Conversations with Arizona Families about the Impact of Distance Learning on Students with Disabilities and other Vulnerable Populations
Color. Form. Aesthetics.
To him, art is a conversation between the artist and the world – an assertion he repeats to his students. And they appreciate him for it.
Art Faculty Jeff Roth has been selected as the 2020-21 Coconino Community College Part-Time Faculty of the Year. Roth, who has been with CCC for three years, teaches Art Appreciation, Drawing 1, Life Drawing 1, Life Drawing 2, Digital Photography 1 and Mural Painting.
The Economic Policy Institute is administering a survey that is designed to measure business sentiment as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the impacts of local and state government pandemic restrictions on local businesses. It is the first survey to provide rolling data specific to northern Arizona.
Did you know that you might qualify for money to go to college this fall?
But you will have to apply quickly for federal financial aid.
In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, the federal government has approved funds through the CARES Act to help U.S. citizens attend college.
Coconino Community College has received a share of this money and will distribute it for the Fall semester to students and prospective students who qualify.
Coconino County Health and Human Services (CCHHS) is participating in the Arizona COVID-19 Testing Blitz on Saturday, May 30.
This is the fourth Testing Blitz hosted by CCHHS as part of the statewide initiative which aims to test up to 60,000 Arizonans for COVID-19.
Testing will be held at Coconino County Health and Human Services, 2625 N. King Street, Flagstaff, AZ 86004 from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Drive through testing and walk up testing will be available.
Doug Friedman’s passion for the subject gives him the ability to make the world of microscopic organisms accessible – and fascinating – to his students.
As one of his students stated, “Doug showed me this passion for Microbiology I did not know I had. It’s a fascinating subject. I never had an instructor who made me think outside the box so frequently. He is exactly what college professors should be doing.”
Friedman was selected by students and colleagues as the 2020-21 Full-Time Faculty of the Year at Coconino Community College.
Flagstaff Unified School District (FUSD) high schools, Coconino High School, Flagstaff High School, and Summit High School, will hold graduation processions on Fourth Street in Flagstaff, Arizona on Friday, May 29, 2020. The event will include an opportunity for graduates to be recognized while still ensuring necessary social distancing measures.
“We are very proud of the accomplishments and efforts of FUSD’s senior students over many years.” said Superintendent Michael Penca. “They are graduating under extraordinary circumstances in which they have demonstrated persistence, patience, and compassion for others. While we all wish we could hold our traditional ceremony, we know this event will be a special celebration for our seniors, their families, and our entire community.”
Throughout this crisis, we have celebrated essential workers – those brave souls who have faced the threat of coronavirus on an almost daily basis so that everyone else could safely stay at home practicing social distancing to stem the pandemic.
But what happens to essential workers with small children? Who is there to take care of their sons or daughters while they were busy taking care of the rest of us.
Due to COVID-19, more than 80 percent of licensed child care centers in Flagstaff were forced to close. Those that remained open had to operate far below capacity, collecting less revenue while simultaneously facing greater operational expenses.
That is why the United Way of Northern Arizona recently provided grants through its COVID-19 Fund to both the Flagstaff Family YMCA and the Association for Supportive Child Care (ASCC).
CCC&Y hosted this 1.5 hour webinar to ensure we look through a strength-based framework that is evidence-based, supports families and is prevention focused. This is for the community, as well as, professionals. Trainer: Claire Louge, Prevention Child Abuse Arizona
According to one participant: “I was so surprised that I could use the information in a lot of work that I do and not just with youth and families. It is truly amazing how it related to just every day life. It was great!!” “The reminders to look for strengths in everyone, even yourself.”
More than fifteen hundred clinical trials are underway worldwide related to the coronavirus disease. Many of these experiments are focused on developing new drugs and therapies to treat patients. Along with public health measures, those are an important line of defense against COVID-19 until a vaccine is created. Learn more at KNAU.org.
Two retiring faculty members at Coconino Community College, with more than four decades of service to the college between them, have received the honor of Professor Emeritus.
David Rudakewich and Kim Sonier were honored during the April 30 meeting of the CCC District Governing Board. The board members voted unanimously to bestow the honor on them both.
This Week’s Virtual Highlights
Discover Flagstaff publishes Flagstaff 365 Happenings on a weekly basis to highlight local events happening in and around Flagstaff. It is distributed throughout Downtown Flagstaff, displayed in kiosks and storefronts, and also available at the Flagstaff Visitor Center. Below are some highlights. For a complete printable pdf list of events click below.
As Coconino County and the state of Arizona ease out of the Coronavirus lockdown, many questions remain.
Are we heading for a second wave requiring families in hotspots to once again shelter at home? Will schools reopen this summer or fall? Are parents prepared to meet additional teach-at-home challenges? How have children survived the past few months — are they feeling depressed, isolated, traumatized, both physically and mentally?
So many questions. At the Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth, we have been busy trying to help families, partner organizations and members navigate this new virtual world. …
Now, more than ever, there is so much to do to help families in Coconino County, and with your help as a supporting member, we can continue to help the community and expand our efforts to meet the ever-changing times. Please visit here for membership options.
Coconino County Parks & Recreation is gearing up for another amazing Coconino County Fair, and they need your help! The Parks & Recreation Department is hiring temporary staff for the upcoming Fair, which takes place over Labor Day Weekend at Fort Tuthill County Park. This four-day event gives staff the opportunity to earn some extra money while having County Fair Fun and helping to make this annual event memorable for the entire community.
Coconino County has suffered greatly from the coronavirus pandemic. Our residents only make up about 2% of the state, but we have 6% of the COVID-19 cases and 10% of the fatalities attributed to the disease – the highest death rate in Arizona.
Add to that the economic impact of the disease. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the four industries that have been hardest hit in terms of unemployment during this time are hospitality, retail, education/health care services, and government. Those also are the sectors that make up the bulk of our jobs in northern Arizona.
The demands on our nonprofits are unprecedented. Which is why United Way of Northern Arizona established the COVID-19 Fund two months ago, and why we are teaming up with Coconino County to lead the COVID-19 Social Safety-Net Services Coalition.
If you will not have students at Sinagua Middle School next year, we’re guessing you won’t want to receive these emails next year. We don’t want to spam you either! So, don’t forget to unsubscribe from these emails by clicking the button below, or simply reply to this email letting us know you will not have students at SMS after this year.
All the parts have arrived. We’ll head up the mountain Saturday morning to install the new and slightly more powerful 88.7 transmitter. When we’re ready, we’ll have to go off the air for a short period of time, maybe up to an hour while we move some things around and reconnect others. This will probably happen some time around noon but at this writing, there is no way to predict exactly when.
The CDC has recently announced the expanded the list of wide-range symptoms for COVID-19. The mild to severe symptoms may appear 2 to 14 days after initial exposure to the virus. The expanded list of six new symptoms is crucial for individuals who are seeking testing whom must first show symptoms.
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Chills ***
Repeated shaking with chills ***
Muscle pain ***
Headache ***
Sore throat ***
New loss of taste or smell ***
CCC&Y has created this hour-long webinar because the effects of childhood trauma play out both personally for individuals, but also, have tremendous costs for society. There is so much that all of us can be doing to mitigate these outcomes. There is no charge for this webinar, but we do ask that you consider sharing with others and complete the survey.
According to one participant: “Though I am familiar with the topic of ACES, each time I participate in training, I learn something new. Your model of ACES presented a light of hope with interventions that can occur at each level.” “It was a great training and I look forward to more in the future.” “I am recommending this training to several folks…” “Thank you for providing amazing webinars…” “Very good training.”
I hope you and your families are staying safe and healthy as we work together to get through this difficult time. I want to thank you for staying committed to the safety of our community and abiding by social distancing and safety practices during this time. We, as a community, must continue to work together to ensure the health and safety of ALL community members. I know it’s not easy, but together we will get through this.
In This Newsletter:
A Note from Supervisor Archuleta
Quote of the Day
AZ COVID-19 Testing Blitz
COVID-19 Daily Dashboard
AZDHS COVID-19 Website
AZCourtHelp’s YouTube Channel
For Teens: LAUNCH Flagstaff’s Career Exploration Series
2020 Census: Don’t forget to fill it out!
Stay Connected with Us!
On April 29, Governor Ducey extended the Stay Home, Stay Healthy, Stay Connected executive order through May 15. All playgrounds, basketball courts, ramadas (including picnic tables and barbecue grills), and restroom facilities managed byCoconino County Parks & Recreation remain closed at this time.
These sites include Fort Tuthill County Park, Raymond County Park, Sawmill County Park, and Peaks View County Park. Louise Yellowman County Park in Tuba City is closed to the public.
Coconino County Parks & Recreation encourages the public to engage in responsible physical and social distancing. Parks, natural areas and trails managed by Coconino County will remain open for public enjoyment; this excludes Louise Yellowman County Park.
Are you looking for things to do, both indoors and outdoors? Check out a few ideas in this newsletter and on Coconino.AZ.Gov/Parks.
Good afternoon,
Business and employee experts have been brining you the latest tools, guidance and business planning know-how every week for the last 8 weeks.
Planning phases are now beginning to transition into implementation stages for small business owners. As we begin to reengage our businesses in the coming days/weeks, NOW is the TIME that we implement the safety practices and utilize the tools and resources gathered over the last 2 months.
The most coveted award in journalism, the Pulitzer Prize, has been awarded to public radio’s long-running series This American Life. The award, announced earlier this week, was for excellence in the new category of Audio Journalism, the first category created by the Pulitzer Board in 20 years.
The Prize was given to staff of This American Life and their collaborators Molly O’Toole of the Los Angeles Times and Emily Green, a freelancer for Vice News.
his Week’s Virtual Highlights
Discover Flagstaff publishes Flagstaff 365 Happenings on a weekly basis to highlight local events happening in and around Flagstaff. It is distributed throughout Downtown Flagstaff, displayed in kiosks and storefronts, and also available at the Flagstaff Visitor Center. Below are some highlights. For a complete printable pdf list of events click below.
Coconino County will hold a public interactive Town Hall on Wednesday, May 6 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. using Zoom Video Communications (Zoom). The meeting will also be streamed on Coconino County’s YouTube channel and broadcast on NAU-TV.
El Condado de Coconino albergará un Ayuntamiento interactivo público el miércoles 6 de mayo de 6:30 p.m. a 8:00 p.m. usando Zoom Video Communications (Zoom). La reunión también será transmitida en el canal YouTube del condado de Coconino y transmitida en NAU-TV.
We need the entire community to get involved. According to the 2018 Arizona Youth survey 70.5% of Coconino County 10th graders had a low commitment to school and 50.6% of 8th graders witnessed another punched, kicked, choked or beaten. The Arizona ACE (Adverse Childhood Experience) Consortium estimates 1,210 children in Coconino County have 5 or more ACEs.
Learn more about what these numbers mean, especially for our substance
use rates, the high costs to society and what can be done. There is so much hope to be had- but we need you. Our youth need you!! Visit our full report and attend our webinars at https://coconinokids.org/prevention/. These webinars are ideal development for professionals, but also, a great starting point for the community to raise awareness and take action. Parents and youth, facing isolation, will find them supportive and helpful as well. We have a webinar just for youth.
The stay-at-home orders aren’t holding back the partners of LAUNCH Flagstaff in advancing world-class education for every child. We are also using media technology in collaboration with our educational partners to help middle and high school students explore potential career and educational pathways.
Learn more about that and a couple other education things that caught our interest.
Be well,
May brings new leaves to plants, longer days, and an awakening animal kingdom. This month at MNA our online offerings focus on the natural world. Join us for presentations on garden plants and soil; learn more about dragonflies, owls and reptiles; become a dinosaur detective with Dinosaur Dave; and channel your inner artist by painting the landscape. May is also the month we celebrate Mother’s Day. MNA’s gift shop is open for online business with a wonderful range of gifts. Finally, these are challenging times for all of us and there are many needs in our community. If you are able, I would encourage you to support those causes closest to you on #GivingTuesday, including MNA. Your support helps us to create new programs, educate our communities, and share the joy and wonder of the Colorado Plateau. Thank you for being a part of MNA.
Gain the confidence to be a painter – Online!
From the beginning to the experienced student, this one-day class (May 22) in oil or acrylic will guide and teach students how to approach the painting process with confidence, while exploring the basics of value-pattern, composition and color. Students may work from life and/or photos. Instructor demonstrations and lots of individual attention provided.
Several actors from the movie “Coco”© have teamed up to send a “Thank you!” message to all the children who have stayed at home to slow down the spread of the deadly COVID-19. The artists recorded “We’re All In This Together,” a video that also asks kids to remain vigilant against the virus.
“Children are also among the unsung heroes of this pandemic,” says Carlos Moreno Jr., the actor who directed the public service announcement from his isolation at home in Los Angeles. “Our kids have sacrificed so much while staying at home. Staring boredom in the face and facing other challenges, they’ve helped to slow down this terrible pandemic.”
The Coconino County Elections Office urges voters to request an early ballot for the upcoming August 4 Primary and November 3 General Elections. “Our office wants to make sure these two important elections are conducted in the safest manner possible for our voters, poll workers and staff,” stated County Recorder Patty Hansen. “Voting by mail is extremely secure and the best method for voting in these times of social distancing.”
Zoom. FaceTime. YouTube. Online dashboards. Email.
It’s different from face-to-face teaching, but it gets the job done so students can keep chipping away at their educational goals during the time of the COVID-19 stay-at-home executive order issued by Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey.
Faculty at Coconino Community College spent their Spring Breaks this year working to figure out ways to reach their students in order to keep instruction on schedule.
Non-Filers VA, SSI recipients with eligible children need to act by Tuesday, May 5 to quickly add money to their automatic Economic Impact Payment; $500 for each dependent child. Click here for details.
AARP keeps advocating for those on nursing homes. See attached letter sent to Governor Ducey and questions to ask if you have a loved one at a nursing home.
Registration is Now Open for Summer Classes at Coconino Community College.
Summer instruction at CCC begins Monday, June 1, 2020.
Attending college is a great way to get ahead when the job market is uncertain.
To help our students move forward given the challenges with placement testing during the COVID-19 closures this spring, CCC is temporarily suspending placement requirements for summer 2020 only.