Category: Local

United Way of Northern Arizona — Getting Your Money Where It Needs to Go

At the heart of the United Way of Northern Arizona’s grant process is the Community Investment Fund, a volunteer-driven process that invests your donations into the proven programs, partnerships and initiatives that are changing lives in Coconino, Navajo and Apache counties every day.

Volunteers with the committee make a year-long commitment to review grant applications, evaluate programs and perform site visits.

“As a member of the Community Investment Team, I get to see first-hand how UWNA brings together community partners and leverages resources to support our local non-profit agencies,” said Tami Suchowiejko, who is with Coconino County and one of the three newest CI team members.

Also joining our force of almost 40 volunteers are Eve Ford of Eve Ford Consulting and Sue Hilgart of Navajo County. The volunteers are broken up into seven teams, five in Flagstaff and one each in Page and northeast Arizona.

Sedona Arts Center — In-Person Learning this fall at Sedona Arts Center

Workshops at Sedona Arts Center offer an experience that will provide inspiration and information to distill and practice for months and even years afterwards! A wide variety of disciplines and mediums are offered, including studio and plein air landscape painting, mixed media and abstraction, writing, photography, and so much more. Workshops are appropriate for all levels of students and are presented through demonstrations, individual instruction and group presentation. Instructors are experts in their field – experienced teachers with national recognition.

Sedona is surrounded by a magical landscape of red rock formations and high desert hills with beautiful Oak Creek meandering through it all. Come experience the Shangri-La of the Southwest, a beautiful learning environment with Art Colony roots going back nearly 100 years.

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up — April 19-22, 2021

Earth Day Celebrations and National Park Week Continue

Happy Earth Day! To celebrate, check out one of our Grand Canyon Moments about Water at

This Grand Canyon Moment features the sights and sounds of water and is a reminder of how essential and precious water is. Both the Earth and the human body are made up of about 70% water!

Everyone plays a role in protecting water, whether you are at Grand Canyon or at home. One way you can protect water is by being water wise! For example, where does your water come from and how much do you use daily? What is one way you use water?

Friends of Flagstaff’s Future — Neighborhood Community Commercial Zoning

Tall buildings like those recently built for student housing along Milton Road and W. Route 66 are currently allowed in places that would surprise most of us. They are allowed anywhere north (N. End) and south of downtown (Southside), even next to the public library. Five and six story buildings are also allowed anywhere in the Sunnyside Neighborhood bordered by 4thStreet, Cedar Avenue and McMillan Mesa. This is not the result of any recent comprehensive planning, but an historic artifact.
City staff is proposing to council on April 27th a new zone called the Neighborhood Community Commercial (NCC).

Ground Sloths, Cheetahs and Mountain Goats—Oh My! Thousands of Grand Canyon fossils revealed in largest park-specific paleontological inventory in NPS history

After a multi-year effort, the National Park Service and the Utah Geological Association have published Grand Canyon National Park Centennial Paleontological Resources Inventory: A Century of Fossil Discovery and Research, available for public download on the Utah Geological Association website.
The publication documents more than 1.2 billion years of paleontological history in Grand Canyon. The rich fossil record uncovered during the inventory showcases flora and fauna from ancient Precambrian microbial mats to Pleistocene megafauna–including Shasta ground sloths, Harrington’s mountain goats, and the American cheetah–which lived in Grand Canyon’s limestone caves during the most recent Ice Age.

City of Flagstaff and Flagstaff Unified School District collaborate to bring green spaces to school grounds

Mayor Paul Deasy and Superintendent Michael Penca joined forces to improve the health, well-being and academic achievement of Flagstaff’s children. The two leaders committed to transforming Flagstaff’s school grounds into nature-filled greenspaces where children can connect to the natural world and enjoy healthy, active time outdoors. 

Flagstaff was selected as one of 10 cities (out of 27 applicants) to receive training and technical assistance to add nature play and outdoor learning spaces to schoolyards through Cities Connecting Children to Nature (CCCN), a joint initiative of the National League of Cities and the Children & Nature Network.  Flagstaff joins a national movement of cities working to provide children with equitable access to the benefits of nature.

Public Works Fleet Services Division’s 10-Day Online Surplus Property Auction Underway

Public Works Fleet Services Division’s spring online surplus property auction is underway and will run until noon on Wednesday, April 28.

The 10-day auction is open to the public and features such items as used trucks and other surplus County property that has greatly exceeded its lifespan. 

Fredonia Moccasin Governing Board Vacancy

Applicants sought for the Fredonia Moccasin School District #6, by Coconino County, for Governing Board Seat for Appointment

Coconino County Superintendent of Schools Cheryl Mango-Paget is seeking applicants for appointment for Fredonia Moccasin School District #6.

Applicants must be Arizona registered voters and residents of the school district for at least one year prior to the date of appointment.  Applicants or their spouses cannot be an employee of the district.

Grand Canyon Governing Board Vacancy

Coconino County Superintendent of Schools Mango-Paget is seeking applicants for appointment for Grand Canyon Unified School District #4.

Applicants must be Arizona registered voters and residents of the school district for at least one year prior to the date of appointment.   Applicants or their spouses cannot be an employee of the district.

Coconino Community College — The Comet — A quick word from the President

The wonderful scent – and sneezes – of spring blossoms have arrived in Flagstaff, and Coconino Community College is beginning the crunch to the end of another semester.

The excitement of Commencement, although it will be virtual again this year, fills the air with electricity. Student resilience, determination and sheer willpower to achieve those dreams of an education have borne fruit from the spring blossoms of hope. Let us all celebrate that achievement!

This summer, thanks to COVID relief funding, CCC will be offering free tuition to graduating high school seniors in Coconino County to help them gear up for a successful fall semester. All other students will also benefit from the relief funding.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Getting Involved in Community

A variety of organizations took part in a discussion hosted by the Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth on the important role community members can play in the development of resilience of youth, caregivers and family by mentoring and supporting connections during a webinar presented by CCC&Y on April 14.

The free webinar, please click here, is designed to help those interested in the variety of mentorship programs in Coconino County. During the webinar, various speakers shared information about their organizations and the need for mentors.

Partners participating in the webinar included Arizona’s Children Association, AZ1.27, Big Brothers Big Sisters Flagstaff, Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Coconino County, the Family Involvement Center and Native Americans for Community Action (NACA).

Grant funding was provided by Arizona Department of Child Safety and Health Choice Arizona.

Tutor Time at Coconino Community College

CCC students can receive tutoring support services via Zoom for free with no appointment necessary.

Drop-in tutoring is offered online through the links published in the Canvas course.

Getting started is easy –

Step 1: Log into Canvas with CCC Comet ID and password.

Step 2: Open the course on the dashboard titled “CCC Tutoring-Tutoring 101”.

Step 3: Click the drop-in tutoring Zoom link on the home page.

Additional online tutoring resources are available in Modules.

Pitch Night Arizona: Submit your concept to win a $15,000 grant

Flagstaff Arts Council is happy to announce that we have begun talks with ArtWins Arizona to establish a major arts and cultural festival in Flagstaff to tentatively launch in 2023. FAC is seeking public input on the idea. To learn more and provide feedback, visit:

Drawing inspiration from the acclaimed ArtPrize in Grand Rapids, Michigan, International Arts & Ideas Festival in New Haven, Connecticut, Aspen Ideas Festival, and more, the festival is proposed to be anchored by both an art competition and a speaker series. The ArtWins Arizona competition is proposed to award more than $300,000 in prizes and grants including $50,000 grand prizes. Depending on funder interest, prize values could be even higher. The festival will provide a regional and national platform for local artists, creatives, and thinkers as well as attract global participation.

Sedona Arts Center — Inviting you into a special survey about creativity, culture & community during these challenging times

Sedona Arts Center is proud to be part of a major national research study to learn how arts, culture, and creativity fit into people’s lives during this difficult period — and how cultural organizations can become better for you in the future.

We know you get a lot of surveys, and that this one comes at a challenging time for many of us. We’re passing it on to you because it’s genuinely important to our community and our shared future. If you can spare a few minutes to give your views, we’d be very grateful.

District 5 Supervisor Lena Fowler Weekly Update

Our Tuba City office is open but operating remotely, with limited in-person services. When possible, please conduct business by phone or email.

Office Hours:
Monday to Thursday | 10 am to 4 pm
Closed Fridays

If you need assistance, please call: 928-283-4518 or email Miranda at

City of Flagstaff provides update on Fourth Street reconstruction

As part of the ongoing Fourth Street reconstruction project, Soliere Avenue will reopen at the Fourth Street intersection and Sparrow Avenue, (also at the Fourth Street intersection) will close starting April 23, 2021. Fourth Street will remain open and a Sparrow Avenue detour will be posted.

Sedona Arts Center — FREE Online DEMO, New Workshops Added and More!

Thank you for choosing to attend a GOLDEN Lecture and Demonstration presented by our GOLDEN Working Artists. The GOLDEN Lecture and Demonstration will be presented in Zoom and will cover a variety of topics on acrylics and acrylic mediums. You will need to register in order to attend the Zoom presentation; please use the provided link to complete your registration. You will also need the *Virtual Lecture Demo Event Code provided below.

NAU News for April 16, 2021 — ‘Seven new Regents’ professors (including Miguel José Yacamán) showcase NAU’s research and scholarly excellence’ and more news

Regents’ professor is a recognition afforded to only 3 percent of all faculty and is truly an honor. Each was nominated by their peers for outstanding achievements and international recognition in their fields. The Arizona Board of Regents approved the promotions at their meeting Thursday.

CCC gears up to help county reskill and recover

FLAGSTAFF — Sometimes, they are working more than one job. Sometimes, the job they have don’t support their families. Sometimes, they need training for a new job. And, sometimes, students come to Coconino Community College to test the waters of higher…

Arizona Launching COVID-19 Vaccination Site in Flagstaff on April 19

The state Northern Region COVID-19 Vaccination Site, a partnership with Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS), Coconino County, Northern Arizona University (NAU) and Northern Arizona Healthcare, will open in Flagstaff on Monday, April 19, administering the Pfizer vaccine to anyone 16 and older.

The vaccination site will be located at NAU’s University Union Fieldhouse, 1050 Knoles Drive and will serve the Flagstaff and northern Arizona communities. The indoor vaccination site will operate daily from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Initially, the site will offer approximately 1,000 appointments per day, with capacity to administer more than 4,000 doses daily. 

North Kaibab and North Rim Grand Canyon Fire Managers Begin Spring Prescribed Fire Operations

Beginning April 17, National Park Service and USDA Forest Service fire managers, working together as the North Zone Interagency Fire Management Program, anticipate initiating prescribed burns on the North Kaibab Ranger District of the Kaibab National Forest and the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. Over the next several weeks fire managers will be assessing weather, fuel moistures, and other conditions for opportunities to conduct burns safely and effectively. 
Units targeted for spring burning are in areas south of Jacob Lake, Crazy Jug/Big Saddle area, and the North Rim Developed area. The North Rim and National Forest areas south of Jacob Lake remained closed until May 15, making this an opportune time to perform burns for infrastructure protection and hazardous fuel reduction as smoke impacts and disruption to visitor experiences would be minimized.

United Way of Northern Arizona — Partner Update: C.U.D.D.L.E. Teaching Life Skills to Teens

In school, in work and in life, teens don’t reach their goals all on their own; in order to move ahead, they need to know there’s a path to get to where they want to go.

C.U.D.D.L.E. Outreach has partnered with United Way of Northern Arizona to help adolescents in Page find that path. Through a program that identifies at-risk teens and provides them with essential life skills, they help ensure that this next generation is prepared for the realities of adulthood and ready to live up to their potential.

C.U.D.D.L.E. – the acronym stands for Children Under Duress Divinely Loved Everywhere – does this through a mix of programs and lessons that cover everything from how to open a savings account to making a grocery list to changing a tire on a car.

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up — April 12-16, 2021 — Navajo Nation Re-implements “Safer at Home” Executive Order and more news

Navajo Nation reissued its stay at home order on April 9, 2021. This order has the same direction as previous orders and encourages Navajo Nation residents to stay safe at home. Daily curfews are in place from 10 p.m. – 5 a.m. mountain daylight time.
As always, there are no restrictions upon staff or community members relative to travel to and from the park.
You can read NDOH Public Health Emergency Order 2021-008 here.
Specific guidance for the Navajo Nation can be found on the Navajo Nation website.

Economic Collaborative of Northern Arizona (ECoNA) — Biosciences Innovate During Challenging Year

Yesterday, more than 300 leaders from around the state gathered virtually to discuss Arizona’s Bioscience Roadmap, the progress we’ve made in the last two decades, and how innovation zones and collaborative efforts will increase the pace of investment in this vital sector of our economy.

The agility of bioscience related businesses and organizations was put to the test by the pandemic, as hospitals and health care workers were pushed to the brink by soaring admission rates and lack of essential equipment. Meanwhile, many of our local entities quickly shifted gears to meet the moment:

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Week of the Young Child events continue through April 16

Once again,​ First Things First has partnered with the Arizona Association for the Education of Young Children (AzAEYC) to join the annual nationwide celebration that focuses attention on early learning and the educators who support the positive development of young children.

The Week of the Young Child® is an annual celebration sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), the world’s largest early childhood education association, with nearly 60,000 members and a network of 52 Affiliates. 

The purpose of the Week of the Young Child® is to focus public attention on the needs of young children and their families and to recognize the early childhood programs and services that meet those needs.

Here’s what’s new at Sedona Arts Center!

Now Featuring: Bill Cramer, Cliff Finity,
Byron McKeown, Deanne McKeown,
and Lesley Aine McKeown

The Center’s Fine Art Gallery showcases the largest selection in Sedona of artwork by nearly 100 local and regional artists. If you are seeking a rare piece of fine art, a gift of exquisite jewelry, appreciate stunning photography, or looking for a lovely keepsake from your visit to Sedona, the Arts Center has it all and more. The Arts Center is a 501(c)3 organization that offers all purchases without sales tax – almost a 10% savings.

Coconino County Pauses its Use of the Johnson & Johnson Vaccine

Coconino County health officials announced (on April 13), in accordance with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), and Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) recommendation, the County is pausing use of Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine. The recommendation is based on six reported U.S. cases, out of 6.8 million doses administered nationally, of a rare and severe type of blood clot in individuals after receiving Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

In line with the current guidance, Northern Arizona Healthcare (NAH) has cancelled this week’s Johnson and Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic located at the Elks Lodge in Flagstaff. Those with appointments at the NAH vaccination site for Johnson & Johnson, are encouraged to seek vaccination at other County vaccination sites where the Moderna vaccine is being administered. Registration information is available at

Free Summer Classes at Coconino Community College – Info Sessions

High school seniors in Coconino County (graduating class of 2021) will be able to attend summer classes at Coconino Community College for FREE!

Registration is now open for the summer semester at CCC.

Summer instruction begins Monday, June 7, 2021.

Coconino Community College will be hosting two (2) free virtual information sessions via ZOOM to answer your questions about this excellent opportunity.

Sedona Arts Center — Culture & Community Survey

Sedona Arts Center is proud to be part of a major national research study to learn how arts, culture, and creativity fit into people’s lives during this difficult period — and how cultural organizations can become better for you in the future.

We know you get a lot of surveys, and that this one comes at a challenging time for many of us. We’re passing it on to you because it’s genuinely important to our community and our shared future. If you can spare a few minutes to give your views, we’d be very grateful.

NAU News — Call for nominations: Hispanic/Latinx Convocation Awards and more news

The Hispanic Student Convocation Committee is seeking nominations to recognize three outstanding Latino graduating seniors and one outstanding graduate student.

César Chávez Award: Recognizes students with strong leadership skills, a demonstrated care and concern for fellow students and a history of involvement on behalf of the Hispanic community
Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz Award: Recognizes students with demonstrated leadership abilities, strong attachments to their cultural heritage and demonstrated advocacy regarding women’s rights
Gabriela Mistral Award: Recognizes students with a strong commitment to education and to promoting multicultural understanding
Outstanding Hispanic Graduate Student: Recognizes a graduate student with strong leadership skills who serves as a positive role model for their undergraduate colleagues, demonstrates care and concern for fellow students and possesses a history of involvement on behalf of the Hispanic community

AARP Hispanic Connection — Special invitation! Join our virtual Day at the Capitol on April 12

* Special invitation! Join our virtual Day at the Capitol on Monday, April 12 (see attachment). Registration required:
* SSI applications are considerably down. Our good friend Jack Burns from the Social Security Phoenix office shares the attached letter. Feel free to reach out to Jack with questions: 866-331-4359 /  
* Our Long Term Care series has launched. Visit our FB page to watch our first show: Long Term Care in our Healthcare System. This topic will be addressed every other Saturday. Next topic: Acute Care vs Long Term Care (4/17).

A goodbye from The Literacy Center Executive Director Dianna Sanchez

I have some exciting, although bittersweet, news to share with you all.  I have recently accepted a position at Coconino Community College as their Chief Development Officer.  I will begin my new role at CCC on April 19th; however, I will remain at TLC through the end of June to assist with a smooth transition and to help with the completion of our Storybook Path.  Although I am looking forward to my position at CCC, leaving TLC was a difficult decision for me to make.  The relationships and the memories I have made with the TLC family are significant and I have absolutely treasured my time here. 

Coconino County Parks & Recreation — Celebrate Earth Day and practice sustainable recreation

There’s no greater time to explore the outdoors. As we celebrate Earth Day on April 22, why not put into practice sustainable recreation and tourism? Did you know there are 7 principles of Leave No Trace? To learn more about how you can
leave no trace when exploring
Arizona’s outdoors, visit

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up — April 5-9, 2021

East Entrance at Desert View Re-opens

Beginning April 8, 2021, visitors traveling to Grand Canyon National Park will be able to enter and exit the park through the East Entrance at Desert View.

Park officials, working with tribal and state officials, stakeholders and community leaders, announced the reopening of the Park’s east entrance gate this week. The east entrance, along Arizona State Highway (Hwy) 64, has been closed since April 1, 2020. The intent of the closure has been to minimize visitor traffic through the Navajo Nation and other communities east of the Park, respecting the health and safety need of park neighbors during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Flagstaff Festival of Science — Host an event and be a part of the 2021 Festival of Science!

Are you a scientist, educator, or presenter at a scientific institution? Do you or your business want to share your research and programs with the community?

We are calling for submissions to host an event with this year’s Festival!

Workshops, talks, trips, and programs that highlight innovative Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math are all welcome to participate in the 2021 Festival, scheduled to take place in September!

Submissions are due by April 31.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — CCC&Y, community partners puts focus on importance of mentoring with virtual program coming April 14

Are you concerned with the challenges facing our youth and families?

Have you felt called to learn more or maybe even get involved as a mentor?

All are invited to learn a bit about the importance community members can play in the development of resilience through connections with a virtual program from 1 to 2 p.m. Wednesday, April 2021.

Partners include Arizona’s Children Association, Big Brothers Big Sisters Flagstaff, Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Coconino County, the Family Involvement Center and Native Americans for Community Action (NACA).

Grant funding provided by Arizona Department of Child Safety and Health Choice Arizona.

Coconino County Unveils Suffrage Marker to Commemorate the Centennial of Women’s Voting Rights

On Wednesday, April 7, Coconino County will unveil a suffrage marker at the Coconino County courthouse to commemorate the centennial of Women’s Voting Rights in collaboration with the National Collaborative for Women’s History Site (NCWHS) and the Pomeroy Foundation. 

The Arizona Women’s History Alliance (AWHA) identified the Coconino County courthouse as one of five historic sites in the state of Arizona as Anna Howard Shaw, a nation suffrage leader, gave a talk at the courthouse on October 18, 1912. Dr. Anna Howard Shaw is a significant figure in the national suffrage movement, campaigning across the country in the ultimately successful push for women’s right to vote. 

Discover Flagstaff — Worlds Best Spring Break, Arizona Snowbowl April 8-11 and more events

Discover Flagstaff publishes Flagstaff 365 Happenings on a weekly basis to highlight local events happening in and around Flagstaff. It is distributed throughout Downtown Flagstaff, displayed in kiosks and storefronts, and also available at the Flagstaff Visitor Center. Below are some highlights. For a complete printable pdf list of events click below.

Flagstaff Arts Council — Viola Awards

Over the past 13 years we have gathered annually at the Viola Awards to honor and celebrate the accomplishments of our creative community from the previous year. The Flagstaff Arts Council is asking our community to come together and reflect on 2020, the pandemic, and our community through a Year in Review video. This video will premiere at the Viola Awards on Friday, June 18th. We all know that 2020 was a year filled with lots of challenges, loss, emotion, and moments of resiliency. Please share your reflections on the year 2020 by participating in this project. 

This video will reflect on 2020 and look toward the future. Participants will answer at least 3 of the following questions: 

Grand Canyon National Park Re-Opens East Entrance Gate

Beginning April 8, 2021, visitors traveling to Grand Canyon National Park will be able to enter the park through the East Entrance at Desert View.

Park officials, working with tribal and state officials, stakeholders and community leaders, announced the reopening of the Park’s east entrance gate this week. The east entrance, along Arizona State Highway (Hwy) 64, has been closed since April 1, 2020. The intent of the closure has been to minimize visitor traffic through the Navajo Nation and other communities east of the Park, respecting the health and safety need of park neighbors during the COVID-19 pandemic.

United Way of Northern Arizona 2021-2023 Grant Application Announcement

Step up for Youth and Families/Individuals During COVID Relief and Recovery

United Way of Northern Arizona (UWNA), in partnership with Coconino County is pleased to announce the opening of the 2021-2023 grant application cycle on April 1, 2021. Grants will be due on April 15, 2021 at 11:59 p.m. This is a two-year application cycle (based on availability of funds). 

Any verifiable social services non-profit (501c3) organization in good standing with the IRS, and that meets the eligibility requirements set forth by UWNA is invited to attend a virtual required training session. 

Priority Based Budgeting data set available for public review

The city of Flagstaff recently implemented Priority Based Budgeting (PBB), a tool that allows the city to approach budgeting in a new way. This method takes the traditional line item budget information and converts it to showcase expenditures, revenues and other key sets of data at the program level, such as fire suppression, snowplow operations, and police dispatch. To learn more about this budgeting approach visit:

Flagstaff STEM Awards now accepting 2021 nominations

STEM City is now accepting nominations for the 2021 STEMmy awards, an annual award given to organizations and individuals who are STEAM leaders in the greater Flagstaff community.  The deadline is April 23, 2021 and nomination forms for each of the categories are available below.

Student Nomination Form
Teacher Nomination Form 
Community Member Nomination Form 

Sedona Arts Center — Today’s the Day — Arizona Gives Day

Arizona Gives Day is an annual giving movement uniting nonprofits, big and small, new and established, to celebrate and increase philanthropy in Arizona through online giving. The event helps raise awareness about the critical role Arizona nonprofits play in our communities and inspires people to give generously creating a thriving and stronger Arizona for all.
Click the button below to donate today!

City of Flagstaff seeks input on draft Carbon Neutrality Plan

The city of Flagstaff Sustainability Program will host four live Open Houses on the draft Flagstaff Carbon Neutrality Plan. The Open Houses, hosted online via Zoom, will gather feedback on the Plan from residents and answer any questions the community may have. The events will take place on:

– Wednesday, April 7 at 6 p.m.

– Friday, April 9 at 12 p.m.

– Thursday, April 15 at 6 p.m.

– Saturday, April 17 at 10 a.m.

Sedona Arts Center April Update from Executive Director Julie Richard

As I write this, Spring is in full bloom – and you can tell people have been cooped up for a while – because they are certainly out and about enjoying the beautiful weather we’ve been having.

I am now 2+ months on the job and am starting to feel like things are falling in to place.  I have been able to meet more and more people (some actually in-person) and plans are beginning to shape up for the future.

United Way of Ventura County — Tomorrow’s the Day!

We hope that you’ll join us tomorrow for Arizona Gives Day, a 24-hour, statewide celebration of charitable organizations that starts at midnight. It’s a special day that unites supporters of big and small nonprofits to increase philanthropy in Arizona through online giving.

Many thanks to those of you who have already donated to United Way of Arizona as part of this year’s #AZGIves campaign. If you haven’t had a chance to give yet, you can do so by clicking HERE.

Bilingual report — Gina Santi Photography Images of the Month – April 2021

The Easter celebrations in in Antigua Guatemala are a clear example of the important role that celebrations play in the community. They draw attention and reverence from all levels of society. Hundreds of residents volunteer to carry huge wooden floats through the city streets, the church goes to great lengths decorating and preparing for the tribute to the life and death of Jesus, and families go through a truly mesmerizing collaborative process of designing elaborate carpets of vibrant colors made of dyed sawdust, intricately arranged on the streets, to cover the path of the processions. 

NAU achieves status of Hispanic-Serving Institution

Northern Arizona University now meets U.S. Department of Education Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) criteria and has earned recognition from the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) as an HSI.

The designation as a Hispanic-Serving Institution gives NAU greater access to grants, including Title V, which provides funds to expand educational opportunities for, and improve the attainment of, Hispanic students. This designation denotes that a college or university’s Hispanic enrollment makes up at least 25 percent of its total enrollment and is a recognition of the diversity of its student population.

CHAC holds inaugural food drive in honor of 2021 César E. Chávez Celebration

FLAGSTAFF — The Coconino County Hispanic Advisory Council (CHAC) held its inaugural drop-off Community Food Drive as a socially safe alternative to its annual César E. Chávez celebration on Saturday, March 27 at the Market of Dreams / Mercado de los Sueños, 2532 E. 7th Ave., at the corner of 4th and 7th streets, Flagstaff.

Nearly 500 pounds of food were collected, along with nearly $500 in cash donations.

All donations went to the Flagstaff Family Food Center for distribution to the community.

Thank you to former Flagstaff Mayor Coral Evans for conducting Facebook Live interviews to spread the word about the event, and to supporting partners The Market of Dreams / Mercado de los Sueños and Radio Sunnyside KSZN-LP 101.5 FM.

The event was promoted in the Arizona Daily Sun and KAFF Country 92.9 FM

AARP Hispanic Connection to launch Long Term Care series at 9 a.m. April 3

The AARP Hispanic Connection will launch a Long Term Care series at 9 a.m. April 3 on its Facebook Page (prerecorded).

Click here to hear the session.

— AARP Arizona Hispanic Connection is a platform that educates on relevant issues, celebrates Latino accomplishments, and connects Hispanics of all generations.

Coconino County a Leader in Vaccine Administration, Thanks FEMA, National Guard, and Partners

Coconino County continues to be a leader among all Arizona counties in vaccine administration, with nearly 39% of the population receiving at least one vaccine dose to date.

To maintain this status as a leader and to keep the residents of Coconino County safe, all eligible individuals are encouraged to receive the vaccine as soon as possible. Coconino County residents ages 18 and older are eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, and appointments remain available throughout the county, including at Fort Tuthill County Park in Flagstaff.

District 1 Supervisor Patrice Horstman Newsletter for April 2

Hello from Supervisor Horstman
Congressman O’Halleran Visits Ft. Tuthill
Vaccine Site
Fire Season and Monsoon Forecast
Mt. Elden Estates Community Meeting
Arizona List Awards
Supervisor Horstman’s County Boards and
Thank You to FEMA, National Guard, and
COVID Information Line, Testing, and
Vaccinated Guidance
Contact Us

Coconino County Celebrates National County Government Month

Coconino County will celebrate National County Government Month (NCGM) during the month of April to showcase how the County achieves healthy, safe, and vibrant communities.

The theme for this year’s celebration of NCGM is “Counties Matter,” demonstrating how counties help to improve people’s lives every day, especially for local government workers on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic.

Sedona Arts Center — New Online Workshops Starting Tomorrow!

Online learning opportunities are perfect for students who are interested in taking one of our educational opportunities, but prefer to work at home. These learning opportunities provide a well-rounded experience in various visual art mediums.

Our workshops are live online learning experiences with one-on-one interaction between student and instructor. Click here to see all our online learning opportunities