En este programa dialogamos sobre la propuesta de usar otros fondos para En este programa explicaremos los recientes cambios aplicados por la Administración del Seguro Social y qué implicaciones tienen para beneficiarios del programa.
The original Cretaceous influencer
Just how much did dinosaurs 65 million years ago affect the Earth as we know it? A lot, and NAU researchers just discovered one more way. New research led by ecoinformatics professor Chris Doughty shows that the evolution of fruit—and the evolution of fruit-eating primates, the early ancestors of humans—was influenced by the “ecosystem engineering” of large sauropods.
The Coconino County Comprehensive Plan Advisory Group (CPAG) is meeting monthly. This temporary group, invited by the Board of Supervisors, represents the diversity of the County. The role of the CPAG is to provide recommendations on the updated goals, policies, maps, and implementation strategies of the Comprehensive Plan Update, Envision 2045 to the Board of Supervisors, the Planning and Zoning Commission, and staff.
Coconino County’s Administrative Center, the County Manager’s Office, the County Attorney’s Office, and the County Superior Court and Justice Courts will be closed on Monday, January 20, 2025 in observance of the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday.
Coconino County Health and Human Services (CCHHS) offices and clinic will also be closed. There will be an Animal Services officer available on Monday from 7 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Contact the CCHHS Animal Services office at 928-679-8756 to leave a message and an officer will return the call. Call 911 for emergencies.
Phantom Ranch Closure and Upcoming TCWL Shutoff
All Phantom Ranch operations are closed from January 2 to March 30, 2025, for the installation of new water and electric lines for the Transcanyon Waterline Project. Hikers can still access the North Kaibab Trail, however, the bypass route around Phantom Ranch may change. Please follow all closure signs and be aware that water will only be available at Boat Beach (near the Black Bridge) during this closure period.
Additionally, from 8 a.m. on January 15 to 5 p.m. on January 19, the Transcanyon Waterline will be shut off for necessary construction work on a temporary water bypass along the River Trail. During this period, water will not be available at Boat Beach or Manzanita Rest Area. More information on water availability in the inner canyon can be found on park’s Critical Backcountry Updates page.
Water for the South Rim will be supplied from the existing storage tanks, and park management will closely monitor tank levels. Water conservation measures may be implemented until pumping is resumed to the South Rim.
Join us this Friday, January 3, from 4-6 pm for Celebrate Sedona and the opening of “Earth and Fire,” a ceramics exhibition and sale January 3-31, 2025. The exhibition showcases a diverse collection of ceramic pieces and kicks off with an opening reception Friday, January 3, from 4-6 pm, programmed in conjunction with Celebrate Sedona. The afternoon features artist demonstrations, food, wine, beer and music. Both events are free and open to the public.
“Earth and Fire” features a variety of artworks that celebrate and reflect ceramics contribution to the arts in Arizona as well as the artists who’ve graced Sedona Arts Center’s halls over the years. Event attendees will find everything, including decorative and functional pieces.
Biden makes critical last-minute change to help combat USCIS backlogs. More options available. Immigrant farmworkers make our holiday meals possible
President Biden has just over one month left in office. He can still take decisive action to protect people at risk of indiscriminate immigration enforcement.
Among other priorities, the Council encourages the administration to protect DACA recipients; extend and redesignate Temporary Protected Status for certain countries; and rescind remaining Trump-era immigration regulations.
Read more: Urgent Last Requests for the Biden Administration
COCONINO COUNTY — As 2024 comes to a close, the Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth would like to recognize a very busy but productive year for the organization.
Virtual System Change Symposium
The Coalition presented its first “System Change Symposium”virtual presentation on Oct. 22, 23 that benefitted the more than 200 attendees in Northern Arizona and statewide. In addition, the individual workshops reported a total recorded audience of 69 views to date. Participants were impressed with the diversity and the quality of the information provided.
“I am thinking currently about how I can use a systems change lens to address unemployment and poverty in the organization that I work for, instead of just providing direct career development service to my clients,” said Dylan Wilder of TransIntimate Online Courses.
Give the gift of membership this holiday season!
Looking for a last-minute holiday gift? Consider giving the gift of membership to the Museum of Northern Arizona! By giving the gift of membership you are providing essential support for our exhibitions and educational programs. The recipient of your gift membership will become part of a community that is inspiring a sense of love and responsibility for the beauty, diversity, and cultural heritage of the Colorado Plateau. Click here to learn more about gift membership.
SEDONA — The Coconino National Forest and partners will discontinue the sale of the Grand Annual Pass on Dec. 31, 2024, to simplify pass requirements across the forest, but existing Grand Annual Passes sold through the end of 2024 will be honored at all fee sites through 2025.
ExplorUS, in coordination with the Coconino National Forest, is excited to announce the launch of the new annual Sedona Pass. The annual pass will be sold for $50 starting in January 2025, and will provide visitor access for one vehicle and up to five people per pass to the following day-use sites on the Coconino National Forest.
Stay Informed!
Keeping residents updated and informed about the County’s Comprehensive Plan – Envision 2045 – is a priority for the County. We have been busy at work on the update and have news to share with you! For all the latest information about Envision 2045 visit the project website: https://coconinocounty.konveio.com/envision2045.
COCONINO COUNTY — As 2024 comes to a close, we want to find out what hopes, dreams, goals or (if you are willing to share) resolutions you may have for the coming year.
Maybe it’s setting a personal physical or mental health goal? Maybe it’s achieving a family or professional goal? Maybe more vacation travel, carving out more personal time or spending more time with friends and loved ones?
Imagining a world where every person lives in peace and is supported by a thriving, resilient community starts with all of us and your dreams and goals feed back into the collective.
We want to know so we can include your thoughts when our newsletter returns on Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2025, following our two-week newsletter break starting Dec. 25. And please let us know if you want us to share your comments anonymously with all our newsletter subscribers.
Maybe it’s too early to think about setting goals for the coming year. Instead, you can tell us what you are most proud of that you have done in 2024, be it a personal or professional accomplishment.
Resume Workshop Series at Albright Training Center
Albright Training Center is hosting a series of resume workshops designed to help individuals apply for and compete for jobs with the National Park Service. Led by Paul Ganas and Dalirca Matos, Human Resource Specialists for NPS, these sessions will provide valuable insights into building strong resumes and navigating the federal hiring process.
Each workshop is tailored to a specific audience, so be sure to attend the session that best fits your needs:
Intuitive Abstract Painting
with Casey Cheuvront
December 15: Sunday, 11am–4pm
This workshop focuses on intuitive, instinctive mark-making and painting, allowing student painters to work without preconceived plan or design, and permitting intuitive elements to occur naturally through the creative process.
We will begin with a brief review of basic art principles, a brief demo, and move into materials management and hands-on painting.
FLAGSTAFF — The Northern Arizona Interfaith Council will present “Let’s Talk About the Current State of Immigration” at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 4 at Killip Elementary School, 2300 E. 6th Ave., Flagstaff.
Language interpretation available.
Hear from Flagstaff Police Chief Sean Connolly, incoming Coconino County Sheriff Bret Axlund and other public officials and legal experts.
Today we conclude the radio programming for 2024 We hope to continue in 2025 and, above all, continue to count on your tune. We wish to have served you as you deserve. THANK YOU!
Hoy concluimos la programación radial de 2024. Esperamos continuar en 2025 y, sobre todo, seguir contando con su sintonía. Deseamos haberle servido como usted se merece. ¡GRACIAS!
2025 Chile, Tierra de Contrastes calendars are ready!
Chile is indeed a land of contrasts, offering a diverse range of landscapes, cultures, and experiences. From the driest desert in the world, the Atacama, to the lush rainforests of Patagonia, and from the towering Andes mountains to the scenic coastline along the Pacific Ocean, Chile’s geography is truly remarkable. Chile’s cultural heritage is rich and diverse as well, shaped by indigenous, Spanish, Italian, and German influences.
FLAGSTAFF — The Literacy Center at 2500 N. Rose, Flagstaff has released its Fall schedule of classes, including beginner and intermediate ESL, pronunciation, conversation and a program for folks who want to practice Spanish.
We offer a range of tutoring options to suit your needs. All of our services are available to our learners depending on their literacy levels and their stated needs and goals.
Please take a look at our learner schedule for our weekly class offerings and sign up to become a learner today!
It’s Vecinos Program allows participants to develop your Spanish language skills by partnering with a local community member who wants to develop their English skills.
The Neighborhood Sustainability Grant (NSG) Program provides funding for creative projects that enhance community sustainability and promote healthy lifestyles through community partnerships.
The NSG Program for the year 2024 will award a total of $75,000, with maximum grants up to $7,500. The NSG is funded through the Environmental Management Fee. Local organizations, individuals, schools, and businesses whose projects are within Flagstaff city limits are eligible to apply. Applicants are eligible for one grant every other year.
A survey of parents indicated that children’s KinderCamp experience improved their knowledge of letters and sounds of the alphabet, made them better able to socialize with other children, and increased their ability to communicate with adults.
If you are interested in learning more about KinderCamp in Flagstaff or registering, please click here.
FLAGSTAFF — Northern Arizona University is conducting a survey on stress on Latina mothers.
Complete a 30–40-minute survey and receive a $25 gift card
After completing the survey, you may be selected to join our Community Advisory Board!
Total Compensation up to $350
The community advisory board members will inform the development of a stress and coping program for Latina mothers*
— Gina Santi is a freelance photographer born and raised in Venezuela and currently based in Tempe, Arizona. She earned her master’s degree in Cultural Anthropology from Northern Arizona University and has participated in various events in Northern Arizona, including the annual Celebraciones de la Gente at the Museum of Northern Arizona. Visit http://www.ginasantiphotography.com for more information.
In this edition
• Happy 2024 New Year
• Important Information about AHCCCS
• Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education Summit for Parents and Professionals. • • • Scholarships available
• Spotlight : Alissa Jones – Community Connector
• Learning Through Play – Educational Experts Video
• Upcoming Training Opportunities for Parents
• Professional Development Opportunities
• Resources
Volunteers needed for the
19th Annual Sedona Plein Air Festival!
Sedona Arts Center invites you along to be inspired and experience master artists painting in the Shangri-La of the Southwest! The Sedona Plein Air Festival is a week-long celebration of extraordinary landscapes, world-renowned artists, unique workshops, and wonderful free events from October 20 through 29, 2023!
Sedona Arts Center needs volunteers for multiple positions during the festival: Canvas Stampers, Exhibit Installation assistants, Catering Support, Parking Lot Attendants, Certified Bartenders, Setup and Break Down Crew, Main Street Artist Support Crew, Gallery Attendants, Airport Artist Support, Community Paint Out Volunteers
When I revisit the photographs from my recent 2-month journey through Southern Italy, I find them bursting with reminiscing details. There is something about those quickly seized moments that don’t at all seem like random samples of my ongoings: they remind me faithfully of what was so special about these minutiae, which jolt with revamped significance when I re-see what I originally saw.
Obviously, local attractions and prominent sights are a must see when traveling. But for me, it is more stimulating to see a place alongside the street. The noises, the aromas, the scenes, the ambiance, and the daily routines of the community. That is why I love using public transportation, dining at local places (the less tourists there are, the better), walking, watching people in parks, and shopping in the local markets where I can haggle. I look for small details, ordinary people, or situations I’ve never seen before but I can learn from, or maybe add to my personal inventory of activities. These, to me, are enormously more entertaining and instructive than any historic building or world-famous piece of art. The 13 explained images included in this 2024 calendar will show you very specific things from which I learned and that were enormously more entertaining and instructive to me than any scenery.
As we head into the final months of 2023, North Country HealthCare is pleased to provide our 2023 Cultural Competency Report. This report provides insight into our cultural competency, diversity, equity and inclusion-related efforts for the year prior. It gives our employees, patients, and community members a snapshot of where we have been, where we are now, and what we have in store for the future.
FLAGSTAFF — Northern Arizona University is conducting a study to better understand the Greater Flagstaff-area residents’ experiences and opinions of wildfire and/or post-fire flooding information. We are trying to reach as many community members as possible to understand similarities and differences experienced by different neighborhoods, demographics, and home ownerships (e.g., renter, homeowner) to inform future wildfire and flooding information and serve the diversity of people who live in the Flagstaff area.
I am sharing with you the 15th edition of the Consular Newsletter on Economic and Tourism Affairs of the Consulate General of Mexico in Phoenix.
#ArizonaThrives features an article from Arizona’s Secretary of State, Adrian Fontes, who points out the interdependence and common interests between Mexico and Arizona.
Saints play a significant part in Naples’ institutions. The devotion to these saints – who alleviate pains or defend against the diseases- echoes a delicately masked polytheistic system which dates back to the foundation of the city by the Greeks about 3,000 years ago.
Naples’ agnostic fervor to idols is nowhere more epitomized than in the memorial to Argentinian soccer player Diego Armando Maradona inside Bar Nilo in Naples’ Quartiere Storico. Created from plaster and painted in blue and white -the club colors-, the altar is buried in Maradona memorabilia. Its centerpiece is a strand of Maradona’s “miraculous” hair exhibited inside a revolving, clear box. It has become a site of pilgrimage for Maradona fans all over the world, elevating the footballer to the status of a saint.
The basis for this worship is the fact that Maradona steered Naples to its single two Italian league championships in 1987 and 1990, and also the 1989 UEFA Cup. Naples had never won anything substantial before Maradona’s coming to the team, and he was treated as a redeemer by a city known for its poverty, and social struggles.
Girl Scouts Center Arizona Cactus-Pine presenting its Daisy Launch Summer Box Program.
Is the girl in your life entering Kindergarten in the Fall of 2023?
If so, we know she probably can’t wait to connect with new friends, try new things, and find new adventures. Although Girl Scouts traditionally starts in kindergarten, you and your girl are invited to start early this summer!
Cartagena de Indias, Cultural Heritage of Humanity, was founded in 1533 and still has a certain sumptuousness from that time: old houses of Spanish architecture with splendid central patios and bewitching balconies full of flowers. The city is all magical realism: it can be, at the same time, pearly, crimson, pink, bluish, brown, orange, purple, or emerald. In its narrow cobbled streets one can breathe legend, melancholy, gallantry, revelry, and natural beauty.
In the late afternoon, around 5:00 p.m. these colors of Cartagena become magical under the light of the tropical sunset, and the entire city becomes a colorful cacophony. The windows, the doors, the facades and walls of vibrant colors, all filled me with joy, enchanted me, and I felt like Florentino Ariza, that character of Gabriel García Márquez who thought he was dying of love. As the Colombian Nobel Prize for Literature would say in his autobiography Vivir para Contarla, “It was enough for me to take a step back inside the wall to see [Cartagena] in all its grandeur, in the light of 6 o’clock in the afternoon, and I could not repress the feeling of having been born again”
(Postponed until April 5)
ENCUENTRO NAU: A Symposium, a Teach-in, and a Celebration of Latinidad! will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday, April 5 at the Du Bois Center.
We will have a full day of panels in the Du Bois Center (with a light breakfast and lunch provided). NAU President Cruz Rivera will kick off the day at 9 a.m.
Click here to see the schedule
FLAGSTAFF — The City of Flagstaff is hosting a virtual informational meeting about the current drinking water, wastewater, and reclaimed water rate study on Thursday, Dec. 7 from 5:30-7 p.m. The meeting will be accessible both virtually and by telephone. Members of the public are invited to attend to learn more about the rate study and to ask questions. The meeting will consist of an informational presentation, followed by time for questions and answers.
To attend the meeting online, please register at bit.ly/ratestudy. Members of the public may also attend the meeting by phone by calling 888-400-1932 for English or 888-400-9342 for Spanish at the time and date of the meeting. All attendees, whether attending online or by phone, will have the opportunity to ask questions and make comments. Spanish interpretation will be available at the meeting.
North Country HealthCare is hosting a program for individuals at risk of developing diabetes in order to assist you in improving your health as well as reducing the risk of developing diabetes. In the program you will learn methods of losing weight, be more physically active, and manage stress. These small changes in your lifestyle can significantly reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention leads the National Diabetes Prevention Program.
The Cardiovascular Regulation Laboratory in the Department of Biological Sciences at NAU is seeking to recruit individuals of Hispanic background for a National Institutes of Health funded research study.
What are we studying?
We are specifically interested in how an individual’s genetic make-up influences their ability to process sugar. We will relate your genetic make-up and ability to process sugar to how your body responds to tests that alter your blood pressure. Some of these tests include getting images of a vessel in your upper arm, a test where you place your hand in very cold water, a mental math test (subtraction), and an exercise test.
Hello! We wanted to spread the word about an amazing event happening here in Flagstaff on Saturday September 24th between 8am-12pm. It is the Well Woman Healthcheck Screening Event Hosted by North Country HealthCare.
Various services will be offered at the event such as preventative screenings, health insurance navigation, health education resources, and connection to providers as well as follow-up care. We want to highlight in particular the breast and cervical screenings that will be offered at no-cost.
Hola! Quisieríamos anunciarles un evento increíble que tendrá lugar aquí en Flagstaff el sábado 24 de septiembre entre las 8 de la mañana hasta las 12 de la tarde. Este evento es el Well Woman Healthcheck organizado por North Country HealthCare.
Se ofrecerán varios servicios en el evento, como exámenes preventivos, navegación de seguros médicos, recursos de educación para la salud y conexión con proveedores. Quisieramos enfatizar en particular los exámenes de senos y los exámenes cervicales que se ofrecerán sin costo alguono.
Music can transform thinking and arouse innovation. It can bring people together, heal relationships, spike enthusiasm, and encourage originality. Music can do all these things on a personal level, but it can also do them on a larger scale: it can assist and be a part in the transformation and revitalization process of entire communities.
Such is the case of the town of Winslow, in the state of Arizona, United States, with a population of about 10,000 people according to the 2010 census. This town became ruthlessly impacted in 1979 when construction of Interstate 40 cut it off, making unnecessary the use of U.S. Route 66 -and Winslow’s downtown- to travel East or West. Homes and establishments were deserted, and Winslow became a city lacking opportunities and safety for those who stayed behind.
There remains a very strong likelihood of hazardous flash flooding as a result of the Museum Fire. The hydrology consultant for the Coconino County Flood Control District (District) recently conducted a post-fire flood risk analysis that validated the original model used to gauge flood risk in the Museum Flood Area and determined that the area remains at high risk for hazardous flash flooding. It must be noted that floodwaters can create unpredictable changes, which can create new flood paths, which cannot be predicted.
Registration for Ballet Folklórico de Colores’ super fun Latin American Culture and Dance Camp is open!! This year, we will be learning about México, Perú, Chile, Panamá and Nicaragua. Register here: https://www.flipcause.com/secure/cause_pdetails/MTQ2NDIx
A limited number of partial scholarships are available at
In This Issue
Hello from Supervisor Horstman
Celebrating Women’s History Month
Congratulations Board Chair Horstman and Vice Chair Vasquez
Call for Public Input on Redistricting Maps
Grand Canyon National Park Visit
Museum Flood Mitigation Status Update
Coconino Community College Tax Reset
Pending State Short-Term Rental Legislation
Library Seeking Volunteers
March COVID-19 Update
Contact Us
Coconino County Superintendent of Schools Cheryl Mango-Paget has announced the scheduling of interviews for two Governing School Board Member open seats at Maine Consolidated School District #10.
An advisory committee will be assembled consisting of a district resident, district teacher, chapter official, and two current board members to conduct interviews and advise Superintendent Mango-Paget on the appointments.
To fulfill its mission of Improving lives by mobilizing communities, United Way of Northern Arizona has always depended on its volunteer Board of Directors to direct our efforts. While never an easy job, over the last few years it has been even more challenging as the pandemic and other crises created a huge demand for services in the community.
Alfredo Villa wanted to be a part of his community and to make a difference in people’s lives.
So, he went to Coconino Community College and took Fire Science courses. He landed a job with the Highlands Fire District as a firefighter. He received his Emergency Medical Technician certificate in 2009.
And now, Villa is in the 2021-22 cohort of Paramedic Studies.
“I think it’s a dynamic profession,” Villa said. “There’s constantly something to learn. There’s a lot of teamwork involved, and every day is a little bit different, and every patient is a little bit different. For the creative types and for people who like helping people, it’s a great place to go to work. You have the opportunity to make a difference in people’s days when they need it the most.”
The Cardiovascular Regulation Lab at Northern Arizona University is conducting a study through the National Institutes of Health to examine cardiovascular health and glucose regulation (diabetes) and the racial effects on these.
Inclusion criteria:
Generally healthy
Between 18-45 years old
Non-smoking or tobacco using
Not overweight (<30BMI)
Normal to slightly elevated blood pressure
COVID-19 Negative
Participants will be paid $150 for taking part in the study.
Alfonso Ortiz Tirado was an opera singer and medical doctor born in Alamos, Sonora, Mexico in 1893. His obvious musical talent surfaced early in his life but nevertheless he decided to study medicine. It is in this capacity as a doctor that he is remembered by his many charitable contributions to the Mexican people, especially children. He also had a successful international career as an opera singer, earning the designation of “Tenor of the Americas”.
After a one-year hiatus required by Covid 19, the 37th Annual Music Festival Alfonso Ortiz Tirado happened this year in his birthplace of Alamos to pay homage to its illustrious son. The festival sponsored renowned local, national, and international musicians in numerous styles such as opera, classical music, popular music, and rhythm and blues, and also presented an important way for emerging performers to develop networks and foster their reputation.