Category: Finance

Fee Proposal Changes for Coconino National Forest Recreation Areas

The Coconino National Forest is seeking public input on proposed fee implementation at six specific high-use recreation sites to provide consistent maintenance and keep these sites and trails at a level of quality visitors have come to expect. The deadline for comment is Aug. 31, 2022.

The following sites are under consideration for the fee implementation. Red Rock Passes and the Interagency America the Beautiful pass will continue to be honored at these sites.

Back Family of Dr. Nat White establishes fellowship with CCC Foundation

If it hadn’t been for the caring of a gifted teacher, Dr. Nat White might not have gone to graduate school and ended up an astronomer at Lowell Observatory.

He hadn’t been known for good grades during his educational journey, but his astronomy teacher, after watching White fix a telescope and love doing it, got him to be considered for a graduate program, and if he did all right in his coursework, the graduate program would consider him.

“His stepping out of the box to get this waif pointed in a direction that was useful made a difference in my life,” Dr. White said, and the rest has been his history.

Economic Collaborative of Northern Arizona (ECoNA) — Providing an Alternative Route to Homeownership

Becoming a homeowner in Flagstaff has never been easy, but this year the barriers have been particularly high, with the median average price of a single-family home well above $700,000 by this summer. 

Combine that with hikes in mortgage rates and overall inflation pressures, and it was a triple whammy that dashed the dream of homeownership for many who live and work in northern Arizona.

Public, nonprofit, and private entities are working together to give some relief by producing starter homes through Habitat for Humanity of Northern Arizona (HFHNA) that are small-scale, affordable, and meant to create equity quickly for homeowners.

The group is currently building the first of these homes in Flagstaff’s South Side, but it is likely the effort will grow exponentially in the next five years under a plan to build at least 40 of the units at the new Timber Sky development on West Route 66.

“The escalation of home prices has closed the window for a huge amount of middle-class people,” said Eric Wolverton, Executive Director of HFHNA. “This isn’t about serving the poorest of the poor. We are looking to create workforce housing.”

United Way of Northern Arizona — Why Pacesetters Are So Important

If United Way of Northern Arizona’s annual fundraising campaign is the “big game,” then the Pacesetters host the tailgate party.

Technically, Pacesetters are those organizations and businesses that hold their workplace fundraising efforts on behalf of UWNA in the month prior to the official start of the annual campaign. Collectively, they give the campaign a head start, set the tone, and are pivotal to its ultimate success.

But their importance goes beyond the money they raise. Much like the tailgaters who gather in the parking lot before a game or concert, Pacesetters build up energy for the big event. They are the superfans who get everyone excited about what’s coming up.

We are so grateful to our Pacesetter partners, the businesses and organizations that value the role of UWNA as a convener driving real, measurable results in improving our community. They lead the effort to Step Up for Our Community so together we can expand early childhood education, ensure that our youth are more resilient, and help our friends and neighbors with basic needs in times of crisis.

Our month-long Pacesetter effort starts Monday, August 15, and we are looking for additional businesses and organizations that would like to be part of this endeavor as we launch our annual campaign.

The NAU Review — Sustainability, coloring and a record fundraising year!

Championing sustainability

Northern Arizona University’s commitment to sustainability largely manifests itself in the work and dedication of its environmental student groups and sustainability staff. Their efforts have lately culminated in the proposed Climate Action Plan, facilitated by Abraham (Avi) Henn, NAU’s manager of sustainability.

Flagstaff Chamber Foundation supports scholarships at CCC

Coconino Community College student Grace Abell works at a preschool in Flagstaff, and her goal is to become an elementary school teacher.

“It’s never really been a question,” Abell said. “It’s all I’ve ever really wanted to do.”

She said she remembers turning 5 years old and bringing her younger sister into the picture.

“Ever since she could sit up, I made her my student,” she said and laughed. “I’ve always had the desire to be a teacher of children.”

Abell is making that goal a reality with the help of scholarships she has received from the Flagstaff Chamber of Commerce Foundation in collaboration with the Helios Education Foundation. In the last two years, the Chamber/Helios partnership has awarded $13,500 in scholarships to CCC students.

United Way of Northern Arizona — How Agencies Came Together During This Fire Season

In less than two months this spring, three major wildfires dominated our news as they charred land, displaced residents, and destroyed structures in their path.

One of the few silver linings during those eight weeks was how well individuals, nonprofit organizations and local governments came together to deal with the crises.

“What I find in Coconino County is that everyone works together like a family,” said Joel Bunis, who joined Coconino County Health and Human Services in January as its Outbreak Response Division Manager. “It’s all about connecting people with what they need.”

The ECoNA Q&A: NAU President José Luis Cruz Rivera

José Luis Cruz Rivera recently completed his first year as the 17th President of Northern Arizona University (NAU). To mark this anniversary, we asked him about key initiatives during his first year, NAU’s niche in the higher ed marketplace, what local restaurants he’s discovered, and his upcoming formal installation in September. You can see the full interview here.

Q: What do you feel your biggest success has been this first year?
A: Well, that’s an easy answer. The fact that I survived the Running of the Freshman at the first home football game!

In all seriousness, while there have been many success stories, I think my biggest success has been learning about and connecting with the people and organizations who live and work at NAU, in Flagstaff and throughout northern Arizona. It has been important to me from day one to understand the values here. Time will be the judge of my success leading and supporting the efforts of our awesome university community, but I have truly enjoyed listening and learning and still feel it is a privilege to serve as the President of NAU and live is this amazing and beautiful community.

City of Flagstaff requests arguments for and against proposed election questions

Prior to the Nov. 8, 2022 election, each household with a registered voter will receive an informational pamphlet that includes arguments for and against proposed questions that have a local impact. Any person interested in submitting an argument is required to do so before 5p.m., Arizona time on Aug. 10, 2022.

The questions are as follows:

Notice of Flood Control District Public Outreach Meeting on June 23

On Thursday June 23, 2022, at 6:30 p.m., the Coconino County Flood Control District will hold a virtual meeting to present important information to the communities of Timberline, Wupatki Trails, Fernwood, and Doney Park regarding flood threat, risk, and mitigation efforts as a result of the Pipeline, Tunnel, and Schultz Fires.

This outreach meeting will be held via webinar using Zoom video conferencing software, members of the community are encouraged to participate via the following url: or toll-free via telephone: (833) 548 0282, Webinar ID: 870 7215 3234.

City of Flagstaff Truth in Taxation Hearing on June 28 – Notice of Tax Increase

All interested citizens are invited to attend the public hearing on the tax increase that is scheduled to be held virtually via the Zoom platform on Tuesday, June 28, 2022, at 6:00 pm.  People can join the meeting by link or phone listed below. 

Link: or call Dial 833 548 0282 (Toll Free), Webinar ID: 852 6192 3910.

Coconino County Flood Control District mobilizing flood mitigation effort

As Coconino County residents begin to return to their homes in the aftermath of the Pipeline and Haywire fires, the County’s Flood Control District would like to make the entire community aware of the potential risk of flooding, and the steps the public can take to mitigate their property and be Flood Aware.

Residents may already be familiar with the 3 Step “Ready, Set, Go” wildfire system of preparedness and evacuation. For the risk of flooding, a similar, easy-to-remember system of “Ready, Set, Shelter” is helpful to prepare for and respond to flood events:

Evacuation Orders Lifted for Crater Estates, Moon Crater, West Alpine Ranchos & Other Areas

he Coconino County Sheriff’s Office is pleased to announce the following areas will be downgraded from “GO” to “SET” status.

The areas identified as Crater Estates, Moon Crater, West Alpine Ranchos, the Private Properties along Hwy 89 north from Wupatki Trails to Sacred Mountain Trading Post will be downgraded from “GO” to “SET” status. It is important to note that much of the National Forest Land in that area remains closed due to the Coconino National Forest Emergency Fire Closure Order.

In addition, the following areas will be downgraded from “SET” to “READY” status: East Alpine Ranchos and Hwy 89 north from Sacred Mountain Trading Post/Medicine Valley.

Don’t miss what’s next: CCC Summer Programs

Open Water Swimming with Mitch Driebe

TODAY, Thursday, June 16, 2022, at 4:00pm

This lecture is now online only via Zoom webinar

Imagine swimming from Alcatraz to the shores of San Francisco. Think you can do it? If you do… well, maybe you should tune into this lecture first. Learn about the elements of open water swimming and hear stories from Mitch’s experience.

Learn more and register here

Opportunity for community input on Thorpe Park Annex draft designs – Saturday June 11

The City of Flagstaff Parks, Recreation, Open Space, and Events Division, Southwest Decision Resources, and Wheat Design Group invite the Flagstaff community to review and comment on three (3) draft design concepts for the future of the Thorpe Park Annex Parcel.  These three draft designs were developed based on key stakeholder interviews, robust online community survey results, and an on-site initial design session April 30th. 

Coconino Chronicle (June 3, 2022)

Welcome to the Coconino Chronicle, keeping you informed on the latest news from Coconino County. Published monthly, typically on the first Friday, the Chronicle makes sure you are in-the-know about recent happenings, upcoming events and services available to you as a resident of the County.

Questions? Comments? Please email us at

Arizona sets record for affordable housing tax credit award dollars

The Arizona Department of Housing (ADOH) this week announced it has awarded $30.1 million in federal 9% Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) to 16 affordable housing projects, including 7 in rural communities. The all-time record amount comes after a reengineered process of awarding tax credits and implementation of the new State Tax Credit program.

“This new process reduced the burdensome regulatory framework for allocating these highly-coveted tax credits and has led to increased developer interest in building affordable housing in Arizona,” said ADOH Director Tom Simplot. “The State Tax Credit program is fulfilling its goal to stimulate the construction of new affordable housing in our state.”

Voters approve tax reset for CCC

Coconino County voters have approved an increase in funding for Coconino Community College.

On Friday, during a special session, the Coconino County Board of Supervisors certified the May 17, 2022, election results for CCC’s request to increase the primary property tax levy to support the college.

“On behalf of Coconino Community College, I would like to thank the voters and the many community members who worked hard to help the ballot initiative be successful,” said CCC President Colleen A. Smith, Ph.D. “Because of them, we can continue our good work moving into a bright future serving students throughout Coconino County.”

The election saw 20,947 ballots cast, which was about 23 percent of the registered voters in Coconino County. Of the ballots cast, the vast majority were submitted by mail. About 64 percent voted in favor of the tax reset for the college.

Economic Collaborative of Northern Arizona (ECoNA) — Remote Workers Meet Today (May 25) at 928NOW

Are you a free lancer, contractor, or corporate employee working remotely? You are cordially invited to the first meeting of 928NOW, open to any online worker who lives in Northern Arizona.

This networking event will take place TODAY from 4:30 pm – 6 pm at Mother Road Brewing (7 S. Mikes Pike St., Flagstaff).

This will be an opportunity to get to know other online workers and identify what this segment of our workforce needs to be successful. We look forward to seeing you!

DATE: Today, Wednesday, May 25

TIME: 4:30 to 6 pm

LOCATION: Mother Road Brewery

Prop. 438 in lead in special election that would benefit Coconino Community College

Breaking News: 

Arizona Daily Sun — May 19, 2022 — Votes for Proposition 438 lead in initial special election results

Initial results from Coconino County’s May 17 special election show Proposition 438 is almost certain to pass.

If passed, the measure would reset the primary property tax rate for Coconino Community College, raising it to 0.7419 cents per $100 of limited property value. The current rate is 0.4394.

City of Flagstaff Grant funding available for historic preservation with May 25 deadline

The City of Flagstaff has seven $10,000 matching grants available for historic property owners under its Historic Façades and Signs Grant program. The grants are available for both privately owned residential and commercial properties. Properties must be at least 50 years old and meet the criteria to be eligible for historic preservation. Funding is available on a 50/50-match basis, with up to $10,000 per property. Applications must be received by May 25.

Economic Collaborative of Northern Arizona (ECoNA) — Milestones, Workforce Program Focus of Economic Development Week

This is Economic Development Week, an annual event created by the International Economic Development Council to increase awareness of local efforts to promote economic vitality, highlight programs that create jobs, and celebrate entities that improve the quality of life in communities everywhere.

Which makes this the perfect week to note some important milestones being reached by northern Arizona businesses and organizations. In Flagstaff, this year is the 10th anniversary of two very popular businesses, Flagstaff Xtreme and Mother Road Brewing Co. It’s also the 20th anniversary of the latest iteration of The Orpheum as a entertainment venue.

The NAU Review — Special commencement, Notes from the President, and NAU Review news

NAU is welcoming back 900 alumni this weekend to get their long-awaited, long-delayed opportunity to put on their cap and gown and walk across the stage. The spring and fall classes of 2020 and the spring class of 2021, who had virtual commencement ceremonies during the pandemic, are returning to NAU this weekend for a special celebration.

United Way of Northern Arizona — TUNNEL FIRE: Crisis Response Fund Update

Northern Arizona University, Nestle Purina, Suddenlink and OneAZ Credit Union are leading the way in providing funds to help those who have been impacted by the Tunnel Fire. Together they have contributed $45,000 to the United Way of Northern Arizona Crisis Response Fund.

These funds will be used to help people impacted by the fire meet immediate needs and offer assistance as they rebuild and recover. The blaze, which as of last night was 89% contained, has destroyed more than 100 structures, including 30 homes northeast of Flagstaff.

Burned Area Emergency Response Team assessing Tunnel Fire damage

 A Forest Service Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) team began surveying the fire-affected areas within the Tunnel Fire perimeter this past Saturday. 

BAER team assessments are rapid evaluations of post-fire conditions of the burned landscape. These assessments determine the level of risk from potential flooding and debris flow, and calculate how these risks will affect both human safety and the natural and cultural resources in the area.

The Tunnel Fire BAER team, led by Forest Service Hydrologist Brendan Waterman, will conduct field surveys, and use science-based models to rapidly evaluate and assess the burned area.

Economic Collaborative of Northern Arizona (ECoNA) — Sustainability on the Ground and in the Skies

With Earth Day just behind us and Arbor Day tomorrow, it seemed like a good time to discuss the myriad of sustainability initiatives in northern Arizona, which are both on the ground and in the skies.

In Flagstaff, many of these green efforts are centered around Flagstaff Pulliam Airport.

Both commercial airlines that operate at the airport – American and United – are working towards reducing their carbon footprint through the use of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), which has the potential of providing the power of traditional jet fuel but without being refined from petroleum.

The NAU Review — Another for NAU Golf, what to know about inflation and a future Yuma social worker

It’s been seven years since NAU Golf’s last Big Sky Conference championship, but the team put that history behind them last week at Talking Stick Golf Club with a decisive win against Sacramento State, taking the championship and advancing to the NCAA Regionals. The Lumberjacks captured their conference-leading ninth all-time Big Sky title after what coach Brad Bedortha called “a very good year and good semester.” The NCAA Regional will be held May 9-11, and the Lumberjacks will learn their fate at 1 p.m. April 27 on the NCAA Women’s Golf Selection Show on the Golf Channel.

Tunnel Fire Damage Assessments Start Today, April 25

Coconino County Community Development, in coordination with the Arizona Department of Emergency Management will be in the Tunnel Fire burn area to conduct property damage assessments beginning April 25.

This is an important process that is necessary for recovery services and for emergency declaration documentation purposes. If they approach you or your residence, then you can request to receive proper identification and they will explain their activity to you in conducting property damage assessments for official documentation purposes. 

United Way of Northern Arizona — TUNNEL FIRE: ‘A Time for Neighbors to Help Neighbors’

During last night’s informative community meeting on the Tunnel Fire, it was the words of Coconino County Board of Supervisors Chair Patrice Horstman that stood out to us:

“This is a time for neighbors to help neighbors.”

United Way of Northern Arizona is currently raising money to help those impacted by the Tunnel Fire through the UWNA Crisis Response Fund. You can donate to the fund by texting UWNAZresponse to 41444. Donations can also be processed on our website here.

Friends of Flagstaff’s Future — Prop. 438, Local Elections, Thorpe Park Annex, and More!

In This Issue:
F3 Supports Prop 438: Special Election May 17
Mayor and Council Elections
Join F3’s Election Committee
Coconino County Redistricting
Become an Election Poll Worker
Thorpe Park Annex Design Meeting
Earth Day: April 23rd

CCC2NAU student to become a health psychologist

Coconino Community College student Kayla Witzig moved to Flagstaff from Scottsdale to continue her education and achieve her goal of getting her associate degree in psychology. She chose CCC because of the beautiful weather in Flagstaff and because she was not sure what she wanted to do after high school graduation. She wanted to start slow at a community college.

Witzig is a CCC2NAU student, and she said that “I have my own CCC2NAU advisor,” adding that they help her figure out the courses she needs to complete at CCC to receive her associate degree and transfer to NAU. 

The CCC2NAU program helps students save money and accomplish their educational goals both at CCC and NAU. The program offers a seamless transition process that will help transferring students. 

United Way of Northern Arizona — AZ Gives Starts Today

We hope that you’ll join us for Arizona Gives Day, a 24-hour, statewide celebration of charitable organizations that starts at noon today. It’s a special time that unites supporters of big and small nonprofits to increase philanthropy in Arizona through online giving.

Many thanks to those of you who have already donated to United Way of Northern Arizona as part of this year’s #AZGIves campaign. If you haven’t had a chance to give yet, you can do so by clicking HERE.

Coconino County Issues a Request for Information (RFI) to Help Inform ARPA Allocations

Coconino County has issued a Request for Information (RFI) to community partners to gather information on services and projects needed as the Board of Supervisors allocates American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to address COVID-19 pandemic impacts.

Please note that this is a Request for Information, NOT a Request for Proposals. Click here to access and download the Request for Information (RFI).

Make tax time more meaningful with Flagstaff Festival of Science!

Preparing to file your taxes is stressful for us all but it’s also when we’re most aware of our yearly giving. As a loyal follower of the Flagstaff Festival of Science you understand the value of bringing the excitement of STEAM and joy of discovery to Northern Arizona. Why not plan ahead to help both the 2022 Festival and your taxes? (If you’ve recently made a donation to the Festival’s Spring Campaign, THANK YOU!)

Creative Flagstaff — Make a difference in Flagstaff’s Creative Community

Creative Flagstaff is seeking volunteers to serve on the grantmaking panels for our upcoming General Operating Support grant program. This is an important and highly valued volunteer opportunity. Volunteers have the opportunity to learn more about the grantmaking process and to have a high impact of Flagstaff’s creative community. Volunteers can sign up for either short-term or long-term commitments.

Economic Collaborative of Northern Arizona (ECoNA) — A Changing of the Guard

It is the end of one era – and the beginning of a new one.

Chris Bavasi, who was instrumental in the formation of the Economic Collaborative of Northern Arizona and served as the Chairman of its Executive Board since it began in 2010, stepped down from this post earlier this month. He will remain on the board, however, as a lifetime emeritus member.

Joshua Maher, Northern Arizona University’s Associate Vice President for Community Relations, has now stepped into the chairman’s role with Heidi Hansen, the City of Flagstaff’s Economic Vitality Director, serving as vice chair. Joe Barba, Director of Government Relations at Goodwill of Central and Northern Arizona is our Secretary, while Steve Eiss, Vice President, Construction & Real Estate Development for Northern Arizona Healthcare is our Treasurer.

City launches Community Bond Survey

The City of Flagstaff is conducting a Community Bond Survey to gather feedback from Flagstaff residents on which potential bond packages are most important to them for the 2022 election. The survey will be available online from March 17 through March 31. If members of the public need help accessing the internet to complete the online survey, they can visit the Flagstaff City-Coconino County Public Library Downtown location (300 West Aspen Ave.) or East Flagstaff Community Library (3000 N 4th Street, Ste 5). Paper copies are available at City Hall and both libraries.

Housing Solutions’ Rental Attainability Report Shows Cost of Flagstaff Rental Housing Increasing and Prohibitive for Moderate-Income Households

Housing costs in Flagstaff continue to increase, making housing affordability a greater challenge for households in our community. According to Housing Solutions of Northern Arizona’s annual Rental Attainability Report, the average cost of a 2-bedroom apartment in our community is now $1,758/mo. In order to afford the average 2-bedroom apartment without paying more than 30% of gross income on housing, a household must earn approximately $5,837 a month or $70,040 annually. That is a 13.7% increase from the average cost of a 2-bedroom apartment when HSNA did its survey in 2020-2021. 

For low-income households, the challenge of affordable housing is more severe. A full-time, minimum-wage earner, making $15.50/hr. would need to work more than two full-time jobs (86.9 hours per week), to afford a two-bedroom apartment at the average rental rate. 

The NAU Review — International Women’s Day, how community health workers improve their communities, mental health support and helicopters

NAU’s Department of Women’s and Gender Studies has crowd-sourced a list of outstanding historical and contemporary figures who advocated for women’s rights and human rights across all conceivable fields of intellectual, political, medical and artistic endeavors from different geographical locations. From artists to authors to protestors, these women are recognized for their contribution to human history.

All-Arizona Team scholarship recipient to focus on public mental health

He was tired of chasing after a big paycheck and wanted to do something more for his community.

That’s why Coconino Community College student Frank Stucjus decided to return to school a bit later in life.

“I really like the idea of helping people get the tools to solve their problems,” Stucjus said, adding that he’s had a tumultuous life and would like to help navigate through the tough spots in their own lives as a counselor or a teacher. “I wanted to do something that gives back to the people around me.”

CCC students awarded All-Arizona Academic Scholarship

Two Coconino Community College students have been recognized for the esteemed 2022 All-Arizona Academic Team Scholarship.

The scholarship provides free tuition for 60 credit hours at the recipient’s choice of one of the three state universities – Arizona State University, University of Arizona and Northern Arizona University.

This year, Frank Stucjus and Andrea Clayton received the news from CCC that they were selected for the All-Arizona Academic Team. 

“It means I don’t have to worry about the tuition coming out of the money we use to pay bills,” Stucjus said.  “There is no question now that I’m going to stick it out to the end.”

Consulado de México en Phoenix — 10th edition of the Consular Newsletter on Economic and Tourism Affairs

We enter 2022 with much hope for the future–and a refreshed look for this newsletter. Do you like it?

Since the Government of Mexico has dedicated this year to Ricardo Flores Magón, a trained journalist who is considered one of the most influential thinkers of the Mexican Revolution, we have included his image on our nameplate for this year. The main sections will remain the same and will continue to bring you relevant information in three sections:

#Choose Mexico,

#Arizona Thrives and

#Discover Mexico.

Arizona Department of Housing (ADOH) announced $40 million for transitional housing in rural Arizona

The Arizona Department of Housing (ADOH) (on Feb. 14) announced $40 million to provide up to 500 transitional homes for Arizonans in rural communities who are experiencing homelessness.

“Today’s targeted, one-time investment will help Arizonans who’ve fallen on hard times get back on their feet,” said Governor Ducey. “Additional transitional housing in rural communities will help struggling families and individuals get access to safe housing in their own community as they transition to a permanent, reliable home. My thanks go to the team at the Department of Housing and Director Tom Simplot for their work to support fellow Arizonans and ensure they have access to resources that put them on the path to success.

Bilingual report — Arizona Department of Housing (ADOH) launches homeowner assistance fund awareness campaign

The Arizona Department of Housing (ADOH) (on Jan. 31) launched an advertising campaign to spread the word that financial help is available to struggling Arizona homeowners through the state’s Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF). The print, radio, digital, and social media ads, in English and Spanish, will concentrate in rural Arizona and encourage homeowners facing foreclosure to apply for assistance.

“The HAF is open to eligible homeowners statewide and the word has spread in many urban areas about the program,” ADOH Director Tom Simplot said. “This ad campaign aims to reach those rural communities where there may be low-income homeowners in need and there are limited other resources available to keep them in their homes.”

United Way of Northern Arizona — How Do We Make 2022 Even Better?

When we look at the outcomes, the past year was a powerful reminder of all that we can do when we work together.

Because you Stepped Up for Our Community either as a donor, an advocate or a volunteer, we collectively did more than ever before to advance:

Early childhood education
Positive youth development
Basic services that strengthened our social safety net.

But that leaves us with a very important question:

How can we make 2022 even better?

District 2 Supervisor Jeronimo Vasquez — District 2 Newsletter 7th Edition — Happy New Year and best wishes for a great 2022!

In this edition…

Message from Sup. Vasquez
Siren Instillation in Museum Flood Area
Museum Flood Area Crisis Response Funding
Sheriff’s Office Tour
Redistricting Update
Services and Programs
And more!
Message from Supervisor Vasquez

SBDC at CCC helps business find stride to thrive

They all arrive as if they are arriving for work – on time. They are all smiles as they meet Jen Green-Vance, president and CEO of Strides 2 Thrive and Elevated Shredding.

“With these guys and girls, it’s amazing,” Green-Vance said, after hugging or talking with each one of her clients. “And our job is to help them grow and thrive and achieve their best life possible.”

Green-Vance and her husband Joe Vance specialize in offering services to people with disabilities in the Flagstaff area. From assisted-living and day services to job training and skills acquisition, they offer opportunity to people with a range of disabilities.

And with the help of the Coconino Small Business Development Center, Green-Vance secured the funding to build facilities for their growing businesses – Strides 2 Thrive and Elevated Shredding.

United Way of Northern Arizona — (Video) A message from NAU President Cruz Rivera

There’s no doubt that Northern Arizona University plays a huge role in our community. In addition to being Flagstaff’s largest employer, it is the home of thousands of students who live, work and study here.

NAU is also a major player in local philanthropic efforts, including its annual workplace campaign to support United Way of Northern Arizona.

This year, NAU President José Luis Cruz Rivera successfully challenged the university’s community to boost its contributions to UWNA, increasing their campaign goal from $25,000 to $35,000.

“NAU stepped up for community and for that I’m grateful,” he said.

Because NAU met the new goal, President Cruz Rivera authorized another $10,000 donation from the Office of the President, making NAU’s total contribution this year $45,000.

CCC District Governing Board votes for tax-reset election in May 2022

The Coconino Community College District Governing Board voted to move forward with an election to reset the primary property tax rate for the community college district.

The issue was voted on by the board members during the board’s Dec. 8 meeting.

The special election is scheduled for May 17, 2022. The election was made possible by the Arizona Legislature in 2018 with the amended Arizona Revised Statute 42-17056 to permit CCC to resubmit a proposed property tax levy for approval by the voters in an amount less than or equal to two times the otherwise authorized levy amount.

Coconino County Receives Budget Award

Coconino County’s Finance Department recently received the
Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Distinguished Budget Presentation

The award represents a significant achievement for the Coconino County Finance Department, reflecting the commitment to meeting the highest principles of 7governmental budgeting.

Strengthening Native American student success at CCC

One in five students at Coconino Community College is Native American.

Often, the Native American students who arrive at CCC are the first in their family to pursue a college education and may also come from challenging economic situations. As a result, they may face barriers in obtaining a college degree.

In an effort to increase Native American student course success, completion rates and a sense of belonging in the college community, CCC has received a $2.1 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education. Called the Native American-Serving Nontribal Institution (NASNTI) grant, the funds will be distributed over a five-year period.

“CCC values the sacred land on which we live and serve and the indigenous peoples who have inhabited it for centuries,” said CCC Provost Dr. Nate Southerland. “One in five students at CCC is Native American, and we look forward to providing these students with culturally responsive teaching, enhanced support, and interpersonal connections to help them be successful in their studies.”

Goodwill of Central & Northern Arizona announces training classes on Jan. 4-6, 13-14 and 19

Below is the schedule for all of Goodwill’s classes in January.  As a reminder, Digital Literacy, and now Financial Literacy, can be taken online at your own pace.  For details on signing up, please call 928-556-5096 or come in the Career Center to register.  Select courses and additional career webinars are also offered on My Career Advisor.

I am now taking registration for all classes.  Registration is required beforehand.

City of Flagstaff to provide public comment opportunities for final 10-year Housing Plan on Jan. 27, Feb. 15, 2022

The City of Flagstaff will provide public comment opportunities for final 10-year Housing Plan on Jan. 27 at the City Housing Commission Meeting and Feb. 15, 2022 at the City Council Meeting.

The Draft 10-Year Housing Plan’s public comment period has officially closed. The community forum garnered 327 responses. Coupling these with the comments received through the presentations and community outreach, there are more than 600 written comments. Housing and Comprehensive Planners are working to review and categorize the comments.

Through March 8 — Registration is now open for Winter Building Businesses & Entrepreneurs (BBE) Training

Coconino County’s next Building Businesses & Entrepreneurs (BBE) business plan development Zoom-based training will run 6-9pm, Tuesdays for 9-week running through March 8th. If you are eligible, our Individual Development Accounts (IDA) match saving grant opportunity is also available.  This email has information, below and attached, on the benefits of each program and how to sign-up.

To enroll in BBE please reply attaching a completed application and other documentation.

April 12 — Goodwill of Central and Northern AZ holding in-person job fair in Flagstaff

Goodwill of Central and Northern AZ will hold an in-person job fair from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday, April 12 at its new second location on Switzer Canyon Road across from Frys.

Interviewing for Donation Attendants, Retail Merchandise Processors, Retail Sales Associates, and Retail Management, both full time and part time!

Through May 24 — Registration is now open for Spring Building Businesses & Entrepreneurs (BBE) Training

Coconino County’s next Building Businesses & Entrepreneurs (BBE) business plan development Zoom-based training will run 6-9pm, Tuesdays for 9-week running March 29th and go through May 24th. If you are eligible, our Individual Development Accounts (IDA) match saving grant opportunity is also available.  This email has information, below and attached, on the benefits of each program and how to sign-up.

Nov. 2 — Coconino County to Host Virtual Town Hall to Explain Proposition 445 – the Jail District Sales Tax

Coconino County voters have a critical decision to make on their ballot on Election Day, November 8. Proposition 445 asks voters whether to extend the existing half-cent Jail District Sales Tax (JDST) for an additional 25 years. There will be a series of live-streamed virtual town hall meetings in the coming weeks in an effort to inform the public about the importance of the JDST to the operations of County Detention Facilities and the many in-custody and reentry programs the County provides.