Category: Education

Applicants sought from Coconino County for the Fredonia Moccasin Unified School District #6

Coconino County Superintendent of Schools Cheryl Mango-Paget is seeking applicants for appointment for Fredonia Moccasin Unified School District #6.

Applicants must be Arizona registered voters and residents of the school district for at least one year prior to the date of appointment.   Applicants or their spouses cannot be an employee of the district.

Construction work at Flagstaff Downtown Library

Construction work will take place at the downtown location of the Flagstaff City-Coconino County Public Library on Friday, September 3, 2021. The work will include the drilling of borings and will impact some of the walkways and the parking lot around the library.

Safety cones and barriers will be placed around affected areas during the evening of Thursday, September 2 and construction work will begin at approximately 9 a.m. on Friday, September 3. Library services and hours will not be impacted. The work will be completed within the same day, ending on Friday, September 3.

Flagstaff Festival of Science — Tickets and Registrations Now Open for 2021 Events!

Visit our website to sign up for programs that include: A) advance registrations for webinars and B) ticketed in-person programs that have a maximum number of guests!

By pre-registering for the webinars, you ensure you get a spot and can add the program to your calendar! You can also interact with the presenter and ask questions when you’ve pre-registered. 

Several in-person programs have limited capacity and will require advance registration. Check the digital passport for programs that require reservations.

Please Note: The capacity for our keynote event has been reduced to allow for social distancing. Pre-registration is required for this event. 

United Way of Northern Arizona — Scott Pettitt Joins UWNA Board

United Way of Northern Arizona (UWNA) is pleased to announce that Scott Pettitt, president of the Wharton Foundation, has recently joined the UWNA Board of Directors.

Scott has been interested in education since his college days, when he studied environmental education with an emphasis on curriculum design at Prescott College in the mid-1990s.

Around that time, Scott began his long association with the Wharton Foundation, a private group that provides grants to programs focusing on education, specifically those benefitting students with limited access to educational resources.

Bilingual report — Gina Santi Photography — GSP 2022 Calendars are here!

GSP is pleased to announce her internationally acclaimed artisan calendars for 2022. The theme for this year is the Maya people of the Yucatan Peninsula in honor of the many wonderful human beings I met there, and in honor of this awesome Mexican state who taught me -and continues to teach me- so much! These high-class calendars are ideal for your home and for your office. The images captured by yours truly will immediately transport you to the mystifying land of the ancient Maya, its beautiful people, its culture and realities, and its epic landscapes.

Consulado de México en Phoenix — Información de interes para la comunidad

We are very excited to welcome you to another issue of the Consular Newsletter on Economic and Tourism Affairs. We strive with each issue to provide readers with relevant and useful information related to economic and tourism topics for the business and political community on both sides of the Arizona–Mexico border.

In this issue, the #ChooseMexico section offers valuable information about the mining industry in Mexico. In addition, José Antonio Larios Ponce, the Consul of Mexico in Yuma, explains the collaboration between authorities in San Luis, Arizona, and in San Luis Río Colorado, Sonora, to organize free cross-border vaccination campaigns. 

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — CCC&Y’s Creativity Calling/Youth Open Mic returns Sept. 5

The Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth continues our monthly youth arts showcase. Do you know a youth that loves music, art, poetry, or any form of self-expression?  On the first Sunday of each month (next of Sept. 5) at 4 pm, youth from across Coconino County are welcomed into a virtual circle to EXPRESS THEMSELVES!

We began this opportunity to ensure youth were given a platform to share their thoughts, feelings, and talents while connecting to others.

HECHO August Newsletter

As August winds down and we settle into new routines, we’re embracing the cooler mornings and evenings, and celebrating summer’s last long weekend, Labor Day. We hope that you and your family have plans to enjoy some time off, or to spend some time outdoors!

During August, our team took our second summer break to recharge ahead of what we’re expecting to be a busy fall season. We’re keeping a close eye on what’s happening in Congress while we continue to advocate for important investments to be part of the final budget reconciliation bill– these are long-term investments that will protect our nation’s public lands and waters for generations to come, create jobs, and advance environmental justice. Learn about the budget reconciliation process in our breakdown blog that will explain them and how you can help make sure your representatives know why this is so important!

Sedona Arts Center — Check out these new Classes and Workshops!

Online learning opportunities are perfect for students who are interested in taking one of our educational opportunities, but prefer to work at home. These learning opportunities provide a well-rounded experience in various visual art mediums.

Our workshops are live online learning experiences with one-on-one interaction between student and instructor. Click here to see all our online learning opportunities

The NAU Review — Who wants to be an astronomer?

Space needs you! The next time you and your date head out to stargaze, volunteer to scan the sky for asteroids. NAU doctoral student Colin Chandler just launched a major project to recruit thousands of volunteers in the search for active asteroids—rare objects that have asteroid-like orbits but look more like comets. Chandler hopes to quadruple the number of known active asteroids and, in the process, answer key questions about where water on Earth came from and where it might exist on other planets, both within and outside our solar system. Ready to join the search? Visit the Active Asteroids project site to get started.

CCC: Putting students first for 30 years

Cupcakes. Ice cream. Laughter and shared memories of service to students.

On Aug. 24, 26 and 27, friends, staff, faculty and students celebrated Coconino Community College’s 30th anniversary with parties across the county. Each birthday bash – at CCC’s two locations in Flagstaff and at the location in Page – featured comments from CCC staff, supporters and community leaders.

“This is so we can celebrate all things CCC and the community that supports us so much,” said CCC President Colleen A. Smith. 

CCC’s TRIO program helps student achieve goals

Nicholas Villas-Fletcher sat in the office filling out the paperwork to graduate from Northern Arizona University.

He will be the first generation in his family to complete a college degree, and the journey was made possible with the help of TRIO Student Support Services at Coconino Community College.

“I desperately needed help,” Villas-Fletcher said. “They made a difference. TRIO is a vital service for students who don’t have support like others.”

First AFL-CIO female president, Liz Shuler; Grammy-winning gospel artist Le’Andria Johnson; and Pastor Warren Stewart, Sr. to headline Phx voting rights rally on 58th anniversary of March on Washington

Visit the March On for Voting Rights Flagstaff page on Facebook.
Hundreds of thousands to rally across the country to protest a wave of voter suppression laws sweeping the nation. The events also kick off a national online drive to register 2 million voters.
Arizona civil rights leader Pastor Warren Stewart, Sr., who helped create a MLK Holiday in Arizona, slated to appear at Saturday event
Newly appointed AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler to deliver keynote. Shuler made history last week becoming the first female president of one of the nation’s most powerful labor unions.

CCC Student Ambassadors: Reward in helping others

Alexis “Lexi” Jishie sits behind the partition at her desk. She’s masked for safety, but she’s ready to be helpful for students.

Jishie is a Student Ambassador for Coconino Community College, and it is her job to help students navigate through the college experience.

“What I enjoy most about it is how involved I can be with students and Student Life activities,” Jishie said. “I like working with the other Student Ambassadors and getting out of my comfort zone and advocating for and helping students.”

Grand Canyon National Park Weekly Wrap-up — Aug. 23-27, 2021

Park staff have been busy with Search and Rescues (SARs) recently. Unfortunately, many of these events have been recoveries for apparent suicides. Times continue to be full of turmoil and stress—please, take a moment to check in with loved ones and with yourself. Working in remote areas away from close family and friends can add additional challenges during an already stressful time.

We would like to thank all of the search and rescue personnel and additional searchers from many other work groups who helped with two major SARs in Surprise Valley and Hermit Trail. Luckily, in both instances, all visitors were transported safely to the South Rim. Additional thanks go to Arizona Department of Public Safety for their support during multiple SARs over the last few weeks.

Economic Collaborative of Northern Arizona (ECoNA) — Using Virtual Reality for Workforce Development

Coconino County and the Workforce Development Board are leading the way in helping dislocated workers and students explore new careers through virtual reality.

Using a workforce development platform called Transfr VR, the program allows job seekers to experience working in a warehouse, a manufacturing plant, an auto repair shop and even the hospitality industry.

These short simulations are hands-on, allowing people to “work” in the space using motion controllers similar to ones available in V/R gaming devices. Therefore, in the automotive simulation, you don’t just observe what it’s like to change the oil in a car, you actually are doing that job in the virtual space.

“It’s great because a lot of times, people don’t know what they want to do professionally unless they already know someone in that industry,” said Ali Applin, Virtual Reality Program Manager for the County. “A lot of today’s youth are visual or experiential learners, and this is perfect for them because they can picture what a job actually entails.”

The NAU Review — Here comes the Sun

As NASA prepares to send astronauts, including the first woman, to the moon, understanding the lunar environment has never been more important. A study led by doctoral candidate Christian J. Tai Udovicic, in collaboration with associate professor Christopher Edwards, offers insights into the moon’s surface, and how the sun affects the evolution of the lunar surface. The scientists discovered that solar radiation could be an important source of lunar iron nanoparticles; that means these particles, which can be detected in small amounts from a great distance, can be a great indicator of change on the moon.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Congratulations 2020/2021 Caring for Children Awardees

The Coconino Coalition for Children & and Youth extends its congratulations 2020/2021 Caring for Children Awardees. They include Kailey Jensen of AZ127, Marcus Clanton of Victim Witness Services, Mark Cox of the Boys & Girls Club, Kelly Elliot of Big Brothers Big Sisters Flagstaff and Sharon Sifling of Coconino County.​​​​​​

Museum of Northern Arizona — Fun and fundraisers

This is a golden time in Flagstaff, with fields of sunflowers blooming and everything lush from the monsoon. It’s a reminder that even in the midst of extended drought, life-giving rains can come to see us through.

As a nonprofit museum, we face a drought in our finances as well. Though we’ve reopened to six days a week, visitor numbers are not rebounding to anywhere near pre-pandemic numbers. Admissions revenue cannot come near to making up for what Covid has cost us. We had planned to hold our annual fundraising Gala dinner this weekend, but Covid has again made it unwise to ask people to gather together for a meal. 

Drawing on our experience of navigating unexpected challenges this past year, we have shifted gears and brought the fundraising auction online. With more than 100 items in a range of prices, from vintage baskets to paintings by Mary-Russell Ferrell Colton, Merrill Mahaffey, Michelle Condrat, and more. Go to to browse the auction and encourage your family and friends to do the same. I am grateful to our gala sponsors and auction donors for their generous support.

If we don’t see you Saturday at the Member Appreciation Day, we do hope to see you here soon.
Thank you for your support of MNA.

The NAU Review — New year. New news

After a summer filled with research, designing and creating, the NAU Communications team is excited to unveil The NAU Review. This refreshed newsletter will continue to feature the research, programs and departments of the university while highlighting the voices of NAU through a fun, easily digestible tone and engaging multimedia, including more videos and photos. Expect The NAU Review in your inbox on Tuesday and Thursday.

Happy 30th Birthday, CCC

On Aug. 26, 1991, Coconino Community College opened its doors on Fourth Street in Flagstaff to serve students in Coconino County by offering local, affordable, quality education.

This year, events are planned across the county to celebrate CCC putting students first for the last 30 years.

Where and when?

To kick off a year of fun and celebration, CCC will be having birthday parties at all three locations in the county:

CCC student ready for trucking career

Flagstaff resident Lisa Black is a single mother of two children, ages 17 and 11. On the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program, she needed a job – a good job. 

“I want to do something I love,” she said, “And driving’s something I love.”

So, when she heard about a new program training people to get a commercial driver’s licenses, she was interested. Four weeks later, she’s passed all her tests, and she’s putting in applications to be a commercial truck driver. Prospects are better than good.

Community Welcome event connects NAU students with their Flagstaff neighbors on Aug. 24

Northern Arizona University and the city of Flagstaff are teaming up for the 4th Annual Community Welcome walk. On Wednesday, August 25, between 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., a team of elected officials, city and NAU staff, police officers and students are visiting homes throughout La Plaza Vieja and Southside neighborhoods. Teams will be providing information and resources to help foster a culture of community and neighborhood engagement.

72nd annual Coconino County Fair is back Labor Day weekend Sept. 3-6

The 72nd annual Coconino County Fair is back this Labor Day weekend, September 3 – 6 at Fort Tuthill County Park in Flagstaff!

We return to an in-person Fair this year, complete with live entertainment, community & 4-H exhibits, livestock shows & 4-H auction, fair food, carnival rides, vendors, beer garden, and more!

Flagstaff Nuestras Raíces announces schedule for 2021 Flagstaff Summertime Tardeada on Aug. 21, 2021

To celebrate and recognize Flagstaff’s Hispanic roots, Flagstaff Nuestras Raíces invites the public to attend its sixth annual “Flagstaff Summertime Tardeada — Mariachi and Folklorico Festival” from noon to 7 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 21 at Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church, 224 S. Kendrick St., Flagstaff.

The event is FREE, open to the public and has drawn upwards of 400 visitors in past years. See image below for the full schedule.

What is a Tardeada? It’s a vibrant afternoon festival and social dance celebrating Flagstaff’s Hispanic culture and community history. The Coconino County Board of Supervisors is the premier sponsor.

30-Year Birthday Bash Celebrations at Coconino Community College

Established August 26, 1991, Coconino Community College opened its doors on Fourth Street in Flagstaff to serve students in Coconino County by offering local, affordable and quality education.

This year, Coconino Community College is celebrating 30-yeas of putting students first.
To kick-off an annual celebration of fun across Coconino County, everyone is invited to attend one or more of the 30-Year Anniversary Birthday Bashes happening at all three CCC locations.

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up — August 16-20, 2021

On Monday, August 16, NPS Acting Director, Shawn Benge, issued an update for masking requirements for shared indoor and designated outdoor spaces. Outdoor mask zones have been identified for all people regardless of vaccination status (see NPS Memo here). These are the same zones that previously required mask-wearing for unvaccinated people due to the crowded nature of the area and the inability to effectively socially distance.

Sedona Arts Center wants your feedback!

Sedona Arts Center is planning for the future and we’d love your feedback! Our short questionnaire will only be available until August 25, 2021, so please complete our survey today!

The Sedona Arts Center invites input from residents and visitors alike. Your insights, critiques, hopes, and priorities help inform our community’s long-term planning. 

Angela Boyers Selected as Chief Ranger of Grand Canyon National Park

Grand Canyon National Park Deputy Superintendent Louis Rowe has announced the selection of Angela Boyers as Chief Ranger for the Division of Visitor and Resource Protection. 

As Chief Ranger of Grand Canyon National Park, Boyers will manage a complex program that includes law enforcement, emergency services, wildland and structural fire, aviation, fee collection, backcountry operations, and a regional dispatch center.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — CCC&Y’s 2021 Annual Conference is Here!!!

Deanna Singh, author, TEDx talk Speaker, Justice and Equality Advocate, will launch CCC&Y’s 2021 Annual Conference with her presentation “Hustle with Purpose” from 9 to 10 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 18 MST/AZ.

The virtual conference, “Finding My Strength; Hope in Connection,” will be presented each Wednesday through Sept. 8.

During Singh’s presentation, you will be guided through how to use your talents, skills and resource to create a greater impact in your work and life. This session will help you deconstruct your real and perceived challenges. It will also give you the opportunity to reflect on your personal leadership skills while guiding you through the techniques you need to thrive. There is a particular emphasis placed on the core leadership competencies of purpose, initiative, curiosity, resilience and courage.

Immediately following Singh’s presentation, Bethany Camp, LCSW will present the program “Recognizing and Addressing Shame” from 10:15 to 11:45 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 18.​​​​​​​

Happy 30th Birthday, CCC

On Aug. 26, 1991, Coconino Community College opened its doors on Fourth Street in Flagstaff to serve students in Coconino County by offering local, affordable, quality education.

This year, events are planned across the county to celebrate CCC putting students first for the last 30 years.

Where and when?

To kick off a year of fun and celebration, CCC will be having birthday parties at all three locations in the county:

Tuesday, Aug. 24, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Lone Tree Campus, 2800 S. Lone Tree Road.
Thursday, Aug. 26, 4 to 7 p.m., at the Fourth Street Campus, 3000 N. Fourth St.
Friday, Aug. 27, 4-7 p.m. at the Page Center, 475 S. Lake Powell Blvd., in Page.

City of Flagstaff recognizes Aug. 14 as Navajo Code Talkers Day

Greetings everyone and Ya’at’eeh to all:

August 14th is an official state holiday in recognition of the Navajo Code Talkers.  Please join in to celebrate and learn more about our national treasure.  They provided through their lives and language a highly revered contribution to our country.  Following is a news bite from 12News, Phoenix AZ and information from Arizona Central.

Economic Collaborative of Northern Arizona (ECoNA) — Meeting the Challenge of the Delta Variant

As the Delta variant causes a surge in new infections and hospitalizations, the public and private sectors are scrambling to keep up with rapidly shifting recommendations on how to deal with the highly transmissible fourth wave of Covid-19.

Coconino County and the City of Flagstaff both reinstated requirements for masks while in City or County buildings, regardless of vaccination status. Yesterday, Northern Arizona University announced that masks will be required in classrooms and labs. Meanwhile, the Flagstaff Unified School District is requiring masks until at least September 29, in spite of current state law forbidding mask mandates in K-12 schools. (Requirements are evolving all the time; check an institution’s website for the latest information on their mask protocols.)

Leading the way in the response to the Delta variant, however, has been the business community. Large companies like Ford Motors, Walmart, United Airlines, and Target have recently enacted mask and/or vaccine requirements for workers. Some are also trying to coax vaccine hesitant workers to get their shots with cash bonuses.

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up — August 9-13, 2021

The number of cases nationally and locally continues to increase. 
The rolling 7-day average for Arizona increased to 2,408 new cases per day this week, which is a substantial increase over last week’s average number of cases of 1,825. Arizona has now had seven consecutive days cases with over 2,000 new COVID cases per day.
According to the CDC, Coconino County remains in high community transmission status (while the county is in substantial or high transmission, all individuals, whether vaccinated or not, must wear masks while indoors in all government buildings unless you are in a private office space).   

Discover Flagstaff — Saturday-Sunday, August 14-15 12th Annual Flagstaff Hullabaloo Festival, Wheeler Park and more events

Hullabaloo is a community festival featuring giant puppets, a bike parade, costume contests, 2 performance stages, a huge kids area, local vendors, craft brews, cocktails, delicious food, lots of vendors and so much more! Sat. 10 a.m., Sun. 11 a.m.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Only one week before start of 2021 CCC&Y Conference: ‘Finding My Strength; Hope in Connection’

Only one week left before the start of the 2021 CCC&Y Conference on Wednesday mornings from Aug. 18 through Sept. 8.

Tickets are on sale now!!  We are so excited to FINALLY host this highly anticipated and exciting event!!  Please see our full program and event details.  We our proud to host amazing speakers and content. For example, get to know our opening Keynote speaker by viewing Deanna Singh’s Tedx Talk, We All Have the Power to Build Bridges.

Get your tickets today!!  This event supports professional and personal development. We are calling those who are seeking to excel professionally, those who wish to bring healing to themselves and their community, individuals who are engaged and craving change, and to those dedicating their lives and careers to supporting others.

Education matters: Crum Family Scholarship established at CCC

Flagstaff resident Judith Crum knows first-hand how a college education can open doors.

“Education is important, and to many, it’s not affordable without help,” Crum said.

So, she put her money where her mouth is. Not only is she a board member of the Coconino Community College Foundation, she recently established the Crum Family Scholarship at CCC to help CCC students afford an education.

“I felt very strongly about helping out the community college and the students who go there,” Crum said. “I was raised to believe education was important. It was important in my life.”

District 1 Supervisor Patrice Horstman — District 1 August 2021 Newsletter

Hello from Supervisor Horstman
Museum Flood Response and United Way Volunteers
Mt. Elden Estates Flood Mitigation and Exigency Funding
Downtown Movies on the Square
NACo Annual Conference
Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission
COVID-19 Update
County Building Mask Requirement
Vaccine Incentive Program: Be A Big Shot
COVID Information Line and Testing Site
Museum Flood Information Line and Emergency Notifications
Flood Insurance Information
Contact Us

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth receives grant to research causes of negative health outcomes in the county, and more news

The Coconino Coalition would like to announce our gratitude to the Vitalyst Health Foundation for CCC&Y’s selection as a Spark Grant Awardee.
We thank the expert partners on this project, who are helping to guide the process: Kevin Campbell, international child welfare and self healing communities expert, Iya Affo, owner of Heal Historical Trauma, Building Community, local community voice organization and Javelina, messaging and communication organization.
We are extremely proud to announce that Northland Family Help Center, Coconino County, Native Americans for Community Action and First Things First all gave their early commitment to help plan, share their expertise, and give their time to help gain community voice.
We invite other organizations to reach out if you would like to participate.
We further extend our gratitude towards, Elevated Advocacy, who will lend their expertise as we explore avenues for policy or system change after community voice has been collected.
Excerpt from the Daily Sun…

Earlier this month, Coconino Coalition for Children and Youth (CCC&Y) received a grant to research the causes of negative health outcomes in the county. The project will explore the Self-Healing Communities Model, with a focus on adverse childhood experiences in Coconino County.

Friend of Flagstaff’s Future — The Aura Development & Rezone

The Aura development and rezoning project was a complicated but important process for F3 to engage with over the past several months. The project is located at 151 W. High Country Trail (just off of Lake Mary Road) and consists of an 11-acre parcel of land that was rezoned from Estate Residential to Medium Density Residential by City Council on July 6, 2021. The Aura development will consist of 160 one- and two-bedroom apartments, 32 of which will be provided as affordable housing to those earning both 80% and 70% Area Median Income (AMI).

Coconino County Parks & Recreation — Coconino County Fair Update

This year’s Coconino County Fair is Labor Day weekend, Sept. 3-6
at the Fort Tuthill County Park Fairgrounds in Flagstaff, AZ. We return to an in-person Fair this year, complete with live entertainment, community & 4-H exhibits, livestock shows & 4-H auction, fair food, carnival rides, vendors, beer garden, and more!

And speaking of community exhibits, did you learn new skills or pick up new hobbies during COVID? Maybe you joined the sourdough craze or took a deep dive into a new hobby, and whether it was for fun or out of necessity, why not share your creation at the County Fair? Enter your prized possession – in everything from Fine Arts to Open Poultry – through The Fair Book. Some entries deadlines are as soon as Aug. 7.

CCC student aims for nursing career

Flagstaff High School graduate Bonnie Kelch left high school with job skills and college credit.

She took advantage of free college courses at CCC with the help of the Coconino Association for Vocations, Industry and Technology and is already a Certified Nursing Assistant, and she also has a certification in Pre-Health Careers.

“I always thought I wanted to be a nurse, and this gave me the opportunity to see what it’s about before I committed to it in college,” Kelch said. “I like that it’s a job where I’m actually helping people. I feel like I can make a difference in people’s lives.”

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up for July 26-30, 2021

World Ranger Day July 31

On July 31, the park will celebrate World Ranger Day. World Ranger Day is commemorated worldwide on July 31st to commemorate rangers killed or injured in the line of duty and to celebrate the work Rangers do to protect the planet’s natural treasures and cultural heritage. Be on the lookout for NPS-wide messaging on our social media pages. 

Be on the lookout for NPS social media posts celebrating World Ranger Day later this week.

CCC’s Metcalf enjoys diversity, backgrounds of students

Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, according to the American Psychological Association.

It is a field that has long held fascination for Michele Metcalf, lead faculty for Social and Behavioral Sciences at Coconino Community College. Along her educational journey, she found that what she had a passion for teaching the subject that fascinated her.

Her students can feel that passion and helped her earn the honor of CCC’s 2021 Full-Time Faculty of the Year.

Grand Canyon National Park Weekly Wrap-up for July 19-23, 2021

Flash Floods and Lightning Awareness

As we continue to navigate monsoon season, we would like to take a moment to discuss the dangers of flash floods and lightning within the Grand Canyon. Flash floods are distinguished from regular floods by having a timescale of fewer than six hours between rainfall and the onset of flooding.  

Sedona Arts Center — SAVE THE DATE! Celebrate Sedona, August 4!

Celebrate Sedona was specifically designed for the Arts Center be more connected locally. We are so excited about bringing more people to our campus – those who would not typically attend one or our events, classes or programs. We want to introduce what we do to our entire community in a casual, engaging way that is all about fun. So local musicians, food, wine and beer, artist demos, and more, will be available. Some of our events will be themed to whatever is going on in the community, our programming, or tied to an upcoming holiday. This event is free and open to everyone – so please come take a look. We would love to have you!

The Literacy Center — Our reintroduction to in-person services

The Literacy center is officially reopening for in-person classes, drop-ins, and one-on-one tutoring on August 10th!!!! We are so excited to get to meet face-to-face once again. We will be offering several sections of ESL classes, conversation classes, and one pronunciation class at our site. In addition, we will continue our Zoom classes for those of us who are not yet comfortable in an in-person setting. Please check our online schedule at for specific class dates and times beginning August 1st. Please feel free to drop in any time August 10th, 11th, or 12th to say hi! We will have refreshments available to celebrate our reopening.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — 2021 CCC&Y Conference: ‘Finding My Strength; Hope in Connection’ and more news

We are back!!  2021 Conference tickets on sale now!!  We are so excited to FINALLY host this highly anticipated and exciting event!!  Please see our full program and event details.  We are proud to host amazing speakers and content. For example, get to know our opening Keynote speaker by viewing Deanna Singh’s Tedx Talk, We All Have the Power to Build Bridges.

Get your tickets today!!  This event supports professional and personal development. We are calling those who are seeking to excel professionally, those who wish to bring healing to themselves and their community, individuals who are engaged and craving change, and to those dedicating their lives and careers to supporting others.

CCC’s Dorel Meier shares love of math, stats with students

Math and statistics are Dorel Meier’s game. She finds it a worthy challenge to take students on a journey to understand how much of what they do in the world revolves around math and that it can be fun.

So, it’s no wonder that Meier was chosen as the Part-Time Faculty of the Year for the 2021-22 school year at Coconino Community College. She was nominated by students and by fellow faculty at the college.

“This award truly means the world to me,” Meier said. “I am so proud of the work I have done with CCC students and this award validates that I am making a difference in their lives.”

Consulado de México en Phoenix — Información de interes para la comunidad

he Consular Newsletter on Economic and Tourist Affairs is already an informative reference for
thousands of players in the Mexico–Arizona relationship. It has happened in part because
the newsletter offers pertinent information month after month in its three sections —#ChooseMexico, #ArizonaThrives and #DiscoverMexico. It also has become a must- read because of the support and interest
of high-profile leaders on both sides of the border who are committed to collaborate to
make our region thrive. They have found in this newsletter an excellent platform to discuss relevant
issues that affect our binational relationship.
In this Sixth Edition, we are very pleased to have the special collaboration of Alfonso Durazo, the governor-elect of the neighboring state of Sonora. The well-being of both the Arizona and Sonora‘s economy and tourism cannot be conceived without each other. In this sense, Gov.-elect Durazo has chosen our newsletter to confirm, through his informative article, that his government considers the relationship with Arizona essential.
On the Arizona side, we have articles from Juan Ciscomani, senior advisor
to the governor of Arizona for regional and international affairs, and Danny Seiden, the new president and CEO of the Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry. They both emphasize the importance of the state of Sonora and all
of Mexico to the state of Arizona. In this section, we also learn more about Xico, the arts and culture institution founded in Phoenix in 1975, from its Executive Director Donna Valdéz; the heartwarming work of Marlene Carrasco; and the Valle de Guadalupe and Cetto Winery from Laura L. Medina Montiel.