A Note from Supervisor Archuleta

May 22, 2020
Coconino County Government
Supervisor, District 2
Special Edition
A Note from Supervisor Archuleta
Dear District 2 residents,
As we head into the long Memorial Day weekend, I want to honor all of the men and women who have selflessly served our country and who have sacrificed their lives for our rights, freedoms, and liberties. Their sacrifice is not forgotten, and we are endlessly grateful for their service.
I encourage you to take this weekend to enjoy our beautiful spring weather (within safety limits). I want to thank you all for continuing to practice COVID-19 safety practices. I know this has not been an easy feat, but your commitment to our community during this time is crucial in slowing the spread of COVID-19 and ensuring the health and safety of all of our residents.
Please note that all Coconino County Offices will be closed this Monday in observance of Memorial Day.
In community,
Liz Archuleta,
Chair of the Board of Supervisors and
Supervisor of District 2
FUSD High Schools Announce Graduation Procession on May 29, 2020
Flagstaff Unified School District (FUSD) high schools, Coconino High School, Flagstaff High School, and Summit High School, will hold graduation processions on Fourth Street in Flagstaff, Arizona on Friday, May 29, 2020. The event will include an opportunity for graduates to be recognized while still ensuring necessary social distancing measures.
“We are very proud of the accomplishments and efforts of FUSD’s senior students over many years.” said Superintendent Michael Penca. “They are graduating under extraordinary circumstances in which they have demonstrated persistence, patience, and compassion for others. While we all wish
we could hold our traditional ceremony, we know this event will be a special celebration for our seniors, their families, and our entire community.”
Students will participate as passengers in their vehicles and will begin the procession at Mount Elden Middle School at their respective school times. The students will drive south on Fourth Street where they will meet their school administrator who will provide their honors then turn around and return back up Fourth Street to Linda Vista Drive where the procession will disperse.
Memorial Day Precautions
This year, Coconino County Health and Human Services recommends taking extra precautions when participating in Memorial Day activities due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Over the Memorial Day weekend, it is likely that friends and family will be gathering,”
stated Dr. Marie Peoples, the COVID-19 Incident Commander for Coconino County.
“While enjoying friends and family, we encourage people to continue to follow
guidance and precautions to help to slow and stop the spread of COVID-19. This means
social distancing while visiting, wearing face masks to protect each other, ample
supplies of hand sanitizer especially while handling food, and frequent washing of
COVID-19 safety recommendations include:
  • Avoid close contact with others, avoid large groups.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face cover when around others.
  • Wash hands frequently.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces.
  • Practice physical distancing while at social events.
  • Skip the celebratory events, if sick over the holiday.
In addition to precautions to prevent the spread of respiratory illness, food safety guidelines should be followed while preparing holiday foods and barbecuing to avoid the risk of food poisoning.
Health officials recommend:
  • Perishable foods be refrigerated within 2 hours of purchase, if the temperature outside is 90°F or higher, food should be chilled within 1 hour.
  • While grilling or out on a picnic keep uncooked foods in a cooler.
  • To avoid cross contamination, keep meats separate from other perishables.
  • Cook foods to safe temperatures. Steaks – 145 degrees F, ground meat – 160 degrees F and poultry 165 degrees F.
  • Wash hands frequently or use hand sanitizer.
COVID-19 Daily Dashboard
As of May 22, 2020
These figures are updated and will be shared every morning at 10:00 am in order tocoincide with the Arizona Department of Health Services release of data. We will continue sharing these figures in our daily newsletter.
Here is the information as of 05/22/2020:
AZDHS COVID-19 Website
AZDHS just updated their COVID-19 website which now includes race and ethnicity on confirmed cases, location of confirmed cases by zip code, ages & gender of related deaths, and number of hospital beds & ICU beds available.
Coconino County Residents Count:
Don’t forget to fill out the 2020 Census!
If you have not yet filled out the 2020 Census, please do so!
By filling out the census, you are ensuring that our community is counted and can receive the necessary resources we need to keep our community safe, healthy, and thriving!
Other important things to keep in mind:
  • Count everyone who is living in your house on 04/01/20 on your census form
  • The census DOES NOT ask about citizenship
  • All information collected is required BY LAW to be kept confidential
  • Make sure to include children and babies when filling out your census
You have the option of completing the questionnaire by phone.
To begin, call 844-330-2020 for English or 844-468-2020 for Spanish.
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We share several resources on a daily basis that may not be included in our newsletter, so be sure to follow us and stay connected with our work on social media.