Category: Government

Lake Mary Road Pavement Preservation Work Starts Monday, June 3

COCONINO COUNTY — Coconino County’s contractor is preparing to conduct pavement preservation operations starting next Monday, June 3 along the six-mile stretch of Lake Mary Road between the Flagstaff city limits and Milepost 332.

C & E Paving & Grading is scheduled to work during daylight hours. Traffic control will be in place and pilot cars will be used to guide vehicles through the work zone. The project is scheduled to be completed by next Friday, June 7; however, this schedule is subject to change due to weather or other unforeseen factors. 

Forest restoration work to begin northeast of Flagstaff

FLAGSTAFF — A new fuels reduction project, slated to begin next week, will work to protect communities northeast of Flagstaff from future catastrophic wildfire while restoring forest land to a healthier condition.

The Coconino National Forest’s Flagstaff Ranger District (FRD) will begin work on the Timberline Wupatki Trails Hazardous Fuels Reduction project Monday.

“We’re looking forward to adding another layer of risk reduction to the Timberline and Wupatki Trails communities by proactively taking this initiative,” said District Ranger Matt McGrath. “This project is just one small part of our overall commitment to Wildfire Crisis Strategy work.”

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up — May 27-31, 2024

As we bid farewell to the bustling Memorial Day weekend, we want to extend a heartfelt thank you to our dedicated frontline staff. Your unwavering commitment to ensuring the safety and enjoyment of visitors during this busy time does not go unnoticed. Thank you!

Economic Collaborative of Northern Arizona (ECoNA) — Cultivating (and Funding) Entrepreneurs in Northern Arizona

At the ECoNA Advisory Council meeting last week, we took a deep dive into programs dedicated to cultivating budding entrepreneurs in northern Arizona.

The initiatives range from a free entry-level program to help potential entrepreneurs determine if their innovative ideas could be commercialized, to loans and venture capital investments for early-stage businesses.

Cristy Salanga, Patent Manager at Northern Arizona University, discussed the National Science Foundation’s Innovation Corps (I-Corps) program, an immersive entry-level training program, which focuses on determining the potential customers of a business as well as the potential value proposition of a product or service.

Coconino County Recorder’s Office Offers Recording Notification Alerts

COCONINO COUNTY — Coconino County Recorder’s office is offering a new service called Recording Notification Alerts.  Recording Notification Alerts is a free service for the benefit of all who own property or businesses in Coconino County.  It monitors documents recorded with the County Recorder’s office and alerts subscribers. This program will notify participating subscribers by email when a document is recorded with a name and/or business that matches the subscriber. This service applies only to documents recorded after signing up. Users will also be able to unsubscribe or make updates to this service at any time.

Sandbag removal in Coconino Estates to begin in July after completion of flood mitigation project, volunteers needed

FLAGSTAFF — Residents of the Coconino Estates neighborhood can begin moving sandbags to the curb in front of their home in late July, following the completion of the Schultz Creek Drainage Improvements Project at US Hwy 180. City of Flagstaff crews will begin sandbag pick-up and removal from the neighborhood in August. City employees cannot go onto private property to remove sandbags, so residents should ensure that their sandbags are placed in City right of way prior to pick-up.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Join us for our next Prevention Council meeting on June 6 to share your story

By the Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth

Please join CCC&Y for its next Prevention Council Zoom meeting at 10 a.m. Thursday, June 6. Our meetings provide our coalition partners with the opportunity to share the latest news about their projects that support children, youth and their families in Northern Arizona.

The Council meets the first Thursday of the month.

Want to be a guest speaker at our next meeting? Send an email to CCC&Y Executive Director Virginia Watahomigie at​​​​​​​ to be placed on the agenda.

The CCC&Y Prevention Council has its roots in our long history of child abuse prevention, our most recent work with substance misuse prevention and our overall commitment to understanding the protective factors, resiliency research and assets our community needs to thrive.

Fire danger changed to ‘High” in all three local Ranger Districts

By the U.S. Forest Service – Coconino National Forest

COCONINO COUNTY — Fire danger has changed to “High” on all three districts with continued windy and warmer temperatures throughout the forest, Coconino County officials reported on the county’s Facebook page

When the fire danger is “High,” fires can start easily from most causes, and small fuels (such as grasses and needles) will ignite readily. Unattended campfires and brush fires are likely to escape. Fires will spread easily, with some areas of high-intensity burning on slopes or concentrated fuels. Fires can become serious and difficult to control unless they are put out while they are still small.

City of Flagstaff — ParkFlag implements new booting and towing policy in Downtown Parking District

FLAGSTAFF — The City of Flagstaff’s parking management program, ParkFlag, will implement a new booting and towing policy effective June 1. This policy is part of the City’s ongoing commitment to enhancing parking enforcement and ensuring the fair and equitable use of parking spaces in the Downtown Parking District.

The primary goal of the new booting and towing policy is to discourage repeat parking offenders and promote adherence to parking regulations, improving overall traffic flow and accessibility.

Mount Elden Trailhead reopens and new mountain bike trail debuts as improvements continue in Mount Elden-Dry Lake Hills area

FLAGSTAFF —  An overhaul to Flagstaff’s busiest trailhead and a brand-new mountain biking trail are just two recent improvements in the Mount Elden-Dry Lake Hills (MEDL) area.

The Mount Elden Trailhead reopened Thursday following eight weeks of construction with a new parking lot designed to accommodate 50 vehicles as well as additional visitor services.

“We’ve been working really diligently on improvements in the Mount Elden-Dry Lake Hills area, and we hope that work is apparent,” said Patrick McGervey, Flagstaff Ranger District (FRD) Recreation and Wilderness Staff Officer. “We’re excited for the upcoming projects we have planned in the area for the coming months.”

In Remembrance of Memorial Day

Wishing everyone a safe and meaningful Memorial Day holiday weekend.

Memorial Day honors U.S. military service members who have died while serving in the United States Armed Forces.

In honor of this federal holiday, our office will be closed on Monday, March 27, 2024.

United Way of Northern Arizona — Wishing You a Safe Memorial Day Weekend

This weekend we will mark a somber tradition that dates back to 1868, just three years after the end of the Civil War. Known then as Decoration Day, it was a time to honor those who perished in the conflict by adorning their graves with flowers. In 1971 the last Monday in May was established as Memorial Day.

We wish you a safe holiday weekend as we continue the tradition of honoring those who gave all so we could live in freedom.

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up — May 20-24, 2024

Grand Canyon Unified School District high schoolers spent last week on a four-day whitewater rafting trip down the Colorado River.  Facilitated in partnership with Grand Canyon Youth (GCY), 20 students participated in the Diamond Down Expedition that covers the last 50 miles of the river through Grand Canyon National Park into Lake Mead Recreational Area. This is their third year the school has provided this experience for students.  Grand Canyon National Park rangers Monique Navarro and Catrina Whitton were able to attend the trip which was coordinated by high school science teacher Forrest Radarian.

City of Flagstaff — Speed limit on portions of Butler Avenue reduced

FLAGSTAFF — The speed limit on portions of Butler Ave has been reduced, effective immediately. The speed limit on Butler Ave from S Milton Rd/ Rte 66 to E Sawmill Rd was reduced from 35 mph to 30 mph and the speed limit from E Sawmill Rd to Ponderosa Pkwy was reduced from 40 mph to 35 mph. Speed limit signs in the corridor have been updated.

Prescribed burns planned within Flagstaff city limits on May 21

FLAGSTAFF — The Flagstaff Fire Department is planning a prescribed burn on Tuesday, May 21 in the Observatory Mesa Natural Area off Forest Service Rd 515A and Westridge Rd. The burn area is approximately 123 acres. Sections of the Observatory Mesa Trail will be closed to the public during firing operations. The Mars Hill, Tunnel Springs, and Karen Cooper FUTS trails will remain open. There will be an increased firefighter presence in the area during the hours of 7 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Smoke is expected to drift to the northeast over the neighborhoods of Westridge, Anasazi Ridge and Ridge Crest. Fire managers will coordinate with neighboring national forests, national parks, fire departments, and the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality to monitor smoke impacts.

Flagstaff Regional Plan 2045 committee to meet May 22

The focus of the ninth Regional Plan Committee meeting will be to discuss the draft Future Growth Illustration and initial Land Use Framework for the plan. 

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Growth Concept Survey! Your feedback is crucial. We are excited to share the preliminary results at the meeting and how they will be used to inform the Regional Plan’s Future Growth Illustration.

Prescribed burn projects continue around Flagstaff

FLAGSTAFF — Coconino National Forest fire managers will begin conducting the Mint West prescribed burn project this weekend to help protect communities from catastrophic wildfires and improve the health of the forest.

The Mint West project is slated to begin Saturday, May 18 and is located 25 miles south of Flagstaff. Smoke impacts may occur along Lake Mary Road and in the Mormon Lake Village area.

Plans for prescribed burns often change quickly since they are dependent upon weather conditions and wind predictions. Details and updates about all prescribed burns can be found at Planned prescribed burn projects will always be canceled if weather conditions – such as temperature, wind and humidity – do not meet the criteria outlined in the burn plan.

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up: May 13-17, 2024

Inner Canyon Water Status

The North Rim has reopened for the season and inner canyon temperatures are beginning to climb! Our water utilities staff are working diligently to turn on all remaining inner canyon water sources over the next week.

Projected “ON” dates for remaining inner canyon water sources:

City of Flagstaff and NAU VisualDESIGN Lab partnering on new City logo

The NAU VisualDESIGN Lab is a collaborative learning space where students in the NAU Visual Communication program work with community members as active partners on innovative design solutions that help bring brand awareness to local non-profits and university organizations. It has a proven history of creating recognized and lasting logos for many prevalent organizations in Flagstaff, including Coconino County, Flagstaff Festival of Science, and Flagstaff Shelter Services.

Andy Bertelsen Appointed Next Coconino County Manager

COCONINO COUNTY — After unanimous approval from the Board of Supervisors (Board), Andy Bertelsen will be Coconino County’s next County Manager. Bertelsen is currently Deputy County Manager and will begin his new role on July 1.

“Andy has a wealth of experience in public service spanning over 25 years in Northern Arizona,” said Jeronimo Vasquez, Chair of the Board and Supervisor for District 2. “He’s an incredible Deputy County Manager, and we look forward to his leadership into the future. I’d also like to thank County Manager Steve Peru for his many years of service and his continued commitment to our community.”

Coconino County Board of Supervisors Recognizes Winners of Elections Sticker Design Contest

“With the generous support of the EAC Help America Vote College Program grant, the Coconino County Elections Department successfully organized a sticker design contest,” said Eslir Musta, Coconino County Elections Director. “This initiative not only deepened our partnership with Northern Arizona University but also motivated NAU students to join us at the polls, spreading these stickers far and wide. Furthermore, by integrating English, Navajo, Hopi, and Spanish languages into a single design, we celebrated and embraced the linguistic diversity of our community.” 

Andreani Recognized for Post-Wildfire Recovery Accomplishments with 2024 Phoenix Award

Andreani was nominated for the award on the merits of her leadership in post-wildfire flood response in Coconino County, where she has dedicated many years of service in the pursuit of solution-oriented approaches to both wildfire recovery and forest restoration. Andreani has also served on the federal Wildland Fire Mitigation and Management Commission, testified to Congress about wildfire response, and developed a network of partnerships and education to support wildfire response in communities throughout the Western United States.  

Installation of traffic calming infrastructure to begin in Boulder Pointe neighborhood

FLAGSTAFF — Work to install traffic calming infrastructure in the Boulder Pointe neighborhood and on Woodland Dr will begin on Monday, May 20 and will be complete in August 2024. The purpose of the project is to address speeding concerns in thearea by installing traffic calming measures that include traffic circles, pedestrian crossings and curb bump outs. The project will occur at five locations:

Upper Rio de Flag Forest Restoration Project Moves Forward to Reduce Wildfire Risk in Flagstaff

COCONINO COUNTY — Since its launch in early March, the Upper Rio de Flag Forest Restoration Project has reached important initial milestones toward the goal of reducing the significant wildfire and post-wildfire flood risks that face the greater Flagstaff area.

Spearheaded by the Coconino National Forest and the Coconino County Flood Control District, the Upper Rio de Flag Forest Restoration Project targets roughly 12,000 acres across six priority areas in the first phase of its forest restoration treatments.

Speed Limit Lowered on Lake Mary Road to Aid Wolf Fire Backburning Operations

COCONINO COUNTY — The Coconino County Public Works Department has lowered the top speed limit to 35 mph along the southernmost 10 miles of Lake Mary Road in support of U.S. Forest Service (USFS) backburning operations for the Wolf Fire.

The 35-mph speed limit is in effect on Lake Mary Road between Milepost 300.5, which is located about five miles south of Happy Jack, to the junction with State Route 87. Electronic message boards are also in place to notify motorists of the speed limit reduction.

The reduced speed limit is being implemented for the safety of firefighters who are working alongside Lake Mary Road, and for the traveling public due to potentially heavy smoke from backburning operations that could obscure visibility and create hazardous driving conditions. 

Coconino County Parks & Recreation May 2024 Update — Opening Reception of the Multicultural Park Sculpture Exhibition on May 17 and more news, events

Opening Reception of the Multicultural Park Sculpture Exhibition to be held at 9 a.m. Friday, May 17 at Elizabeth ‘Liz’ C. Archuleta County Park

Coconino National Forest to resume prescribed fire plans next week following rain-induced delay

FLAGSTAFF  — Coconino National Forest fire managers will resume spring prescribed fire plans following an unexpected delay due to precipitation across northern Arizona.

“Last weekend’s snow and rain is an example of why we always frame our prescribed fire plans as ‘tentative’ until we can conduct our pre-project test fire,” said Jason Clawson, Coconino National Forest Fire Staff Officer.

Successful prescribed fire requires ideal conditions. “Hazardous fuels” – including pine needle accumulation, dead and down trees and decaying plant matter on forest floors – need to be dry enough to burn at a low rate of intensity, but not too dry as to burn hot and fast.

Flagstaff Regional Plan 2045 Update — online survey, in-person open house on May 9 and 11

Option 2: In-Person Open House

Thursday, May 9th from 6 PM – 8 PM
Boys & Girls Club of Flagstaff – 301 S. Paseo Del Flag, Flagstaff AZ

Saturday, May 11th from 9 AM – 11 AM
Hal Jensen Recreation Center – 2403 N. Izabel St., Flagstaff AZ

Childcare will be provided at the Open Houses. Please visit to reserve childcare. Parents or guardians will be asked to sign a waiver upon arrival, which can be downloaded here.

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up — April 29-May 3, 2024

Town of Tusayan Weekend of Festivities—May 3-5

The Town of Tusayan is sponsoring several astronomy events and a Cinco de Mayo festival May 3-5.

On Friday, May 3, there will be a free showing of ‘Deep Sky’ an IMAX film on the images from the Webb telescope, and the ‘Grand Canyon Rivers of Time’ at the IMAX theater at 7:30 p.m. On Saturday, May 4, there will be a drone and light show after dusk at the Tusayan Sports Complex with telescope viewing available.

Tusayan’s second annual Cinco de Mayo celebration will take place on Sunday, May 5 at the Squire Resort. The fiesta takes place from 4 to 9:30 p.m., is family-friendly, free, and open to the community. There will also be lawn games, Mexican music and dancing, and a variety of authentic Mexican foods for guests to enjoy.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — 2024 Coconino County Teacher of the Year Winners Announced

By the Coconino County

FLAGSTAFF — Under the bright lights of recognition and applause, the 2024 Coconino County Teacher of the Year Awards Ceremony was a resounding success, honoring educators whose dedication and innovation illuminate the path to excellence in education.

Coconino County Superintendent of Schools Cheryl Mango-Paget proudly announces the recipients of the 2024 awards:

• Teacher of the Year: Jeremiah Smith of Coconino High School
• Rookie Teacher of the Year: Emily Cartwright of Eva Marshall Magnet Elementary School
• Lifetime Achievement Awardees: Jeanne Crookston of Fredonia Elementary School District and Dr. Rick McEnaney of Flagstaff High School

The ceremony, held at the High Country Conference Center on Thursday, April 25, 2024, gathered educators, administrators, and community members to celebrate the remarkable achievements of these outstanding educators.


North Rim of Grand Canyon to reopen May 15 for 2024 season  

GRAND CANYON, Ariz. –The North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park will open on Sunday, May 15 at 6 a.m. to mark the official start of the 2024 season. Grand Canyon Lodge and Grand Canyon Trail Rides will also commence their 2024 seasonal operations on this date.

Visitor services, including the campground, Grand Canyon Conservancy bookstore and the Backcountry Information Office will open at 8 a.m. Information on daily Park Ranger programs will be available at the Roaring Springs Overlook Kiosk through October 15. Grand Canyon Lodge North Rim operations, including lodging, groceries, retail, food and beverage services, shower and laundry and the gas station, will also open May 15. The lodge dining room will be open for breakfast, lunch and dinner with reservations required for dinner service. The last day of the 2024 season for most commercial services will be October 15, 2024.

Coconino County — 90-Day Notice for the July 30, 2024, Primary Election Mailed to Registered Voters on Active Early Voting List

FLAGSTAFF — The Coconino County Recorder’s office wants to alert registered voters that have signed up to be on the Active Early Voting List (AEVL), formerly known as the Permanent Early Voting List (PEVL), that they should be receiving a 90-Day Notice letter with early voting information about the July 30, 2024, Primary Election.

AEVL voters registered with a state-recognized political party – Democratic, Republican, Libertarian, Green or No Labels Party will automatically be receiving that party’s ballot. 

2024 Coconino County Teacher of the Year Winners Announced

By Coconino County

FLAGSTAFF — Under the bright lights of recognition and applause, the 2024 Coconino County Teacher of the Year Awards Ceremony was a resounding success, honoring educators whose dedication and innovation illuminate the path to excellence in education.

Coconino County Superintendent of Schools Cheryl Mango-Paget proudly announces the recipients of the 2024 awards:

Teacher of the Year:  Jeremiah Smith of Coconino High School
Rookie Teacher of the Year:   Emily Cartwright of Eva Marshall Magnet Elementary School
Lifetime Achievement Awardees:  Jeanne Crookston of Fredonia Elementary School District and Dr. Rick McEnaney of Flagstaff High School

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up: April 22-26, 2024

Beginning this week, fire managers from the Kaibab National Forest are planning to begin ignitions for prescribed fire treatments. Exact ignition dates are unknown at this time as burning is dependent upon daily weather conditions.

One treatment area includes the Tusayan Ranger District and the Blue Stem Rx, totaling 2,724 acres located east of Forest Road 311 and approximately 16 miles southeast of the Town of Tusayan. During this burn Russell Tank will be inaccessible and approximately 4.5 miles of the Arizona Trail will be rerouted.

For more information on this unit and the other treatment areas planned for this spring, please visit the Kaibab National Forest’s website.

Coconino National Forest prescribed fire projects slated to begin week of April 29

FLAGSTAFF  — The Coconino National Forest will begin conducting prescribed fire on two of its three districts next week should wind and weather conditions allow.

Fire managers plan to begin a variety of projects across both the Flagstaff Ranger District (FRD) and the Mogollon Rim Ranger District (MRRD) starting the week of April 29.

“We’re looking forward to another great season of using prescribed fire to restore our local landscape and safeguard our communities,” said Coconino National Forest Fire Staff Officer Jason Clawson. “The work we’re doing now helps prevent the risk of catastrophic and unexpected wildfire during our hottest, driest and windiest months.”

Coconino County — Volunteers Sought for Child Special Advocate Program

COCONINO COUNTY — Coconino County’s Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Program is urgently seeking applications from interested residents to volunteer to make a difference in the lives of children in our County.

CASA volunteers are appointed by County judges to advocate for abused and neglected children. They help guide them and protect their rights as they move through the court system towards a safe and stable permanent plan. Volunteers collect information, attend court hearings, and stay with each child’s case until it is closed. 

Temporary closure of pedestrian walkway and stairs in front of Flagstaff City Hall

FLAGSTAFF — The City of Flagstaff is pleased to announce the upcoming City Hall Stair Replacement Project, which will enhance safety and accessibility for all visitors to City Hall. The project will replace the concrete steps and install new railings in front of the north entrance of City Hall. Work will begin on May 6 and be complete by May 31, 2024.

During construction, the steps leading to the north entrance of City Hall will be closed. The ramp to the east of the steps will remain open, allowing the public to access the main front doors without interruption. The public can also access City Hall through the west and east side entrances near Route 66.

City of Flagstaff — Early closure of Cinder Lake Landfill on May 22

FLAGSTAFF — In observance of National Public Works Week and in recognition of the City’s essential and core services workers, the Recycling Transfer Facility (1800 E Butler Ave), Cinder Lake Landfill and Hazardous Products Center (6770 E Landfill Rd) will be closing at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, May 22, 2024. A public works appreciation event will be held for City staff during this time.

Grand Canyon National Park — Preventive Search and Rescue program launches new HIKE SMART Film

The Preventive Search and Rescue (PSAR) program at Grand Canyon National Park is pleased to announce the launch of its innovative HIKE SMART film project aimed at enhancing hiking safety awareness among visitors.

In response to evolving communication trends and the increasing influence of social media, PSAR managers recognized the need to update its messaging approach. With platforms like YouTube and social media shaping public discourse, staff developed an approach to the important PSAR message through an engaging video to effectively convey vital safety messages.

Public invited to attend Flagstaff Regional Plan 2045 Committee Meeting on April 23

The focus of the seventh Regional Plan Committee meeting will be to discuss the Preferred Scenario, which will inform the plan’s Future Growth Illustration.

Click here to download the official agenda for this meeting.

Click here to download the meeting packet.

This meeting can be attended virtually via Microsoft Teams.

Coconino County Invites Residents to Test Broadband Speeds to Determine Needs

COCONINO COUNTY — In today’s world, a strong, high speed internet connection is essential; in Coconino County, there are unserved and underserved areas that could use a boost.

The State of Arizona recently received $993.1 million in federal funding for the BEAD (Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment) program to do just that.   

The program requires the Arizona Commerce Authority to allow customers to challenge the accuracy of their internet speed. Residents have until May 14 to participate in a series of speed tests to determine if their area is unserved or underserved by broadband internet. The BEAD funds must be spent in these unserved or underserved areas.  

Traffic impacts anticipated on University Heights Drive North, Beulah Blvd and Lake Mary Road

FLAGSTAFF — Road closures and associated traffic control measures are scheduled in late April, May and June to accommodate utility work near University Heights Dr North, Beulah Blvd, and Lake Mary Rd. The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) will also implement traffic control measures for restrictions at the I-17 and Lake Mary Rd offramp. This work is related to the Home2 Suites and Tru by Hilton hotel development.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Coalition provides update on Systems Change Grant Project and October symposium

Thank you so much for being in partnership with the Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth! I wanted to send you some quick updates and also encourage some action!

We continue to partner with the City of Flagstaff and Coconino County on a Systems Change Grant project we have titled Reimagine Community. I wanted to share this 60 sec promo with you (notice that there are 2 trainings available for City and County employees that will be rolling out in the coming months).

I am sharing this to both keep you updated about our work, but the video also sums up much of the work we do here at CCC&Y through the prevention council, the newsletter, training, advocacy and more.

Save the date!! Oct 22 or Oct 23 (we have two identical days so you have a choice!) As part of the Reimagine Community project we will be hosting a live Zoom Systems Change Symposium. *speakers and event agenda currently under design thanks to our planning committee.

City of Flagstaff announces Call to Artists to create designs for traffic signal cabinets

FLAGSTAFF — The City of Flagstaff’s Beautification, Arts & Sciences program seeks artists, graphic designers and illustrators to create original designs for traffic signal cabinets. The deadline to apply is May 7, 2024.

The call is open to artists 18 years or older who currently live and work within the United States. Submitted designs must be original artwork and can be created in any medium, so long as the design can be represented in a high-resolution digital image without loss of integrity or quality. Designs will be printed on vinyl and installed on cabinets in high-traffic areas. Three artists will be selected to create artwork for three cabinets at the following signalized locations: N Fourth St and E Sparrow Ave, N Beaver St and Flagstaff Medical Center Pedestrian Crosswalk and S Lake Mary Rd and W High Country Trail.

Farmers and agriculturally focused organizations invited to apply to license the McAllister Ranch Urban Farm Incubator

FLAGSTAFF — Members of the public are invited to submit applications to license the McAllister Ranch Urban Farm Incubator for urban agriculture. Licensed land is to be used for regenerative urban agriculture, educational programming, community gardening space or associated activities. Applications are due by 9 p.m. on Sunday, April 28, 2024.  

Day-use trail closures scheduled for a section of the North Kaibab Trail

GRAND CANYON, Ariz. — The National Park Service is announcing temporary day-use trail closures for the North Kaibab Trail north of the Manzanita Day Use Area to the Supai Tunnel. The Manzanita Day Use Area will be available for use during the closures. 

The trail closures are scheduled between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. for the following dates: 

Monday, April 22, 2024, through Thursday, April 25, 2024. 
Monday, April 29, 2024, through Thursday, May 2, 2024. 
Survey crews will be conducting work during the scheduled hours above the North Kaibab Trail and in the vicinity of the areas. This work requires highly technical canyon wall scaling that creates a rockfall hazard along sections of the public trail corridor. The survey work is being conducted to provide necessary data to support future infrastructure projects at the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park.  

Firewood permit sales begin April 15 as seasonal road closures begin to lift

FLAGSTAFF — The Coconino National Forest will begin selling 2024 season firewood permits at its ranger stations and headquarters Monday, April 15 as seasonal road closures begin to lift for roads suitable for motorized travel.

The minimum cost for a permit is $20, with a maximum purchase of 12 cords per household. Permits allow for the cutting of down and dead wood or standing wood that meets certain criteria in specified areas. The cost for oak, aspen, juniper and maple will be $5 per cord, and the cost for pine and mixed conifer will be $2.50 per cord.

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up: April 8-12, 2024

The Arizona Department of Transportation, in cooperation with the town of Tusayan, advises area drivers to plan for lane restrictions on State Route 64 in Tusayan from Monday, April 15, through Wednesday, April 17.

Drivers should allow extra travel time while the following daytime restrictions are in place from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m.:

SR 64 will be intermittently narrowed to one lane in each direction roughly between Coyote Lane and Moqui Drive (mileposts 236 – 237).
Flaggers and/or a pilot car will guide drivers through the work zone.
There will be a 12-foot width restriction.
Restrictions will be lifted at the end of each work day.
The speed limit will be reduced in the work zone. The restrictions are needed so crews can safely restripe pavement markings on the roadway to add one additional northbound travel lane along this section of SR 64.

The NAU Review — NAU Giving Day: the impact YOU made, how to garden in Flagstaff and talking politics with former Congress members on NAU campus

Former House lawmakers talk politics at NAU

NAU students, employees and community members turned out to “grill the Hill” on Wednesday, April 10 at Campus to Congress—a town hall-style event featuring former Reps. Karan English and Tom Petri. Made possible by the non-profit organization Former Members of Congress and the Honors College political science fraternity Pi Sigma Alpha, the event gave NAU community members the chance to interact with the former lawmakers, get their takes on current political issues and hear them reminisce about their time in politics.