Thirty years ago, Coconino Community College was born.
The birth was a two-step process: First, voters had to decide if they wanted to form a community college district; second, they had to decide to fund the district with property taxes.
Both measures passed, and CCC was born to serve the residents of Coconino County.
However, that is not the end of the story – only the beginning. A challenge came about with the formation of the college that has grown as the college has grown over time. The percentage of property taxes to help run the college is, by far, the lowest offered to any community college district in the state of Arizona. Initially, the college was able to overcome that challenge with the assistance of state funding and fees from tuition. In the last 30 years, the state funding has diminished considerably. Members of the governing board and the college communities have met the challenge of that initial underfunding with incredible efforts to do “more with less.”
Before she left office, state Sen. Sylvia Allen, after seeing the amazing stories of success being experienced by CCC students, decided to take forward an amendment to state law in 2018 that would allow community colleges to ask the voters to decide if they would support an increase to their primary property tax rate in order to bring the college somewhat closer to parity with other community colleges in the state. The governing board has decided now is the time to ask (see related story).
In a special election on May 17, voters will consider an increase to their primary property tax rate. If the voters approve, the tax rate will still be below all the other community colleges; however, it will provide an opportunity to meet many of the demands for career and technical programs and short-term training requested by business and industry throughout Coconino County.
Onward! Náás! Adelante!
Colleen Smith, PhD
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