Category: Family

Museum of Northern Arizona — Celebrating summer with festivals, dancing, and rain

Summer arrived in a cloud of smoke last Monday, though luckily for us at the museum, we are far from the path of the Rafael Fire and the shifting wind clears the air around us. We are grateful that these increasingly frequent summer fires are not endangering the museum and that we can continue to welcome visitors Tuesday through Sundays with a safe and inspiring indoor visit. I know many of you are eager to get out and about after staying at home for so long and we are pleased to welcome you to MNA.

District 5 Supervisor Lena Fowler Weekly Update

Our Tuba City office is open but operating remotely, with limited in-person services. When possible, please conduct business by phone or email.

Office Hours:
Monday to Thursday | 10 am to 4 pm
Closed Fridays

If you need assistance, please call: 928-283-4518 or email Miranda at

Coconino County EOC Wildfire Response Morning Update | 6.28.2021

Coconino County Emergency Management (CCEM) activated an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in response to the fires impacting Coconino County. Below is a summation of activities:

The County EOC will remain activated likely through Friday July 2, 2021. 

County Call Center hours are 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. until further notice.  

For specific fire related questions and updates, call the Rafael Fire Public Fire Information Line at 928.421.4579 

Protecting Yourself from Wildfire Smoke

Smoke from the Rafael and Snake Fires continue to affect several communities in the southern part of Coconino County including areas south of 1-40 and west of I-17.  

Anyone who can see, taste, or smell smoke should curtail outdoor activity. People with heart disease, lung disease, or asthma should avoid the outdoors entirely, as should children and the elderly. 

Flagstaff Festival of Science — Participate in Science in the Park!

We are excited to host Science in the Park again this year at Wheeler Park!

At this fair, the whole community is invited to a free family-friendly event where science, discovery and play are at the center of an incredible day!

Do you have a business that would like to participate? 

At Science in the Park, the whole family gets to experience the joy of science! Register for a booth today at this fun event taking place Sept. 18!

Registration is due in one week, by June 30.

United Way of Northern Arizona — Ready to Live United

If there is anything good that we can take from the pandemic, it is that it reinforced some things that we can all agree on: the importance of taking care of each other and the power of caring communities to step up in times of crisis and create positive change.

Supporters like you raised tens of thousands of dollars to help those impacted this past year. Your United Way of Northern Arizona (UWNA) funneled those funds to where they would do the most good. Because of you, families were able to stay in their homes, feed their families and keep the lights on.

But our work is not over.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — CCC&Y to present 2021 Annual Conference from Aug. 18 through Sept. 8

A Virtual Community Experience 

“Finding My Strength; Hope in Connection,” is the theme of the 2021 Annual Conference from Aug. 18 through Sept. 8 presented by the Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth.

District 5 Supervisor Lena Fowler Weekly Update

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought overwhelming grief to many families. At FEMA, our mission is to help people before, during and after disasters. We are dedicated to helping ease some of the financial stress and burden caused by the virus.

Under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021 and the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, FEMA is providing financial assistance for COVID-19 related funeral expenses incurred after January 20, 2020.

City of Flagstaff enters Stage Four fire restrictions

The city of Flagstaff will enter Stage Four fire restrictions at 8 a.m. on June 23, 2021 in an effort to reduce the potential for unintentional human-caused wildfires within the city limits. The city of Flagstaff cooperates with local, county, state and federal fire management agencies to ensure a coordinated effort is made in fire restrictions actions across jurisdictions.

Full closure of Coconino NF begins Wednesday

Due to fire danger, dry conditions, and persistent wildfire activity during a time when firefighting resources are sparse, the entirety of Coconino National Forest will close for public safety, beginning Wednesday (June 23) at 8 a.m.

A full forest closure means that the public is prohibited from entering any part of Coconino National Forest at any time. Only those with private inholdings will be allowed access to their property, as well as personnel providing utility support where necessary, and firefighters performing their duties.

County Activates Emergency Operations Center and Call Center for Rafael Fire

FLAGSTAFF — Coconino County Emergency Management (CCEM) has activated an Emergency Operations Center in response to the Rafael Fire. A Call Center has also been set up to answer questions. Residents may call 928.679.8647 or email 

The Rafael Fire was discovered on June 18, 2021, the result of passing predominantly dry thunderstorms and has continued to increase due to low humidity and wind. All areas south of 1-40, west of I-17, including University Heights, Kachina Village, Forest Highlands, Pine Dell, Woody Mountain Road, as well as South Garland Prairie, Pine Aire Estates and residents in between are now in SET status (pre-evacuation).

Sheriff’s Office Ordering Some Residents to SET Status

From the Coconino County Sheriff’s Office: Due to wildfire, residents in all areas south of 1-40 and west of I-17 including University Heights, Kachina Village, Forest Highlands, Pine Dell, Woody Mountain Road are in SET status.

In addition, South Garland Prairie and Pine Aire Estates and residents in between are in SET status, Residents should begin preparing for possible GO order to EVACUATE.  Follow local news and official social media channels for updates. This means there is danger in the area. Residents are advised to locate your emergency go kit and be ready to evacuate if notified from public safety officials. This is NOT an evacuation notification.

Sheriff’s Office Evacuating Dispersed Camping (South of Williams) Due to Rafael Fire

The Coconino County Sheriff’s Office is evacuating dispersed camping south of Forest Road 535 from the junction of Forest Road 231 road.

The Sheriff’s Office is also evacuating dispersed camping in the Sycamore Canyon area. 

Garland Prairie is reminded to be in READY. READY means Prepare Now.

LAUNCH Flagstaff — A Reflection, A Farewell, and A Look Forward

The summer solstice is upon us, a moment of solar peak in the cycle of Earth’s seasons and a time for annual reflection. 
LAUNCH Flagstaff began in 2014 as an ad-hoc gathering of interested stakeholders seeking to improve educational outcomes for our community’s children.  With the leadership of the Coconino County Superintendent of Schools and the backbone of the United Way of Northern Arizona funding was secured in 2016 from the Arizona Community Foundation of Flagstaff to initially fund a staff position for the then fledging idea that is now LAUNCH Flagstaff.
I am honored to have been chosen to serve our community in that role and am proud of the work that LAUNCH Flagstaff has accomplished over the past five years.

Flagstaff City Council adopts Carbon Neutrality Plan

The Flagstaff City Council voted to adopt the Flagstaff Carbon Neutrality Plan at their meeting on June 15, 2021. This plan will address the City Council’s goal of achieving community-wide carbon neutrality by 2030 (the goal was set on June 23, 2020). The Flagstaff Carbon Neutrality Plan is an evolving framework for action and was informed by input from conversations with over 2,600 community members as well as community and technical expertise.

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up — June 14-18, 2021

Stage 2 Fire Restrictions & Extreme Fire Danger

As of June 11, Grand Canyon National Park, along with Coconino County, City of Flagstaff, and the Kaibab and Coconino National Forests have transitioned into Stage 2 fire restrictions. As a reminder, Stage 2 restrictions prohibit any outdoor wood burning and charcoal fires. This does not include liquid petroleum or LPG fueled devices that can be turned on and off such as stoves, lantern, or heating devices. Stage 2 also prohibits outdoor smoking except within an enclosed vehicle.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — CCC&Y will present ‘Pride Paint Night,’ a LGBTQIAP+ Youth (12-24) only event on June 26

CCC&Y will present “Pride Paint Night,” a LGBTQIAP+ Youth (12-24) only event at 4 p.m. Saturday, June 26.

By Teens, For Teens

A live paint hour filled with conversation.

Paint kits available for pickup at both Flagstaff Library locations during curbside hours. 

For more information, call 928-213-2348.

United Way of Northern Arizona — Volunteers Needed for Sandbag Event June 19

Are you Ready to Live United? Are you at least 16 years old? Do you have a couple of hours to spare this Saturday between 7:30 am and 4 pm?

If the answer to all of the above is yes, we’d like to ask your help assisting the City of Flagstaff and Coconino County with replenishing sandbags protecting hundreds of homes and businesses in the Museum Flood Area.

Bilingual report — Elevate PreK @ Kinsey ENROLLING NOW!

Elevate PreK @ Kinsey is now enrolling. The program features:

Full day, year-round
Highly qualified staff
Play-based curriculum
Serving families not currently accessing preschool services
Click here to see what preschool and child care services you qualify for, including Elevate PreK.

AARP Hispanic Connection — ‘Protección al Patrimonio’ and more information

Con motivo de la #SEFIME2021 te invitamos a participar en la videoconferencia PROTECCIÓN AL PATRIMONIO y tomar los mejores consejos y estrategias que te ayudarán en el buen manejo de tus finanzas.
Miércoles 16 de junio
11:00 am
 Transmisión en vivo en Consulmex Nogales

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up — June 7-11, 2021

On Thursday, June 17 there will be a pop up event from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Tusayan IMAX (no registration needed). More information and the flyer for this event can be found here.

On Friday, June 18 the Grand Canyon Clinic will host a COVID-19 vaccine event. Registration is required ahead of time and the full flyer for the event can be found here. To schedule an appointment for the event or at any other time, call the clinic directly at 928-638-2551.   

Countywide Stage 2 Fire Restrictions to Begin Friday

Stage 2 fire restrictions will begin at 8 a.m., Friday, June 11 across Coconino County. Fire restrictions are to help protect public health by reducing the number of human-caused wildfires.

The County has been in Stage 1 fire restrictions since May 14. The County is enacting Stage 2 restrictions due to forecasted weather and very high fire danger. Restrictions are in coordination with Coconino and Kaibab National Forests and other agencies in the area.

City of Flagstaff enters Stage Two fire restrictions

The city of Flagstaff will enter Stage Two fire restrictions at 8 a.m. on June 11, 2021 in an effort to reduce the potential for unintentional human-caused wildfires within the city limits. The city of Flagstaff cooperates with local, county, state and federal fire management agencies to ensure a coordinated effort is made in fire restrictions actions across jurisdictions.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — ‘Bilingual report — Elevate PreK @ Kinsey ENROLLING NOW!’ and more news

Elevate PreK @ Kinsey is now enrolling. The program features:

• Full day, year-round

• Highly qualified staff

• Play-based curriculum


• Serving families not currently accessing preschool services

Click here to see what preschool and child care services you qualify for, including Elevate PreK.

District 5 Supervisor Lena Fowler Weekly Update

Our Tuba City office is open but operating remotely, with limited in-person services. When possible, please conduct business by phone or email.

Office Hours:
Monday to Thursday | 10 am to 4 pm
Closed Fridays

If you need assistance, please call: 928-283-4518 or email Miranda at

Viola Awards — Limited Tickets Available!

After selling out in just 3 days, we worked with Coconino County Parks & Recreation and Health & Human Services to safely add more tickets to the 13th Annual Viola Awards on Friday, June 18th at the Pepsi Amphitheater. 

Tickets for spots on the lawn are now being sold in pods. Each pod can have a maximum of 6 guests. You can purchase tickets now for a pod of 2-6 guests. There are currently a handful of pod tickets available. 

Additionally, we have a limited number of sponsorship tables available. All tickets for lawn pods and sponsorships can be purchased here. 

Don’t wait – purchase your tickets for the 13th Annual Viola Awards today! 

If you have any questions about tickets or the Viola Awards, please email Sarah Downing or call 928-779-7159. 

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up — May 31-June 4, 2021

VRP Operations: Memorial Day Weekend Report

Rangers were busy this past Memorial Day Weekend with a high volume of calls for Search and Rescue (SAR), Emergency Medical Services, and Law Enforcement incidents.

Many thanks to those who assisted in responding to these calls for service! Photo right: EMS, SAR, and LE personnel use a Sked Stretcher to lift a patient who fell near Mather Point over the weekend. A Sked Stretcher is used in areas that require high angle and/or technical rescue.

Grand Canyon Kicks off Virtual Star Party June 5

The 31st annual Grand Canyon Star Party will be held virtually June 5-12, 2021. The park will bring the wonders of the night sky into the virtual realm through a series of live video premieres on Grand Canyon’s official Facebook page.

Each evening from June 5-12, Grand Canyon National Park will premiere two videos at 7:30 p.m. and 9 p.m. PDT. The weeklong Star Party Speaker Series will feature nine special guest speakers. This year, the event will spotlight on the cultural astronomy of the Grand Canyon region-with speakers who represent some of the 11 traditionally associated tribes of Grand Canyon. Viewers will learn cultural astronomical perspectives from representatives of the Paiute Indian Tribes of Utah, Diné(Navajo Nation), Hopi Tribe, and the Pueblo of Zuni. Additional presentations will focus on the archaeo-astronomy of the ancestral Puebloan peoples of the Grand Canyon region.

Coconino County Fair to be Held In-Person Labor Day Weekend

With guidance from Coconino County Health and Human Services (CCHHS) and consideration of the latest recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on outdoor activities and large events, Coconino County Parks & Recreation will produce the 72nd annual Coconino County Fair as an in-person event this Labor Day weekend, September 3 – September 6, 2021. Last year’s Fair was modified to an all-virtual event due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Discover Flagstaff — ‘Printing and Painting with Natural Dyes, Threaded Together & Flag Wool and Fiber’ on June 5-6 and more eventsLearn about the use of natural dyes for screen printing or painting fabric. Virtual event. 3 p.m.

Learn about the use of natural dyes for screen printing or painting fabric. Virtual event. 3 p.m.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — ‘Hope and Resiliency’ and more news

Hope is our motivator. Hope fuels our striving for a good life for ourselves and all others. We have to visualize it. What do you hope for yourself, family, neighbors, and community? For me, it is simply feeling connected. Having at least one go-to person that I can know without a doubt, we share genuine and reciprocal care for each other.

Read More

City of Flagstaff — Face covering proclamation rescinded

Flagstaff Mayor Paul Deasy announced his intention to rescind the city’s face covering proclamation at the City Council meeting on May 25. The proclamation went into effect June 20, 2020 and will end May 26. Face coverings are still required on public transportation, at the airport and other areas required by federal law. While the face covering proclamation was rescinded, businesses can still require face coverings and social distancing on private property. During the meeting, the City Council also provided direction to lift the capacity limits on outdoor, city owned sports fields effective May 26. 

Economic Collaborative of Northern Arizona (ECoNA) — Flagstaff Art Scene Making a Comeback

After a very long pandemic year, the arts scene in Flagstaff is re-emerging, bringing music, performance and visual arts back to eager northern Arizona audiences.

Go to the calendar page of the historic Orpheum Theater and you’ll see there’s already half a dozen shows booked for next month, including two comedians, a mini blues festival (seven hours, five featured performers) and a Pride Party.

Meanwhile, June 4 will mark the formal return of the First Friday ArtWalk (now called ArtWalk FLG). The Viola Awards – Flagstaff’s answer to the Oscars for the arts and sciences community – will hold its ceremony on June 18. Then in July, Theatrikos will be back with an outdoor show at The Arboretum.

Viola Awards — More Tickets Available NOW

xAfter selling out in just 3 days, we have worked with Coconino County Parks & Recreation and Health & Human Services to safely add more tickets to the 13th Annual Viola Awards on Friday, June 18th at the Pepsi Amphitheater. 

Tickets for spots on the lawn are now being sold in pods. Each pod can have a maximum of 6 guests. You can purchase tickets now for a pod of 2-6 guests. 

Additionally, we have a limited number of fixed seat tickets and sponsorship tables available. All tickets for lawn pods, fixed seats, and sponsorships can be purchased here. 

If you have any questions about tickets or the Viola Awards, please email Sarah Downing or call 928-779-7159. 

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — ‘Mental Health Resources’ and more news

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. The Achieve60AZ | College Success Arizona | Expect More Arizona team has compiled a list of mental health and behavioral health resources and programs that can be found around Arizona and utilized by students and parents throughout the K12-postsecondary pipeline. Resources in the region include Health Promotion: Mental Health and the Mental Health Support Squad at Northern Arizona University; and the CARE Program at Coconino Community College.

United Way of Northern Arizona — Providing Child Care in the Grand Canyon

For most of the past year, Kaibab Learning Center has been able to remain open, an amazing feat for the child care provider as it celebrates 20 years of serving the Grand Canyon area.

There was an initial closure when the pandemic first began, but on June 29, 2020, KLC reopened its doors, providing child care, preschool, after-school and summer school programs for dozens of families.

“With the exception of our six holiday days, our center prides itself on being there every single weekday, Monday through Friday,” said KLC Assistant Director Andrea Ramsey.

Governing School Board Candidates to be interviewed for Maine Consolidated School District seat

Coconino County Superintendent of Schools Cheryl Mango-Paget would like to announce interviews are scheduled for Thursday, June 3 for the two Governing School Board Member open seats at Maine Consolidated School District #10. The candidates are Misty Ridenhour, Raena Woods, Peter Asmus, and Kaitlin Cloud.

An advisory committee will be assembled, consisting of a district resident, district teacher, and a current board member to conduct interviews and advise Superintendent Mango-Paget on the appointments.

Coconino County Board of Supervisors Lifts Mask Proclamation in Line with CDC Guidance

During Tuesday’s meeting, the Coconino County Board of Supervisors lifted its Face Covering Proclamation effective June 1, 2021.

During Tuesday’s meeting, the Coconino County Board of Supervisors lifted its Face Covering Proclamation effective June 1, 2021. The rescission of the Proclamation results in masks no longer being required in indoor and outdoor settings in Coconino County. Private businesses still have the ability to require masks. Masks continue to be recommended for unvaccinated individuals in indoor settings. Although no longer required, Coconino County supports an individual’s decision to mask when already vaccinated based upon their own comfort level and preference. 

Summer Season Tips for Visiting Grand Canyon National Park

Visitors to Grand Canyon National Park this Memorial Day weekend and through the summer season can expect long lines, full parking lots and crowded conditions.

To make the most of a visit to the park during this time, park rangers recommend the following pro tips:

Pro Tip: Make sure you’re ready for your visit by checking the park website to begin planning your trip. Public health measures are in place including capacity limits, temporary closures and modified operations. As the NPS monitors and responds to the COVID-19 pandemic, the park is working closely with the NPS Office of Public Health to use the latest science to guide decision making. Additional details are available at

Coconino County Board of Supervisors Brings Internet Access to Rural Communities

In partnership with SpaceX, Coconino County is delivering reliable high-speed internet to 45 rural households with the launch of state-of-the-art satellites seen throughout Arizona’s night sky recently.

Coconino County began conversations with SpaceX, an aerospace manufacturer founded by Elon Musk, when Vice-Chair Lena Fowler and Coconino County’s Chief Information Officer Matt Fowler both met with the company in 2019. This resulted in securing accounts for the County to utilize SpaceX beta technology, created to make internet accessible to rural areas of Northern Arizona. Coconino County successfully became an early customer, purchasing and launching Starlink internet in a 45-household trial on May 6, 2021.

Flagstaff Festival of Science — Would you be willing to provide some feedback about the Festival?

It is hard to believe that 7 months have passed since the 2020 Festival and that the 2021 Festival is right around the corner! As we plan this year’s line up of exciting programs, we like to look back as well AND hear from you!

2020 definitely had it’s challenges and we are so proud of the hybrid Festival that was produced! As you reflect with us, can you share what you loved about the 2020 Festival? Was there a specific virtual presentation or a socially-distanced outdoor event that inspired you? Perhaps a topic or theme that you learned about for the first time? And don’t forget to ask your kids what sparked joy for them!

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up — May 17-21, 2021

Coconino County Emergency Management has recently launched a ‘one-stop-shop’ fire restrictions website. This new resource includes links to the County Wildfire Defense Ordinance 2021-02, GIS Mapping specific to restrictions, prohibitions of each of the three Stages of Restrictions, and links to all authorities that issue fire restrictions.

Coconino County Emergency Management will maintain this page with appropriate real-time updates, usually following Monday afternoon fire restriction updates.

Grand Canyon National Park remains in Stage 1 fire restrictions at this time with fire danger on both the South and North Rims as ‘Very High.’ As a reminder, Stage 1 fire restrictions are implemented in the park year-round on both the South and North Rims (all campfires must be in designated fire rings and open flames are never allowed below the rim). For more information on Stage 1 fire restrictions and to view the most updated fire information for Grand Canyon visit the park’s Fire Information and Management Website.

Inquiries regarding fire information can also be directed to our public affairs office at

Museum of Northern Arizona — Ready for a fun-filled summer at MNA

Things are looking brighter and it’s not just the sunshine filtering through the pine branches. After months making plans for the summer, while closely monitoring the increasing vaccination rate in our community and falling number of infections, we are now able to open up a bit more.

Starting June 1, the museum will be open six days a week, from Tuesday through Sunday, meaning you have more opportunities to visit this summer.
We’ve already opened registration for the Discovery Camps to museum members, and will soon open to nonmembers. We’re also accepting applications from artists for booths at our Heritage Festival, which will be held four weekends in July.

AARP Hispanic Connection — What Happened This Week (05/13/21) recap video and more information

What Happened This Week (05/13/21) recap video

COVID-19: Vacuna, Dinero y Más de 11 de mayo, 2021

More videos and information available HERE

— AARP Arizona Hispanic Connection is a platform that educates on relevant issues, celebrates Latino accomplishments, and connects Hispanics of all generations.

City of Flagstaff announces ‘One a day in May’ litter challenge

The city of Flagstaff’s Sustainability Program’s Community Stewards will host a One a Day in May litter challenge. This event runs for the month of May. The top three litter pickers will win great prizes on June 1, 2021.

The Community Steward’s Program is utilizing the phone app Litterati to help participants easily pick up litter as they go about their day. The goal of using Litterati, is to take a photo of the litter through the app, tag it, pick it up and then upload the photo. Litterati will then store the location of the litter, with the type-tag on a map. This will allow Sustainability staff to better identify locations with litter problems and the types of litter out there. 

Groome Transportation reopening in Flagstaff June 1st

As more travelers return to the skies, Groome Transportation will be resuming our Flagstaff to Phoenix and PHX airport route June 1st with enhanced policies and procedures similar to those implemented by major airlines.  Learn how Groome is ensuring the safety and comfort of all passengers and employees.

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up — May 10-14, 2021

Additional Services Reopen on South Rim

Several facilities on the South Rim will be reopening or adding services this week:

Bright Angel Bicycles is now renting Class 1 pedal-assist eBikes and began taking reservations last week for May 14th and beyond. 
On Saturday, May 15th, the Yavapai Coffee Shop will open an hour earlier at 6 better accommodate guests. It will close daily at 1 p.m. 
The Canyon Village Deli will reopen on Monday, May 17th daily from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. 
Desert View Watchtower opened the ground floor this past Friday May 7th and is open from Friday through Monday. The Watchtower is closed Tuesday through Thursday. 
Village interpretive staff will begin providing visitor information outside of the Visitor Center starting May 21st. 

Grand Canyon National Park Urges Visitors to Hike Safely

Hikers and backpackers hiking in the inner canyon are strongly encouraged to be prepared for excessively hot temperatures greater than 100 degrees Fahrenheit this spring and summer season. Hikers attempting rigorous distances, such as ‘Rim to Rim’ through the inner canyon, must be self-reliant and understand their own physical limitations to prevent emergency situations for themselves and responders.

Rangers at Grand Canyon strongly urge visitors who plan to hike in the canyon to take extra precautions and hike safely. Hikers should hike before 10 a.m. and after 4 p.m., rest in shade whenever possible, and avoid hiking during the heat of the day. Important tips for a successful hike include the following: balancing real food, electrolyte, and water intake; drinking when thirsty; getting wet to stay cool; and stopping hiking if you start to feel ill.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — ‘CCC&Y heading into Summer with new look, strong focus’ and more news

As the region heads into summer, and the hope that the worst of the pandemic is behind us, this seems an appropriate time to reinvigorate ourselves with the promise of a new beginning.
As part of our effort during this nationwide Spring Cleaning, the Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth welcomes you to explore our new, revitalized website at
The website features our new logo and brand colors, more images and easier links to a variety of resources you have come to depend on, including:

Coconino County Moves to Stage One Fire Restrictions

Coconino County will move to Stage One fire restrictions in the unincorporated areas of the County, including on private lands, in coordination with similar actions by the Coconino and Kaibab National Forests and other agencies in the area. Fire restrictions are effective Friday, May 14 at 8:00 a.m.

The National Weather Service (NWS) predicts breezy and dry conditions, necessitating the restrictions, and the decision was made in consultation with Federal, State, Tribal, and local Fire District officials to reduce the threat of wildfire. Stage One fire restrictions include a ban on fires including campfires, charcoal, coal and wood stoves, as well as a ban on fireworks.  

Northern Region COVID-19 Vaccination Site at NAU expected to Open to Age 12 and Over on Thursday

The state-run Northern Region COVID-19 Vaccination Site will open to anyone 12 years of age and over on Thursday, May 13, subject to guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The site currently administers the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to individuals ages 16 and over. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized the Pfizer vaccine for ages 12 -15 on Monday. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and CDC are expected to follow suit on Wednesday with a recommendation to vaccinate those 12 and older. The recommendation applies only to the Pfizer vaccine. The Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines are authorized for those 18 and older.

Bilingual report — Applications open for DES Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) Program

The Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) is an FCC program to help families and households struggling to afford internet service during the COVID-19 pandemic. This new benefit will connect eligible households to jobs, critical healthcare services, virtual classrooms, DES Services, and so much more.

The DES Office of Community Engagement would like to share with you information about this program. The EBB program opens on May 12, 2021 for eligible individuals and households to enroll. Below is additional information and the link to the Toolkit.

Family Involvement Center — Parents Wanted for free program that provides 24 college credits

The Family Involvement Center offers an opportunity for anyone who might be interested in becoming a peer parent support partner. Participants will get 24 college credits, a monthly stipend,  a laptop and other supplies and help with job placement.  Applicants will need to complete a short application form. 

The deadline to apply is May 15.