FLAGSTAFF — Members of the public are invited to submit applications for community garden plots starting on Saturday, March 1. Applications will remain open until March 31 or until filled. Returning gardeners will have priority to secure their plots from the previous season, and remaining available plots will be offered to new gardeners on a first-come, first-served basis. New gardeners who do not have access to growing space at home or those who qualify for SNAP benefits will be given priority for remaining available plots through the application process.
The City of Flagstaff Sustainability Office currently manages three community garden spaces. Community gardens are sources of fresh produce, places for physical exercise, sites of outdoor education, and a space for the community to connect! Gardens play an important role in enhancing physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being which helps to create socially sustainable communities. Collaboration in these spaces builds a stronger sense of community ownership.
Community garden plots are available for rent at three locations:
- Bonito – 527 W Elm Avenue
- Hal Jensen – 2403 N Izabel St
- Historic Southside – 900 S O’Leary Street
Community Garden registration fees are $65 annually per plot to cover water expenses, infrastructure improvements, and provide resources to gardeners throughout the season. Full ($65) or half ($32.50) scholarships are available to those who express need through the online plot application. Learn more about the community gardens and apply for a garden plot atflagstaff.az.gov/gardens. The application form will be posted on the site when applications open.
For any related questions, please email gardens@flagstaffaz.gov or call (928) 213-2153