Category: Education

Sedona Arts Center — Upcoming workshops at Sedona Arts Center!

Online learning opportunities are perfect for students who are interested in taking one of our educational opportunities, but prefer to work at home. These learning opportunities provide a well-rounded experience in various visual art mediums.

Our workshops are live online learning experiences with one-on-one interaction between student and instructor. Click here to see all our online learning opportunities

Economic Collaborative of Northern Arizona (ECoNA) — Happy Manufacturing Day!

Good morning, and Happy Manufacturing Day, the kickoff to a month-long nationwide celebration of this sector, which has grown dramatically in northern Arizona over the past few years.

In fact, manufacturing is now one of the five top business clusters in our region (the others are health care/social services, food service/accommodations, education and retail.) Manufacturing pulled us through the pandemic as one of the few industries that grew during the past 18 months. This past year alone, our office has fielded more than 35 different inquiries about establishing manufacturing operations in northern Arizona.

Governing Board Candidates to be interviewed for seat at Fredonia Moccasin Unified School District

Coconino County Superintendent of Schools, Cheryl Mango-Paget, would like to announce that interviews will be scheduled for the Governing School Board Member open seat at Fredonia Moccasin Unified School District #6.

An advisory committee will be assembled consisting of a district resident, district educator, district parent, and two current board members to conduct interviews and advise Superintendent Mango-Paget on the appointment.

HECHO September Newsletter

September marks the beginning of Hispanic Heritage Month, a special time where we celebrate the contributions of our culture and examine the sometimes complex identities that Hispanic and Latinx communities can embody. We explored what some of these challenges can be in our blog, where we dive into the definition of “Hispanic” and “Latinx,” and seek to share a broad understanding of the role colonization has played in our history. We’re continuing to highlight the importance of Hispanic and Latinx voice and visibility in public lands and conservation decision-making, and are proud to have been featured in the Nevada Wild Podcast, where HECHO Program Manager Bianca McGrath-Martinez shared our mission with listeners — tune in here. Make sure that you are following our Facebook page to also see our staff spotlighted and speak on what they appreciate about their culture!

The NAU Review — Celebrating Disability Pride and Heritage Month, Flagstaff Star Party and Notes from the President

Nearly one in five individuals in the U.S. identifies as having a disability, and it is important to recognize the experiences of those people. Throughout the month of October, NAU is celebrating Disability Pride and Heritage Month. NAU’s Commission on Disability Access and Design will host events that focus on inclusivity like the accessibility scavenger hunt and sitting volleyball, along with accessibility design workshops and others, all of which are free and open to the public. 

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up — September 27-October 1, 2021

A COVID and flu shot vaccination event will be held next Monday, October 4th from 3-5 p.m. at the Grand Canyon Rec Center Ramada. If there is inclement weather, the event will be held inside the Rec Center in the Piano Room. Please bring your vaccination card if you are seeking a second or third dose of the COVID vaccine. More information on this event can be found in the attached flyer.  

A follow-up vaccination event will be held on Monday, November 1, for those individuals getting their first shot at the October vaccination event who need a second shot for full vaccination. The November 1 vaccination event will also take place from 3-5 p.m. at the Rec Center. 

There are no updates on a North Rim vaccination event at this time.  

Several Skunks in the Flagstaff Area Test Positive for Rabies

Coconino County Health and Human Services (CCHHS) officials have confirmed several skunks found in the Greenlaw and Coconino Estates areas of Flagstaff have tested positive for rabies. One human exposure has been reported and the individual is receiving Postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) treatment.

CCHHS and City of Flagstaff Animal Control urge individuals to use caution to protect against rabies exposure when hiking, camping or in situation where wildlife may be present. The following precautions are recommended to protect against rabies:

Avoid wildlife, especially those exhibiting unusual wildlife behaviors which can include; showing no fear of humans, aggressive behavior, staggering and/or acting sickly, and nocturnal mammals active during daytime.

City of Flagstaff — 30-day public comment period opens for draft 10-Year Housing Plan

The City of Flagstaff Housing Section is asking for public input on its draft 10-Year Housing Plan. Flagstaff residents can read the draft 10-Year Housing Plan online and can provide feedback by taking the Policy Initiative and Strategy Prioritization Survey. The survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete and feedback will be used to help City staff prioritize housing initiatives and strategies. The public comment period ends on November 5, 2021.

Coconino County presents Hispanic Heritage Month Book Club ‘Clap When You Land’ at noon Sept. 29 and other upcoming events

As Coconino County Diversity Team continue to celebrate, learn, share, and create awareness during Hispanic Heritage Month, we are inviting you to the Book Club “Clap When You Land” discussion from noon to 1 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 29.

Click here or on image below to join.

Please join us, and share with your departments, social media networks, family, and friends as we come together to Engage, Celebrate, Reflect, Embrace, our Cultural Differences while Empowering each other.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — 2021 Festival of Science’s ‘The Science of Childhood Trauma and Why We Should Care’ presentation by CCC&Y’s now available online

The 2021 Flagstaff Festival of Science’s “The Science of Childhood Trauma and Why We Should Care” presentation by

CCC&Y is now available online.

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) have a large and costly impact on society. Fortunately, with all that we know about trauma and resilience, including the 50-year longitudinal study in Kauai and the groundbreaking ACEs study, we know there is much we can all do. Community awareness and knowledge are important to begin healing.

Join us for this Flagstaff Festival of Science event sponsored by the Coalition for Children & Youth.

Trainer: Virginia Watahomigie, M.ADM Executive Director of the Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth

Click here to view the presentation.

Health effects of being jailed, Fit it in a Minute and why we love coffee and more news

The United States has experienced an unparalleled epidemic of incarceration in the past 40 years, and the effects of that trend have been far-reaching, complex and long-term. Health equity researcher Ricky Camplain, who this year became the first NAU researcher to win a Career Development Award from the NIH’s National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, is studying one critical piece of this. Her research examines the high rates of anxiety, high blood pressure and poor sleep quality among inmates and looks for simple solutions to reduce those adverse health effects. The answer? Physical activity.

CCC — Flagstaff issues proclamation for adult education, literacy

Imagine looking for work and not being able to feel comfortable crafting a cover letter, or even filling out the application.

Imagine the difficulty finding a job to support your family because you didn’t finish high school. Imagine not being able to speak, read and write English well enough to get a job in your field of study, or to fit into your community well.

According to the National Coalition on Adult Basic Education, there are more than 51 million people in the United States with low literacy skills. Additionally, it has been proved time and time again that as literacy skills increase, quality of life for individuals and their families increases.

Coconino County presents Hispanic Heritage Month program ‘Climate Change and Action,’ a panel discussion at noon Sept. 24

As Coconino County Diversity Team continue to celebrate, learn, share, and create awareness during Hispanic Heritage Month, we are inviting you to the presentation “Climate Change and Action,’ a panel discussion from noon to 1 p.m. Friday, Sept. 24.

Click here or on image below to join.

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up for Sept. 20-24 — National Public Lands Day and more news

This Saturday, September 25 will mark the 26th annual Condor Release at the Vermilion Cliffs as part of National Public Lands Day. 

Due to high Covid-19 transmission levels in counties surrounding the condor release site, and to help prevent further spread of the virus, partners hosting the event are strongly encouraging the public to attend the live stream event online. In 2020, due to COVID-19 restrictions, the team took the celebration online with more than 10,000 viewers of the event. Because of that success, the event will be live streamed again this year. 

The programming for the live virtual event will begin at 10:30 am (Arizona time). The release pen will be open at 11 a.m. (Arizona time). 

The virtual event can be viewed here on the Peregrine Fund’s YouTube Channel.

The NAU Review — Kitchen connection, International Day of Sign Language and notes from the president

All this week, Lumberjacks have shown up to NAU’s test kitchen, masked and ready to chop, wash, roast, bake and box up delectable meals to go to members of the Flagstaff community. The School of Hotel and Restaurant Management collaborated with the Flagstaff Family Food Center, which closed for a week for renovations, to make sure no one went to bed hungry. Community members, faculty, staff and a lot of students—some with kitchen experience, some without—pitched in to make sure people who needed it got a hot meal made special with Lumberjack love.

Friends of Flagstaff’s Future — Flagstaff’s Active Transportation Master Plan meetings on Sept. 29, Oct. 7, 16, 19

View this email in your browser Provide Input on Flagstaff’s Active Transportation Master Plan Help guide the City to improve the pedestrian and bicycle environment in Flagstaff The City of Flagstaff has released the draft Active Transportation Master Plan (ATMP)…

United Way of Northern Arizona — UWNA Summit Society Spotlight: Lowell Observatory

There are many companies and organizations that enable United Way of Northern Arizona to do the work it does to Step Up for Our Community. From large entities like W.L. Gore & Associates and local governments to businesses with much smaller staffs, each is essential to our mission and we are grateful to all of them.

In the history of the Summit Society, and the creation of UWNA as a whole, Lowell Observatory holds a special place, however. In fact, it was the wife of a Lowell astronomer who helped found the United Way in Flagstaff more than 50 years ago.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Flagstaff Festival of Science returns with Science in the Park. More events scheduled this week and more news

The 2021 Flagstaff Festival of Science kicked off this past Friday with the W. L. Gore Keynote Presentation: “When Stones Speak: Decoding the Messages Embedded in Ancient Maya Monuments” with Dr. Jaime Awe of Northern Arizona University.

That event was followed Snook’s Science in the Park, which featured local science and technology organizations with science experiments and demonstrations at Wheeler Park in downtown Flagstaff. The festival continues through Sunday, Sept. 26.

During the park event, youth had the opportunity to explore life-saving medical devices with innovators and engineers under the W. L. Gore & Associates tents, view the talented athletes from Momentum Aerial as they leap and spin above the ground, with young people exploring the world of magnets at the Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth tent.

The 10-day festival features a mix of in-person activities, live streamed webinars and pre-recorded videos. A full listing of events is available by going to and clicking on the 2021 digital passport. Events that require a reservation are denoted on the passport. Tickets for most of the events requiring a reservation can be found at The EventBrite page also provides a means to register for the live webinars. 

Goodwill of Central and Northern Arizona announces workshops Sept. 22, Oct. 5, 6, 7, 14, 15

Below is the schedule of upcoming Goodwill Workshops!  For details on signing up, please call 928-556-5096 or come in the Career Center to register.  Note that our classes and workshops will be offered only Virtually until further notice, and space is limited.

The NAU Review — Native Americans in STEM, a Latinx cookbook, making big data more accessible

What’s the best way to encourage Native American students to go into STEM fields, including scientific computing? Give them opportunities for hands-on learning and mentoring well before they hit college. That’s the goal of a collaborative program, which will send NAU researchers into K-12 schools throughout the Southwest to create awareness of diverse career opportunities in scientific computing, introduce students to state-of-the-art scientific computing software, allow them to ask questions and gain experience, then bring them to NAU’s campus, helping students see college and STEM careers in their future. The program also centers Native American researchers, giving students mentors who come from the same background and understand their experiences.

Coconino County presents Hispanic Heritage Month program ‘Clap When You Land’ by Elizabeth Acevedo at noon Sept. 22 and other events this week

As Coconino County Diversity Team continue to celebrate, learn, share, and create awareness during Hispanic Heritage Month, we are inviting you to the presentation “Clap When You Land” by Elizabeth Acevedo from noon to 1 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 22.

Coconino County presents Hispanic Heritage Month ‘My Life in Peru’ with Patricia ‘Pati’ Wilcox at noon Sept. 20 and other events this week

As Coconino County Diversity Team continue to celebrate, learn, share, and create awareness during Hispanic Heritage Month, we are inviting you to “My Life in Peru” with Patricia “Pati” Wilcox from noon to 1 p.m. Monday, Sept. 20.

Click here or on image below to join.

Coconino County presents Hispanic Heritage Month: My PUERTO RICO Experience – Show N Tell on Sept. 17

As Coconino County Diversity Team continue to celebrate, learn, share, and create awareness during Hispanic Heritage Month, we are inviting you to our Show N Tell with Keillynée Méndez on Puerto Rico’s culture and customs from noon to 1 p.m. Friday, Sept. 17.

Click here or on image below to join.

Bilingual report — Sunnyside Neighborhood Association to host 18th annual ‘Fiesta de Independencia’ on Sept. 19 at the Market of Dreams / Mercado de los Sueños

The Sunnyside Neighborhood Association will host 18th annual “Fiesta de Independencia”  from 2 to 7 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 19 at the Market of Dreams / Mercado de los Sueños, 2532 E. 7th Ave., Flagstaff.

FREE EVENT! Featuring live music from Los Alambrados, Alena Chavez, and DJ Classik! There will be a piñata for the kids. Come and celebrate Independence! There will be food for purchase at the event.

The Mexican Consulate of Phoenix, AZ will perform the historic “El Grito” at 4:30 p.m.

People who have not been vaccinated are asked to wear masks. Masking in general is encouraged and supported. Social distancing encouraged. Please bring your own chair!

Flagstaff Festival of Science — Don’t Miss This Year’s Outdoor Fair: Science in the Park! on Sept. 18

You’ve likely seen them soaring high above canyons and perching in tall pine trees, and now, majestic birds of prey like the Harris Hawk, American Kestrel and Ferruginous Hawk will share Wheeler Park with families as the International Raptor and Falcon Center introduces learners of all ages to these predators of the sky.

From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 18, Science in the Park will feature live animals, microscopic organisms and prehistoric cultures.

Join us at Wheeler Park!

Build a Puebloan wall, create pictographs, play catch with a robot and safely view the sun!

Explore life-saving medical devices with innovators and engineers under the W. L. Gore & Associates tents and maybe even be a heart surgeon for the day!

And, don’t miss the talented athletes from Momentum Aerial as they leap and spin above the ground! Watch these artists demonstrate the laws of physics that keep them up in the air and their audiences on their toes! 

United Way of Northern Arizona — Meet the 2021 Annual Campaign Leaders

We are excited to announce that long-time United Way supporters Andy Bertelsen and Susan Hilgart will be leading this year’s United Way of Northern Arizona Annual Campaign, which officially kicks off with a virtual event later this month.

Both Andy and Susan are long-time civil servants with impressive resumes in the public sector.

Andy, who recently became the Interim Water Services Director for the City of Flagstaff after five years as Public Works Director, will be the campaign’s spokesman for Coconino County. Andy is a Summit Society member has been involved with UWNA for 15 years, including several years as Treasurer on the Board of Directors before becoming Vice Chair and eventually Chairman of the Board.

Meanwhile, Susan, the Deputy Director of Human Services and Public Health Improvement for Navajo County, will represent Apache and Navajo counties. Although she only came to northern Arizona from Minnesota a few years ago, she has been involved with United Way organizations for more than three decades.

Profile America Facts for Features — Hispanic Heritage Month 2021

Hispanic Heritage Month celebrates the culture and contributions of Americans tracing their roots to Spain, Mexico, Central America, South America and the Spanish-speaking nations of the Caribbean. The observance was born in 1968 when Congress authorized the president to issue an annual proclamation designating National Hispanic Heritage Week. Two decades later, lawmakers expanded it to a monthlong celebration, stretching from September 15 to October 15.

Hispanic Heritage Month — like its shorter precursor — always starts on September 15, a historically significant day marking the independence of five Latin American countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. The designated period is also a nod to those from Mexico and Chile, which celebrate their independence September 16 and September 18, respectively.

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up — Sept. 13-17, 2021

On September 9, President Biden issued new Federal COVID vaccine guidance by Executive Order. While we don’t yet know the specifics of implementation, we do know that all federal employees, contractors and partners will be required to be vaccinated. According to the Safer Federal Workforce Task Force, “Federal Executive Branch employees must be fully vaccinated, except in limited circumstances where an employee is legally entitled to a reasonable accommodation. Agencies must work expeditiously so that their employees are fully vaccinated as quickly as possible and by no later than November 22, 2021.” The full document can be viewed here.

The purpose of this and related orders are to protect the American public, since COVID-19 continues to be spread in the US primarily by unvaccinated people, and because unfortunately, not enough people have been vaccinated to generate herd immunity to prevent the virus from mutating into new and more dangerous variants such as the Delta variant.   

Specific guidance will be coming out soon on implementation of the vaccination requirement.   

The NAU Review — Breaking borders, gearing up for success and online learning day

Carlos Zavala, a student veteran majoring in finance, joined the army as a way to help him achieve his educational goals. “I came to NAU because of the Veteran Success Center. They were really helpful when I was trying to set up my benefits and made me feel really comfortable. That is the environment I wanted to be in,” he said. Through the VSC, Zavala was able to enroll in a class in which other veterans shared their stories of success, inspiring him to dream bigger than he thought possible.

In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, Coconino County Presents ‘Let’s Speak Spanish!!’ with Audra Travelbee online on Sept. 16

The Coconino County Diversity Team, Coconino County Hispanic Advisory Council (CHAC) and partners recognize Hispanic Heritage Month with a series of programs designed to educate, share and create awareness.

AZ Culture Connect will present “Let’s Speak Spanish!!’ with Audra Travelbee online” from noon to 1 p.m.

The Flagstaff Oktoberfest (Oct. 2) is almost here!

It’s officially time for one of Flagstaff’s favorite events; the Flagstaff Oktoberfest! 

After having to cancel in 2020, The Flagstaff Oktoberfest, will celebrate 12 years on Saturday October 2nd in Wheeler Park, in Downtown Flagstaff.

But the fun doesn’t end with music, food and drinks. As always, we will have all our favorite contests during this event, such as the Hops on Birch Men’s and Women’s Beer Stein Holding Contest, The Frozen T-Shirt Contest, The Vienna Beef Weiner Man Race and Satchmo’s BBQ Brat Eating Contest!

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — CCC&Y to present ‘The Science of Childhood Trauma and Why We Should Care’ on Sept. 24 at the 2021 Flagstaff Festival of Science

CCC&Y will present “The Science of Childhood Trauma and Why We Should Care” at 4 p.m. Friday, Sept. 24 at the 2021 Flagstaff Festival of Science.
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) have a large and costly impact on society. Fortunately, with all that we know about trauma and resilience, including the 50-year longitudinal study in Kuai and the groundbreaking ACEs study, we know there is much we can all do. Community awareness and knowledge are important to begin healing.
Join us for this Flagstaff Festival of Science event Sponsored by the Coalition for Children & Youth.
Trainer: Virginia Watahomigie, M.ADM Executive Director of the Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth.

Discover Flagstaff — Flagstaff Festival of Science (Sept. 17-26) and more events

Flagstaff Festival of Science
Friday 17 Plein Air Demonstration at Buffalo Park. 4 p.m.; free.
Friday 17 Stories in Stone with Dr Awe, Ardrey Auditorium. 7 p.m.; free.
Saturday 18 Plein Air Demonstration at Wheeler Park. 10 a.m.; free.
Saturday 18 Snook’s Science in the Park, Wheeler Park. 10 a.m.; free.
Sunday 19 Cultural Cooking Workshop. 1 p.m.; free.
Sunday 19 The State of the Climate. Virtual event. 3 p.m.; free.
Monday-Wednesday 20-22 Bedtime Stories. Virtual event. 7 p.m.; free.
Tuesday 21 Cloud Walk in Buffalo Park. 2 p.m.; free.
Tuesday 21 Intersectional Struggles and Maya Identity Among Western Honduras Indigenous Communities. 5 p.m.; free.

Learn More

The NAU Review — Celebrating Hispanic and Latina/o/x Heritage Month

“The overall goal I have for celebrating Hispanic, Latina/o/x Heritage Month on campus is for students who identify that way to know they have a community of support here at NAU,” Vidal Mendoza, assistant director of Hispanic, Latina/o/x Initiatives, said. “Cultural representation is something I valued as an NAU student, and I am sure many students today still feel the same.” Image courtesy of the National Archives.

In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, Coconino County Presents ‘ESPERANZA’ with virtual events on Sept. 15, 16 and 17

The Coconino County Diversity Team, Coconino County Hispanic Advisory Council (CHAC) and partners recognize Hispanic Heritage Month with a series of programs designed to educate, share and create awareness.

Please join us, and share with your departments, social media networks, family and friends, as we come together to Engage, Celebrate, Reflect,Embrace, our Cultural Differences while Empowering each other.

Economic Collaborative of Northern Arizona (ECoNA) — Transportation, Trees and Our Local Economy

The recent ECoNA Advisory Council meeting was proof positive that many of our community’s efforts to make our environment cleaner and safer also serve the needs of our local economy.

The Council heard from representatives of the Northern Arizona Intergovernmental Transportation Authority (NAIPTA), which operates the Mountain Line bus system; the regional MetroPlan organization and a professor with the Ecology Restoration Institute (ERI), an independent research branch of Northern Arizona University.

Voters have always been supportive of NAIPTA and its environmental goals. Back in 2008, NAIPTA received voter approval to begin transitioning from diesel to hybrid buses and now the entire fleet of 29 fixed route buses are hybrid. In 2016, voters renewed extending the transit tax that helps support NAIPTA with an impressive 71% voting in favor of the measure.

Climate change-themed artwork installed on Mountain Line buses

Through a collaboration between the City of Flagstaff’s Beautification and Public Art Commission and the Sustainability Commission, Mountain Line recently installed artwork reflecting the theme of climate change and hope on five of its buses. The project accomplishes several goals, including spreading hopeful climate change messaging, beautifying the city’s streetscape and providing opportunity for artists in the Flagstaff community.

Designs by Dana Kamberg, Beau Arenas Ortiz, Kayley Quick, Luke Giles, and Nate Nise were selected by community members and the artists will be recognized at the September 21 Flagstaff City Council meeting. Photos of the designs, along with brief biographies of the artists, can be found at

Reservations Required for Keynote Presentation September 17th

The 2021 Flagstaff Festival of Science will explore “Stories in Stone” on September 17-26 in Flagstaff, Arizona. The W.L. Gore & Associates Flagstaff Festival of Science Keynote presentation with Jaime Awe, Ph.D. is FREE and will be held at NAU’s Ardrey Auditorium on September 17, 2021. There is limited seating, and advanced reservation is required. Due to social distancing, the auditorium will be at a quarter of the capacity. The Keynote can also be live-streamed from the comfort of your own home!

Doors open at 6:00 pm. Beginning at 6:30 pm, the Festival presents a ballet dance from the NAU Community Music & Dance Academy. The in-person keynote talk as well as the live stream will begin at 7:00 pm. 

New Preliminary Flood Maps Issued for Oak Creek Area; Updated Maps Show Flood Risks Have Changed

Coconino County announced this week that updated, digital flood hazard maps for the Coconino County, Yavapai County, and City of Sedona sections of Oak Creek are available for public review and comment.

These maps, known as Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), show the extent to which areas recently re-mapped in Oak Creek and its tributaries are at risk for flooding. This covers the area from Sterling Canyon in Coconino County, through the City of Sedona down to Cornville. Used to help determine flood insurance and building requirements, the new flood maps replace maps that were based on studies more than 30 years old.

NAU takes part in Hispanic Serving Institutions Week ‘Librito Drive-Bilingual Book Drive’

… In celebration of Northern Arizona University’s first year of being able to partake in the 2021 National Hispanic Serving Institutes Week, we would like to kick off our 1st annual Librito (Little Book) Drive. Donate a bilingual book (all ages) for the Flagstaff Community…

Grand Canyon National Park — Wildlife SAFETY REMINDER: Elk Rut Season

From August to early winter, male elk are in a period known as the rut. During this time they become territorial and will attack if approached or threatened. Please do not approach elk, stay a safe distance of 100 feet (30m) away, and never water or feed them for any reason.

NAU Celebrates Hispanic, Latina/o/x Heritage Month

Beginning Sept. 15, Northern Arizona University is celebrating Hispanic, Latina/o/x Heritage Month with a collection of events hosted by NAU’s Office of Inclusion. Through these events, NAU strives to honor the culture, history and diversity of individuals in the Latina/x/o community.

Hispanic, Latina/x/o Heritage Month was first celebrated in 1968 as Hispanic Heritage Week and was later expanded to cover a full month, lasting until Oct. 15, in 1988.

“The most important thing to me about Hispanic, Latina/o/x Heritage Month is recognizing the contributions of my history, culture and achievements that we have brought to this country,” said Vidal Mendoza, assistant director of Hispanic, Latina/o/x Initiatives at NAU. “As a Latina, staying connected with my roots is a huge part of my identity that I own with pride. Unfortunately, identifying as Hispanic or Latina/o/x isn’t necessarily looked upon with a smile or admiration. But even so, I am proud of identifying as a Latina, Mexicana or Chicana. I love my brown skin, rich culture and community. The diversity within our people is so vastly different and beautiful all at once.”

Bilingual report — Gina Santi Photography Images of the Month – September 2021

The state of Baja California Sur in Mexico has a territory of almost 74,000 square kilometers, with 2,220 kilometers of beaches divided between the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of California. It enjoys pollutant-free waters which translates into higher quality and better flavor of its fish products. About 3% of the total population of the state is dedicated to fishing, with a fleet of almost 4,000 small boats and approximately 9,700 fishermen using practically the same fishing gear and techniques that were used 70 years ago.

Despite their important contribution to the economy, Mexican artisan fishermen constitute one of the most vulnerable segments of the population. The precariousness of their living conditions is manifested in their huts made of palm, cardboard sheets or planks, and with a dirt floor; and their villages generally lack the most basic public services such as drinking water, electricity, and sewerage. Their work is especially risky due to the conditions in which they do it since they sail in fragile boats with outboard motors and without navigation instruments. In addition, despite the fact that the fishermen’s trade is learned in the water, some of them cannot swim and do not use life-saving equipment.

Dean Regas Named Next Grand Canyon Astronomer in Residence

Grand Canyon Conservancy (GCC) and Grand Canyon National Park are proud to announce the selection of the second Grand Canyon Astronomer in Residence, renowned educator, author, and astronomy expert, Dean Regas. He will live and work at the South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park from November 16 to December 8, 2021.

Regas has been the astronomer for the Cincinnati Observatory since 2000 and was co-host of the PBS program “Star Gazers” from 2010 to 2019. He is the author of the books “Facts from Space” and “100 things to See in the Night Sky,” and is a contributing editor to Sky and Telescope Magazine and a contributor to Astronomy Magazine, from which he won the 2008 “Out-of-this-World” Award for astronomy education.

The NAU Review — When resources are sacred, what happens when they’re gone?

As the climate changes and land, air and water are at risk, Native Americans are threatened in two ways. Many tribal members, Alaska Natives and other Indigenous peoples are seeing their water sources dry up or become toxic and their land become infertile or disappear under rising sea levels, putting these rural communities at greater risk from climate change. But there’s a deeper issue. For these peoples, who consider such resources sacred, their way of life and existence are coming under attack from rising global temperatures.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — 2021 Flagstaff Festival of Science offers a ‘Passport’ to a variety of adventures for youth from Sept. 17 through 26

FLAGSTAFF — From “En Plein Air in Flagstaff’s Open Spaces: Stories in Stone,” at Buffalo Park on Sept. 17, to the return of the “Science in the Park” on Sept. 18 and the “Flagstaff Star Party” at Buffalo Park on Sept. 30, the 2021 Flagstaff Festival of Science (Sept. 17-26) provides families with a variety of events to choose from.

Click here to view the entire 2021 Flagstaff Festival of Science Passport schedule.

The festival kicks off with the 2021 Keynote presentation — “When Stones Speak: Decoding the Messages Embedded in Ancient Maya Monuments” with Dr. Jaime Awe at 7 p.m. Friday, Sept. 17. Doors open at 6 p.m.

During the presentation, Dr. Awe will illuminate the Maya culture for audiences at Ardrey Auditorium, Northern Arizona University.

Full program of events to include Science in the Park, presentations, workshops, guided tours all taking place Sept. 17-26. With many programs led by outstanding Flagstaff scientists, Festival-goers will also have the opportunity to learn about other ancient cultures in this year’s archeological-themed festival. 

Coconino County Parks & Recreation — County Fair this weekend — Su Majestad La Brissa to perform at 8 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 5

This year’s Coconino County Fair is Labor Day weekend, Sept. 3-6
at Fort Tuthill County Park Fairgrounds in Flagstaff, AZ.
Thank you to our sponsors Swire Coca-Cola, Findlay Toyota Flagstaff, Friends of Coconino County Parks, Great Circle Media, and KNAU!

Flagstaff Nuestras Raíces celebrates 2021 Summertime Tardeada

Flagstaff Nuestras Raíces honored the region’s Hispanic roots by celebrating the return of the sixth annual “Flagstaff Summertime Tardeada — Mariachi and Folklorico Festival” on Saturday, Aug. 21 at Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church south of downtown Flagstaff

The free event drew a record crowd, according to event organizers, with the entertainment stage featuring Mariachi Herencia de Cuco Del Cid and Nueva Vibra, both from Tucson, Ballet Folklorico de Colores and Alena Chavez from Flagstaff.

Coconino Community College — The Comet — Local. Affordable. Quality Education

Local. Affordable. Quality Education.

Our marketing and public relations team at Coconino Community College decided on those words to describe the college because they have meaning, and they help paint a picture for every student we serve concerning what they can expect from us.

The NAU Review — Who’s to blame for COVID-19? Depends who you ask and more news

It’s safe to assume American politics has played a significant role in the COVID-19 pandemic, and different ideas about contagion, health behaviors and the actions of governing bodies impacted the spread of the virus and its subsequent effect on our lives. This, of course, was just a theory—until now.

Lisa Hardy, associate professor in NAU’s Department of Anthropology and director of the Social Science Community Engagement Lab, is the lead author on a study that looked at sociocultural responses to the virus and identified differences and similarities in anxiety, fear, blame and perceptions of the country across political divides.

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up — Aug. 30-Sept. 3, 2021

GCC Celebration of Art Kicks off in September

The 13th annual Celebration of Art kicks off this month at Grand Canyon. Beginning September 11th, artists will be coming to the South Rim to paint outside on location for one week. During this time, the public will be able to view the artists as they paint, capturing the ever-changing light and shadows of the canyon.

This year’s event will be a hybrid of on-site and online programming to welcome a wide variety of art enthusiasts. Here is the current schedule of events.

Now through September 18: Interested people can view the online catalog and preview studio paintings. Studio painting intent-to-purchase request forms are available to submit online, and are linked from each painting in the catalog.
September 3-18: There will be an online silent auction featuring specially selected original pieces from each participating artist.
September 11-17: Artists will be painting “en plein air” (or, outside on location) throughout the South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park.
September 17: A featured artist will paint outside near Verkamp’s Visitor Center from 3 – 6 p.m.