Student Nizhoni Nez wants to pursue a career in criminal justice after getting her degree in Political Science. Courtesy photo.
PAGE — She’s focused on work, school, and family.
Coconino Community College student Nizhoni Nez lives in Page with her family while she works at CCC and takes courses to accomplish her plan of getting her Political Science degree.
“My plans with that degree are to get into the NAU pre-law program and hopefully work towards a degree in law,” Nez said during the interview at the CCC Page Center. “It’s something I’ve always talked about with my father.”
She was worried about coming back to school after a leap year, she said, but due to hard work and the great communication she has with her teachers, she is doing great in her classes.
Her father passed away from complications due to COVID in 2020, so she recently has taken over being the provider for her family, she said. Her family is very supportive of her continuing her education and they want the best for her. She would eventually like to get into criminal justice. The seed was planted when she and her father would watch criminal justice cases on television. While she’s focused on getting her degree, it’s important for her to give back to her family and community.
“It’s my belief that the community that builds you shaped you into the person you are today,” Nez said, adding that if you are grateful for that, it’s worth going back and helping them and helping future generations.
For more information on courses offered at the Page Center, visit https://www.coconino.edu/page-center.