Category: Education

Flagstaff Festival of Science — Science Bedtime Stories: New Releases This Week!

Ongoing this week at 7 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Science Bedtime Stories launch on our website. Enjoy recordings of local authors reading their children’s books with science themes! In these recorded segments, bring the whole family to enjoy a bedtime story! 2022 Bedtime Stories are sponsored by Bright Side Bookshop.

GRCA Wildlife Safety Reminder: 2022 Elk Rut Season

From now through fall, male elk are in a period known as the rut. During this time, they become territorial and may become aggressive if approached or threatened. Please do not approach elk, stay a safe distance of 100 feet (30m) away, and never water or feed them for any reason.

Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with a Visit to Elizabeth “Liz” C. Archuleta County Park

The newly dedicated Elizabeth “Liz” C. Archuleta County Park includes new park amenities, including a watchable wildlife platform, outdoor classroom, and pond, created in partnership with Willow Bend Environmental Education Center.

The NAU Review — The search for a Valley Fever vaccine, being a tourist in your own town and reducing gastric cancer rates on the Navajo Nation

Is Valley Fever the next epidemic? In Arizona, where the fungal disease thrives, it’s a major health concern—one that’s increasing as climate change leads to hotter, drier regions nationwide. It’s critical enough that congressional leaders gave the National Institutes of Health a mandate to develop a Valley Fever vaccine in the next decade. Paul Keim, executive director of the Pathogen and Microbiome Institute, is leading a $7.5 million collaborative effort with the University of Washington School of Medicine to develop that vaccine, with PMI professors Bridget Barker and Erik Settles playing key roles in the research.

Flagstaff Festival of Science — Have you read the Festival Insights Blog?

In celebration of this year’s festival, enjoy the Festival Insights Blog on our website! The blog features posts from a variety of event hosts from this year’s festival discussing their work and their programs! The blogs include articles from disease ecologist Jeff Foster, artist Erika Tsouras and many more!

Learn about the amazing science and innovation taking place in Flagstaff and get ready for some incredible events that will be held this upcoming week!

Flagstaff City-Coconino County East Public Library — You’re invited to our Cultural Property Panel Discussion on Sept. 29

Join us at the East Flagstaff Community Library for a panel discussion on cultural property, the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, and the Protocols for Native American Archival Materials from experts in archives, cultural property, and anthropology.

Bilingual report — North Country Healthcare presenting 3rd annual ‘Well Woman Health Check Screening Event’ on Sept. 23, 24

Hello! We wanted to spread the word about an amazing event happening here in Flagstaff on Saturday September 24th between 8am-12pm. It is the Well Woman Healthcheck Screening Event Hosted by North Country HealthCare.

Various services will be offered at the event such as preventative screenings, health insurance navigation, health education resources, and connection to providers as well as follow-up care. We want to highlight in particular the breast and cervical screenings that will be offered at no-cost.


Hola! Quisieríamos anunciarles un evento increíble que tendrá lugar aquí en Flagstaff el sábado 24 de septiembre entre las 8 de la mañana hasta las 12 de la tarde. Este evento es el Well Woman Healthcheck organizado por North Country HealthCare.

Se ofrecerán varios servicios en el evento, como exámenes preventivos, navegación de seguros médicos, recursos de educación para la salud y conexión con proveedores. Quisieramos enfatizar en particular los exámenes de senos y los exámenes cervicales que se ofrecerán sin costo alguono.

Flagstaff Festival of Science opens Sept. 23 with Keynote Presentation ‘Mummies, Monuments and Mysteries with Dr. Zahi Hawass’

Festival offers more than 100 events in 2022 – something for everyone! By the Flagstaff Festival of Science Learn about the unique topics, one-of-a-kind venues and fantastic programs! Downloadyour Passport today! Events include: W. L. Gore & Associates Keynote Presentation Mummies,…

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up: Sept. 19-23, 2022

National Public Lands Day this Saturday, September 24

This Saturday, September 24th marks Public Lands Day and a Fee Free Day on all NPS lands.

The public is invited to celebrate National Public Lands Day at 1 p.m. (Mountain Daylight Time) September 24 by observing the release of captive-bred California condors into the wild at Vermilion Cliffs National Monument.

The event also will be live streamed via The Peregrine Fund’s YouTube channel beginning at 12:30 p.m. (MDT). Viewers can set a reminder to join the release, which is scheduled for 1 p.m. (MDT) noon local time in northern Arizona (Mountain Standard Time) but ultimately depends on when the birds choose to leave their release pen. There will be a picture-in-picture set up with a camera trained on the release pen; videos and interviews with condor biologists and conservationists who work with these massive birds will be included. Viewers also will be able to have their questions answered live by the team.

The historical California Condor population declined to just 22 individuals in the 1980s when the greater California Condor Recovery Program was initiated to save the species from extinction. As of May 2022, there were 113 condors in the rugged, canyon country of northern Arizona and southern Utah. The total world population of endangered California condors numbers more than 550 individuals, with more than half of them winging across the skies of Arizona, Utah, California and Mexico.

The NAU Review — How to get involved, NAU’s secret garden and Notes from the President

When Michelle Gardner arrived at NAU as a freshman, she didn’t know a single person. She wanted to make friends but had no idea how to meet people. Then, she attended the Welcome Week Club Fair and learned about New Student Government. She didn’t have a particular interest in government, but the people at the booth were nice, so she decided to get involved. The rest is history. She went on to join the Honors program, work for The Lumberjack newspaper, serve as an orientation leader, teach HON/NAU 100 and even host a radio show on KJACK—making countless friends and even more memories that shaped her entire college experience. Nearly two decades later, she now serves as the director of the Office of Leadership & Engagement and helps ensure all Lumberjacks have access to finding their own “home” or community. She has simple advice for students: GET INVOLVED—it will change your life.

Finalists selected for next CCC President

The Coconino Community College District Governing Board is pleased to announce that they have selected three finalists for the presidency of the College. Public forums with each of the finalists are scheduled for the week of Oct., 3, 2022.

“We would like to thank all of the communities served by the College for your continued interest and support in the process to identify our next President,” said Dr. Nathaniel White, Board Chair. “I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all members of the Board Presidential Search Committee for their exceptional work and effort.”

Participants needed for NAU study — The effect of e-cigarette use on residential PM2.5 concentration, inflammatory markers, and endothelial function

The NAU Cardiovascular Regulation Lab would like to invite you to participate in a research study about e-cigarettes. We are seeking both student e-cigarette users and student non e-cigarette users. The purpose of this study is to compare the air quality, blood vessel function, and inflammatory markers between e-cigarette users and non-e-cigarette users. 

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Purchase CCC&Y 50th Anniversary celebration tickets by Friday, Sept. 30, 2022 to gain extra benefits

Purchase tickets by Friday, Sept. 30, 2022 to gain extra benefits including extra drink ticket.

Purchasing a table by Sept. 30 will also allow you to nominate someone to be recognized in our program. This is a great way to showcase your organization both as a table holder but also a team member and their work!

Super Bonus: Organization members are able to honor a person (they will honor two people with their table purchase). It is not too late to become a member organization but it must be done by Sept. 30 for this particular benefit.

So whether individual tickets or tables, membership or not, make sure to join us and take advantage of extra goodies when done before Sept. 30.

Please help us celebrate the stars in our community who helped make this last 50 years such a success – and come help us get the next 50 years off to a great start!

We are encouraging cocktail fancy attire, or culturally traditional dress, or your celebratory take on the evening.  However, this is not required.  Your attendance is more important than a dress code!

Coconino County Parks & Recreation September Update

Thank you! 

Thanks to all the workers, volunteers, superintendents, sponsors, partners, vendors, entertainers, exhibitors, contractors, and attendees of the 2022 Coconino County Fair.

More than 42,000 people visited over Labor Day weekend.

If you were inspired by this year’s event, please start thinking about a project you might want to enter next year. From gardening to collecting, there are many opportunities to be part of the Fair. See you at the County Fair next year!

The NAU Review — Photos that capture eternity, presidential installation events and the annual Festival of Science

Landscape photographer David Muench spent more than six decades using his camera lens to bring the wonders of the American Southwest to the world. Muench spent much of those years in northern Arizona, photographing the Grand Canyon, Monument Valley, the red rocks of Sedona and the San Francisco Peaks, capturing fleeting moments that became eternal through his photography. He recently donated his entire collection to Cline Library’s Special Collections and Archives, where it joins the collection of his father, Josef Muench, a longtime Arizona Highways photographer.

Tse’Yaato’ High School Ranked in Top 5% of Cognia Schools Worldwide

Coconino County Superintendent Cheryl Mango-Paget is pleased to announce that the Coconino County Accommodation district’s Tse’Yaato’ High School in Page, Arizona, has received Cognia’s highest honor as a 2022 School of Distinction. Considered the Gold standard in academic accreditation, this award recognizes Tse’Yaato’ High School as a “top-flight system”, an honor extended to the top 5% of schools worldwide each evaluation cycle.  

“We are honored, humbled, and proud to receive this remarkable recognition,” said the school’s principal Traci Parker, “Over the past 10 years, we have focused on the development and refinement of curriculum with systems of reflection of data and teaching strategies, the incorporation of learner profile data and technology in differentiated instruction with both academic and social-emotional supports, the expansion of career and technical education options, as well as the transition to cooperative learning and trauma informed practices.” 

The NAU Review — Celebrate Hispanic, Latiné Heritage, Notes from the President and a free film series!

¡Tiempo para celebrar!: Time to celebrate!

National Hispanic, Latiné Heritage Month is celebrated every year from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15 and honors the culture, history and contributions of these communities. NAU hosts a variety of events, including a book drive, cooking demo, Spanish conversation tables, movie viewings, guest lectures, a Latin dance night and more. Join fellow Lumberjacks and celebrate the diversity that makes this university (and our world) so great. 

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up: Sept. 12-16, 2022

Hispanic Heritage Month begins Thursday, September 15

September 15 marks the month-long celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month when we recognize and celebrate the history, culture, and achievements of Hispanic Americans in the United States.

Hispanic, Latino, Latina, and Latinx Americans have helped to shape the National Park Service since its beginning in 1916. The tradition continues today with Hispanic and Latino Americans working as employees, volunteers, interns, and partners in many career fields of the National Park Service, including natural and cultural resource management, law enforcement, interpretation, administration, and much more.

Please join me in recognizing and celebrating the rich cultural heritage and ongoing contributions of Hispanic Americans here at the Grand Canyon National Park and throughout the country.

Economic Collaborative of Northern Arizona (ECoNA) — Communities to Provide Analytics for Businesses

Without data, you’re just another person with an opinion.

That’s why ECoNA and the municipalities of Flagstaff, Winslow, Sedona and Camp Verde have collaborated to provide Buxton analytics to help local businesses and organizations with information that can guide their decisions.

For almost 30 years, the Fort Worth-based company has offered insights that have helped dozens of businesses and communities understand their customers more precisely. Buxton’s software-as-a-service platform is focused on multiple sectors, including retail, restaurants, automotive, healthcare, hospitality, tourism, and general economic development.

Applicants Sought for Page Unified School District Governing Board Vacancy

Coconino County Superintendent of Schools Cheryl Mango-Paget is seeking applicants for appointment for Page Unified School District #8. 

Applicants must be Arizona registered voters and residents of the school district for at least one year prior to the date of appointment. Applicants or their spouses cannot be an employee of the district. 
 Applications can be downloaded at this address:

A digital application can be filled out and printed at this address: 

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Variety of opportunities abound Sept. 14, 22; Oct. 1 for voters to make their voices heard

A variety of opportunities are available Sept. 14, 22 and Oct. 1 for voters to learn about the issues and make their voices heard during upcoming elections.


The Northern Arizona Interfaith Council will present the 2022 Candidates Accountability Session at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 14 at Flagstaff Federated Community Church, 400 W. Aspen Ave., Flagstaff.

Launch the Get Out the Vote effort and hear positions from key candidates on Lack of Housing Options, Education, Immigration and more. 

Learn candidate positions for:

City of Flagstaff Mayor and City Council
Flagstaff Unified School District Governing Board
Contact or visit for more information.

Auction sheep helps CCC student cover education

People of all ages, adorned in cowboy boots, belt buckles and jeans filled the high-commotion area of the barns at this year’s Coconino County fair. The sounds of hair buzzers and vacuums fill the hot, dusty summer air as young people parade their animals in a counter clockwise direction at the best in show event.

Coconino Community College student Andrea Yazzie is at the county fair in hopes of selling Jeff, her prized sheep. Jeff is well proportioned, buzzed down to the skin with the exception of natural wool leg warmers, which were extra fluffed and ready for show.  

“Over the summer, I sold two steers and one goat to help pay for my tuition,” Andrea said, adding that she hoped Jeff could sell for about $10 a pound at the fair auction which would go towards additional living expenses while she attends classes at CCC at the Page Center.

Sedona Arts Center — New art workshops are starting this week!

In-Person Workshops at the Sedona Arts Center offer an intensive experience that will provide inspiration and information to distill and practice for months and even years afterwards. A wide variety of disciplines and mediums are offered with a special focus on studio and plein air landscape painting, mixed media and  abstraction. Workshops are appropriate for all levels of students and are presented through demonstrations, individual instruction and group presentation. Instructors are experts in their field – experienced teachers with national recognition.

The NAU Review — How mentoring shapes students’ lives, ITEP’s 30th anniversary and the American Songster at NAU

Assistant chemistry professor Naomi Lee had a number of mentors through her undergraduate and graduate work, each encouraging her to try something new, take a risk, set high goals and keep working toward them. When she was looking for jobs after completing postdoctoral fellowships, she was drawn to NAU not only for the scientific opportunities but for the chance to be that mentor to other Native students in the sciences and to help her own community.

“I want to be the first Native researcher who designs a vaccine specifically for Native communities,” Lee said. “While my work may be beneficial to the general population, I strive to look at research questions through an Indigenous lens. I want to use my skills to make healthier, happier communities.”

Additional Water Restrictions Implemented at the South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park

Effective immediately, the South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park will begin phasing into greater water restrictions and conservation measures due to a series of breaks in the Transcanyon Waterline. The North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park will remain in current water conservation status. Until park staff repair the break and water in storage tanks reaches sustainable levels, the park will remain in conservation mode.

Under the additional water restrictions, the following operational changes will be in effect:

Camper Services operated by Delaware North will be closed.
Water spigots in Mather Campground and at Desert View Campground will be turned off.
Visitors and residents may experience additional water conservation measures while visiting the park.

The Literacy Center — Childcare Room donations still needed!

The Literacy Center has recently received a generous grant to start offering childcare to our learners. We hope that it will allow more learners (especially adult learners with kids) to come to our classes.

Currently, we are creating an enriching and fun space for kids at the center, and we are looking for donations to supplement the grant. We are looking for lightly used children’s books, toys, and other childcare supplies. In addition, we hope to install carpet, and we are looking for material and labor donations for that. We are also accepting donations through our Amazon Wish List that you can find here:

We hope that our wonderful Flagstaff community will help us make the childcare room as inviting and safe as possible for our learners and their children.

Thank you for considering our request!

Coconino Schools Superintendent Announces Request for Nominations for 2023 Awards. Deadline is Sept. 15

he Superintendent of Schools is requesting nominations for the 10th Annual Teacher of the Year, Fifth Annual Rookie Teacher of the Year, and Second Annual Lifetime Achievement Award. The deadline to nominate a worthy teacher is September 15, 2022.

Coconino County Superintendent of Schools, Cheryl Mango-Paget, is proud to announce a request for nominations for the 10th Annual Teacher of the Year, Fifth Annual Rookie Teacher of the Year, and Second Annual Lifetime Achievement Award. 

The awards are a distinguished countywide event created to celebrate, honor, and recognize full-time teachers from pre-kindergarten to 12th grade. Nominating a teacher recognizes them for their hard-work and efforts throughout the academic year. 

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up: Sept. 5-9, 2022

Follow the park’s social media from September 8-12 to see the collaborative effort between parks and programs across the service. This year’s campaign continues to celebrate the individuality of Grand Canyon by showcasing park style, chic rangers, and stunning spreads. After all, who fashions fashion better than us? (NPS File/L. Cisneros)

The NAU Review — You are not alone

For World Suicide Prevention Day on Sept. 10, Flagstaff community member Megan McCarthy shares the story of her son, Lane, who lost his life to suicide at the age of 23. McCarthy has a message for everyone dealing with depression, pain, sadness, anxiety or mental illness: You are not alone. Join the conversation and help break the stigma surrounding mental health. “We can be the voice that changes the future,” she said. 

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — New App for Sept. 23-Oct. 2, 2022 Flagstaff Festival of Science!

By the Flagstaff Festival of Science

FLAGSTAFF — The Flagstaff Festival of Science Board of Directors just launched a new app designed to give festival-goers a fun and convenient way to discover all the wonders of science that are in store for them at this year’s Festival, Sept. 23-Oct. 2, 2022.

Brandon Lurie, who leads the Festival’s Program Committee, spearheaded creation of the app, working with developers Grandstand in Lincoln, Neb. “The Festival offers more than 100 events this year,
including early childhood activities, webinars, lectures, panels, guided hikes, networking events, workshops
and more. This can be very exciting but also daunting to a Festival attendee,” he said. “The app enables participants to tailor their Festival experiences to their interests. It’s easy for them to add events to their personal calendars and access all the great online content we’ve generated since 2015.”

Sedona Arts Center — Last chance to sign up for these workshops!

Art Workshops at Sedona Arts Center

In-Person Workshops at the Sedona Arts Center offer an intensive experience that will provide inspiration and information to distill and practice for months and even years afterwards. A wide variety of disciplines and mediums are offered with a special focus on studio and plein air landscape painting, mixed media and  abstraction. Workshops are appropriate for all levels of students and are presented through demonstrations, individual instruction and group presentation. Instructors are experts in their field – experienced teachers with national recognition.

The NAU Review — Big data bootcamp, finding one’s roots and researching the stigma of drug addiction

How do you find a needle in a haystack? You write an algorithm that can scan the haystack and identify the tiny needle amid all the hay. That’s what seven undergraduate students did during an inaugural astroinformatics bootcamp, only the haystack is the entire universe, and the needle is some outlier event that may not even be identified yet. The bootcamp, a collaboration between the Department of Astronomy and Planetary Science and the School of Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems, was geared toward students from underrepresented groups and aimed to give them experience that will jumpstart their career or journey to grad school.

Adult Education learners at CCC take free English course

Ana Roman met and became best friends with Montserrat “Montse” Rodriguez when they worked together at a Flagstaff restaurant. Rodriguez needed help studying for her United States citizenship exam that she was preparing for, and Roman was happy to help.

After Rodriguez passed her citizenship test with flying colors, the two young women continued taking English Language Acquisition for Adults courses in the Adult Education program at Coconino Community College. Successful in their studies, they were awarded a grant that allowed them to take a course at the college free of charge.

They chose ENG 101A, and they both passed their first official college course, and now the two are considering continuing down the college path.

“I was so scared,” Rodriguez said. “We were with students so young, so bright, who spoke English their whole lives. This class has taken me out of my comfort zone. This is a first step.”

Roman said, “I pushed myself to that goal. I never thought I’d be able to get to this point.”

Grand Canyon Weekly Wrap-up: Aug. 29-Sept. 2, 2022

Community level LOW–masking requirement indoors OPTIONAL 

On Thursday, September 1, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated the Coconino County Community Level to LOW. People with symptoms, a positive test, or exposure to someone with COVID-19 should wear a mask.

Grand Canyon management has received updated information from the DOI and NPS on COVID guidance. We are reviewing this information and hoping to apply changes soon.   

Additionally, the NPS Washington office has submitted new COVID guidance for concessionaires that removes mitigations that have been in place for building capacity, social distancing, and masking. We are working with the park’s concessionaires on these changes and expect most facilities to increase capacity indoors. More information will be provided as it becomes available.  

Sedona Arts Center — Special Exhibition: What Sedona Means to Me

What Sedona Means to me
A Special Exhibition
September 2–22, 2022

Millions of people from all over the world visit Sedona annually. Each one comes away with their own unique impression of our region.  Sedona Arts Center is presenting a unique special exhibition, where artists have interpreted what Sedona means to them through their art… be it good, bad, ugly or amazing! Their art will illuminate their individual feelings for this special place many of us call home. The Special Exhibition and Sale will run from September 2 through 22, 2022 with a special artist meet and greet on Wednesday, September 7 during Celebrate Sedona from 4 to 6pm.

The NAU Review — Celebrating Indigenous excellence, Notes from the President and all things Title IX

Olivia Konig is full of successes. She is an Honors Indigenous peer mentor with two majors—international affairs and Japanese. She’s heading to Japan in the fall for a year of work and study. She’ll come back to play piano in Carnegie Hall. She wants to be a lawyer after she finishes her degrees at NAU. And to top it all off, she won a Cobell Scholarship—an award that honors a pioneering Native American woman.

HECHO August Newsletter

As the summer draws to a close and students head back to school, the dog days can be seen as a time of significant positive signs, beginning, of course, with the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act (see the main feature). This sweeping piece of legislation signals a strong step forward in the battle against climate change.

HECHO continues to monitor and advocate for the Colorado Water Plan, but also played co-host to the 2nd Colorado Water Education Night.
HECHO National Policy and Advocacy Manager José Gaona recently visited New Mexico, meeting with the state’s Senior Field Coordinator Max Trujillo to tour the areas that were devastated by the state’s largest wildfire. See José’s blog here.
San Miguel County Commissioner Janice Varela, a member of HECHO’s Hispanic Conservation Leadership Council discussed the importance of the New Mexico Water Quality Control Commission designation of the Pecos River and many of its tributaries as Outstanding National Resource Waters. See her blog on the matter here.
While on the New Mexico theme, Santa Fe City Councilors Carol Romero-Wirth (an HECHO HCLC member), and Renee Villarreal published an op-ed in the Santa Fe New Mexican looking at the Caja del Rio and the council’s decision to join other organizations in seeking greater protections and oversight of the area.
In Arizona, we’re still working hard to pass legilsation to protect the Grand Canyon watershed from uranium mining. This issue needs to be resolved in a manner that will protect one of the world’s special places. See more here.
Internally at HECHO, there are some big changes afoot as Daniela Zavala has been brought on as Communications Director and Gabriel García-Contreras as the new Communications Coordinator. See their stories here. And while browsing the website, look for new updates on the site, particularly for members of the Hispanic Conservation Leadership Council, as there has been quite a bit more activity and information posted. See more information here.

Flagstaff Festival of Science — Local Science Spotlight: Mapping Greenhouse Gasses with Kevin Gurney

Dr. Kevin Gurney is trying to change the way we understand carbon emissions by constructing information systems maps in very fine detail. He and his research team collect thousands of federal data sets of information about roadways, cities, and more and then process this data to generate the greenhouse gas emissions from the emitters. His work gives scientists a better understanding of exactly how specific greenhouse gas emissions impact the global carbon cycle and the climate crisis. Gurney also uses his research to help inform policymakers of how their cities and regions are producing greenhouse gasses in an effort to generate policies that are more environmentally conscious.

NAU Athletics — Fall Sports are Back in Action! (NAU vs. Arizona State Sun Devils 7 p.m. Sept. 1 in Tempe)

NAU Football is back and starts their season in Tempe against the Arizona State Sun Devils tomorrow, September 1st at 7pm!
The Lumberjacks have their first game at the Findlay Toyota Field in the Skydome on September 17th against North Dakota at 1pm and you won’t want to miss it! Purchase your tickets today to be a part of the Lumberjack Football gameday!

For more information contact the Lumberjack Ticket Office at 928-523-0639.

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — Ticket sales now open for the Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth’s 50th anniversary celebration on Oct. 27

50 Years of Creating Better Lives for Children and Families!

By the Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth

COCONINO COUNTY — Ticket sales are now open for the Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth’s 50th anniversary celebration on Oct. 27.

You are invited to a delicious evening of fun and music as you support CCC&Y and celebrate our 50th Anniversary!

Please help us celebrate the stars in our community who helped make this last 50 years such a success – and come help us get the next 50 years off to a great start!

The event is open to all – and we are thanking our members with special discounted rates.

Read More

Business Opportunity Announced for Providing Guided Multi-Day Interpretive Whitewater River Trips along the Colorado River through Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon National Park Superintendent Ed Keable has announced the Prospectus Release for the 16-contracts to provide guided interpretive multi-day whitewater tours within Grand Canyon National Park, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, and Lake Mead National Recreation Area. These tours will provide guides, boats, gear, meals and interpretation of Grand Canyon’s spectacular natural and cultural resources. The released prospectus outlines this business opportunity, describes the existing 16 contracts, and provides details on how to submit a responsive proposal.  

The NAU Review — What’s up, Lumberjacks? Find out inside!

Students moved into their residence halls, attended their first concert, showed up for the annual NAU Letters tradition and yesterday attend their first classes of the academic year—and first college classes ever for the Class of 2026. Relive the excitement of NAU move-in (while dodging monsoons), the welcome back concert and the Letters in this slide show.

Police academy OK’d by CCC governing board

The Coconino Community College District Governing Board approved agreements to begin a police academy and to start working on a partnership among community colleges in northern Arizona to share resources in order to better serve students.

During the Aug. 17 meeting, CCC Provost Dr. Nate Southerland presented an Oct. 3, 2022, start date for the first police academy at the college after possible program approval by the Arizona Peace Officer Standards and Training Board. The police academy will start off as non-credit, but after curriculum approval, the program will give recruits credits to apply toward associate and higher degrees.

Southerland then shared information with the board on an agreement in the works with Northland Pioneer College, Mohave Community College and Yavapai College to share resources to better serve students in northern Arizona. Among the items discussed would be the sharing of courses and other services to extend a more robust level of service to students in the region. Talks are ongoing and intergovernmental agreements are planned for the near future.

Sedona Arts Center — Check out these specially selected art workshops!

his one day class will incorporate beads and/or found objects to create two beautiful and unique pendants. Participants will learn how to utilize a non-toxic epoxy clay to embed objects and beads into a metal pendant tray. Proper placement of beads, design, and composition will be explored. Several examples of finished pendants and necklaces will be provided for reference.  This is a fun and inspirational class that can be used as a spring board for the creation of many types of jewelry and collage work. The class is appropriate for all skill levels.

Museum of Northern Arizona announces opening of new exhibit looking at history of MNA archaeologists working in Glen Canyon

This weekend we open a new exhibition looking at the long history of MNA archaeologists working in Glen Canyon. The artifacts and information from initial surveys of Glen Canyon in the late 1950s continue to reveal new information and MNA archaeologists recently returned to the same locations to see how the sites have changed. All this reinforces the importance of the museum as a place where artifacts are cared for and continue to be studied. MNA Archaeologists in Glen Canyon complements the photography show in the Lockett Gallery, The Great Unknown: Artists at Glen Canyon. 

MNA was started by community members who recognized how important it is to have a museum preserving and sharing information about the Colorado Plateau, and that community connection continues through our members and donors. You can help support the museum by participating in the virtual auction that is taking place right now. And if you aren’t yet a museum member, consider becoming one today in time to attend the upcoming Member Appreciation Day this Saturday.

The NAU Review — The year ahead, National Aviation Day and helping children see

At the inaugural University Convocation Monday, President Cruz Rivera discussed with faculty and staff the highlights of Academic Year 2021-2022 and shared NAU’s three overarching goals for the next academic year: defining the New NAU System, differentiating NAU Online and developing a strategic enrollment management plan that will expand the number of people to whom an NAU education is available.

Grand Canyon National Park Ranger Della Yurcik Receives the 2022 Harry Yount Award

Della Yurcik, Backcountry Park Ranger at Grand Canyon National Park, has been selected to receive the 2022 National Park Service (NPS) Harry Yount Award for excellence in the field of rangering. The Harry Yount Award annually honors a NPS Ranger who consistently excels in the performance of duties that serve park visitors and protect the natural, historical and cultural resources of parks. The award is named after the nation’s first park ranger and is the highest honor that can be bestowed on a park ranger today.

CCC Auto Tech program on hold in search of qualified faculty

The curriculum is set. The syllabi are prepared. Classroom space is ready, thanks to the generosity of a local auto dealership.

Unfortunately, the cost of living in Flagstaff has made the process of hiring a full-time faculty member for the Coconino Community College Automotive Technology program a challenge. As a result, CCC’s Automotive Technology program is being forced into a holding pattern until a full-time faculty member can be found.

“We know this program is critical to supplying the trained automotive technicians our community needs, and there has been strong interest from students, employers and community members,” said Dr. Nate Southerland, CCC Provost. “CCC remains committed to the success of our Automotive Technology program and is grateful for those who have made their facilities available to the College to help us deliver the program.”

Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth — How can you help families and children locally?

As CCC&Y celebrates its 50th anniversary this year, we are committed to:
Our Mission: We ignite collective action that creates better lives for children and families
Our Vision: We imagine a world where every person lives in peace and is supported by a thriving, resilient community
To help us continue and expand our mission in 2022, please consider supporting the Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth through your individual, family, student or group membership
By becoming a member of CCC&Y your financial contribution helps cultivate and strengthen well-informed communities by providing education and resources, bringing stakeholders together, building new systems of communication and more.

Students studying trades at CCC get $15K boost from Desert Financial Foundation

During a recent tour, Coconino Community College students Nick Bartek and Erika Acuna showed employees of Desert Financial Credit Union and Foundation Board Members around the Fourth Street Campus. This location is where most of the college’s Career and Technical Education courses are taught, which gives students the skills needed to garner well-paying jobs quickly.

Bartek plans to continue his education at Arizona State University to study sustainable building practices. Acuna is working on her requirements to become a registered nurse.

“I learned so much here,” Bartek told the group. “I got the hands-on experience I needed, and I can’t thank CCC enough.”

“I’m the first generation in my family to go to college,” Acuna said, adding that she chose CCC because it was smaller, affordable, and offered her the space to excel in her studies.