Category: Education

City of Flagstaff launches revised public input process for the Greater Observatory Mesa Trail Plan Draft

The City of Flagstaff is revising the public input process for the Greater Observatory Mesa Draft Trail Plan. As part of the revised process, City staff will schedule additional meetings with adjacent neighborhoods and stakeholders to allow for in-depth discussions on initial feedback. The current survey on the Flagstaff Community Forum site will be closed and previously announced public meetings will be rescheduled to a later date. An updated version of the draft plan will then be shared with the public for review and feedback.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Early registration ends on July 24 for First Things First’s Early Childhood Summitt on Aug. 18

By First Things First

You have two weeks left to register at the early registration rate of $45 for the virtual First Things First Early Childhood Summit 2022. The standard registration rate increases to $55 on July 24.


You won’t want to miss keynote speakers Liz + Mollie. Based on their book, “Big Feelings,” their session will provide participants with tactical tips for how to combat burnout and effectively navigate uncertainty.

All Summit attendees will have access to all of the recorded sessions up to 60 days after the event.

Register today!

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The NAU Review — What a martian meteorite means, meet HSI advisor Claudia Rodas and why we should all care about snake fungal disease

Astronomy postdoctoral scholar Valerie Payré is on an international team that discovered the origin of the martian meteorite known as Black Beauty, one of the most-studied meteorites in the world. It may hold clues to the development of Earth and other terrestrial planets and help explain why Earth sustains life when its closest neighbor does not. The results of this study are shared in the latest Nature Communications.

Flagstaff Festival of Science 2022 — Local Science Spotlight: Lindsay Hansen on Fish Ecology in the Grand Canyon

Lindsay Hansen is a fish ecologist focusing on the ecosystems of the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon. She specifically studies the flannelmouth sucker, humpback chub, and bluehead sucker populations, and tags the fish to gain an understanding of how the fish’s growth is impacted by the river ecosystem. After she tags them in the field, she works on analyzing and interpreting the data that was collected and comparing it to previous data. Lindsay hopes that her work will help educate the people of Northern Arizona about their aquatic neighbors, to create a sense of stewardship for the unique ecosystem of the Colorado River.

Friends of Flagstaff’s Future — Mayoral Forum Recording, City Bonds, JW Powell and more!

It’s been a packed couple of months and there’s a lot of information in this newsletter. This newsletter contains important updates and multiple opportunities for community input into important city projects. I encourage you to take time to read it!

In This Issue:
F3 Mayoral Candidate Forum Recording Available
Pipeline Fire Flooding Updates
City Bonds on November Ballot
Update: JW Powell Blvd Extension
Update: Pilot Bike Lanes Program, Beaver and Butler Avenues
Lone Tree Overpass Design Public Meetings in July
Apply for Flagstaff’s Climate Equity Advisory Committee
Community Input Sought
Featured Nonprofit: Townsite Community Land Trust

Coconino Community College — Check Out Next Week’s Summer Classes!

Summer Art Series: Intro to Jewelry & Metalsmithing

July 11- 14, 2:30 – 5:00pm M – Th

Introduction to the basics of jewelry and metalsmithing with local Flagstaff artist, learning smithing techniques and embellishments for precious metals and stones for your own creative jewelry journey. Enroll today!

Learn more and register here

Located at CCC Lone Tree Campus in Flagstaff

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up: July 4-8, 2022

Masking requirement indoors remains in place

Grand Canyon NP has been directed by the Department of Interior (DOI) to use Center of Disease Controls (CDC) COVID Community Levels to put in place guidance and masking requirements to protect our community, park employees, and visitors. Last week the CDC COVID Community Levels were High for the first time since this metric was used. Consequently, we were required to implemented masking for all individuals over the age of two, regardless of vaccination status, in all park buildings and in public transportation per DOI policy. As of Thursday, July 7, Coconino County has transitioned into Medium Community Level.

Economic Collaborative of Northern Arizona (ECoNA) — Lean Manufacturing Workshop at NACET July 29

The various philosophies behind more efficient manufacturing methods have gone by many names over the years – the Toyota Production System or “The Toyota Way,” just-in-time production, and more recently, lean manufacturing.

All have similar principals – that by applying certain tools, manufacturers can implement a systematic approach to reduce “waste,” which is defined as non-value-added activities.

In fact, lean manufacturing identifies eight potential areas of waste that can be reduced in ways that will not only streamline production, but also improve working conditions.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — ​​​​​​​Arizona Voter Information Portal — Are you ready to vote?

By the Arizona Voter Information Portal

The Arizona Primary Election is coming up on Tuesday, August 2! Take a moment to get ready to vote.

Check your registration status ASAP to make sure it matches your current address:
Still need to register to vote? Go to your state’s registration website.
Register online on or before Tuesday, July 5 to vote in this election.
Request your mail ballot; or
Any voter in your state can request an early/mail-in ballot. You can request an early/mail-in ballot online:
We recommend you request your early/mail-in ballot at least two weeks before the Friday, July 22 deadline to make sure you have time to receive and cast your ballot before the election.
Make a plan to vote in person.
Did you know you can vote early from Wednesday, July 6 to Friday, July 29? (Dates and times may vary by location.) Learn more about where you can vote early in your area:
Planning to vote on Election Day? Great. We’ll send info about your voting location the day before the election so you know where to go.
Read More

The NAU Review — Preparing for the next pandemic, SAC President Erin Kruse and why digital equity matters

Is a universal coronavirus vaccine in our future? Possibly, according to a recent study from TGen and NAU. The research team, which includes assistant professor Jason Ladner, found that COVID-19 vaccination activates antibodies targeting parts of virus spike protein shared between coronaviruses. This technology could help fine-tune future vaccines.

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up: June 27-July 1, 2022

Town of Tusayan July 4th Events

The Town of Tusayan has many events planned for July 4th, including music, food vendors, a kids corner, Native American Dancers, and a silent auction.

There will be a bike decorating contest and activities for kids at 3:30 p.m., a parade at 4:40 p.m., live music from 5:30 p.m. – 10:30 p.m., and a drone and laser show beginning at dusk.

More information is available at the Town of Tusayan website here.

Young Bi-Lingual Latino Professionals sought for Latino Loud PSA voting campaign

orres Multicultural Communications is seeking young Latino professionals to participate on a Latino Loud PSA campaign to get out the vote. The campaign is funded by Chicanos por la Causa, through Torres Multicultural Communications and produced by Randy Murray Productions.

Creative Flagstaff — Kick off your holiday weekend at ArtWalk!

July’s ArtWalk is this Friday, July 1st!
Join us for ArtWalk this Friday, July 1st! Visit our info booth in Heritage Square from 4:30-8 pm to pick up an ArtWalk Map – your guide to downtown during First Friday! Go digital and use the online map here. Use the official ArtWalk map to make your way around downtown to our more than 20 participating galleries and businesses.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — UArizona to provide tuition-free education for Native American undergraduates in Arizona and more news

FLAGSTAFF — Undergraduate students from the state’s 22 federally recognized Native American tribes will no longer have to  pay tuition and mandatory fees at the University of Arizona main campus in Tucson.

Beginning in the fall, new and continuing full-time, degree-seeking undergraduates will be eligible for the Arizona Native Scholars Grant, the first program of its kind in Arizona. The program, funded through a reallocation of financial aid dollars, will be administered by UArizona Enrollment Management.

“Serving Arizona’s Native American tribes and tribal students is a crucial part of the University of Arizona’s land-grant mission, and the Arizona Native Scholars Grant program is another important step among many to do that,” said University of Arizona President Robert C. Robbins. “I am so proud that that this university has found a way to help hundreds of students more easily access and complete a college education, and I look forward to finding ways to take these efforts even further.”

Fire restrictions lifted at Grand Canyon National Park

Effective immediately, Stage 2 fire restrictions are rescinded for the entire Grand Canyon National Park. Increased monsoonal activity throughout northern Arizona has significantly lowered the fire danger risk within the last week.

Grand Canyon National Park will remain in Stage 1 fire restrictions which requires that a campfire always be in a designated fire ring within a maintained campground. Inner canyon users can use gas cook stoves, but campfires and other open fires are never allowed below the rim. River users should continue to follow the conditions of their permit regarding fires along the Colorado River.

The NAU Review — SOS: How to help your neighbors protect against flood damage, when forests reburn and the 2022 Dorrance Scholars cohort

Our community is in desperate need of help as the monsoon season brings floods to neighborhoods below the burn scar. Homeowners in the affected areas, including some in our NAU community, need millions of sandbags to protect their property. Lumberjacks are encouraged to use their volunteer hours to fill sandbags—various filling stations are set up throughout the city and county. Consider taking a few hours over the coming days to fill sandbags with friends, coworkers, family and fellow community members. Check in with those who may be affected to see what you can do to help.

Creative Flagstaff — June Updates from Coconino Center for the Arts

The Sonnet Man has arrived in Flagstaff! Come set Shakespeare sonnets to hip hop music with rap artist Devon Glover, better known as the Sonnet Man. In this 5-day series of workshops, students will learn the ins and outs of Shakespeare’s writing before transforming his works into their own original projects. The residency will include 4 workshops each day, 9AM-12PM, for students ages 12-18. Hosted July 11th-15th, 2022. Members save $25. 

The ECoNA Q&A: NAU President José Luis Cruz Rivera

José Luis Cruz Rivera recently completed his first year as the 17th President of Northern Arizona University (NAU). To mark this anniversary, we asked him about key initiatives during his first year, NAU’s niche in the higher ed marketplace, what local restaurants he’s discovered, and his upcoming formal installation in September. You can see the full interview here.

Q: What do you feel your biggest success has been this first year?
A: Well, that’s an easy answer. The fact that I survived the Running of the Freshman at the first home football game!

In all seriousness, while there have been many success stories, I think my biggest success has been learning about and connecting with the people and organizations who live and work at NAU, in Flagstaff and throughout northern Arizona. It has been important to me from day one to understand the values here. Time will be the judge of my success leading and supporting the efforts of our awesome university community, but I have truly enjoyed listening and learning and still feel it is a privilege to serve as the President of NAU and live is this amazing and beautiful community.

Museum of Northern Arizona — Heritage Festival July 2 and 3!!

If you drive by the museum you’ll soon see large tents going up in the parking lots, an obvious sign that we are busy preparing for the largest celebration of Colorado Plateau cultures we’ve ever held.

This Heritage Festival has been a long time coming. MNA hasn’t hosted a festival like this since 2019, or perhaps ever. The festival has moved completely outdoors, allowing it to spread across the museum campus. There were many reasons to move the festival into the fresh air, and one was that we are able to make space for nearly 200 artists from the Acoma, Navajo, Havasupai, Hopi, Hualapai, Jemez, Laguna, Yavapai Apache, and Zuni communities. Of those, 34 are attending the festival either for the first time ever, or the first time in many decades. They bring an exciting diversity of art and traditions.

Deadline for submission of Thorpe Park Annex Property design concept is July 18

The deadline for submission of Thorpe Park Annex Property design concept is July 18.

The City of Flagstaff is conducting a broad community outreach to develop a concept plan for an 8.5 acres parcel (Thorpe Park Annex) on the southeast side of Thorpe Park to incorporate into the larger regional park.

Since the 1950s, the Thorpe Park Annex is dedicated to the “exclusive use of Park, Recreational and Museum Purposes” by ordinance, but for the last 75 years the Thorpe Park Annex has been used as a Public Works yard and currently houses the Sustainability Program offices, parking in existing garage bays, and a few businesses.

United Way of Northern Arizona — A Crowning Achievement — UWNA Grant Helps Launch New Shelter Service

When COVID-19 made congregant shelter living a dangerous option for those experiencing homelessness, Flagstaff Shelter Services (FSS) stepped up by renting hotel rooms for their most immunocompromised clients. It was a successful – if expensive – way to continue to serve the homeless at the height of the pandemic.

It also led to an innovative idea: tap into funds available through the American Rescue Plan Act to acquire a hotel and rehab the units into emergency housing. With the support of the Arizona Department of Housing, FSS purchased a Route 66 hotel that years ago was the The Crown Motel and more recently operated as a Howard Johnsons.

Other groups helped support the launch of the new site, including the Forest Highlands Foundation and the Arizona Diamondback. A grant from United Way of Northern Arizona allowed FSS to hire a full-time manager for the new shelter complex, which is being renamed The Crown in a nod to the building’s history.

Grand Canyon National Park Weekly Wrap-up: June 20-24, 2022

Grand Canyon Star Party 2022 underway for 2022

The 32nd annual Grand Canyon Star Party is currently underway and is being held through Saturday, June 25, on both South and North rims. National parks such as Grand Canyon are protective havens for some of the last remaining dark skies in the United States. This is the first onsite event since 2019.

The event is sponsored by the National Park Service, the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association (South Rim), and the Saguaro Astronomy Club of Phoenix (North Rim), with funding from Grand Canyon Conservancy and in partnership with the International Dark-Sky Association.

Amateur astronomers from across the country are volunteering their telescopes and expertise for the enjoyment of park visitors. Numerous telescopes offer views of planets Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars, as well as double stars, star clusters, nebulae, distant galaxies—and the Moon, earlier in the week. By day, keep an eye out for solar telescopes pointed at the sun. Weather permitting, expect spectacular views of the universe!

For additional information on the Grand Canyon Star Party visit, or contact Rader Lane at 928-638-7641.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — CCC&Y Participates in 2022 Juneteenth Celebration

A couple of pre-monsoon season downpours didn’t dampen the spirits of participants of the 2022 Juneteenth Celebration held Saturday, June 18 at the Flagstaff Murdoch Center.

The event featured musical performances, food, games, arts, crafts and information booths including Building Community, Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth, Coconino Community College, Coconino County including its African Diaspora Advisory Council and Coconino Hispanic Advisory Council (CHAC) diversity councils, Flagstaff Police Dept., Friends of Flagstaff Future, Northland Family Health Center, Northern Arizona University and North Country Healthcare.

Hosted by the Coconino County African Diaspora Advisory Council, the Flagstaff Lived Black Experience Project, and the Southside Community Association (SCA).

The Juneteenth celebration commemorates the day Texas slaves learned of the Emancipation Proclamation, granting them freedom. Juneteenth today, celebrates African American freedom and achievement, while encouraging continuous self-development and respect for all cultures. 

Sponsored by Northern Arizona University, APS, Historic Route 66 Association of Arizona, Flagstaff Symphony Orchestra, Southside Community Association (SCA), African Diaspora Advisory Council, Findlay Toyota, the Arizona Community Foundation, Coconino County and the Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth.

Sedona Arts Center — The Big Workshop Email

View this email in your browser Painting For All Levels with Gretchen Lopez June 24, 2022 Friday, June 24, 2022 | 10:00 am – 4:30 pm (Arizona Time) From the beginning to the experienced student, this one-day class in oil…

Creative Flagstaff — ArtWalk Call for Entries – Deadline Approaching!

Creative Flagstaff invites organizations and artists to submit a proposal for an art/science/culture performance or exhibition for First Friday Artwalk programming in Heritage Square to take place in one of the following months: September, October, or November of 2022. Three proposals will be selected, one each for September, October, November, and and with compensation of $1,500. Don’t wait – the deadline for submissions is June 24, 2022! 

City of Flagstaff Truth in Taxation Hearing on June 28 – Notice of Tax Increase

All interested citizens are invited to attend the public hearing on the tax increase that is scheduled to be held virtually via the Zoom platform on Tuesday, June 28, 2022, at 6:00 pm.  People can join the meeting by link or phone listed below. 

Link: or call Dial 833 548 0282 (Toll Free), Webinar ID: 852 6192 3910.

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up: June 13-17, 2022

Grand Canyon Star Party 2022

The 32nd annual Grand Canyon Star Party will be held from Saturday, June 18, 2022, through Saturday, June 25, 2022, on both South and North rims of Grand Canyon National Park. National parks such as Grand Canyon are protective havens for some of the last remaining dark skies in the United States. This is the first onsite event since 2019.

The event is sponsored by the National Park Service, the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association (South Rim), and the Saguaro Astronomy Club of Phoenix (North Rim), with funding from Grand Canyon Conservancy and in partnership with the International Dark-Sky Association.

Amateur astronomers from across the country will volunteer their telescopes and expertise for the enjoyment of park visitors. Numerous telescopes will offer views of planets Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars, as well as double stars, star clusters, nebulae, distant galaxies—and the Moon, earlier in the week. By day, keep an eye out for solar telescopes pointed at the sun. Weather permitting, expect spectacular views of the universe!

For additional information on the Grand Canyon Star Party visit, or contact Rader Lane at 928-638-7641.

Celebrate Juneteenth at the Flagstaff Murdoch Center on June 18, at Fort Tuthill on June 19

Come celebrate Juneteenth with music performances, food, games and vendors from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, June 18 at the Flagstaff Murdoch Center, 203 E. Brannen Ave., Flagstaff.

Hosted by the Coconino County African Diaspora Advisory Council, the Flagstaff Lived Black Experience Project, and the Southside Community Association (SCA).

Don’t miss what’s next: CCC Summer Programs

Open Water Swimming with Mitch Driebe

TODAY, Thursday, June 16, 2022, at 4:00pm

This lecture is now online only via Zoom webinar

Imagine swimming from Alcatraz to the shores of San Francisco. Think you can do it? If you do… well, maybe you should tune into this lecture first. Learn about the elements of open water swimming and hear stories from Mitch’s experience.

Learn more and register here

Creative Flagstaff — June Updates from Creative Flagstaff

Be part of ArtWalk this fall! 

Creative Flagstaff invites organizations and artists to submit a proposal for an art/science/culture performance or exhibition for First Friday Artwalk programming in Heritage Square to take place in one of the following months: September, October, or November of 2022. Three proposals will be selected, one each for September, October, November, and will be compensated $1,500. Don’t wait – the deadline for submissions is June 24, 2022! 

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Education Forward Arizona — AZ Voters Prioritize Education Over Politics

Education Forward Arizona conducted a poll of Arizona voters to better understand voters’ priorities for education. The survey complements and is intended to go deeper on the findings in the Arizona Voters’ Agenda, in coordination with the Center for the Future of Arizona. The survey was conducted May 10-17, 2022 by HighGround Public Affairs on behalf of Education Forward Arizona, a statewide nonprofit and nonpartisan organization. 

What we found is that Arizonans deeply care most about the issues that will support good teaching and learning, not the political hot button issues that often get the most attention. Voters want to see candidates discussing key education issues, many of which are aligned with meeting the Arizona Education Progress Meter and Achieve60AZ attainment goals.

Here’s what we heard from Arizona voters:

Bilingual report — Coconino County Museum Flood Risk Advisory June 2022

There remains a very strong likelihood of hazardous flash flooding as a result of the Museum Fire. The hydrology consultant for the Coconino County Flood Control District (District) recently conducted a post-fire flood risk analysis that validated the original model used to gauge flood risk in the Museum Flood Area and determined that the area remains at high risk for hazardous flash flooding. It must be noted that floodwaters can create unpredictable changes, which can create new flood paths, which cannot be predicted.

Museum Fire flood area siren alerting system testing and protocol Siren testing scheduled for Friday, June 17 from noon to 2 p.m.

The Museum Fire flood area siren alerting system has been installed in the Grandview Homes and Sunnyside neighborhoods and full-volume testing has been scheduled for Friday, June 17 from 12 – 2 p.m. During the full-volume testing period, residents in the area will hear an alarm sound, followed by a voice message repeated three times in both English and Spanish, concluding with a wind down siren sound signifying the end of that message. This process may repeat several times during the testing period. Testing may be postponed in the event of rain or impacts from nearby wildfires.

It is important to note that the wind down siren sound does not signify the end of the threat of a flood event. To hear the siren sounds that will be used or to read more about the Museum Fire flood area siren alerting system, please visit

The NAU Review — Meet NAU’s 2022 Flinn Scholars, celebrate Juneteenth and learn about astronomical diversity

NAU welcoming two new Flinn Scholars

Emily Delabarra and Kaya Dickson will join the other Flinn Scholars on campus, giving NAU a record six scholars. This prestigious scholarship, which has an acceptance rate of less than 2 percent, offers funding for four years of school as well as mentoring and study abroad opportunities.

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up — June 6-10, 2022

Cultural Demonstration Program resumes in-person at Desert View 

After a two-year hiatus due to COVID-19, the Cultural Demonstration Program has resumed in person. The Cultural Demonstration program provides an opportunity for visitors and community members to interact with Tribal artisans from Grand Canyon’s Traditionally Associated Tribes – and for them to share their history and crafts, along with the skills, knowledge, and efforts involved in creating each craft. This series is made possible with grants from Grand Canyon Conservancy and ArtPlace America.

On Thursday June 9 and Friday, June 10, from 9 AM to 4 PM, Gerald Lomaventema, Hopi silversmith and Jerrel Singer, Diné painter, will be demonstrating their arts at the Desert View Visitor Center shade structure, just north of the main parking lot. For more information on the Cultural Demonstration Program, please visit the park’s website here. 

Below are the two demonstrators’ profiles: 

Gerald Lomaventema is a traditional Hopi silversmith. He is known for one-of-a-kind silver overlay masterpieces, with designs inspired by nature and Hopi culture. 

Jerrel Singer, a Diné Painter, originally from Tuba City, is an abstract landscape artist. His work captures the light, colors and shadows of the Diné Nation and the Desert Southwest. 

Flagstaff Festival of Science Local Science Spotlight: Kostiantyn Viatkin on Changing the Way We Model Carbon

Kostiantyn Viatkin is a graduate student working with Yiqi Luo and his lab with the Center for Ecosystem Science and Society (ECOSS) at Northern Arizona University. The lab focuses on applying their unique matrix-model approach, which can be used to create standardized models. By standardizing the models used to predict land impact on climate change, it will allow us to gain a better understanding of what goals should be set globally to help mitigate climate change. 

Kostia focuses his research on the impact of land carbon on climate change, specifically how climate scientists can improve the accessibility and transparency of models of land carbon. “An aspect that I’m particularly interested in is the mineral part of soil and how it affects the carbon cycle”. The mineral aspect of soil is all of the inorganic components, including sand, loam, and weathered rock.

Economic Collaborative of Northern Arizona (ECoNA) — Summer of Festivals

…Here’s just a small sample of the festivals and events coming up this month that will help bring visitors (and their dollars) to our region.

Flagstaff Blues & Brews (tomorrow and Saturday, June 11). In just a few short years, this event has grown to become the state’s largest blues festival. Two days of terrific music, plus local and regional microbrews, as well as wine and hard cider. Food vendors and arts and craft tents round out the event, returning this year to the grounds of Continental Country Club.
Made in the Shade Festival (Saturday, June 11) – Another popular festival that features music and scores of different brands of beer. Proceeds from this day-long festival at the Pepsi Amphitheater go towards helping Sun Sounds of Arizona provide reading and information access services to those with disabilities.
Pride in the Pines (Saturday, June 18) – For more than 20 years, Pride in the Pines has been a party with a purpose, a celebration of the LGBTQ2S community that promotes cultural diversity and human rights for all by fighting discrimination of any kind. This year’s headliners are Brita Filter from RuPaul’s Drag Race and Grammy-nominated Latin artist Gina Chavez.
Flagstaff Folk Festival (Saturday, June 18 & Sunday, June 19) – The Museum Club will showcase the best in folk and acoustic music with more than 70 acts on two stages.

CCC Community Education — Free Summer Lectures Coming Up – Register Now!

Storytelling – FREE
Monday June 13, 2022 at 2:30pm

Learn some easy tips and tricks for dynamic storytelling in this lecture with Larry Hendricks, a lifelong storyteller and professional writer! Participants will be encouraged to write and share their own stories.

Learn more and register here

Lecture held at CCC Fourth St Campus, Flagstaff.

The NAU Review — Learn about the force, take a survey and see how NAU is increasing diversity in STEM

pplied physics doctoral student Jorge Muñoz came to NAU almost a decade ago for a master’s degree. After life took him in different directions, he found his way back to Flagstaff, in a new department, working on a Ph.D. and researching the potential uses of force microscopy for investigating advanced functional materials. This work led him to be selected for the Department of Defense’s SMART Scholarship, which pays for the rest of his education and ensures him a job continuing his research after graduation.
Read the story

Coconino County Parks & Recreation — Stage 2 Fire Restrictions in place

Coconino County is in Stage 2 fire restrictions. For parks and natural areas managed by Coconino County, the following restrictions apply:
• No camping allowed outside of campground area.
• All campfires are prohibited.
• No charcoal/wood grills and liquid fuels and/or liquid petroleum gas fire rings.
• Smoking prohibited outdoors.
• No vehicle parking and/or driving on grassy, forested, and unimproved/undeveloped areas.
• Chainsaws and other small, motorized equipment are prohibited by park users.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Celebrate Juneteenth on June 18 at the Flagstaff Murdoch Center

Also see Juneteenth Concert on June 19 at Fort Tuthill

FLAGSTAFF — Come celebrate Juneteenth with music performances, food, games and vendors from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, June 18 at the Flagstaff Murdoch Center, 203 E. Brannen Ave., Flagstaff.

Hosted by the Coconino County African Diaspora Advisory Council, the Flagstaff Lived Black Experience Project, and the Southside Community Association (SCA).

The Juneteenth celebration commemorates the day Texas slaves learned of the Emancipation Proclamation, granting them freedom. Juneteenth today, celebrates African American freedom and achievement, while encouraging continuous self-development and respect for all cultures. 

Opportunity for community input on Thorpe Park Annex draft designs – Saturday June 11

The City of Flagstaff Parks, Recreation, Open Space, and Events Division, Southwest Decision Resources, and Wheat Design Group invite the Flagstaff community to review and comment on three (3) draft design concepts for the future of the Thorpe Park Annex Parcel.  These three draft designs were developed based on key stakeholder interviews, robust online community survey results, and an on-site initial design session April 30th. 

Cultural Demonstrator Series resumes in-person at Desert View

Starting June 2, 2022, the Cultural Demonstrator Series returned to Desert View within Grand Canyon National Park. After an absence of more than two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the series returns in-person every Thursday and Friday from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. The series will run for 14 weeks from June 2 through September 2, 2022.

The Cultural Demonstrator Series provides park visitors and residents the opportunity to interact with members of Grand Canyon National Park’s Traditionally Associated Tribes and for the artisans to share their history and crafts. Weavers, carvers, potters, painters, sculptors, jewelers are just some of the disciplines presented by cultural demonstrators. This series is made possible with grants from Grand Canyon Conservancy.

Supporters for a Thriving CCC — Thank you for the support!

Thanks to all of you, the voters of Coconino County, Coconino Community College’s (CCC) Proposition 438 passed by a wide margin in the May 17th election! This means Coconino Community College will add critical programs and continue to provide training for our first responders, construction engineers, and service technicians. The increased funding also means more students will be served including veterans, IT professionals and teachers in Flagstaff, Williams, and Page to further CCC’s reach into our County. Your YES vote made the difference!

Coconino Chronicle (June 3, 2022)

Welcome to the Coconino Chronicle, keeping you informed on the latest news from Coconino County. Published monthly, typically on the first Friday, the Chronicle makes sure you are in-the-know about recent happenings, upcoming events and services available to you as a resident of the County.

Questions? Comments? Please email us at

United Way of Northern Arizona — From Fire Recovery to KinderCamp™ – We Need Volunteers

On the surface, you wouldn’t think the post-Tunnel Fire recovery efforts and the KinderCamp™ program have much to do with each other. One is about cleaning up the debris so families can rebuild after a devastating fire; the other is about making sure children entering kindergarten are ready for their first day of school.

The common thread? Both require volunteer support, and we’re hoping you can spare a few hours in the coming days and weeks to help.

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up — May 30-June 4, 2022

Cultural Demonstration Program resume in-person at Desert View

After a two-year hiatus due to COVID-19, the Cultural Demonstration Program resumes in person beginning this week! The Cultural Demonstration program provides an opportunity for visitors and community members to interact with Tribal artisans from Grand Canyon’s Traditionally Associated Tribes – and for them to share their history and crafts, along with the skills, knowledge, and efforts involved in creating each craft. This series is made possible with grants from Grand Canyon Conservancy and ArtPlace America.

This week, on Thursday and Friday, June 2 & 3, we welcome Zuni fetish carver, Jimmy Yawakia and Zuni inlay jeweler, Duran Gasper. They will be located at the Desert View Welcome Center under the large shade structure at the north end of the main parking lot from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. each day. In addition, park rangers are staffing an information desk at the same location, from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. For more information on the Cultural Demonstration Program, please visit the park’s website here.