino County residents. Weather events may require that testing be suspended to ensure safety. Changes to the testing schedule will be posted on the County website and social media.
The testing event is a collaboration of Coconino County Health and Human Services, North Country HealthCare and Williams Unified School District.
For more information and resources on COVID-19 please visit www.coconino.az.gov/covid19 or call the County COVID-19 Information Line at 928.679.7300 Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. – Los Servicios de Salud y Humanos del Condado de Coconino, en colaboración con North Country HealthCare y otros socios comunitarios, ofrecerán pruebas COVID-19 en Williams, AZ el jueves 30 de julio de 10 a.m. a 1 p.m. El sitio de pruebas se ubicará en el estacionamiento de la Escuela Primaria/Secundaria Williams, 601 N. 7th St., Williams AZ. A los asistentes se les pide que entren en el lado norte del campus. Las pruebas se realizarán en el bucle de bus.
No se necesita cita ni orden de proveedor de atención médica. Se recomienda que se hagan pruebas a las personas que presenten síntomas de COVID-19 (fiebre, tos, dificultad para respirar, escalofríos, temblores repetidos con escalofríos, dolor muscular, dolor de cabeza, dolor de garganta, secreción nasal, congestión y nueva pérdida de sabor o olor) y a las personas que sientan que han estado expuestas a COVID-19. Se recomienda esperar de 5 a 8 días después de la exposición para obtener los resultados más precisos. A las personas que soliciten pruebas fuera de este tiempo se les puede pedir que vuelvan durante el período de 5 a 8 días.
El período de incubación para el COVID-19, la cantidad de tiempo que toma antes de que se desarrollen los síntomas o que un individuo se vuelva contagioso, es de 2-14 días. Las pruebas posteriores en el período de incubación aumentan la confianza en un resultado negativo.
Las señales de advertencia de COVID-19 incluyen dificultad para respirar, dolor en el pecho, confusión, incapacidad para despertarse o permanecer despierto y labios o cara azulados. Si alguien muestra alguno de estos signos, busque atención médica de emergencia inmediatamente.
Para ayudar a proteger a otros, las personas que han estado expuestas a un caso confirmado de COVID-19 y están a la espera de pruebas deben permanecer en casa y en cuarentena tanto como sea posible. Si un individuo debe salir de casa, se recomienda usar una cubierta facial y practicar distanciamiento físico.
Las pruebas en el evento de julio de 30 son gratuitas y se proporcionan en un primer lugar, primero servido. Todos los que se encuentran en el lugar de la prueba deben usar una máscara o una cubierta facial. Las pruebas están destinadas a los residentes del Condado de Coconino. Los eventos meteorológicos pueden requerir que las pruebas sean suspendidas para asegurar la seguridad. Los cambios en el horario de las pruebas se publicarán en el sitio web del condado y en las redes sociales.
El evento de prueba es una colaboración de la Salud y Servicios Humanos del Condado de Coconino, el Departamento de Salud del Norte del país Y el Distrito Escolar Unificado Williams.
Para obtener más información y recursos sobre COVID-19, visite www.coconino.az.gov/covid19 o llame a la línea de información COVID-19 del condado al 928.679.7300 de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 5 p.m.
COVID-19 Daily Dashboard
As of July 27, 2020
These figures are updated and will be shared every morning at 10:00 am in order tocoincide with the Arizona Department of Health Services release of data. We will continue sharing these figures in our daily newsletter.
Here is the information as of 07/27/2020:
New COVID-19 Weekly Report Available
The Coconino County Health and Human Services has issued a new weekly report entitled COVID-19 Coconino County Weekly Update.
The report, which includes a COVID-19 situation summary, key takeaways, demographic and geographic information, hospitalizations and testing data related to Coconino County residents, is updated each Wednesday morning at 10 a.m.
AZDHS just updated their COVID-19 website which now includes race and ethnicity on confirmed cases, location of confirmed cases by zip code, ages & gender of related deaths, and number of hospital beds & ICU beds available.
Registration for COVID-19 testing at Ft. Tuthill testing site RECOMMENDED
Coconino County Residents Count:
Don’t forget to fill out the 2020 Census!
If you have not yet filled out the 2020 Census, please do so!
In times of crises, communities need funding, data and representation in order to support their people, and respond to the challenges. Coconino County needs your support to make sure we able to tackle the challenges we face today, and for the next ten years.
By filling out the 2020 Census, you’re helping to make sure that our community continues to receive federal funding for Medicare and Medicaid and support for the health centers we rely on to serve our people. Billions of dollars in federal aid come into our state each year for these programs, and completing your Census ensures that we continue to receive our share.
It also ensures that you are represented in government at the local, state and federal levels, and that the data collected helps your elected representatives to make informed decisions.
Make sure your voice is heard and your community is supported for the next decade. Respond today at www.2020Census.gov or call 844-330-2020 for English or 844-468-2020 for Spanish.
I count. You count. Together we can make a difference for Coconino County.
Stay connected with Coconino County and District 2 Supervisor Liz Archuleta on Facebook!
We share several resources on a daily basis that may not be included in our newsletter, so be sure to follow us and stay connected with our work on social media.