Purchase tickets by Friday, Sept. 30, 2022 to gain extra benefits including extra drink ticket.
Purchasing a table by Sept. 30 will also allow you to nominate someone to be recognized in our program. This is a great way to showcase your organization both as a table holder but also a team member and their work!
Super Bonus: Organization members are able to honor a person (they will honor two people with their table purchase). It is not too late to become a member organization but it must be done by Sept. 30 for this particular benefit.
So whether individual tickets or tables, membership or not, make sure to join us and take advantage of extra goodies when done before Sept. 30.
Please help us celebrate the stars in our community who helped make this last 50 years such a success – and come help us get the next 50 years off to a great start!
We are encouraging cocktail fancy attire, or culturally traditional dress, or your celebratory take on the evening. However, this is not required. Your attendance is more important than a dress code!
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