Category: Home

City of Flagstaff — Schultz Creek Detention Basins complete and functional

The City of Flagstaff is happy to announce that the Schultz Creek Sediment and Flood Mitigation Detention Basins are complete and functional. The basins were completed incredibly quickly, with the project being designed, planned, bid and constructed in less than three months, including significant rain delays.

The dedication and hard work of the City’s Stormwater and Public Works divisions, as well as the expertise of Shephard Wesnitzner, Inc, and the commitment of Fann Contracting made such a swift delivery possible. The project was delivered with $2.4M in funding from the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Emergency Watershed Protection Program and a match of over $700,000 from the Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management.

City of Flagstaff snow operations

With snow forecast for northern Arizona in the coming days, the City of Flagstaff would like to provide information regarding snow operations. The City’s Public Works Division will deploy all available equipment and operators during winter snow events, with operations running 24 hours a day during significant events. 

County Plows Ready for Season’s First Snow

Coconino County Public Works crews are prepared to keep County roads open and passable during the first snowstorm of the 2022-2023 winter season, which is forecast to hit Northern Arizona this week. 

According to the National Weather Service, rain and snow showers are expected across northern Arizona starting Wednesday night and lasting into Friday, with the heaviest expected Thursday morning/afternoon. Minor accumulations are expected down to about 5000 feet with around 4 to 6 inches expected above 6500 feet. 

Short-Term Flood Mitigation Projects Move Forward

FLAGSTAFF — On October 25, the Coconino County Flood Control District (District) Directors approved investing up to $11.5 million in a set of smaller scale flood mitigation projects in the Schultz/Pipeline Flood area. These projects will restore the capacity of some of the existing flood mitigation measures in the area and reduce flood impacts to the Doney Park area through construction of a series of berms near Landfill Road. 

The District Directors received an in-depth presentation regarding the District’s short-term on-forest and neighborhood mitigation projects and staff requested a budget adjustment in the amount of $10.5 million to cover the costs. The funding will come through a loan from the County’s General Fund. After the presentation and clarifying questions from Board members, the budget adjustment was approved unanimously by those present. 

Winter Parking Ordinance Takes Effect Nov. 1

Coconino County’s annual Winter Parking Ordinance goes into effect on November 1, 2022. The ordinance, which will remain in place until April 1, 2023, prohibits vehicles from parking along county-maintained right of way at all times both to facilitate safer snow removal operations and to help mitigate dangerous snow related traffic congestion and parking issues. 

United Way of Northern Arizona — Your Gift Puts Roofs Over Heads

Homelessness – whether temporary or long-lasting – has become a more dire crisis in the past year.

According to the Arizona Department of Economic Security, the number of unhoused Arizonans was nearly 11,000 in early 2020. As of December 2021, that number is estimated to have increased by nearly 30 percent.

A tragic trifecta has driven up the numbers of those without housing – rapidly rising housing costs, persistent inflation for basic necessities, and the end of pandemic-era protections to keep people from being evicted.

Compost your dried leaves and pine needles this fall

The City of Flagstaff invites the public to drop off dried leaves and pine needles at three drop-off locations in Flagstaff on Saturday, October 29 and Sunday, October 30.

Bags of dried leaves and pine needles can be delivered to the following locations between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.:

Jay Lively Activity Center (1650 N Turquoise Dr)
Continental Park (5650 E Old Walnut Canyon Rd)
University Highlands Park (3888 S Jewel Dr)

Auction sheep helps CCC student cover education

People of all ages, adorned in cowboy boots, belt buckles and jeans filled the high-commotion area of the barns at this year’s Coconino County fair. The sounds of hair buzzers and vacuums fill the hot, dusty summer air as young people parade their animals in a counter clockwise direction at the best in show event.

Coconino Community College student Andrea Yazzie is at the county fair in hopes of selling Jeff, her prized sheep. Jeff is well proportioned, buzzed down to the skin with the exception of natural wool leg warmers, which were extra fluffed and ready for show.  

“Over the summer, I sold two steers and one goat to help pay for my tuition,” Andrea said, adding that she hoped Jeff could sell for about $10 a pound at the fair auction which would go towards additional living expenses while she attends classes at CCC at the Page Center.

Friends of Flagstaff’s Future — Action Alert: Flagstaff Regional Plan Visioning Starts This Week!

It’s time to start providing input into the City of Flagstaff and Coconino County’s Planning Process.

The Regional Plan is a policy guide and serves as the general plan for the City of Flagstaff and an amendment to the Coconino County Comprehensive Plan. It reflects the community’s vision for the future, and describes how the community wants to grow and change over the next 20+ years. The current Regional Plan was adopted in 2014 and this new update will guide future growth and development in our region.

City of Flagstaff announces volunteer opportunities available to create sandbags

Flagstaff community members who would like to volunteer to support residents impacted by Pipeline Fire post-wildfire flooding on the west side of Flagstaff are invited to assist in filling sandbags. Volunteers are encouraged to visit either of the City’s self-fill sandbag stations (locations below) anytime during daylight hours, seven days a week to create sandbags. Empty sandbags and cinder sand are provided at the sites. Volunteers are encouraged to bring gloves, sun protection, shovels, and water for hydration. Completed sandbags can be left at the sites, where they can then be picked up by residents impacted by flooding. Self-formed groups, such as school groups, church groups, or other organizations are especially encouraged to volunteer. Volunteers can learn more about how to properly build sandbags a

Economic Collaborative of Northern Arizona (ECoNA) — Providing an Alternative Route to Homeownership

Becoming a homeowner in Flagstaff has never been easy, but this year the barriers have been particularly high, with the median average price of a single-family home well above $700,000 by this summer. 

Combine that with hikes in mortgage rates and overall inflation pressures, and it was a triple whammy that dashed the dream of homeownership for many who live and work in northern Arizona.

Public, nonprofit, and private entities are working together to give some relief by producing starter homes through Habitat for Humanity of Northern Arizona (HFHNA) that are small-scale, affordable, and meant to create equity quickly for homeowners.

The group is currently building the first of these homes in Flagstaff’s South Side, but it is likely the effort will grow exponentially in the next five years under a plan to build at least 40 of the units at the new Timber Sky development on West Route 66.

“The escalation of home prices has closed the window for a huge amount of middle-class people,” said Eric Wolverton, Executive Director of HFHNA. “This isn’t about serving the poorest of the poor. We are looking to create workforce housing.”

United Way of Northern Arizona — How Agencies Came Together During This Fire Season

In less than two months this spring, three major wildfires dominated our news as they charred land, displaced residents, and destroyed structures in their path.

One of the few silver linings during those eight weeks was how well individuals, nonprofit organizations and local governments came together to deal with the crises.

“What I find in Coconino County is that everyone works together like a family,” said Joel Bunis, who joined Coconino County Health and Human Services in January as its Outbreak Response Division Manager. “It’s all about connecting people with what they need.”

Friends of Flagstaff’s Future — Mayoral Forum Recording, City Bonds, JW Powell and more!

It’s been a packed couple of months and there’s a lot of information in this newsletter. This newsletter contains important updates and multiple opportunities for community input into important city projects. I encourage you to take time to read it!

In This Issue:
F3 Mayoral Candidate Forum Recording Available
Pipeline Fire Flooding Updates
City Bonds on November Ballot
Update: JW Powell Blvd Extension
Update: Pilot Bike Lanes Program, Beaver and Butler Avenues
Lone Tree Overpass Design Public Meetings in July
Apply for Flagstaff’s Climate Equity Advisory Committee
Community Input Sought
Featured Nonprofit: Townsite Community Land Trust

Flood risk assessment map available for Pipeline West area

Some homes and businesses in Flagstaff face a heightened risk of post wildfire flooding due to the Pipeline Fire. Residents who live in the northwest area of Flagstaff, including the neighborhoods of Creighton Estates, Forest Hills, Lynwood, Cheshire, Valley Crest, Coyote Springs, Ridge Crest, Coconino Estates, and Rock Ridge Estates are encouraged to visit to view the flood risk assessment map and determine how their residence is impacted. 

City of Flagstaff lifts fire restrictions

The City of Flagstaff will lift current fire restrictions and return to Stage 0 fire restrictions on Tuesday, June 28 at 12 p.m. (noon).

Under Stage 0 fire restrictions,

Smoking and use of electronic cigarettes are prohibited in all public places within the City of Flagstaff, including City Parks, Open Spaces, and the Flagstaff Urban Trail System (FUTS) at all times.

Self-fill sandbag stations available in west Flagstaff for residents impacted by Pipeline Fire  

The City of Flagstaff has established two self-filling sandbag stations for those impacted by the Pipeline Fire who live on the west side of Flagstaff. The first station is in Thorpe Park, at the parking lot at the north end of N. Aztec St. between Frances Short Pond and the softball fields. The second station is located at the intersection of Schultz Pass Rd and E Mt Elden Lookout Rd. (commonly called the Schultz “Y”). Maps of these locations are attached.  

The ECoNA Q&A: NAU President José Luis Cruz Rivera

José Luis Cruz Rivera recently completed his first year as the 17th President of Northern Arizona University (NAU). To mark this anniversary, we asked him about key initiatives during his first year, NAU’s niche in the higher ed marketplace, what local restaurants he’s discovered, and his upcoming formal installation in September. You can see the full interview here.

Q: What do you feel your biggest success has been this first year?
A: Well, that’s an easy answer. The fact that I survived the Running of the Freshman at the first home football game!

In all seriousness, while there have been many success stories, I think my biggest success has been learning about and connecting with the people and organizations who live and work at NAU, in Flagstaff and throughout northern Arizona. It has been important to me from day one to understand the values here. Time will be the judge of my success leading and supporting the efforts of our awesome university community, but I have truly enjoyed listening and learning and still feel it is a privilege to serve as the President of NAU and live is this amazing and beautiful community.

United Way of Northern Arizona — A Crowning Achievement — UWNA Grant Helps Launch New Shelter Service

When COVID-19 made congregant shelter living a dangerous option for those experiencing homelessness, Flagstaff Shelter Services (FSS) stepped up by renting hotel rooms for their most immunocompromised clients. It was a successful – if expensive – way to continue to serve the homeless at the height of the pandemic.

It also led to an innovative idea: tap into funds available through the American Rescue Plan Act to acquire a hotel and rehab the units into emergency housing. With the support of the Arizona Department of Housing, FSS purchased a Route 66 hotel that years ago was the The Crown Motel and more recently operated as a Howard Johnsons.

Other groups helped support the launch of the new site, including the Forest Highlands Foundation and the Arizona Diamondback. A grant from United Way of Northern Arizona allowed FSS to hire a full-time manager for the new shelter complex, which is being renamed The Crown in a nod to the building’s history.

Notice of Flood Control District Public Outreach Meeting on June 23

On Thursday June 23, 2022, at 6:30 p.m., the Coconino County Flood Control District will hold a virtual meeting to present important information to the communities of Timberline, Wupatki Trails, Fernwood, and Doney Park regarding flood threat, risk, and mitigation efforts as a result of the Pipeline, Tunnel, and Schultz Fires.

This outreach meeting will be held via webinar using Zoom video conferencing software, members of the community are encouraged to participate via the following url: or toll-free via telephone: (833) 548 0282, Webinar ID: 870 7215 3234.

Coconino County Parks & Recreation — Stage 3 Fire Restrictions in place

For County park and natural areas, the following restrictions apply: 
• The following County amenities are closed: Trails, Disc Golf Course, Archery Range, and Bike Park.
• No camping is allowed outside of campground area.
• All campfires are prohibited.
• Charcoal/wood or liquid fuels grills are prohibited.
• Liquid fuels and/or liquid petroleum gas fire rings are prohibited.
• Smoking is prohibited outdoors.
• No vehicle parking and/or driving on grassy, forested, and unimproved/undeveloped areas.
• Chainsaws and other small, motorized equipment are prohibited by park users.
• Previously scheduled events to be approved by Department at least one week prior to the event.

City of Flagstaff Truth in Taxation Hearing on June 28 – Notice of Tax Increase

All interested citizens are invited to attend the public hearing on the tax increase that is scheduled to be held virtually via the Zoom platform on Tuesday, June 28, 2022, at 6:00 pm.  People can join the meeting by link or phone listed below. 

Link: or call Dial 833 548 0282 (Toll Free), Webinar ID: 852 6192 3910.

Coconino County Flood Control District mobilizing flood mitigation effort

As Coconino County residents begin to return to their homes in the aftermath of the Pipeline and Haywire fires, the County’s Flood Control District would like to make the entire community aware of the potential risk of flooding, and the steps the public can take to mitigate their property and be Flood Aware.

Residents may already be familiar with the 3 Step “Ready, Set, Go” wildfire system of preparedness and evacuation. For the risk of flooding, a similar, easy-to-remember system of “Ready, Set, Shelter” is helpful to prepare for and respond to flood events:

Evacuation Orders Lifted for Crater Estates, Moon Crater, West Alpine Ranchos & Other Areas

he Coconino County Sheriff’s Office is pleased to announce the following areas will be downgraded from “GO” to “SET” status.

The areas identified as Crater Estates, Moon Crater, West Alpine Ranchos, the Private Properties along Hwy 89 north from Wupatki Trails to Sacred Mountain Trading Post will be downgraded from “GO” to “SET” status. It is important to note that much of the National Forest Land in that area remains closed due to the Coconino National Forest Emergency Fire Closure Order.

In addition, the following areas will be downgraded from “SET” to “READY” status: East Alpine Ranchos and Hwy 89 north from Sacred Mountain Trading Post/Medicine Valley.

Coconino County enters into Stage 3 Fire Restrictions

Coconino County entered Stage 3 Fire Restrictions at 3 p.m. Friday, June 17, 2022. The restrictions apply for all of Coconino County.

Fire restrictions are enacted to help protect public health and safety by reducing the number of human-caused wildfires.

This ordinance applies to unincorporated areas, namely that part of Coconino County outside the corporate limits of any municipality, federally owned land, or any federally recognized tribe in accordance with 25 Code of Federal Regulations part 83.

Stage 3 Fire Restrictions prohibit any combustion, open fire, charcoal, propane, and campfires in unincorporated areas and residences in the County.

Flagstaff hosts community volunteer day on June 18 in areas impacted by Museum Fire flooding

The City of Flagstaff is hosting a community volunteer day in areas downstream of the Museum Fire burn scar on Saturday, June 18. Volunteers will be assisting residents who are elderly or have a disability repair their emergency sandbag mitigation. To request volunteer assistance, please call 928-213-2102 Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Resources are limited, and crews will address as many properties as time and resources allow.

‘READY, SET, GO’ Status Changes for Elden Lookout Road, Doney Park South, and Alpine Ranchos East

After meeting with the Great Basin Type 1 team managing the Pipeline and Haywire Fires, it has been determined that it is safe to downgrade some areas on evacuation status.

The following changes will be effective immediately:

City of Flagstaff to enter Stage 3 Fire Restrictions

The City of Flagstaff will enter Stage 3 Fire Restrictions at 8 a.m. on Friday, June 17. 

Stage 3 Fire Restrictions include the following new restrictions:

The use of propane and gas BBQs (including those with an on-off switch) is prohibited in City parks, open spaces, and private campgrounds.
The use of propane and gas BBQs (including those with an on-off switch) are allowed at private residences EXCEPT during a Red Flag Warning.
Public access to sections of the Flagstaff Urban Trails System (FUTS) that provide an entrance into any closed area of the Coconino National Forest is prohibited.
In the event of a complete closure of the Coconino National Forest, public entry/use of Observatory Mesa and Picture Canyon City Open Space lands is prohibited.

Bilingual report — Coconino County Museum Flood Risk Advisory June 2022

There remains a very strong likelihood of hazardous flash flooding as a result of the Museum Fire. The hydrology consultant for the Coconino County Flood Control District (District) recently conducted a post-fire flood risk analysis that validated the original model used to gauge flood risk in the Museum Flood Area and determined that the area remains at high risk for hazardous flash flooding. It must be noted that floodwaters can create unpredictable changes, which can create new flood paths, which cannot be predicted.

Pipeline Fire at 22,888 acres, 31% containment | Haywire Fire at 5,065 acres, 0% containment

The Type 1 Great Basin Incident Management Team (IMT) 2 has arrived at the Pipeline and Haywire fires, and is shadowing the Type 2 California Interagency IMT 15. The Type 1 team will assume command of the incident 6 a.m. Thursday.

The Pipeline Fire is currently 22,888 acres with 31% containment and the Haywire Fire is estimated at 5,065 acres with no containment.

While critical fire weather continues due to dry conditions and high temperatures, lower wind speeds allowed aerial operations to resume and continue throughout the day.

Pipeline and Haywire Fires Update and Declaration of Emergency

The Pipeline Fire, located 6 miles north of Flagstaff, started Sunday, June 12, and has spread to over 5,000 acres due to extremely high winds.

Additionally, the Haywire Fire, located 8 miles northeast of Flagstaff, ignited in the early hours of Monday, June 13, and is currently at 1,600 acres in size. A U.S. Forest Service Type 2 Incident Management Team is currently on site for each fire. A Type 1 Incident Management Team has been ordered.

The Coconino County Sheriff’s Office has evacuated many communities in the fire area. Click here for the most current information on evacuation status: 0444387bf32792b9c25e169

Cinder Lake Landfill closed due to Pipeline Fire

Effective immediately, the City of Flagstaff Cinder Lake Landfill is closed due to the Pipeline Fire. The Hazardous Products Center at the landfill is also closed. Please avoid the area.

Refer to Coconino County’s Pipeline Fire website for up-to-date information:

Arizona Dept. of Housing — Governor signs HB2610 paving way for more affordable housing

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey this week signed HB2610 into law removing the arbitrary cap on the size of affordable housing apartment communities constructed by non-profits wanting to qualify for a property tax exemption. The new law encourages more construction of larger affordable apartment communities across the state that rent solely to income-eligible tenants.

“We are committed to growing our state’s affordable housing inventory and this law helps by eliminating an unnecessary barrier to development,” said Arizona Department of Housing Director Tom Simplot. “By removing this burdensome regulation, non-profits can build larger affordable housing communities and still receive the tax break they need for these projects.”

Arizona sets record for affordable housing tax credit award dollars

The Arizona Department of Housing (ADOH) this week announced it has awarded $30.1 million in federal 9% Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) to 16 affordable housing projects, including 7 in rural communities. The all-time record amount comes after a reengineered process of awarding tax credits and implementation of the new State Tax Credit program.

“This new process reduced the burdensome regulatory framework for allocating these highly-coveted tax credits and has led to increased developer interest in building affordable housing in Arizona,” said ADOH Director Tom Simplot. “The State Tax Credit program is fulfilling its goal to stimulate the construction of new affordable housing in our state.”

Solar co-op launches for Northern Arizona residents to go solar together

Second co-op in the region launches following the state’s most successful co-op Local city, county officials throw support behind project. Information meeting set for Tuesday, May 24.

FLAGSTAFF — The Cities of Flagstaff and Sedona, and Coconino County have partnered with nonprofit group Solar United Neighbors (SUN) to launch the second Northern Arizona Co-op. The co-op will help residents go solar.

This co-op follows the launch of the first Northern Arizona Co-op in 2021. That group reached 225 member households and is Solar United Neighbors’ most successful co-op in Arizona to date. The second Northern Arizona Co-op provides a new opportunity for residents to take advantage of the area’s plentiful sunshine.

“The City of Flagstaff is making great strides to uphold our commitment to reach carbon neutrality by 2030, but we know that we can’t do it alone,” said Flagstaff Vice Mayor Miranda Sweet. “The solar co-op represents the ‘what’s possible’ when we work together to create solutions, collectively.

City of Flagstaff hosts volunteer cleanup day on May 21 in areas impacted by Museum Fire flooding

The City of Flagstaff is hosting a volunteer cleanup day in areas downstream of the Museum Fire burn scar on Saturday, May 21. Volunteers will be assisting with clearing debris and litter from public infrastructure around Ponderosa Park and the Grandview Homes neighborhood. 

Sandbags available for residents impacted by Museum Fire flooding

The City of Flagstaff and the Coconino County Flood Control District are helping residents in neighborhoods downstream of the Museum Fire burn scar prepare for the 2022 monsoon season by placing pallets of new sandbags and trash bins throughout neighborhoods, which residents can use to repair their sandbag walls. Materials will be available from May 13 through July 1, 2022.

United Way of Northern Arizona — TUNNEL FIRE: Crisis Response Fund Update

Northern Arizona University, Nestle Purina, Suddenlink and OneAZ Credit Union are leading the way in providing funds to help those who have been impacted by the Tunnel Fire. Together they have contributed $45,000 to the United Way of Northern Arizona Crisis Response Fund.

These funds will be used to help people impacted by the fire meet immediate needs and offer assistance as they rebuild and recover. The blaze, which as of last night was 89% contained, has destroyed more than 100 structures, including 30 homes northeast of Flagstaff.

City of Flagstaff to enter Stage 1 Fire Restrictions on May 5

The City of Flagstaff will enter Stage 1 Fire Restrictions at 8 a.m. on May 5, 2022.

Under Stage 1 Fire Restrictions,

The sale or use of consumer-grade fireworks is prohibited.
The use of charcoal and wood-fired BBQs are prohibited in City parks and open spaces.
Charcoal and wood-fired BBQs are still allowed at private residences and private campgrounds within city limits.

Burned Area Emergency Response Team assessing Tunnel Fire damage

 A Forest Service Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) team began surveying the fire-affected areas within the Tunnel Fire perimeter this past Saturday. 

BAER team assessments are rapid evaluations of post-fire conditions of the burned landscape. These assessments determine the level of risk from potential flooding and debris flow, and calculate how these risks will affect both human safety and the natural and cultural resources in the area.

The Tunnel Fire BAER team, led by Forest Service Hydrologist Brendan Waterman, will conduct field surveys, and use science-based models to rapidly evaluate and assess the burned area.

Tunnel Fire Evacuation Status Downgrade from ‘SET’ to ‘READY’

The communities along the Highway 89 corridor, north of Flagstaff, from Campbell Avenue to the north entrance of Forest Service Road 545 (Wupatki National Monument) will be downgraded from “SET” (Pre-evacuation) to “READY” status.

“READY” status means- you are aware of and monitoring fire activity in your area. You should have basic plans in place for yourselves, important documents, medications, pets and livestock in the event that a “GO” message is received.

Cinder Lake Landfill reopens

Cinder Lake Landfill will resume regular operating hours starting Monday, April 25. Regular operating hours are 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and closed on Sunday. 

The Hazardous Products Center (HPC) will also resume regular operating hours starting Monday, April 25. Regular operating hours for the HPC are 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Saturday and closed on Sunday. 

Overnight Tunnel Fire Activity

On April 22, 2022 in the early morning hours a spot fire started in the Timberline Community west of Hwy 89 in the “GO” evacuation area.

Deputies and Officers working overnight security in the evacuated areas recontacted the residents who refused to initially evacuate on Tuesday to notify them of the increased danger and remind them of the “GO” evacuation order. This fire was in the area of Wupatki Trails, Lenox Park, Pumpkin Patch, and Brandis Trail neighborhoods. Deputies and Officers went door to door and used sirens and loudspeakers in an attempt to wake residents to warn them of the fire threat.

United Way of Northern Arizona — TUNNEL FIRE: ‘A Time for Neighbors to Help Neighbors’

During last night’s informative community meeting on the Tunnel Fire, it was the words of Coconino County Board of Supervisors Chair Patrice Horstman that stood out to us:

“This is a time for neighbors to help neighbors.”

United Way of Northern Arizona is currently raising money to help those impacted by the Tunnel Fire through the UWNA Crisis Response Fund. You can donate to the fund by texting UWNAZresponse to 41444. Donations can also be processed on our website here.

Cinder Lake Landfill remains closed northeast of Flagstaff due to Tunnel Fire

Cinder Lake Landfill will remain closed to the public until further notice due to its location inside the evacuation zone of the Tunnel Fire. The Hazardous Products Center at the landfill is also closed. Please avoid the area.

All commercial and residential collection services in the City of Flagstaff are running on a normal schedule.
Refer to Inciweb for up-to-date information on the Tunnel Fire by visiting

Earth Day 2022: Invest in Your Planet, Invest in Your Community

On Friday, April 22nd, communities around the world will celebrate the 52nd anniversary of Earth Day. This year’s theme is “Invest In Our Planet.” Coconino County, in partnership with Friends of Coconino County Parks, the City of Flagstaff, Flagstaff Parks, Recreation, and Open Space, and the U.S. Forest Service are partnering to facilitate three cleanup events throughout the community.

Sediment Reduction Project Breaks Ground in Museum Flood Area

A Coconino County Flood Control District project to reduce sediment production and transport on private lands below the Museum Fire burn scar is underway in Lockett Ranches & Mt. Elden Estates.

The Natural Resources Conservation Service and District-funded Emergency Watershed Protection Project will reduce erosion and sediment transport downstream. 

Willard Springs Green Waste Station Reopens Friday, April 1 for Free Green Waste-Only Disposal

Coconino County will reopen the Willard Springs Green Waste Station on Friday, April 1, for free green waste-only disposal all season long to support residents’ efforts to clean up their properties for wildfire season.

Residents will be allowed to dump acceptable green waste such as pine needles, branches, leaves, and brush free of charge with no load limits on Fridays and Saturdays from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. through the end of the season on Saturday, October 29, 2022.

Interested in raising chickens or composting at home? Apply for the City’s new rebate program!

The City of Flagstaff Sustainability Office is providing rebates up to $100 to those who purchase prefabricated chicken coops, composters, or both after March 1 2022. At-home chicken keeping and composting methods work together to provide healthy soils while keeping food waste out of the landfill.  

Arizona Department of Housing (ADOH) announced $40 million for transitional housing in rural Arizona

The Arizona Department of Housing (ADOH) (on Feb. 14) announced $40 million to provide up to 500 transitional homes for Arizonans in rural communities who are experiencing homelessness.

“Today’s targeted, one-time investment will help Arizonans who’ve fallen on hard times get back on their feet,” said Governor Ducey. “Additional transitional housing in rural communities will help struggling families and individuals get access to safe housing in their own community as they transition to a permanent, reliable home. My thanks go to the team at the Department of Housing and Director Tom Simplot for their work to support fellow Arizonans and ensure they have access to resources that put them on the path to success.

Final 10-Year Housing Plan to Flagstaff City Council for Consideration on Feb. 15

Housing staff would like to thank you for your feedback and involvement in helping create the final 10-Year Housing Plan. The Plan was approved by the Housing Commission on January 27, and it will go to Flagstaff City Council for consideration of adoption on February 15 (next week!). This is a celebration for affordable housing and the momentum for housing local residents is strong. I have attached the final Plan for you to share.

Here is the webpage with more detail about the Plan, extensive public engagement, and public comments. 

Bilingual report — Arizona Department of Housing (ADOH) launches homeowner assistance fund awareness campaign

The Arizona Department of Housing (ADOH) (on Jan. 31) launched an advertising campaign to spread the word that financial help is available to struggling Arizona homeowners through the state’s Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF). The print, radio, digital, and social media ads, in English and Spanish, will concentrate in rural Arizona and encourage homeowners facing foreclosure to apply for assistance.

“The HAF is open to eligible homeowners statewide and the word has spread in many urban areas about the program,” ADOH Director Tom Simplot said. “This ad campaign aims to reach those rural communities where there may be low-income homeowners in need and there are limited other resources available to keep them in their homes.”

District 2 Supervisor Jeronimo Vasquez — District 2 Newsletter 7th Edition — Happy New Year and best wishes for a great 2022!

In this edition…

Message from Sup. Vasquez
Siren Instillation in Museum Flood Area
Museum Flood Area Crisis Response Funding
Sheriff’s Office Tour
Redistricting Update
Services and Programs
And more!
Message from Supervisor Vasquez

Delay – 2022 Annual Point in Time Count

Due to the current surge in COVID-19, the annual Point in Time (PIT) Count has been moved to Feb 23-25 throughout the City of Flagstaff from its original date of Jan 25. This count documents the number of unsheltered people experiencing homelessness at a single point in time and is conducted across the country.

Trained city of Flagstaff and Coconino County employees, social service agencies and volunteers will join mobile outreach teams that will locate individuals, families and youth experiencing homelessness as well as staff booths to conduct surveys at libraries and various locations.

The success of this count is dependent on community volunteers. For more information or to sign up to volunteer, please visit