Category: Education

CCC nurses lend a hand with COVID-19 vaccinations

“Do you have any allergies?”


“Do you have a fever?”


As she received answers, Coconino Community College Nursing student Jodie Santillan marked off a checklist. She prepared the Moderna COVID-19 vaccination to deliver to Coconino County resident Lita Byerly. She swabbed Byerly’s arm, and before too much thought could be put into whether Byerly would feel it, Santillan delivered the vaccine.

It was one of more than 30 she delivered that day, doing the work to help fulfill her clinical requirements for the Nursing program. All of CCC’s 55 first-year and second-year Nursing students have done or will do at least one clinical rotation at the Fort Tuthill County Park COVID-19 vaccination site.

Coconino County Donates HVACR Chiller to CCC Trades Program

On Sunday, Feb. 21, Coconino County replaced an 80-ton HVACR (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration) chiller on the County administrative building located at 110 Cherry Ave. in Flagstaff, donating the unsalvageable system to Coconino Community College’s HVACR Training Program. Trade skills programs are increasingly limited, and Coconino Community College offers a much-needed program for the next generation of tradespeople, including those trained in HVACR. 

Arizona Board of Regents announces José Luis Cruz as Northern Arizona University presidential finalist

The Arizona Board of Regents on Feb. 18 announced that José Luis Cruz is the finalist for the position of the 17th president of Northern Arizona University.

“Dr. Cruz has an extraordinary record of academic leadership, and I am confident he is the right leader to build on NAU’s success and ensure a bold and boundless future for this beloved and historic university,” said ABOR Chair Larry E. Penley. “He is a proven innovator in higher education who keenly understands the enormous opportunities that NAU offers as well as the challenges facing higher education. His unsurpassed commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, coupled with a long track record as a leading national advocate to improve educational outcomes for all students—especially those who have historically been underserved—will serve Arizona and NAU well. I am personally honored that he has accepted the opportunity to be the next president of NAU and offer my sincere congratulations.”

Grand Canyon National Park Weekly Wrap-up

This week’s numbers at a glance:

The average number of new cases per day in Arizona is 2,246, down from 2,963 on average per day last week.
As of Thursday, the total number of cases in the 86023 zip code since the pandemic began is 174. This number represents cases inside and outside the park.   
There are no reported new cases in the park this week and no reported cases in which the individuals are isolating. 
Since the pandemic began, we’ve had 42 total positive COVID-19 cases in the park. To date, and as reported, none of the positive cases resulted from interaction with park visitors. 
More detailed statistics are available on the Coconino County COVID-19 Dashboard.

NAU News update for Feb. 19 — NAU’s Joseph Moreno publishes article ‘A Mexican and Latina/o Indigenous Perspective on The Current Global Coronavirus Pandemic’ and more news

Joseph Moreno, senior lecturer in the Department of Ethnic Studies, published the article, “A Mexican and Latina/o Indigenous Perspective on The Current Global Coronavirus Pandemic” in the Journal of Global Indigeneity. The article examines how various U.S. Mexican and Latina/o Indigenous populations have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on the economic, health, social and political impacts.

Discover Flagstaff — Find virtual events with Flagstaff 365 Happenings

Discover Flagstaff publishes Flagstaff 365 Happenings on a weekly basis to highlight local events happening in and around Flagstaff. It is distributed throughout Downtown Flagstaff, displayed in kiosks and storefronts, and also available at the Flagstaff Visitor Center. Below are some highlights. For a complete printable pdf list of events click below.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Family Protective Factors virtual training to be held Feb. 23

The Strengthening Families Protective Factors framework is a research-based approach to prevent child abuse and neglect, strengthen families, and promote optimal child development. The National Alliance of Children’s Trust and Prevention Funds (Alliance) launched Bringing the Protective Factors Framework to Life in Your Work-A Resource for Actionin 2012. When implemented, the framework helps ensure optimal outcomes for children and their families. These strategies strengthen families, develop responsive family support systems, and strengthen the community’s capacity to establish safe and healthy environments.  

Building Community, LLC, NACOG Head Start and Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth are collaborating to present the Intro course virtually. We invite all interested individuals, family service teams, and community leaders to join us on Tuesday, February 23rd, from 1:00 pm-2:30 pm.  The no-cost course will provide an introduction to the protective factors and strength-based theory. 

United Way of Northern Arizona — Welcoming Our 2021 Officers and New Board Member

Key to the success of the United Way of Northern Arizona is our Board of Directors. We are fortunate that in our 50+ years, this organization has always been led by volunteer leaders who keenly understand the needs of the communities we serve.

Recently, we held our organizational meeting where we named a new Board Chair, installed the 2021 officers, and welcomed a new member.

Friends of Flagstaff’s Future — Flagstaff’s Carbon Neutrality Plan

Flagstaff has an ambitious mission: reach net carbon neutrality by the year 2030. City Council declared a climate change emergency last year, spurred by a citizen’s petition and recent scientific findings. Flagstaff’s Carbon Neutrality Plan updates our award-winning Climate Action and Adaption Plan (2018) by significantly reducing the timeline in which we must work to reach net carbon neutrality. The new target of 100% net carbon neutrality by 2030 is in line with urgent international recommendations that a sharp decline in greenhouse gas emissions is needed in the next nine years in order to avoid exceeding 1.5°C of global warming above pre-industrial levels. Exceeding 1.5°C will lead to irreversible loss of fragile ecosystems and extreme crisis for the most vulnerable people.

Scarves for Scholarships Online Store is Open – Your Purchase Helps Support Nursing Scholarships at Coconino Community College

Good morning Coconino Community College partners and friends,

Scarves for Scholarships is an annual fundraiser in support of Nursing Student Scholarships at Coconino Community College.

Why not stay warm and cozy this year while helping to support a good cause all at the same time?

To shop, please visit the online store at or text SCARF to 41444. Your purchase of one-of-a-kind, hand-made knitted items will help the CCC Foundation reach its goal of $1,500.

All online sales are final and can be picked up at the CCC Lone Tree Campus, 2800 S. Lone Tree Road, Flagstaff.

Sedona Arts Center — New Online Classes Added!

Online learning opportunities are perfect for students who are interested in taking one of our educational opportunities, but prefer to work at home. These learning opportunities provide a well-rounded experience in various visual art mediums.

Our workshops are live online learning experiences with one-on-one interaction between student and instructor. Click here to see all our online learning opportunities

Sedona Arts Center — New Ceramics Classes at Sedona Arts Center!

The Sedona Arts Center’s ceramic department operates free from the constraints of grades and benefits from the talents of its ceramic faculty and assistants as well as nationally recognized guest instructors. This combination allows our department to offer flexible and diverse programming in both traditional and contemporary techniques.

Coconino County Announces Update on Candidates for District 2 Supervisor Vacancy

Former Supervisor Liz Archuleta takes position to lead USDA Intergovernmental Affairs

Please See: KNAU — Former Supervisor Liz Archuleta to lead USDA Intergovernmental Affairs

Please see: Arizona Daily News — Former county supervisor named to USDA senior staff position

COCONINO COUNTY — Twelve qualified candidates have applied to fill the vacancy for District 2 County Supervisor following the recent resignation of former Supervisor Liz Archuleta.

CCC alum blends modern with traditional Navajo culture

The Mandalorian’s helmet is adorned with arrowheads, and he sports a Navajo Nation seal and traditional hair bun. He wears a silver bow guard decorated with turquoise. Yoda strikes a pose, very much in the Navajo tradition, also wearing turquoise necklace and a traditional hair bun.

His work is the blending of modern and traditional: The purpose about making connection across time, and that the traditional continues to be alive and incredibly important. His goal: To teach.

Grand Canyon National Park Weekly Wrap-up

COVID-19 Updates

This week’s numbers at a glance:

The average number of new cases per day in Arizona is 2,963, down from 4,893 on average per day last week.
As of Thursday, the total number of cases in the 86023 zip code is since the pandemic began is 170. This number represents cases inside and outside the park.   
There are no reported new cases in the park this week and no reported cases in which the individuals are isolating. 
Since the pandemic began, we’ve had 42 total positive COVID-19 cases in the park. To date, and as reported, none of the positive cases resulted from interaction with park visitors. 
More detailed statistics are available on the Coconino County COVID-19 Dashboard.

NAU News — NAU astronomer on team that confirms orbit of most distant object ever observed in our solar system

A team of scientists, including Chad Trujillo of the Department of Astronomy and Planetary Science, has collected enough observations to determine the planetoid’s orbit based on its slow motion across the sky.

ECoNA — Celebrating Our Local Beer and Brewers

Northern Arizona in winter has a lot going for it. The skiing and snowplay. The striking vistas of white-capped mountain peaks against a brilliant blue sky. The beer.

Actually, we enjoy our locally made potent potables all year long, but February is a special time as the state celebrates Arizona Beer Week, extended for a month this year due to the pandemic.

There are close to a dozen craft brew manufacturers from Williams (Grand Canyon Brewing Company, Historic Brewing Company) to Winslow (the RelicRoad Brewing Company), with the biggest concentration in Flagstaff. Some are standalone and others offer taprooms or restaurants.

Museum of Northern Arizona — Much to look forward to at MNA

Snow finally fell, like a sparkling blanket of hope laid across the landscape. Precipitation in any form is welcome after the driest year on record and we dare to dream that this is a harbinger of things to come – more rain, more vaccines, more ability to gather together. At the same time, we realize a single snowfall won’t end a drought. Nor will the other problems we face disappear quickly.

We are planning for this year with the same creativity, caution, and resilience that got us through last year, ready to continue adapting as we go along. This means many of our annual events are being planned to take place in new ways, and often we set a date closer to the event to assess the current conditions and make a final decision on whether we can go forward or not. Keep reading this newsletter and following us on social media to stay informed.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — CCC&Y’s ‘Igniting Collective Action: Moving Beyond ACEs’ free webinar now available

Imagine a community in which the effects of childhood trauma are clearly understood, the impact of inequitable experience is acknowledged, and people are aligned toward creating equitable access to assets and protective factors that support positive life outcomes. This hour-long free training — “Igniting Collective Action: Moving Beyond (Adverse Childhood Experiences)” — explores the roadmap to creating change at the community and system level by using the findings of both leadership research and today’s thought leaders.

District 5 Supervisor Lena Fowler — Facebook Live COVID-19 Vaccine Update

Supervisor Horstman, County Manager Jayne, and Interim Director of Health and Human Services Musselman and I joined forces for an in-depth Facebook Live last week about the COVID-19 vaccine. They discussed why vaccine is limited, how we distribute vaccine to rural communities, and what we can do now to protect ourselves and others. Watch the full piece HERE.

Sedona Arts Center — Weigh in on the Future of Uptown!

The city of Sedona is looking for feedback on Plan Uptown, a public outreach effort that will result in a plan that guides new development, redevelopment and city projects in the Uptown commercial area.
Feedback from this Plan Uptown initiative will be folded into in the Uptown Community Focus Area (CFA) Plan, an addendum to the voter-approved Sedona Community Plan that serves as a guide for future development of this area. The Community Plan goals include improving traffic flow, walkability, housing diversity and environmental stewardship, and the CFA plan looks at how those goals can be achieved in Uptown.

Today’s News for Coconino County District 2

In This Newsletter:

Quote of the Day
African Diaspora Advisory Council Accepting Entries for its Black History Month Essay Contest
COVID-19 Vaccine Update
Get Tested for COVID-19
Additional COVID-19 Testing Options 
NEW COVID-19 Daily Dashboard
COVID-19 Weekly Report
Have Questions? Call the COVID-19 Information Line
Stay Connected with Us!

The Literacy Center — In Memory of Dr. Ann Beck

As some of you may already know, Dr. Ann Beck recently passed away unexpectedly.  For those of you who didn’t have the opportunity to meet Ann, she was the Executive Director of The Literacy Center for over a decade.  Ann passionately believed in education and literacy for all.  Her commitment to TLC’s mission is why our organization is thriving today.  For those of you who knew Ann, you already know that her energy, her drive, and her unwavering commitment to education were an incredible asset to the Flagstaff community.

Coconino Parks & Recreation — Winter recreation spots

Fort Tuthill County Park is open and free for passive slow play recreation. There is no dedicated sledding hill however.

Flagstaff Snow Park, which is located in Fort Tuthill County Park, makes snow in a dedicated area with tubing runs. Their website has more information and a link to purchase tickets, which are required to recreate in this area of the park.

For other sledding and snow play areas in and around Flagstaff, the City of Flagstaff publishes a winter recreation map and operates a winter snow play information line at 1-844-256-SNOW.

Today’s News for Coconino County District 2

In This Newsletter:

Quote of the Day
Coconino County Diversity Councils Elect Leaders
County Superintendent of Schools to host 2021 Spelling BEE
COVID-19 Vaccine Update
Get Tested for COVID-19
NEW COVID-19 Daily Dashboard
NEW COVID-19 Weekly Report
Have Questions? Call the COVID-19 Information Line
Stay Connected with Us!

NAU News — ‘Holding the torch of hope: The story of a LatinX Lumberjack and her mission to change the world’ and more news

With dreams of becoming a pop star and also changing the world, Guadalupe Hernandez found herself pursuing a bachelor’s in early childhood education and early childhood special education.

Supervisor Liz Archuleta — Today’s News for Coconino County District 2

Coconino County congratulates District 2 Supervisor Liz Archuleta for her appointment with the Biden-Harris Administration. Supervisor Archuleta resigns from the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday evening.

Coconino County congratulates District 2 Supervisor Liz Archuleta for her appointment with the Biden-Harris Administration. 

“I am very honored to take this next step in public service. Serving the people of Coconino County has been a treasure. As I leave the Board of Supervisors, my heart will always remain with the community I call home and which has been so good to me,” said Supervisor Archuleta.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Next CCC&Y Youth ‘Creativity Calling’ virtual showcase to be held on Feb. 7 and more news

This pandemic is challenging for all of us. CCC&Y has a weekly virtual meeting for parents and caregivers to connect and share resources. We have also launched “Creativity Calling,” specifically for youth! This monthly virtual opportunity provides youth a chance to share their thoughts and feelings through the arts. We are seeking youth to share their music, visual art, poetry, dance, theater, or cultural sharing!

Each month four youth will have a 10-minute spotlight.

Coconino Community College — A quick word from the President and more news

Last spring semester, when classes began at Coconino Community College, students were busily passing through the halls of our campuses on their way to classes. Their attention was on their studies and on achieving their educational goals.

Then, just before Spring Break, the world started to take notice of the virus that was making its way across the globe – COVID-19. The world went on lockdown to try to halt the spread of the virus. Safety measures were put into place at CCC. Our halls and classrooms grew quiet. Faculty and staff, dedicated to delivering a quality, affordable education to students, worked long hours to offer classes online and through Zoom videoconferencing to keep the machinery of education moving so students could keep working toward their goals. Events were canceled, or they were held “virtually” in the digital world. A new kind of normal developed. Some of our students decided to wait until they could rejoin their fellow students and faculty in the classroom. Many of our students adapted to taking classes virtually, even if that was not what they preferred.

This spring, our halls and classrooms are still mostly quiet. All classes, except for ones that absolutely require an in-person component, continue to be online and through Zoom. Big events like the Commencement and Nurses Pinning ceremonies will again be virtual this May. Our signature fundraising event for the CCC Foundation, Palette to Palate, which supports the Fine Arts Department at CCC, will reimagine itself as a virtual event this April.

Sedona Arts Center — NEW Online Learning Opportunities at Sedona Arts Center

Online learning opportunities are perfect for students who are interested in taking one of our educational opportunities, but prefer to work at home. These learning opportunities provide a well-rounded experience in various visual art mediums.

Our workshops are live online learning experiences with one-on-one interaction between student and instructor. Click here to see all our online learning opportunities

District 2 Supervisor Liz Archuleta — February is Black History Month

The Coconino County Board of Supervisors proclaimed February as National Black History Month.

Coconino County recognizes the rich and diverse history of the African Diaspora, a people who shaped continents all over the world.

Coconino County takes pride in the diversity of its residents and recognizes the many contributions of the past generations of our African Diaspora to our lumber and sawmill industries, and notably in the present generation of entrepreneurs, educators, artists, authors, scientists, athletes, community leaders and public servants.

CCC Adult Education makes easy conversation

Jiyoung Lee comes from South Korea, and Jose Landaverde comes from El Salvador. Kaoru Pierre comes from Japan, and Aurora Silleni comes from Italy. There’s Victor Parra from Mexico and May Henao from Colombia.

They may have come from all over the world, but they have one thing in common: They’re all taking classes with the Adult Education program at Coconino Community College to improve their English language skills.

“It’s college and career preparation,” said Jennifer Dennis, Adult Education instructor at CCC, of the class, which is an advanced English language-acquisition class. “A lot of our students have been through university in their home country.”

The Flagstaff City – Coconino County Public library to Launch New library catalog service

The Flagstaff City – Coconino County Public library will launch a new, online catalog for physical and online library materials on Feb. 1, 2021. The catalog was developed in response to requests for a more streamlined and straightforward navigation approach to accessing library materials and services. Patrons can access the new catalog by visiting Video tutorials demonstrating how to access your library account and how to place a hold can be found at and Call (928) 213-2330 with any questions. 

District 2 Supervisor Liz Archuleta — New Series: In the Coconi-KNOW

Coconino County is bringing you a new series, called the “In the Coconi-KNOW” on Facebook Live today at 12 noon.

Our team will discuss the latest County updates, news and of course, give you a look at the COVID situation in Coconino County. Tune in on the Coconino County Facebook page at noon today!

Coconino County appoints Cheryl Mango-Paget as Superintendent of Schools

The Coconino County Board of Supervisors has appointed Cheryl Mango-Paget as Coconino County Superintendent of Schools effective immediately.

Mango-Paget has served as the Associate Superintendent for Coconino County since 2012, holds a certificate to teach in schools in the state of Arizona, and holds Arizona administrator and superintendent certifications. Mango-Paget has classroom experience as a teacher and administrator, and expertise and passion for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Education (STEM).

Home Brew Academy on tap with CCC Feb. 16

Grain or barley. Hops. Yeast. Water.

Like the chords of a great blues tune, the ingredients to make beer are simple and few, but they are infinitely interchangeable for a complexity of experience that borders on heavenly.

Beginning Feb. 16, Coconino Community College Community Education will be hosting the non-credit course, “Northern Arizona Home Brew Academy,” led by Flagstaff-based Brewmeister Adam Harrington, owner of High Altitude Homebrew Supply and Bottle Shop.

“I love teaching what I know,” Harrington said. “It seems daunting, but it’s actually pretty easy.”

Flagstaff libraries curbside services not available Feb. 1-2

The Flagstaff City – Coconino County Public Library and East Flagstaff Community Library’s curbside services will not be available Feb. 1 -2 for a library software update.

Phone in reference services and placing holds on library materials will still be available.

Friends of Flagstaff’s Future Communication — Lowell Observatory and Adjacent Section 17 Development

One of Flagstaff’s oldest institutions, Lowell Observatory, is working with the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources to draft revised bill language to address the management and development of Section 17, located immediately adjacent and west of the existing observatory campus on Observatory Mesa. Once the bill language is written, Lowell plans to ask Senator Kelly and Congressman O’Halleran to draft legislation through the Legislative Counsel. 

County Vaccination Efforts Hampered by Lack of Vaccine Doses

The Coconino County Board of Supervisors heard the message clearly at Tuesday’s board meeting: Coconino County’s COVID-19 vaccination efforts are hampered by the lack of available vaccine doses.

Coconino County Interim Health and Human Services Director Kim Musselman informed the Board that the County and medical partners have capacity to administer approximately 1,300 doses of vaccine daily but give fewer than 400 doses each day due to the lack of supply. 

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — CCC&Y discusses overcoming childhood trauma on KAFF County’s Pete’s Community Cafe

Virginia Watahomigie, executive director of the Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth, recently sat down with KAFF Country for a recent Pete’s Community Cafe interview on childhood trauma issues impacting youth and families in the region and the use of techniques to promote healing, growth and build resiliency.

During the interview, Watahomigie discussed how CCC&Y tackles the issue through a variety of online training programs on its webpage.

CCC receives financial excellence award for 25th year in a row

Twenty-five years in a row and counting.
Coconino Community College received recognition for its financial responsibility to the public by being awarded the Certificate of Achievement in Financial Reporting for its 2019 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. The award is issued by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada.

“Receiving this recognition for 25 years is an amazing accomplishment,” said CCC’s Executive Vice President Dr. Jami Van Ess. “First, I want to thank the District Governing Board for their dedication to being good stewards of public funds.”

Discover Flagstaff — Find virtual events with Flagstaff 365 Happenings

Discover Flagstaff publishes Flagstaff 365 Happenings on a weekly basis to highlight local events happening in and around Flagstaff. It is distributed throughout Downtown Flagstaff, displayed in kiosks and storefronts, and also available at the Flagstaff Visitor Center. Below are some highlights. For a complete printable pdf list of events click below.

17,000 new books to promote reading in Flagstaff during COVID-19

Flagstaff was selected to receive a grant of approximately 17,000 new children’s books to help local families promote reading and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. The donation was from The Molina Foundation as part of its Book Buddies 2020 program to promote literacy and is one result of the partnership between LAUNCH Flagstaff and Read On Arizona. Flagstaff’s receipt of this large number of new books and ability to provide them to local children and families is a result of the strong collaboration between community literacy organizations.

Dr. Nathaniel White named Chair of the District Governing Board for Coconino Community College.

The Coconino Community College District Governing Board voted Wednesday to name Dr. Nathaniel White as its next Chair.

“It has been a pleasure to work under the calm, steady leadership of Governing Board Chair Patty Garcia and with my dedicated Board members for the past several years,” White said. “It is an honor, and I look forward to being a part of the Governing Board and the CCC family as we optimistically move ahead in 2021.”

PreventT2 Lifestyle Change Class in Spanish

Community members are preventing type 2 diabetes together with the FREE PreventT2 lifestyle change program offered by North Country HealthCare. Guided by a trained lifestyle coach, groups of participants are learning the skills they need to make lasting changes such as losing a modest amount of weight, being more physically active, and managing stress.

Coconino County Announcing COVID-19 Testing Site Changes

The Coconino County COVID-19 testing site located at Fort Tuthill County Park in Flagstaff will move to a new location effective Saturday, Jan. 23.

The move to the new site at Coconino Community College (CCC), 2800 S Lone Tree Rd. will allow the County to expand vaccine administration at Fort Tuthill County Park and at mobile sites throughout the County when additional doses of the COVID-19 vaccine become available.  

NAU News — ‘NAU-TGen study results show COVID-19 virus triggers antibodies from previous coronavirus infections’ and more news

The findings of the study, of which assistant professor Jason Ladner was a lead author, may also explain how previous exposure could partially account for differences in severity between old vs. young patients.

District 2 Supervisor Liz Archuleta — African Diaspora Advisory Council Begins Accepting Entries for its Black History Month Essay Contest

The Coconino County ADAC is now accepting entries for its Black History Month Essay Contest. The essay contest is open to all elementary through high school students in Coconino County.

Essays submissions will center around the theme of the Black family and must be received by Feb. 19.

“This is our ninth year holding the essay contest and it really is such a joy to read these beautifully crafted pieces from children of all ages. This year, our essay prompts center around the Black family, which has been described by some as a microcosm of the entire Black/African-American race. We are offering a number of prompts for students based on their level of school and are eager to hear from them about examples of the Black family and community,” said Khara House Chair of ADAC.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — CCC&Y on Jan. 27 to present ‘Igniting Collective Action: Moving Beyond ACEs’

The Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth will present “Igniting Collective Action: Moving Beyond ACEs” at 10 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 27 via Zoom. Click here to register.

Imagine a community in which the effects of childhood trauma are clearly understood, the impact of inequitable experience is acknowledged, and people are aligned toward creating equitable access to assets and protective factors that support positive life outcomes. This training will explore the roadmap to creating change at the community and system level by using the findings of both leadership research and today’s thought leaders.

*Recommended one-hour prerequisite available for community members with limited background about the research on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) is available at

Sedona Arts Center — New Exhibition at Sedona Arts Center!

Nancy Black, Christine Debrosky, John Foster, Chikako Myers, Joan Roberts, and Julie Ronning Talbot 

The Center’s Fine Art Gallery showcases the largest selection in Sedona of artwork by local artists. If you are seeking a rare piece of fine art, a gift of exquisite jewelry, appreciate stunning photography, or looking for a lovely keepsake from your visit to Sedona, the Arts Center has it all and more. The Arts Center is a 501(c)3 organization that offers all purchases without sales tax – almost a 10% savings.

The Fine Art Gallery is currently open Wednesday through Sunday, 10 am – 5 pm. Sedona Arts Center is located at 15 Art Barn Road in Uptown Sedona.

Our new online gallery represents a full spectrum of the diversity of artists represented by the arts center.  Visit us today!

Eikenberry appointed to CCC District Governing Board

Williams resident Eric Eikenberry has been appointed to the Coconino Community College District Governing Board.

“All of my adult life, I’ve been a huge advocate and supportive of the community college mission,” Eikenberry said. “And since I’ve been living here, I’ve supported the CCC mission in particular. I’m delighted to be appointed and can’t wait to serve our students and community.”

CCC Comets Caring Campaign 2021

The CCC Foundation Annual Fund Drive is now the CCC Comets Caring Campaign.
The change of name reflects who we are at CCC and our commitment to caring for our students, faculty, staff and the community.

Your financial support provides the opportunity to help CCC students write their own success stories in the year ahead and beyond.

District 5 Supervisor Lena Fowler — Coconino County Swears in Elected Officials in Virtual Ceremony

On the evening of Monday, Jan. 4, Coconino County swore in elected officials during a virtual ceremony. Elected officials taking a term in office after winning election in November of 2020 include the Board of Supervisors, the County Constitutional Officers and Superior Court Judge Cathleen Brown Nichols.

“It’s an honor for all of us to serve the residents of Coconino County. Together, we are ready to face 2021 with optimism and action from the most diverse set of leaders the County has ever had,” said Chairwoman Liz Archuleta. “Challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic will continue to face our community and I know that together we will demonstrate the resilience and leadership our County is known for. The immense commitment of our elected officials to community and public service is something our County residents can be very proud of.”

Bilingual report — Gina Santi Photography Images of the Month – January 2021

Research shows that mentally invigorating activities heighten brain power and help preserve our brains sharp as we age, forging new neural pathways in the process. Facing another birthday and having been cordoned off for the past 10 months, I decided to take a solo road trip to Bisbee, an old mining town of 6,000 or so inhabitants located in southeastern Arizona, United States. I was very pleased to find a welcoming town, somewhat surreal, filled with historic architecture and creative and culturally rich people. With the same purpose I decided to challenge myself with a different approach to my traditional cultural anthropology photography, this time using different subjects and filters to better capture the feeling of the town as I strolled through its winding, narrow streets and alleys.

District 2 Supervisor Liz Archuleta — Neighborhood Meeting and other news

Dear Neighbor,

The purpose of this message is to inform you that the City of Flagstaff’s Open Space Program proposes to file for a Zoning Map Amendment for the McMillan Mesa Natural Area, application number: PZ-20-00063. The application intends to change the existing Public Facilities and Rural Residential Zoning to Public Open Space Zoning for passive recreation and preservation.

On November 8th, 2016, Flagstaff voters voted in favor of Proposition 413 – Campaign for a Greater Buffalo Park. This proposition restricted the use of approximately 300 acres of City-owned property on McMillan Mesa to public open space and passive recreation. The City Council approved the McMillan Mesa Natural Area major plan amendment (Resolution Number 2018-50) on Tuesday, October 16th, 2018. The next step is to amend the McMillan Mesa Natural Area’s existing zoning from Public Facilities and Rural Residential Zoning to Public Open Space.

A second and final meeting to provide interested community members the opportunity to ask questions about the proposal and provide comments will take place on January 13th.

ECoNA — Thornager’s Opens Up Kitchen to Food Entrepreneurs

A commercial kitchen that until recently was the catering arm of Thornager’s on Kiltie Lane is finding a new life as an affordable testing ground for food entrepreneurs who do not have access to a fully-stocked professional cookery.

After 30-plus years in catering, including three decades as the owner of Thornager’s, Karen Sorensen was ready to hang up her apron. She even toyed with the idea of selling the Equestrian Estates event venue, but ultimately decided to shut down the catering portion of the her business while continuing to rent out the clubhouse.