Category: Education

Sedona Arts Center — Experience Art in the Wild!


Field Expeditions are created around the idea of a perfect match between an artist, a special place and the best season to explore that location. We work with local resources and providers to create an exclusive one-of-a-kind experience for participating artists/students. Field Expeditions are designed with expert instruction and support staff. There is no replacement for experiencing life directly with great instruction in a unique location!

2024 Summer Camps at Tynkertopia

Summer camps are one week long from either 9 AM – Noon or 1 – 4 PM.
To see descriptions of all camps and to register, click HERE.

We offer camps the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th weeks of June and
the 2nd and 3rd weeks of July.

The NAU Review — Engage with undergraduate student research, go waste-free with USEFULL and read President Cruz Rivera’s updates on NAU partnerships and achievements

On Friday, join more than 1,200 undergraduate students as they present research on topics ranging from the voices of Chicano rap, evapotranspiration in Canyon de Chelly, pathogens in North American ticks, being a woman in a male-dominated field, how to sustainably de-ice during Flagstaff winters, the best way to 3D print a drone and so much more. The Undergraduate Symposium is NAU’s premier showcase for research and creative works that reach all disciplines and career paths.

Economic Collaborative of Northern Arizona (ECoNA) — Flagstaff Technology Park Poised for Development

Work has begun to transform a 31.45-acre parcel just west of Flagstaff Pulliam Airport into a technology park focusing on cutting-edge businesses and research.

Genterra Enterprises, the master developer of the Northern Arizona Technology Park, recently completed negotiations with the City of Flagstaff to secure a long-term ground lease for the parcel, which was originally granted to the City by the Federal Aviation Administration.

The development is one of the largest shovel ready projects in northern Arizona and the only one dedicated to technology enterprises. It’s zoned Highway Commercial and the land is fully entitled, streamlining the approval process for interested companies, said Tim Kinney, President & CEO at Genterra.

Sedona Arts Center — Sign up for these Art Workshops and Classes!

Colorful Concertina Sketchbook
with Lori Roll
April 24–25 : Wednesday & Thursday, 11am – 4pm

Many artists employ sketchbooks to capture daily exercises and inspire finished pieces. This expressive class will utilize collage to create uniquely personalized sketchbooks in one continuous story that unfolds like a concertina.

In this class you have the option of making your own concertina sketchbook from recycled folders and heavy papers, or purchasing a commercial concertina sketchbook in which to work for $28, available the first day of class.

We will use acrylic paints, markers, charcoal and carbon pencils, inks, paper pieces, handmade papers and stencils, cloth, scraps and other materials using water-based adhesives to create colorful sketchbooks. While the instructor will bring folders, heavy papers and many materials, students are highly encouraged to bring special papers, found objects and odd pieces to add to their work. All skill levels are welcome. Wear old clothes or an apron.

Public invited to attend Flagstaff Regional Plan 2045 Committee Meeting on April 23

The focus of the seventh Regional Plan Committee meeting will be to discuss the Preferred Scenario, which will inform the plan’s Future Growth Illustration.

Click here to download the official agenda for this meeting.

Click here to download the meeting packet.

This meeting can be attended virtually via Microsoft Teams.

Coconino Center for the Arts to present ‘Lying Down to Face Power / Enfrentando al poder—acostado’ at 6:30 p.m. April 25

FLAGSTAFF — Coconino Center for the Arts will present “Lying Down to Face Power / Enfrentando al poder—acostado” at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, April 25 at 2300 North Fort Valley Road, Flagstaff.

Robert Neustadt, Ph.D., Professor of Global Languages and Culture at Northern Arizona University, presents an engaging and informative lecture on performance art and activism that places Francisco González Castro’s work in a contemporary global context.

Discover Flagstaff — Discover Spring Events with Flagstaff 365

Discover Flagstaff publishes Flagstaff 365 Happenings on a weekly basis to highlight local events happening in and around Flagstaff. “Flag Happs” is distributed throughout Downtown Flagstaff, displayed in kiosks and storefronts, and also available at the Flagstaff Visitor Center. Below are some highlights of the week.

The NAU Review — NAU wins awards for innovative study abroad, using space-based tools to fight fires and how childhood motivated one MPH student

Preparing students to be part of the global economy is an important part of NAU’s mission, but it can be an expensive endeavor. A multidisciplinary program at NAU was designed to make sure finances didn’t stand in students’ way. The Global Citizens Project Scholars program, a collaboration between CIE, the Honors College and the Economic Policy Institute, offers a unique, affordable international experience to Honors, Indigenous and first-generation students. It was recognized this week by the Institute for International Education for widening access to this life-changing educational opportunity.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Coalition provides update on Systems Change Grant Project and October symposium

Thank you so much for being in partnership with the Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth! I wanted to send you some quick updates and also encourage some action!

We continue to partner with the City of Flagstaff and Coconino County on a Systems Change Grant project we have titled Reimagine Community. I wanted to share this 60 sec promo with you (notice that there are 2 trainings available for City and County employees that will be rolling out in the coming months).

I am sharing this to both keep you updated about our work, but the video also sums up much of the work we do here at CCC&Y through the prevention council, the newsletter, training, advocacy and more.

Save the date!! Oct 22 or Oct 23 (we have two identical days so you have a choice!) As part of the Reimagine Community project we will be hosting a live Zoom Systems Change Symposium. *speakers and event agenda currently under design thanks to our planning committee.

The NAU Review — Celebrate award-winning Lumberjacks, hear from an emergency dispatcher, meet Cassie Bonah + don’t forget to tag your bike!

Proud family members, mentors and NAU leaders looked on as dozens of soon-to-be-graduates accepted President’s Prizes, Gold Axe awards and Distinguished Senior awards in recognition of their exceptional accomplishments, service and scholarship. At the award ceremony on April 11, Provost Karen Pugliesi made special note of five seniors who received the President’s Prize, the highest honor awarded to undergraduate students. 

Sedona Arts Center — Embark on Artistic Field Expeditions!

Field Expeditions are created around the idea of a perfect match between an artist, a special place and the best season to explore that location. We work with local resources and providers to create an exclusive one-of-a-kind experience for participating artists/students. Field Expeditions are designed with expert instruction and support staff. There is no replacement for experiencing life directly with great instruction in a unique location!

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up: April 8-12, 2024

The Arizona Department of Transportation, in cooperation with the town of Tusayan, advises area drivers to plan for lane restrictions on State Route 64 in Tusayan from Monday, April 15, through Wednesday, April 17.

Drivers should allow extra travel time while the following daytime restrictions are in place from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m.:

SR 64 will be intermittently narrowed to one lane in each direction roughly between Coyote Lane and Moqui Drive (mileposts 236 – 237).
Flaggers and/or a pilot car will guide drivers through the work zone.
There will be a 12-foot width restriction.
Restrictions will be lifted at the end of each work day.
The speed limit will be reduced in the work zone. The restrictions are needed so crews can safely restripe pavement markings on the roadway to add one additional northbound travel lane along this section of SR 64.

The NAU Review — NAU Giving Day: the impact YOU made, how to garden in Flagstaff and talking politics with former Congress members on NAU campus

Former House lawmakers talk politics at NAU

NAU students, employees and community members turned out to “grill the Hill” on Wednesday, April 10 at Campus to Congress—a town hall-style event featuring former Reps. Karan English and Tom Petri. Made possible by the non-profit organization Former Members of Congress and the Honors College political science fraternity Pi Sigma Alpha, the event gave NAU community members the chance to interact with the former lawmakers, get their takes on current political issues and hear them reminisce about their time in politics.

Sedona Arts Center — Uncover Treasures at our Gallery Shop Today

Nancy Foo,
Lili Anne Laurin,
and Amy Light

Our Gallery showcases the largest selection in Sedona of artwork by local artists. If you are seeking a rare piece of fine art, a gift of exquisite jewelry, appreciate stunning photography, or looking for a lovely keepsake from your visit to Sedona, the Arts Center has it all and more. Sedona Arts Center is a 501(c)3 organization that offers all purchases without sales tax – almost a 10% savings.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Coalition continues Spring outreach season with events in Page, Flagstaff

COCONINO COUNTY — Representatives from various community health and welfare organizations braved cool and windy weather to take part in the 3rd Annual “Spring into Health Page Health & Wellness Fair” held on April 5-6 at the Page Public Library.

Traditionally held outside the library, participants were relocated inside throughout the library providing a variety of services to visitors including free dental screenings (including sealants, x-rays and cleanings), early childhood resources, prizes and giveaways.

The event, presented by the Page Early Childhood Group and BlueCross BlueShield of Arizona, featured a number of information tables for parents staffed by representatives from the Arizona Dept. of Economic Security — Arizona Early Intervention Program (AzEIP), BlueCross BlueShield — Health Choice, BMO Bank — Page, Chicanos Por La Causa — Parenting Arizona, Child Care Resources & Referral, Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth, Coconino Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children (CASA), Coconino County Health & Human Services — (AZ Health Zone, Health and Wellness Team), Encompass Health Services, First Things First, Flagstaff Dentistry 4 Kids, Page Head Start, Navajo Nation Division of Behavioral & Mental Health Services, Northland-Rural Therapy Associates, Page Unified Preschool, the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension — Coconino County and VEN Centers (Hep C treatment).

Sedona Arts Center — Join us for Ceramics Art Talks Tonight!

This Wednesday…
Free Artists Talks with Jeff Perkins, Donna Reitz, and Dennis Ott April 10, 5-7pm

Join us for artists talks featuring Jeff Perkins, Donna Reitz and Dennis Ott this Wednesday, April 10, from 5-7 p.m. and delve into the history and impact of Sedona Arts Center’s ceramics studio. Each of the artists will share personal and meaningful stories.

Perkins will discuss learning how to throw on the potter’s wheel from SAC founder Nassan Gobran, Reitz will talk about her father the late Don Reitz, known throughout the world as a ceramic’s innovator, while Ott will highlight his 33-year career in ceramics and how SAC and its Ceramic Department changed his life. The event is free and open to the public.

ARTx: Art + Ideas Experience Arizona announces keynote for Ideas Night on May 17

FLAGSTAFF — Creative Flagstaff is pleased to announce the keynote speaker for Ideas Night. ARTx launches its inaugural, 10 day festival on Friday May 17th with a community party called Ideas Night at the Orpheum Theater in Flagstaff. This free open house invites the public to convene for entertainment, a sampling of grantee projects and a keynote by Donna Walker Kuhne.

Ms. Kuhne is widely acknowledged as the nation’s foremost expert in audience development and has devoted her professional career to increasing access to the arts. She has raised over $23 million in earned income promoting the arts to multicultural communities. Award-winning arts marketing consultant, Ms. Kuhne calls the process of engaging audiences “a journey of life.”

The NAU Review — NAU’s record-breaking year of research, how to start a farm and a Q&A with a multitalented local musician

NAU saw the largest annual increase in research expenditures in fiscal year 2023, leading to a record-breaking amount of research in a year that also saw NAU’s projected achievement in R1 research status. Leaders say it’s a testament to NAU’s teacher-scholar model and the university’s mission of recruiting professors who can help students excel in the classroom while thriving in the research field as well. Learn more about the significance of these numbers for NAU’s research program and meet three of NAU’s researchers who are on the front lines of planetary science, health equity and inclusion.

Sedona Arts Center — Check out these new Art Workshops and Classes!

Paper Paintings: Fabulous Florals
with Elizabeth St. Hilaire
April 19–21 : Fri, 10am – 5pm, Sat & Sun, 9am – 4pm

We will be drawing florals from a still life setup and modifying it to create a compelling, FUN composition. We’ll cover how to paint your life drawing with a full range of fun, bright colors and shading. You will then learn how to hand-paint your own collage papers through a series of gel plate mono printing techniques in the color palette from your under-painting. Once you have created your paper palette you’ll follow along and learn how to rip and glue and apply your papers in a painterly manner over the top of your underpainting. Elizabeth will cover how to tear with and without white edges, how to keep your pieces perfectly flat without cockling, and how to vary your paper brush marks in size and shape.

Downtown Flagstaff Library to close April 22-30, pop-up services available at City Hall

During this time period, the library will be providing services with a Pop-Up Library at City Hall in the Council Conference Room on the first floor. Limited services provided will include on-hold material pick-ups, 30-minute express computer access with printing, limited browsing of new books for checkout, and standard reference and circulation services. Hours of service for the Pop-Up Library will be Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Sedona Arts Center — Art Apprenticeship for Teens now accepting applications

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Sedona Arts Center June 3 – July 3, 2024
Apply by April 19, 2024
Teens ages 15-18 are invited to apply to Sedona Arts Center’s Gallery 928 program, a unique summer art apprenticeship that partners students with a master artist to create a work of public art. Applications are due April 19, 2024. The program begins June 3 and runs through July 3 and will be held Monday-Thursday from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at Sedona Arts Center, located at 15 Art Barn Road.

NAU to present Global Film Series — La Sociedad de la Nieve (Society of the Snow) on April 10

FLAGSTAFF — Join us Wednesday, April 10 at 7pm in Liberal Arts Room 120 for a screening of La Sociedad de la Nieve (Society of the Snow), the 2023 survivor thriller film based on the experience of survivors of the 1972 plane crash in the Andes and the harrowing decisions they must make to survive while trapped in one of the most inaccessible and hostile environments on the planet. 

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up — April 1-5, 2024

During excavation work at the Mile-and-a-Half Resthouse, as part of the Transcanyon Waterline project, a member of the NPS monitoring team unearthed a rare and entirely new fossil for Grand Canyon and the Hermit Formation. One of the park’s research partners at UC-Berkeley has identified it as an Equisetalean strobilus.

This fossil is approximately 290 million years old and represents the spore-producing reproductive organ of an extinct species of horsetail known as Sphenophyllum. While Sphenophyllum fossils are not uncommon in the Hermit Formation, discovering the fruiting bodies is unprecedented.

The public affairs office is in the process of coordinating public communication efforts including a news release to announce this and other recent paleontological discoveries. Stay tuned for more updates!

April at the Museum of Northern Arizona

There is something very special about seeing a new exhibition come together in a gallery after months of planning. Our latest exhibition is no exception, and over the past few weeks, I have enjoyed seeing Horse and Rider: A Southwest Story transform from ideas on paper to a new exhibition in the gallery, drawn entirely from works in the MNA collection. The show delves deep into the timeless bond between Indigenous people and horses, weaving together artwork, cultural artifacts, and stories. What makes this exhibit even more remarkable is the invaluable contribution of wisdom shared by our Dine, Hopi, and Zuni consultants.

The NAU Review — Building a community book festival, former Congress members visit campus and redistributing unused food

From April 5-14, volunteers from NAU will be busy working behind the scenes at the Northern Arizona Book Festival, which hosts more than 40 events in downtown Flagstaff featuring bestselling authors, Pulitzer Prize winners and local writers, publishers, editors and event organizers. These events—and those that the organization supports throughout the year—foster a vibrant literary community in the Southwest and ensure that the Colorado Plateau is recognized as a bona fide place of literature. 

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Coalition planning for busy Spring outreach season

COCONINO COUNTY — As the snow melts and the weather warms up, a variety of organizations are busy planning and presenting a number of health, welfare and education fairs throughout Northern Arizona.

The Coalition opened its outreach season on March 28 by staffing the Family Health Fair at Star School in Leupp. The event, presented by Star School and the Winslow Indian Health Care Center, featured a number of information tables for parents staffed by representatives from the Coconino County Health & Human Services, Coconino County Parks & Recreation, Native Americans for Community Action (NACA), North Country HealthCare, the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension — Coconino County and the Winslow Indian Health Care Center and Youth Wellness.

Sedona Arts Center — Celebrate Sedona Wednesday, April 3, 4-6pm!, more news

Celebrate Sedona engages the local community while celebrating and
featuring local and regional arts, food and drink! Held at Sedona Arts Center,
Celebrate Sedona is a celebration of the beauty and diversity of our
community’s music, food, drink, and artistry.

The NAU Review — How to kick (Axe) on Giving Day, alumni in healthcare speak out + the latest on the Colorado River water supply

This Giving Day, how will you spread Axe of Kindness? NAU’s sixth annual fundraising event takes place Wednesday, April 3, and we’ve rounded up just a few of the day’s many exciting happenings. Win “bus bucks” on the shuttle, stay warm with limited-edition socks, drink beer for a good cause at Mother Road Brewing Company or join student organizations for an afternoon of music, food and games in the Union Fieldhouse. When it comes to supporting the Lumberjacks you love on Giving Day, the choices are endless! 

Bilingual report — Arizona Gives Day — Local First Arizona

Today is Arizona Gives Day! One of the biggest giving days of the entire year for nonprofits across the state. We set a goal of $25,000 to support our programs. Will you help us?

Long-time Local First Legacy Partner, Ideas Collide has generously pledged to match all gifts up to $5,000 to help us reach our goal today!

Arizona Gives Day — United Way of Northern Arizona (UWNA)

This is the day Arizonans come together and unite for positive, lasting changes in our communities by supporting the nonprofits that are making a difference in our state every day.

We invite you to step up for our youth and our communities on Arizona Gives Day with a donation to United Way of Northern Arizona.

Together we can advance early childhood development, positive youth development, and safety and security for our neighbors in northern Arizona. You can make your donation HERE.

April Update at Sedona Arts Center

We have lots going on (as usual) on campus these days. For those of you who haven’t been here in a while, we moved our offices from the Art Barn to new digs in the Gallery Building in January.

Our featured artists for March/April are Nancy Foo, Lili Anne Laurin and Amy Light. Come check out their work in our Uptown Gallery Shop!

Ballet Folklórico de Colores de Flagstaff wins the ‘Excellence in the Performing Arts Award’ at the 2024 Viola Awards

Also see: Arizona Daily Sun — Gallery: 16th annual Viola Awards

FLAGSTAFF — Ballet Folklórico de Colores won the “Excellence in the Performing Arts Award” at the 2024 Viola Awards held on March 23, 2024 at the Orpheum Theater. The event was presented by by Creative Flagstaff.

More than a 100 guests celebrated the 42 finalists across 10 categories at the event.

Ballet Folklórico de Colores of Flagstaff was recognized for its “Paseo Navideno: A Christmas Journey Through Mexico” performance held at the Orpheum Theater on Dec. 9, 2023.

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up: March 25-29, 2024

Spring Break is here!

As Spring Break continues for the next several weeks, we can expect long lines and full parking lots throughout the South Rim. As a result, traffic regularly backs up at all entrance stations, with wait times of up to one to two hours between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Parking lots begin reaching capacity by 12 p.m. and shuttle bus wait times will be prolonged.    

Thankfully, our fees program is fully staffed and have been working diligently towards expediting wait times by moving traffic into specific lanes. Visitors with pre-paid passes are still encouraged to go to Lane 1 to reduce wait times in line.  

CCC Community Education — April & May

Conscious Aging

Monday, April 8, 15, 22, 29

1:30 to 3 p.m.

The class will focus on the philosophy and skills needed to become a wise elder through life review and harvesting, finding meaning and purpose, and leaving a legacy.

Aging – Learn more and register!

The NAU Review — Giving Day is almost here!, the legacy of César Chavez and the woman who founded NAU’s chemistry department

For César Chavez Day on March 31, professor Monica Brown shares the impact of the labor leader’s work and his groundbreaking partnership with fellow organizer Dolores Huerta.
Read the blog

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Join us for our next Prevention Council meeting on April 4 to share your story

Please join CCC&Y for its next Prevention Council Zoom meeting at 10 a.m. Thursday, April 4. Our meetings provide our coalition partners with the opportunity to share the latest news about their projects that support children, youth and their families in Northern Arizona.

The CCC&Y Prevention Council has its roots in our long history of child abuse prevention, our most recent work with substance misuse prevention and our overall commitment to understanding the protective factors, resiliency research and assets our community needs to thrive.

Some examples include:

Planning for previous Child Abuse Prevention Conferences
Engaging in multiple projects with International Child Welfare expert, Kevin Campbell
Developing a library of recorded webinars
Initiating the PAWS community arts and education project

The NAU Review — Using mobile apps for global conservation, how volunteer scientists are helping us learn about the universe and what one degree of warming could mean for Earth’s ecosystems

Countries throughout the world have committed to conserving 30% of the Earth’s land and sea by 2030, but questions remain about how such conservation efforts will be implemented and monitored without causing harm to Indigenous peoples and local communities. In a recent publication, researchers at NAU proposed a win-win solution: offer direct payments to those in target areas in the Global South in exchange for their help monitoring and validating conservation data via mobile apps. This mechanism could improve both the quality of the data collected and the economic conditions of local communities. 

Sedona Arts Center — Boost Your Art Skills with Our Workshops

Introduction to Encaustic Painting
with Helene Farrar
April 4 – 5 : Thursday: 10am – 4pm, Friday: 9am – 4pm

Drip, pour, drag, layer, heat, and incise! Investigate the ancient medium of encaustic painting in this very hands-on workshop using pigmented wax, and a heated palette! Explore a rich variety of marks and surfaces while doing image transfer, etching, and collaging in this seductive medium.

The NAU Review — Come Explore Cesar Chavez Heritage Week Events, Student volunteers leading the charge, research that improves healthcare for Native elders and Flagstaff’s first Youth Poet Laureate

Come celebrate Cesar Chavez Heritage Week by taking advantage of the many activities taking place at NAU and in the Flagstaff area!

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up: March 18-22, 2024

The Bright Angel Trail is anticipated to reopen Monday, April 15 following a 4 ½ month closure. 

Contract work is currently on schedule and no delays are anticipated at this time. As a reminder, the trail closure remains in effect for the Plateau Point Trail through March 14, 2025.

More information on the Transcanyon Waterline project can be found on the park website here.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Coalition compiles listing of Health and Welfare Resource Meetings in region

A variety of virtual health and welfare resource networking meetings are held each month in Coconino County. The meetings offer health professionals and representatives from a variety of governmental and non-profit organizations the opportunity to share information on upcoming programs and events that benefit the educational, health and welfare needs of children, youth and families throughout the region.

The following is a listing of some of those meetings.

Congratulations to This Year’s STEMMY Award Winners

Thank you to everyone who attended this year’s STEMMY Awards Ceremony. The evening was full of celebration, innovation, and dedication to advancing STEM education and awareness within our beloved community. A special thanks to our esteemed keynote speaker, Dr. David Engelthaler for joining us. 

Highlighting excellence across various sectors, the STEMMY Awards showcased individuals and organizations who have demonstrated outstanding commitment to STEM education and awareness.

Sedona Arts Center — Don’t miss these art classes and workshops!

Watercolor and Ink for the Traveler
with Casey Cheuvront
March 27 : 11am – 4pm

Watercolor is a popular, flexible medium, and suitable for anyone that travels and would like to capture the beauty of their surroundings. In this workshop we will explore watercolor basics, using a journaling/sketchbook approach. We’ll cover the basics of composition, value, brushwork and color relationships, experiment with color mixing and ink drawing, and finish by working with the living landscape to create sketchbook paintings that can stand on their own or serve as inspirational notes for later studio works. At the end of the workshop, you should have begun a sketchbook of your own that you can carry virtually anywhere, which will allow you to record your travels, and your progress in this medium. Suitable for beginners a

The NAU Review — Fighting fire with research, helping Native children develop healthy smiles and Nico Young breaks another record

State leaders recently called upon health sciences researcher Dierdra Bycura to analyze firefighter recruitment and retention across Arizona. Working with experts from the Franke College of Business, Bycura published a report showing that most firefighters in the state are satisfied with the profession, but some say they struggle with mental health and large call volumes. The report’s findings could influence future state policies.

Economic Collaborative of Northern Arizona (ECoNA) — Nurturing Talent Through Apprenticeships

It is hard to overstate the importance of apprenticeship programs in today’s economy, where numerous industries have identified a persistent “skills gap” in the workforce.

The State of Arizona’s Office of Economic Opportunity recently announced it is working to expand registered construction and trade apprenticeship programs with grants from its BuildItAZ initiative, but time is running out to apply for these funds.

District 1 Supervisor Patrice Horstman — February/March Newsletter 2024