Category: Government

Coconino County Board of Supervisors Remembers the Contributions of Paul Babbitt Jr.

“Paul Babbitt’s commitment to preserving and protecting public lands and maintaining a voice for local government is inspiring,” said Jeronimo Vasquez, Chair of the Board and Supervisor for District 2. “His contributions to Northern Arizona will never be forgotten or taken for granted.”  

Downtown Flagstaff Library to close April 22-30, pop-up services available at City Hall

During this time period, the library will be providing services with a Pop-Up Library at City Hall in the Council Conference Room on the first floor. Limited services provided will include on-hold material pick-ups, 30-minute express computer access with printing, limited browsing of new books for checkout, and standard reference and circulation services. Hours of service for the Pop-Up Library will be Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Grand Canyon National Park announces reopening of trails and campground April 15

Plateau Point Trail, from Havasupai Gardens to Plateau Point remains closed until June 20, 2024. During this time, Tonto Trail hikers will be able to use a trail detour to connect to and from the Bright Angel Trail.  

The water filling station will be available for use at Havasupai Gardens. The water filling stations at Mile-and-a-Half and Three-Mile Resthouses are projected to be available by mid-May. 

Moonset Pit green waste disposal to begin May 4

WILLIAMS — The Kaibab National Forest, in cooperation with the communities of Parks and Sherwood Forest Estates will be re-opening Moonset Pit on May 4, 2024 for residents to dispose of green waste materials from private property.

The pit will be open every other Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. until September 7, 2024. Moonset Pit is located just west of the Parks community, east of Spitz Springs on the north side of old Route 66.

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up — April 1-5, 2024

During excavation work at the Mile-and-a-Half Resthouse, as part of the Transcanyon Waterline project, a member of the NPS monitoring team unearthed a rare and entirely new fossil for Grand Canyon and the Hermit Formation. One of the park’s research partners at UC-Berkeley has identified it as an Equisetalean strobilus.

This fossil is approximately 290 million years old and represents the spore-producing reproductive organ of an extinct species of horsetail known as Sphenophyllum. While Sphenophyllum fossils are not uncommon in the Hermit Formation, discovering the fruiting bodies is unprecedented.

The public affairs office is in the process of coordinating public communication efforts including a news release to announce this and other recent paleontological discoveries. Stay tuned for more updates!

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Coalition planning for busy Spring outreach season

COCONINO COUNTY — As the snow melts and the weather warms up, a variety of organizations are busy planning and presenting a number of health, welfare and education fairs throughout Northern Arizona.

The Coalition opened its outreach season on March 28 by staffing the Family Health Fair at Star School in Leupp. The event, presented by Star School and the Winslow Indian Health Care Center, featured a number of information tables for parents staffed by representatives from the Coconino County Health & Human Services, Coconino County Parks & Recreation, Native Americans for Community Action (NACA), North Country HealthCare, the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension — Coconino County and the Winslow Indian Health Care Center and Youth Wellness.

Sean Connolly selected as new Flagstaff Police Chief

“As someone who was born in Flagstaff and who absolutely loves everything about what the city has to offer, it is with an abundance of gratitude, humility, and excitement that I look forward to serving as Police Chief,” said Sean. “The diversity of our community, combined with the skillsets and work ethics of all members of the Flagstaff Police Department and Team Flagstaff, will be the cornerstones of our success.”

Kaibab National Forest firewood permits start April 15 and May 1

WILLIAMS — The Kaibab National Forest will soon be offering fuelwood permits for the 2024 season. On the Williams and Tusayan Ranger Districts, the Forest Service will begin issuing permits April 15, 2024 and permit holders will be able to collect firewood April 13, 2025. On the North Kaibab Ranger District only, permit sales and firewood collection will run from May 1 through December 31, 2024.

Winter Parking Restrictions ends Monday April 1 for 2023/2024 Season

COCONINO COUNTY — Coconino County’s annual winter parking restrictions has ended on April 1. Winter Parking Ordinance 2022-06 prohibits vehicles, trailers, and storage containers from being parked in County-maintained rights-of-way at all times during snow season, which runs annually from November 1 through April 1. 

Willard Springs Green Waste Site Reopens Friday April 5 for Free Green Waste Disposal

Coconino County Public Works will reopen the Willard Springs Green Waste Site on Friday, April 5, 2024 for free green waste-only disposal all season long to support residents’ efforts to clean up their properties for wildfire season.

Residents will be allowed to dump acceptable green waste such as pine needles, branches, leaves, and brush free of charge with no load limits on Fridays and Saturdays from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. through the end of the season on Saturday, October 26, 2024.

Economic Collaborative of Northern Arizona (ECoNA) — Bioscience Roadmap Update

We are all aware of the crucial role the bioscience sector plays in driving innovation, economic growth, and improving healthcare outcomes in Arizona. We hope you will join us next month for a virtual update on Arizona’s Bioscience Roadmap.

The Flinn Foundation, which originally commissioned this long-term strategic plan more than two decades ago, will host the free Zoom session from 12 – 1:30 p.m. on Monday, April 22. You can register to attend HERE.

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up: March 25-29, 2024

Spring Break is here!

As Spring Break continues for the next several weeks, we can expect long lines and full parking lots throughout the South Rim. As a result, traffic regularly backs up at all entrance stations, with wait times of up to one to two hours between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Parking lots begin reaching capacity by 12 p.m. and shuttle bus wait times will be prolonged.    

Thankfully, our fees program is fully staffed and have been working diligently towards expediting wait times by moving traffic into specific lanes. Visitors with pre-paid passes are still encouraged to go to Lane 1 to reduce wait times in line.  

City of Flagstaff approves $3.33M in bond funding to assist in creating 139 affordable rental apartments

FLAGSTAFF — The Flagstaff City Council recently approved $3.33M in Rental Incentive Bond Program awards, which will be leveraged by other funding sources and result in 139 affordable rental units being constructed in downtown Flagstaff by the Foundation for Senior Living. The San Francisco Square Apartments will serve seniors earning up to 80% of the area median income and the Aspen Lofts Apartments will serve individuals and families earning up to 60% of the area median income. This funding was created by the passage of Proposition 442 by Flagstaff voters in 2022, which authorized the use of general obligation bonds for the creation of rental and ownership opportunities for residents of Flagstaff.

Planning and Community Outreach Effort Launched to Gain Citizen Input on Flagstaff’s Future Transit Needs

FLAGSTAFF — Mountain Line is launching a comprehensive community outreach initiative aimed at planning the future of transit in Flagstaff.

As the community’s 10-year transit tax approved in 2016 that funds the city’s bus system approaches expiration, Mountain Line wants to engage the community in dialogue and decision-making about a potential extension and increase of this funding source in the November 2024 election.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Join us for our next Prevention Council meeting on April 4 to share your story

Please join CCC&Y for its next Prevention Council Zoom meeting at 10 a.m. Thursday, April 4. Our meetings provide our coalition partners with the opportunity to share the latest news about their projects that support children, youth and their families in Northern Arizona.

The CCC&Y Prevention Council has its roots in our long history of child abuse prevention, our most recent work with substance misuse prevention and our overall commitment to understanding the protective factors, resiliency research and assets our community needs to thrive.

Some examples include:

Planning for previous Child Abuse Prevention Conferences
Engaging in multiple projects with International Child Welfare expert, Kevin Campbell
Developing a library of recorded webinars
Initiating the PAWS community arts and education project

Coconino County Board of Supervisors Approves Updates to Wildfire Defense Ordinance

“After receiving valuable community feedback regarding the 2022 ordinance, we brought together our public safety partners and the Coconino County Attorney’s Office to take a critical look at ways to improve the ordinance. Together, we proposed changes that place emphasis on preparedness, such as creating defensible space, while maintaining the requirements needed to help reduce the likelihood of wildfires,” said Tim Carter, Deputy Director of Coconino County Emergency Management. 

Construction across Milton Road to begin for the Beulah/University Realignment Project

FLAGSTAFF — The City of Flagstaff and their contractor, Eagle Mountain Construction, along with the Arizona Department of Transportation, are working to finish Phase 1 of the Beulah/University Realignment Project. The final portion of Phase 1 includes crossing Milton Road with new water and sewer utility infrastructure, which is scheduled to begin in early April 2024. In order to safely install new utilities across Milton Road, lane closures will be required.

Construction to begin on Schultz Creek Drainage Improvements at US Hwy 180

FLAGSTAFF — The City of Flagstaff and their contractor, Banicki Construction, will start construction on the Schultz Creek Drainage Improvements at US Hwy 180 in April. The project will include the installation of a new concrete box culvert under US Hwy 180 and is scheduled to be substantially complete by July 1 to help mitigate flooding before the 2024 monsoon season. Final project activities such as repaving of the highway and re-establishing nearby landscaping will be completed by Aug. 1.

Friends of Flagstaff’s Future (F3) — Tell Coucil Not to Amend Our Carbon Neutrality Plan

A local group, Flagstaff First (FF), has petitioned Council to amend the Flagstaff’s Carbon Neutrality Plan (CNP) to prioritize fire, flood and drought. Many community members told the Council in December and January to not amend the Plan. We need to speak again this Tuesday because FF’s petition is scheduled to be formally considered by City Council this Tuesday, March 26. Council will be deciding whether to or not to amend the CNP.

The community needs to respond to this threat by sending emails to City Council and/or speaking at the Council meeting this Tuesday and asking council members to reject the action requested in the FF petition.

Coconino County Board of Supervisors Approves Resolution Recognizing Portion of Lake Mary Road as a recreational corridor

“The safety of everyone who uses Lake Mary Road remains a top priority for County leadership and for our community,” said Jeronimo Vasquez, Chair of the Board of Supervisors. “We would like to thank all of the stakeholders who participated in the process that helped make this resolution a reality.” 

City of Flagstaff begins work on Landfill Access Road Improvement Project

FLAGSTAFF — The City of Flagstaff is set to begin work on the Cinder Lake Landfill Access Road Improvement Project. The project will reconstruct Landfill Road to improve safety, optimize travel conditions and provide stormwater enhancements and is scheduled to be complete by September 2024.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Coalition compiles listing of Health and Welfare Resource Meetings in region

A variety of virtual health and welfare resource networking meetings are held each month in Coconino County. The meetings offer health professionals and representatives from a variety of governmental and non-profit organizations the opportunity to share information on upcoming programs and events that benefit the educational, health and welfare needs of children, youth and families throughout the region.

The following is a listing of some of those meetings.

Coconino County testifies on wildfire, post-wildfire flooding

COCONINO COUNTY — Coconino County Deputy Manager and Flood Control District Administrator Lucinda Andreani testified to the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs on the federal response to the threat of wildfire and post-wildfire flooding. …

“I can tell you firsthand: The scale of these crises rapidly overwhelms the capacity of local governments,” Andreani said during her opening remarks. “While there are opportunities for federal support, much must be done to improve the accessibility, immediacy, and effectiveness of the federal response to the wildfire crisis.”

Arizona Senators Kelly, Sinema, secure $2 million in Congressionally Directed Spending for Coconino

“Since 2022, post-wildfire flooding impacts from the Pipeline Fire have severely impacted the interstate travel corridor of Highway 89, the Navajo Nation road system, and surrounding communities. It is imperative that we continue to construct flood mitigation infrastructure in this area to reduce the threats to our community and regional economy” said Jeronimo Vasquez, Chair of the Coconino County Board and Supervisor for District 2. “Thanks to the Congressionally Directed Spending funds recently secured by Senators Mark Kelly and Kyrsten Sinema, we now have more resources to make this much needed infrastructure a reality.”

Friends of Flagstaff’s Future (F3)’s Position on Proposed Zoning Code Amendment

On Tuesday, March 19th, the Flagstaff City Council will consider a proposed zoning code amendment to allow residential dwellings on lands zoned as “Public Facility.”

We would like to share with you the letter that F3 sent last week to city council members and staff regarding our concerns with the proposed amendment and our support for the addition of a Conditional Use Permit requirement.

District 1 Supervisor Patrice Horstman — February/March Newsletter 2024



Upcoming Linda Vista Road Closure and Grandview Roadway Construction

FLAGSTAFF — As part of the Spruce Wash Improvements Projects, a full road closure will be required on E Linda Vista Drive between N Paradise Road and N Adrianne Way for the Linda Vista Crossing Project. Access will be maintained through the closure for emergency vehicles, bikes, pedestrians. This closure will be in effect from March 2024 into spring 2025 and will allow for crews to remove and replace the existing culverts that cross E Linda Vista Drive. The City will also be removing and replacing sections of water and sewer mains and installing new storm drains within the roadway.

Coconino Hispanic Advisory Council (CHAC) to present 6th annual César E. Chávez Community Breakfast on Friday, March 22, 2024

FLAGSTAFF — The public is invited to attend the Coconino Hispanic Advisory Council’s (CHAC) sixth annual César E. Chávez Community Breakfast from 7 to 9 a.m. Friday, March 22, 2024 at American Legion Post 3, 204 W. Birch Ave., Flagstaff. Doors open at 6:45 a.m.

Cesar L. Chavez, grandson of the civil rights and farm labor leader and son of Anthony Chavez, Cesar’s youngest son, Cesar was born and grew up in the farm worker movement. He accompanied his grandfather to picket lines and demonstrations in the Central Valley plus cities such as Los Angeles and San Diego. They went on hikes together in the mountains surrounding UFW headquarters at La Paz.
Cesar presently oversees network functions such as musical and educational programming, and traffic (commercials and public service announcements) for the Cesar Chavez Foundation’s extensive English- and Spanish-language communications network.

“We look forward to this opportunity to gather with the community after our long hiatus,’” said CHAC Chair Patricia Garcia. “At this year’s breakfast, we will kick off a year-long project to collect and preserve information about the experiences and contributions of the Hispanic community of Coconino County during the pandemic.”

Coconino County announces Emergency Early Voting Sites for March 19 Presidential Preference Election

FLAGSTAFF — Coconino County voters that will be unable to go to their polling location on Election Day, March 19 may vote at an emergency early voting location on Saturday, March 16; Sunday, March 17; or Monday, March 18.

Voters taking advantage of emergency early voting will be required to complete a form stating that they have an emergency and need to vote an emergency early ballot.  They do not need to disclose the specifics of their emergency.

Voters with non-health related emergencies, such as having to be out of town on Election Day, may also cast an emergency early ballot.

The emergency early voting locations are: 

• Coconino County Recorder’s office, 110 E Cherry Ave, Flagstaff
• Coconino County Voter Services office, Flagstaff Mall, Between JCPenney & Planet Fitness, 4650 N US Highway 89, Flagstaff
• Alta Edison Native American Outreach Center, 78 Main Street, Tuba City

Terminal Maintenance Begins at Flagstaff Pulliam Airport

“We are dedicated to enhancing the travel experience for all visitors to FLG. This project has been carefully planned to minimize inconvenience to travelers. By scheduling the bulk of the work at night, we aim to ensure smooth operations without impacting departures or arrivals. Moreover, the terminal sprinkler project underscores our commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of all passengers for years to come. Additionally, travelers can anticipate a refreshed terminal interior with newly painted walls, updated wayfinding signage, new lighting and more,” stated Airport Director Brian Gall.

Stoneman Lake Road closed as of noon March 14 due to snowstorms

COCONINO COUNTY — The Coconino County Public Works Department, in conjunction with Yavapai County, closed Stoneman Lake Road between I-17 and Lake Mary Road on noon, March 14 due to a multi-day winter storm that is forecast to impact the region starting tonight.

This closure is necessary for public safety due to the possibility of whiteout conditions from drifting heavy snow. When drifting occurs, visibility becomes limited and there is an increased difficulty for County snowplow operators to keep the road clear of snow. Stoneman Lake Road will remain closed until weather conditions allow for the County to safely reopen it.

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up — March 11-15, 2024

Latest ‘Behind the Scenery’ Podcast available

On Sunday, the latest episode of the Behind the Scenery podcast aired on Apple podcasts and the park’s website.

In this episode, Canyon Interpretation staff interview Gerald Lomaventema, an award-winning silversmith, a mentor to young Hopi artists, and a runner. He’s also the great grandson of Olympic medalist Louis Tewanima. Louis won silver in the 10,000 meters in the 1912 Olympics and set an American record that stood for decades. He was also a spiritual leader in his community.

In this episode of the Behind the Scenery podcast, Gerald talks about his art, his cultural connections to Grand Canyon, and running and Louis’s legacy in the Hopi community. This episode is available on Apple podcasts and the park website.

Intermittent traffic impacts to Southside and West Flagstaff anticipated for installation of fiber-optic line

FLAGSTAFF — Altice USA and Networx Cabling Systems will be working in the Southside neighborhood and West Flagstaff to install new fiber-optic line. The work is scheduled to begin on Monday, March 18 and is expected to be completed by Sunday, March 31.

Measles Cases Reported in Coconino County

One confirmed and one probable case of measles has been reported in Coconino County. Coconino County Health and Human Services is actively conducting disease surveillance and identified five public locations where people may have been exposed to measles.

Individuals who were at the following locations at the listed dates and times may have been exposed and should monitor for measles symptoms and contact their healthcare provider if they develop symptoms:

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Outreach Coordinator plays vital role in promoting collective action to benefit children and families

Editor’s note: Part of a continuing series of profiles of board members and staff of the Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth.

By the Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth

COCONINO COUNTY — As per Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth’s Mission statement, “We ignite collective action that creates better lives for children and families.”

For CCC&Y, it takes a variety of individuals to build that inclusive movement of people dedicated to transforming and healing our communities — volunteer board members, organizational and individual members, supporters and partners, and staff members.

To promote the work of CCC&Y, the Coalition has been assisted for nearly a decade by Outreach Coordinator Frank X. Moraga. Frank has worked at the Coalition since December 2014, staffing a variety of outreach events and community resource meetings from Flagstaff to Leupp, Williams, Tusayan, the Grand Canyon, Tuba City, Page and Fredonia. He currently facilitates the monthly Tuba City Community Resource meeting. He also produces the Coalition’s weekly e-newsletter.

Coconino County celebrates 20 years of the Sustainable Building Program

Community members are invited to celebrate 20 years of the Sustainable Building Program. The community inspired program, which began in 2003, came out of a desire from county residents for an easier path to building sustainably.

They also saw a need for more community education and awareness about sustainable building practices, methods, technology, and innovations. The program evolved into a free certification program allowing homeowners and builders to participate in a third-party certification based on points achieved for building sustainably. The benefits of participating include: 

Coconino County Elections Department Awarded Grant and Announces, “I Voted” Sticker Challenge

This $10,000 grant is designed to enhance civic participation and engagement on college campuses by encouraging students to serve as elections board workers. The grant will support poll worker recruitment efforts through activities like National Poll Worker Recruitment Day and Help America Vote Day.

Do Not Return Your Early Ballot By Mail After Tuesday, March 12

FLAGSTAFF — The Coconino County Recorder’s Office wants to remind early voters that voted early ballots must be received no later than 7:00 pm on Election Day, March 19.  Early voters should put their voted early ballot in the mail no later than Tuesday, March 12 to ensure that the ballot is received in time to be counted.

Voted early ballots may be dropped off in one of the ballot drop boxes located throughout the county or at an early voting site.  For a list of ballot drop boxes and early voting sites go to: and select Ballot Drop Box Locations or Early Voting Sites.

City Update on ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) Funding

FLAGSTAFF — On the third anniversary of the passage of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), the City of Flagstaff continues work on allocating ARPA funding to support a variety of local causes and initiatives.

Allocations of ARPA funds to date include $2.4M to congregate care, housing assistance, job training, mental health, and substance abuse services, $3M to education assistance and early learning programs, and $1.4M to local non-profits and small businesses. The information below provides a small sampling of some of the ARPA funding that was allocated by the City to its community partners.

Coconino County Attorney Recognized as 2024 Distinguished Prosecutor

COCONINO COUNTY — The National District Attorney’s Association (NDAA) recently recognized Coconino County Attorney Bill Ring as the recipient of the 2024 Distinguished Prosecutor of the Year Award.

The Distinguished Prosecutor of the Year Award is presented annually by the NDAA, which is the oldest and largest professional organization representing criminal prosecutors across the country. Ring was selected from 22 other nominees from prosecution agencies nationwide. This honor is bestowed upon an individual who has demonstrated exceptional dedication, integrity, and excellence in the field of prosecution.

City of Flagstaff seeks community input in search for new police chief

FLAGSTAFF — The community is invited to participate in the selection of the Flagstaff Police Department’s next police chief at an upcoming meet and greet. The public meet and greet is scheduled for Wednesday, March 20 at 5 p.m. in City Hall Council Chambers at 211 West Aspen Avenue or via Microsoft Teams.

The meet and greet will begin with each of the five candidates for Police Chief providing an introduction about themselves, including their previous education and experience, and how it relates to the police chief position. After all introductions have been completed, there will be a few questions answered by each candidate prior to an opportunity for participants to mingle with the candidates. Information about each candidate is listed below.

2024 Coconino County Teacher of the Year and Rookie Teacher of the Year Finalists Announced

COCONINO COUNTY — Coconino County Superintendent of Schools, Cheryl Mango-Paget, extends her heartfelt congratulations to the outstanding educators selected as finalists for the prestigious Teacher of the Year and Rookie Teacher of the Year awards.

The winner in each category will be revealed at the 11th annual Coconino County Teacher of the Year Awards event on Thursday, April 25, 2024, commencing at 5 p.m. at the High Country Conference Center.

Coconino County Community Health Needs Assessment Published

COCONINO COUNTY — Coconino County Health and Human Services (CCHHS) published the 2024 Coconino County Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) on March 5, 2024.

The chna is a comprehensive evaluation, conducted every three years, to gain a deep understanding of the health status, risk factors, causes and concerns of poverty in our communities and available resources within Coconino County. The main goals of this assessment are to understand community health; identify health disparities; create a path for improvement; and reduce barriers.

District 2 Supervisor Jeronimo Vasquez — February 2024 Newsletter

In this edition…
• Supervisors Oppose the Pinon Plain Uranium Mine
• County Awarded $7.7 million NRCS Grant to Protect Residents from Flood Damage
• Supervisor Vasquez Testifies on Transportation at Arizona Capitol Board Members Travel to Washington, DC to Advocate for Coconino County
• District 2 Events and Activities
Upcoming Events And More!

Coconino County Flood Control District, Coconino National Forest to collaborate on forest restoration plan for Upper Rio De Flag Watershed

FLAGSTAFF  — The Coconino County Flood Control District (The District) and the Coconino National Forest have announced a new Upper Rio De Flag Watershed restoration plan to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire and post-fire flooding.

“It’s been proven that forest restoration — including mechanical thinning and prescribed fire — is an effective tool to reduce wildfire spread and severity,” said Coconino County Forest Restoration Director Jay Smith. “The completion of forest restoration in Upper Rio De Flag Watershed will provide a multi-generational benefit to our region.”

Phase Two of the Lake Mary Road Mill & Fill Project Starts March 4

COCONINO COUNTY — Coconino County’s contractor is preparing to break ground on the second phase of a project to improve travel lanes and shoulders along Lake Mary Road.

The $1.7 million Lake Mary Road Mill & Fill Project: Phase 2 includes the milling of existing pavement and the subsequent installation of 1.5” Polymer Modified Asphalt Concrete along the travel lanes and road shoulders of two sections of Lake Mary Road totaling approximately 3.6 miles. 

Friends of Flagstaff’s Future (F3) — Flagstaff’s Regional Plan 2045

The City of Flagstaff’s Regional Plan is a vision for the future of our community. It is a policy guide and serves as the general plan for the city as mandated by state law. The Regional Plan addresses a range of topics and outlines current conditions, the community’s vision for the future, and a series of goals and policies that will bring us to realization of this future vision.

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up: Feb. 26-March 1, 2024

2023 Park Profile and statistics now available

Last week the NPS released its 2023 visitation statistics. Service-wide, the NPS welcomed 325.5 million visitors in 2023, an increase of 13 million or 4% over 2022.

Grand Canyon National Park experienced its eighth busiest year ever in 2023 with 4,733,705 visits. Last year’s visitation was only 1,600 more than the previous year with a less than 1% increase from 2022. Grand Canyon once again ranked as the second most visited National Park in the National Park Service system behind Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Visitation to Grand Canyon reached its highest level in 2018 with approximately 6.4 million visitors.

United Way of Northern Arizona — Will We See You at Our Annual Celebration?

Plan on joining us as we celebrate our collective community impact and share some exciting news that will further our efforts to step up for our youth in Coconino, Navajo, and Apache counties.

Our Annual Campaign & Community Impact Luncheon will start at 11:30 am on Wednesday, March 27 at Little America Hotel.

Tickets are $50 / $375 for a table of 8.

City of Flagstaff community garden plot applications opening soon for the 2024 growing season

FLAGSTAFF — Members of the public are invited to submit applications for community garden plots starting on Friday, March 1. Returning gardeners will have priority until April 1 to secure their plots from the previous season. The remaining available plots will be offered to new gardeners on a first-come, first-served basis. New gardeners who do not have access to growing space at home or those who qualify for SNAP benefits will be given priority for remaining available plots through the application process.

Pre-Wildfire Studies Reveal Significant Threat in Watershed Above Flagstaff

COCONINO COUNTY — Two recent pre-wildfire studies from the Coconino County FCD confirm there is a significant wildfire and post-wildfire flood threat in the Upper Rio De Flag Watershed above Flagstaff, with potential to cause substantial economic impacts to the region.

The NAU Review — Studying endometriosis in underrepresented populations, a finance professor explains her affinity for extreme sports and President Cruz Rivera updates us on his latest meetings on higher education

As an All of Us scholar, NAU junior Cecilia Perez pursued a research project on the understudied topic of endometriosis in women of color. The disease that causes severe pelvic pain and menstrual bleeding is widely believed to affect mostly white women—but Perez’s research shows it touches the lives of racial and ethnic minorities at similar rates.
Read the story

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up — Feb. 19-23, 2024

The Train Depot Bridge project is nearing completion and will officially reopen to the public on Friday, February 23. This project was a collaborative effort between the Grand Canyon National Park Special Projects Crew and the Trail Crew. Both crews worked together as a team, successfully rehabilitating this old bridge in the historic district of the South Rim Village. This bridge will serve visitors in accessing greenways, bus stops, and the train depot for many years to come.