By the Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth
COCONINO COUNTY — With less than a week to go, the time to register is NOW! for the Coconino Coalition of Children & Youth’s “System Change Symposium” Zoom presentation. Participants can choose Oct. 22 or Oct. 23 to attend the Virtual Community Experience.
The event will provide details on What is System Change? Why Do We Need It? How Do We Make It Happen?
It will also provide information on How do we come together for true change? How do we address root cause issues and create positive outcomes, health and thriving for all?
The System Change Symposium includes such presenters as:
• Kevin Campbell, an American Child Protection, Health Care Innovator and co-founder of Pale Blue with Elizabeth Wendel, MSW, LSW, will help viewers understand the human toll and outcomes of current systems and give us practical ideas for making change now.
• David Martinez III of Vitalist Health Foundation, who will talk about “What is Systems Change and Why They Fund It”
• Iya Affo, founder of Heal Historical Trauma, who will provide examples of policy, systems and inequity
• Andrea Meronuck of Northland Family Health Center and Pearl Santillan of First Things First, who will provide information on mindfulness, self compassion and/or mental health models
• Dr. Sandra Solano, founder of Integro, who will talk about HeartMath, trauma and use for systems change work
• and a message from Flagstaff Mayor, Becky Daggett
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