Courtesy photo.
Coconino County health officials announced (on April 13), in accordance with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), and Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) recommendation, the County is pausing use of Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine. The recommendation is based on six reported U.S. cases, out of 6.8 million doses administered nationally, of a rare and severe type of blood clot in individuals after receiving Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
In line with the current guidance, Northern Arizona Healthcare (NAH) has cancelled this week’s Johnson and Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic located at the Elks Lodge in Flagstaff. Those with appointments at the NAH vaccination site for Johnson & Johnson, are encouraged to seek vaccination at other County vaccination sites where the Moderna vaccine is being administered. Registration information is available at coconino.az.gov/covid19vaccine
The COVID-19 drive-thru vaccination event, scheduled in Williams, AZ on Saturday April 17 from 9 am – 1 pm at North Country HealthCare, 300 S. 6th Street, will offer Moderna vaccine. Registration is available by calling 928-522-1222.
To help ensure COVID-19 vaccination are easily accessible, the County is hosting ‘no appointment needed’ Moderna vaccination events Wednesday, April 14 – Friday, April 16 from 10 am – 2 pm at the Fort Tuthill vaccination site, 2446 Fort Tuthill Loop in Flagstaff. Access to the vaccination site is available at Purple Sage Trail, located approximately 1/2 mile north of the main park entrance off Beulah Blvd. Individuals seeking vaccinations are asked to approach the park from the north on Beulah Blvd. and turn right onto Purple Sage Trail. Masks are required at the vaccination site.
Coconino County Health and Human Services (CCHHS) is also holding COVID-19 Pop-up Vaccine Clinics. The first clinic will be held on Thursday, April 15, 2021 in the CCHHS parking lot, 2625 N. King Street, Flagstaff from 1:00 – 3:00. Vaccinations are free and no appointment is necessary. Walk-up and drive-up Moderna vaccinations will be available for those 18 years and older.
A state COVID-19 vaccination site in Flagstaff will open Monday, April 19 at the Northern Arizona University Union Fieldhouse. This indoor vaccination site will offer free Pfizer vaccine to those aged 16 and over and will operate seven days a week from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., with the potential to expand hours to 7 p.m. It will offer around 1,000 appointments per day to start but will be able to administer more than 4,000 doses daily. Appointments for the week of April 19 will be available starting at 11 a.m. Friday, April 16, by visiting www.podvaccine.azdhs.gov or calling 1-844-542-8201. Both have resources available in English and Spanish.
Please check the County website at coconino.az.gov/covid19vaccine for information about additional Moderna vaccine clinics at locations throughout Coconino County and updates regarding the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
Individuals without internet access or who require assistance can call the COVID-19 Information Line at 928-679-7300.