Continued Mitigation Efforts Needed to Combat COVID-19

Courtesy photo.

Coconino County moved from a substantial to a moderate level of COVID-19 transmission this past week. Although the current trend is a positive sign, Coconino County health officials remind residents and tourists that continued mitigation efforts are needed to slow and mitigate the spread of the virus.

The County continues to follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) guidance on mitigation efforts for the COVID-19 pandemic. This guidance includes the strong recommendation and encouragement for all persons to continue wearing face coverings, maintaining physical distance, avoiding large gatherings, thorough washing of hands, and seeking a vaccine appointment to slow the spread of the virus.

“Since March 18 of last year, when the County declared a state of emergency for the COVID-19 pandemic, we have consistently followed the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and the Arizona Department of Health Services. That general public health guidance has not changed even if the Governor’s Executive Order has altered the local enforcement powers. As public health officials, we know that the science consistently shows we must continue to wear face coverings, physically distance, wash our hands, and schedule a vaccine appointment to reduce the spread of illness. We encourage our residents, tourists, businesses, and organizations in Coconino County to comply and help us conquer COVID-19,” said Kim Musselman, Director of Coconino County Health and Human Services.

“Since the pandemic began, Coconino County has been a leader in the State in testing for COVID-19, protecting our vulnerable populations, and in standing up vaccination sites to protect the public health of our residents and visitors. Our Board of Supervisors continues to support a science-based approach and asks everyone to continue safe practices as recommended by our health department,” said Chairman of the Board Matt Ryan.

Last week, Governor Doug Ducey issued Executive Order 2021-06 which removed the enforcement powers of local governments regarding the recommended mitigation strategies for COVID-19. However, the order does not end the State of Emergency that exists in the state or in Coconino County. Coconino County’s Declaration of a Local Emergency, Resolution 2020-23, remains in place and guides County policy that all mitigation efforts should continue. Coconino County Health and Human Services continues to recommend compliance with the mitigation efforts and will enforce those efforts in and on all County properties.

Links to CDC and ADHS mitigation guidance can be found at The public and business entities are encouraged to adhere to this guidance.

COVID-19 vaccination remains a critical step to reducing transmission of the disease. Appointments are open to all Coconino County residents aged 18 and over. Vaccine supply continues to increase and has resulted in an increase in appointment availability. There are available appointments at the time of the distribution of this release.  Vaccine information, including appointment booking is available at the same web address. Those with limited Internet access or whom need assistance can contact the COVID-19 Information Line at 928-679-7300.